i'm mary and i write the odd fanfiction for miscellanous franchises that have no bearing to one another whatsoever requests are open! please read the info before sending in a submission :)
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she — r.buckley
Pairing: Robin Buckely x Reader
Category: angst , mentions of fluff
Summary: You loved Robin Buckley more than you cared to admit, even after the pair of you broke up
Word Count:
Author’s Note: This is best read on the website rather than the mobile app, the app flubs up the formatting of it all
I was listening to ‘She’ by Dodie and I haven’t listened to her music in ages, but this inspired this entire story.
Also, there is some reference to Hadestown and Anne with an E in this as well
buckley master list

Delicate hands traced the golden edges of an album, scared to pull back its cover and unveil memoirs of the past.
The front felt crisp and dusty under your touch, and yet you could feel the magic radiating off the pages. With a single breath, the past flew away into the air and your memories laid beneath your fingertips. It had been almost a year since you’ve touched this album, and you were almost scared of doing so.
Courage found its fill in your heart, even if for a moment. You opened the book carefully, feeling as if you had just opened up Pandora’s Box. However, it was very much quite the opposite.
The first polaroid inside was of Robin, and she looked gorgeous in her sunflower yellow dress. She was smiling brightly, and the sun kissed her skin. You traced over the edge of the image, smiling sadly at the picture and the caption beneath it.
𝓁𝑜𝓋𝑒 𝑜𝒻 𝓂𝓎 𝓁𝒾𝒻𝑒
You remembered that day as clear as glass. It was one date of many, but this one, in particular, you two had decided to have a picnic with the additional ‘sophisticated’ tea party. The next page detailed exactly such: the silly faces she made as she pretended to be a duchess, the tea set your grandma allowed you to borrow, the basket full of pastries, and the pretty dresses you two wore that day.
“Oh yes! Queen [Y/N] it is an absolute honor to be graced with your presence,” Robin imitated a rather awful English accent as she took hold of your hand and left a kiss upon your ring.
“You flatter me,” You sighed dramatically as you pulled a similarly awful accent. You both laughed to your heart's content as you continued playing like children and giggling like fools.
The summer breeze was pleasant that day and the grass was soft beneath your heels. You two were children without a care in the world and that reckless living made you love Robin all the more.
And what a warm summer day it was — warm with hearts filled with love.
The next page was filled with more you than her. All the pictures with you in them had been candid photos Robin took of you while the pair of you had a mini library date. You were sipping coffee whilst reading in one of the images — entirely engrossed in the story. The books you both read were stacked up in another picture, and another was of your coffees.
This day was more faded in memory, but you could still remember little fragments of the date.
Your fingers traced over the spines of some of the books, trying to find a particular novel in mind. Once finding it, you plucked it off the shelf and had been met with a hand lurching out at you.
You yelped and dropped the book, earning a flurry of shushing from the parties. Flustered, you picked up the book and glared at the hand that soon retreated back to her side.
Robin wheezed as she waltzed around the shelf, leaning her head on your shoulder as she laughed at your reaction. She did her best to not cackle loudly right then and there, but she did end up hissing her laughter out.
“Y-Your face,” Robin sputtered, still giggling like a fool before wrapping her arms around you. “I’m sorry, baby. I couldn’t resist,” She half-heartedly apologized, a childish grin still plastered on her face. You lifted her head from your shoulder and held her face in your hands — pressing your foreheads together.
“You’re lucky I love you,” You joked before you left a quick kiss upon her lips.
The following story in your book came from Senior Prom. The photos were mostly composed of ones from the photo booth and a one or two from whoever’s mother took them. While you would’ve loved to go with Robin alone, going with all your friends was ever the loveliest anyhow.
You chuckled as you recalled having to convince a lot of the group to actually go to the damn event, but hey! — it worked in the end and it was absolutely worthwhile.
They would sit at the table a lot of the dance, but you all disregarded the dancing and just had fun chatting amongst yourselves and raiding the snacks. At a point, as you remember, did end up dancing with Robin and Keith. The prom was surprisingly magical despite the overratedness of it all.
You laughed with glee as you led Keith back to the table after dancing with him on the dance floor. Admittedly, Keith had lots of fun just feeling free with you — despite public opinion. You took your seat back to Robin, sighing with content as she looked to you with a fragile glare.
“You two seemed to make quite the scene,” She amusedly commented. Genuinely, Robin was always pleased to know that her friends adored you and she was even more enthralled to know that you were able to help them break from their conserved shells. You helped them live and be carefree.
While you all were sat at the table, Robin scooted closer to you slightly — closing the gap between you two. Her fingertips kissed along your arm, subtly moving further down until your hands were intertwined underneath the tablecloth. Your heart raced and your cheeks burned red as her lips ghosted past your neck as she leaned in to whisper to you.
“I love you,”
Her birthday showed up on the following pages, and God you could practically taste the birthday cake once again. All of her friends had been there at her small get-together to celebrate her. Originally, Robin wasn’t planning on celebrating, but you had other ideas in mind and scheduled a small and intimate party.
Photos of her with her cake and a post-cake-face image, her copious presents, and bright smiles on everyone’s faces. Confetti and balloons were everywhere at the time, and the moment of trash everywhere turned into one of great fun. The time with the whole gang was a pure joy with everyone battering one-another with confetti bits and sucking up helium until you were chipmunks. And of course, you stayed after to spend the full twenty-four hours with her.
“Did you have a good birthday, baby?” You asked softly as you approached her, your hands falling to her hips. Robin smiled softly, her hand reaching up to wipe away a bit of cake from your face. She chuckled and laid her hands on your shoulders, leaning in to leave a kiss upon your lips.
Robin tasted of birthday cake. You smiled against her lips at this, tempted to giggle. She pulled back and pressed your foreheads together.
“I totally did, best birthday yet,” She admitted with a small smile. You grinned with glee, glancing over to the smashed cake. You took a dollop of icing on your finger, dotting the little bit of sugar on her nose. Robin chuckled at your little gesture, scrunching her nose at you.
Instead of cleaning up that night, you two held each other and swayed to whatever gentle music played on the radio. You nuzzled your face in the crook of her neck, hands curling around her shoulders. Your eyes had been closed, relaxing at the tranquility of the night and Robin’s sweet humming.
The next two pages passed and noticed that you had one of your many 711 ‘dates’ photographed. Whenever you had even an ounce of spontaneity to go out and get a slushie, Robin would always join you. You got cherry and she got blue raspberry. In the photos, your slushies were photographed — as had been Robin’s freshly dyed blue tongue and your abnormally puckered red lips. While this exact day faded from you entirely, you could practically feel the cold cup of the slushie in one hand and the warmth of Robin’s in another.
The pages following briefly described numerous dates and moments shared between you two. Most every date was documented — even if it had been one polaroid of a butterfly or rose with a short descriptor beside it.
In those days, your love for Robin Buckley was immeasurable. You admired every inch of her, inside and out. Who wouldn’t? She was the personification of beauty and could bring Aphrodite to shame. She was an astonishing woman and at times you almost felt inferior to her. However highly you thought of her, Robin would speak of you even more greatly until you were blushing like mad and giggling like a lovesome, love-struck fool.
The beauty in everything with her made life all the less bleak. In the times with her, you barely knew the definition of sorrow — in her arms on your bed was your soft place and simply being with her was your happy place.
The final page made your heart cry almost immediately. You remembered this memory so fondly well it was almost painful to recall. Your fingers traced over the pressed flowers and the wax seals that held them down, feeling your eyes beginning to well up with tears.
This was perhaps the longest section of the album — the page was littered with forestry, birds, streams, and flowers. However, at the very center of nature’s chaos was Robin. She bathed in the sun’s love and sat in a small clearing that was circled with gorgeous flowers. Serenity was becoming of her.
You lowered the camera as soon as you relished in the sight before you. Robin looked like an absolute goddess with heaven’s light kissing her bare shoulders and her eyes practically sparkling gold. Tranced, you walked over to where she was and sat with her. You gently placed the camera to the side and wrapped your arms lovingly around her from behind.
“What?” Robin asked with a curiously smile as you squeezed her in a tight hug. You began peppering kisses along her neck, your hug around her loosening as she leaned into your love. Your fingertips cascaded down the inside of her arms, eventually ending with intertwining your hands together.
“I love you more than words can express,” You muttered after a kiss, squeezing her hand softly. You gently eased out of her touch for just a moment, circulating around her to sit directly in front. Your hands reached to cup around Robin’s face, curling her hair around her ears. You left a spell-bounding kiss upon her lips, heart soaring as passion ensued. She slowly laid back into the ground, bringing you down with her. You hovered over her, the kiss practically never-ending as you both laid in your own bed of flowers.
“Will you promise me something?” Robin asked softly when your kiss eventually subsided, sitting upright with you in her lap. You nodded, holding her hands once again. Robin stood up and pulled her with you. Both of you stood toe-to-toe to one another, the tension soft and warm.
“Don’t promise me fair skies and kind ground,” She whispered softly. “Promise that you’ll stay with me and love me whatever weather comes our way,” Robin murmured, her lips hovering over yours.
“I will,” You left a sheepish kiss on her lips, smiling with content at this shared moment.
“Walk with me, my love,”
And you both did. You both wandered through the woods that day, hand-in-hand with doubt caved into the ground and love in the air. It was a silent moment, but even the silence spoke a million words.
Promises were made in the woods that day. And you, true to your word, loved her endlessly.
Tears already began streaming down your cheeks, and you choked back on the burning sensation in your throat. Your hands reached for your shirt as you left the album in your lap — your fingers curled around the fabric as you continued to sniffle and stifle your tears.
Next to the final images, you had a little diary-esque entry written on separate stationery that was then glued onto the album page. It was a long passage. All written by a naive hopeless romantic.
Robin Buckley.
Her name alone gets my heart beating faster. I truly believe she’s the love of my life. We’ve been together for four years now. Call it dumb teenage romance if you will, but it’s my romance with hers and I would never trade it up for anything in the world.
Every compiled moment in this album are only little insights to us and our story. Naturally, this album only highlights the pure and the good. We’ve gotten into those occasional fights, but what couple doesn’t? Even so, we’ve handled every trial and tribulation with maturity and communicated well. For that, I’m proud.
Robin is a resilient woman and I’m proud to call her mine. She’s an honest and true person — she fearlessly wears her heart on her sleeve. Robin is truly beautiful, and her beauty goes far beyond her appearance.
She’s the most brilliant person I’ve ever had the pleasure of meeting throughout all of my years, and I earnestly believe that she will always be the most brilliant in my eyes. No one else could even begin to compare to her. Everything about her is her own — from her personality to her voice to her touch. Everyone is unique, but she especially so.
I am truly lucky.
She smells of lemongrass and sleep — which is truly lemongrass and lavender, but sleep felt appropriate to use. I’d always get the pleasure of indulging in her touch and smell whenever we’d sleep, and her comforting presence had been the only thing to cure me of my endless nights of stress. With her, I felt eternally safe and warm.
She tastes of apple juice and peach. An odd descriptor, I know, but it’s true. Her lips are sweet and soft, and intoxicating in the best of ways. Whether our passion falls between our lips or an exchange from lips to cheek, love soars with every peck. I absolutely adore running my fingers through her hair and kissing her freckled cheeks.
I adore making my love smile and happy, and I’m glad to have her in my life.
I’m truly sorry that there won’t be a day in our near lifetime that will allow me to kiss you publically or hold your hand without care. For now, the subtle pinkie linking and ghosting of kisses on the cheek when you’d lean into me to ‘whisper’ in my ear are fine for display to the world. What mattered to me had been our private hours of passion and bliss intertwining us together. Every grace between us kept me comforted, safe, and most importantly — loved.
Robin Buckley, you mean everything to me.
You were terribly sobbing after reading through the entry, your face stuffed in your hands as you spilled your heart. You turned away from the album — afraid of ruining the most joyous of times with even a shred of disparity. You shifted away from the album, feeling the strength to sit leaving you. You curled up in the pillows of your bed, hugging the soft plush tight while you cried into it.
Your throat twisted and stopped, hiccuping as you hysterically cried and simultaneously attempted to stop it. Your nails dug into the covers, almost as if you were trying to find some piece of reality to latch onto.
You would never have those moments with her again.
No more teasing or poking fun at one another. No soft kisses and tranquil slumbers wrapped up in one another’s touch. No subtle hand-holding or sweet nothings murmured against your temple. You would be without those quiet times where her presence alone made you content. And even the loud would be gone from your life as well — no more laughing like children or being a touch mischevious.
There would be no more promises made between you two and no more mutual affirmations of love. You missed her laugh and the times that she’d smile because of you. You relished in those moments of romance at the time, and you again longed for them now.
You knew happiness with her. Without her, you suddenly felt devoid of all sensations and love. It was all still there — in album and in heart, but you accepted that you could no longer have her. And that was okay. Love’s a healing process, and not all healing is painless.
This was certainly the most unromantic of afflictions, and you were absolutely living your own tragical romance.
It seemed that every emotion you suppressed over the months of separation burst out all in an instant. The day she broke up with you was an easily memorable day, but not in the best of ways. You felt everything around you shatter into nothing, but you understood that it was for the protection of you both. Or at least you believed so.
The day you two were no longer one another’s, you cried terribly — as any sane person who had their heart broken would. However, you managed to suffocate your suffering with a plastered smile. You pretended to not be bothered whenever Robin’s hand would accidentally brush against yours in class, or when you’d catch her sending solemn looks across classrooms. Even being next to one another felt like you two were really miles apart.
It was only now that you felt the weight of the world come back down. It felt oddly good to hurt, and you were okay with hurting. It kept your human and vulnerable in a good manner.
This crying was good. It showed, not only you but to the world of your love and how strong it still had been. You cared for her beyond that of the care shown for friends or family. You hated that she could still affect you in such a way, but the heart works in ways that we have little to no control over. You stayed true to your promise. You were still in love with Robin Buckley.
She meant everything to you.
#robin buckley#robin stranger things#robin buckley x reader#stranger things#stranger things imagines#stranger things imagine
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from me to you — r.buckley [9]
Pairing: Robin Buckley x Popular! Reader
Category: fluff
Summary: You and Robin go on your first date
Word Count: 2.6k
Author’s Note: This is best read on the website rather than the mobile app, the app flubs up the formatting of it all.
I’m sorry for the long periods of time in-between chapters. Summer is gone and it’s getting harder to manage all my extracurriculars, school, and this :(
Tag list: @jdogjdyke , @lettersshapes , @marland56 , @silver-winter-wolf, @bandsandanimefreak , @ihavetwospleens , @retrogarden , @hogwartsrey , @kurt-nightcrawler , @g0lly
part ten || buckley master list || series master list

Dear Robin Buckley,
Here’s to the first letter to you that I’ll never send. In a notion, this is like a diary entry more than a love note. We’re going to have our first date and God I can’t even begin to tell you how scared I am for this. I want to be perfect for you. Especially since you’re already perfect for me. I’ll keep this entry short and sweet, but I can’t wait to see you, beautiful girl.
You backed away from the notebook and stood up hastily, waddling over toward the body length mirror in your room. You seemed to be tired and frazzled, but pretty nonetheless.
“You’ve got this,” you murmured to yourself while you fumbled with your dress, patting down the skirt and constantly adjusting the straps. Simply put, you were fucking distressed. You wanted to be absolutely perfect for her, especially since this would be your first date with her. The days leading up to this day were an absolute nightmare of fluttering butterflies and worry that she’d suddenly realize she made a mistake.
You curled a stray strand behind your ear and exhaled deeply, hand falling to your collarbone as you fiddled with the necklace you put on. The stress of this date was getting to you hard. Going on a date with a gorgeous girl who was totally out of your league and in this day and age? You felt like you wouldn’t survive more than an hour without having a mental break.
Robin kept most of her date plans as a secret, so you had little to no clue of her plans for today — which didn’t help calm your nerves in the slightest. All she told you is that you didn’t need to be afraid of trying to hide your blossoming relationship for this one day.
A car honked loudly in front of the house and you felt your skin crawl cold and pale. You gave yourself a look-over once more and mustered the courage to leave your bedroom. You continued murmuring words of affirmation to yourself as you collected your belongings. Standing before the front door, you sighed and give yourself one last pep talk.
“It’s just a date, and she likes you,” You murmured to yourself as you twisted the knob. “It’ll be fine,” You huffed, pushing the door open to see Robin waiting patiently for you in the car. She grinned the moment that you saw you, giving you a wave as you approached the vehicle.
“You look beautiful, princess,” Robin immediately said while you were in hearing range. While it didn’t seem like it, Robin was entirely panicked about going as far as that little compliment. Your heart sang and your blush flared bright, your worries eased out in the slightest.
“Thank you,” You smiled cutely, admiring your date. Your eyes practically shone with a lovesome glimmer as you looked over her outfit. You had never seen her wear a dress until today, and God she looked so good. She was even prettier than usual — if that was even possible.
“You’re stunning,” You blurted with a dazed look. Robin chuckled at your reaction before thanking you. She began to drive while you were buckling your seatbelt, glancing over at you every so often to make sure you were situated before heading out onto the main road.
While you two were coursing through the streets, you shuffled through Robin’s cassettes — finding a good one to play. She noticed you sifting through them and smiled, glancing over to you when you got to a stop.
“There’s already one in there,” Robin smiled sweetly, pressing play immediately after she spoke. With what the first song of choice had been, you knew that she was playing the tape that you gave her. This alone made you smile and you eased into the seat.
The entire drive was relatively quiet, but it was pleasant nonetheless. The two of you hummed to the music coming through the speakers. You had your arm sticking out of the window, feeling the sweet chill of wind kiss along your skin.
While you hadn’t noticed it, Robin kept stealing glances toward you when the road was safe. And by God, she felt like the luckiest girl on Earth. Your skin was practically glowing with the shine of sun and your eyes shimmered bright — you were so beautifully carefree. Simply put, Robin was glad to have finally put this build up to an end.
After a few lengthy minutes, Robin’s planned sweet spot came close. She cut away from the road and drove past a few trees in what seemed like the middle of nowhere. The beautiful sight of a lake hidden past some trees came to view and you immediately assumed the date would be there. Robin noticed your look and she chuckled lightly. The break of silence caused your attention to shoot toward her and a curious look came upon you.
“Not here,” Robin said simply with a wink. You furrowed your brows at her, but said nothing as she took a turn in the forest to head toward an even less populated area. The car came to a halt and the pair of you began to collect your bearings.
She carefully took hold of your hand and gently, guiding you through the weaving trees and into a deep cave. Inside the rock formation, it was dim and quiet — eerie almost.
“Robin,” You called out softly once the back of her faded into the shade. All you felt was an assuring squeeze.
“I’m right here,” Robin whispered to you softly, interlacing her hands with yours. The walk was short-lived and blind, but you two eventually came to a little cove just off the edge of Lovers’ Lake.
The water was immaculate and bright, catching light from the craved circle resting high above the pool. On the surrounding ground, there had been patches of personally grown grass and plants sprouting through the cracks of rock. The walls of the cove had been painted — scratchy renditions of all types of flora and fauna. It was all so beautiful.
“This is my personal hide-away,” Robin introduced with a proud grin, watching as you slowly let your items slip from your arms and to the ground. Your fingers traced the etched art on the walls, the pads of your fingers tracing the gorgeous art before you. Ever brush and stroke was deliberate and splendidly executed. Robin had a true talent.
“I love it,” You said softly, letting your eyes skim over the towering beanstalk drawn on the high cave wall. “How’d you even find it?” You added in, turning toward her.
“I liked going on small adventures since I was a child,” Robin explained as she flicked the picnic blanket up into the air before laying the fabric down onto the ground. “And I found this little place just a few years ago,” Robin chuckled lightly. She ushered you over, laying down on the picnic blanket, patting down the free spot near her.
You walked over to her with a glide to your step and a smile wide on your face. Robin began setting up the picnic laying down the small sandwiches and other assorted pastries she made at home for this.
The two of you chatted away the soft afternoon, eating at the plentiful food and giggling all the while. Throughout the meal, you both found yourselves scooting gradually closed to one another. Your hands found themselves lying on top of one another, warm and subtle as you traced circles with your thumb.
Long after the meal subsided, you and Robin began sharing stories of your youth. As she told you tales of her cousins and their antics, you craned your neck back and laughed hysterically. Through her own fit of giggles, Robin admired you through the haze of laughter.
Being relaxed and joyous was Robin’s favorite version of you, especially as it had been more or less common for you to scowl at anyone that wasn’t your group. Robin loved your smile. It was contagious and all the more lovely.
Robin chuckled once your fits of laughter faded into cheeky smiles. She leaned in closer to you and curled a stray piece of hair behind your ear. You two were silent for the moment, caught up in one another’s eyes. Her fingertips were soft and warm against your skin, but she soon slipped her touch away from your face.
“Come with me,” Robin whispered with a cute smile. She held your hand and led you over toward the pool at the center. Robin smirked at you widely before stepping backward over the edge, pulling you down into the water with her.
“Robin!” You squealed her name once you rose above the surface, a shocked expression on your face despite the tugging smile on your lips. Robin let a laugh ripple from her core, swimming over to you in just a few strokes.
“You’re a prick,” You teased, splashing the girl with a wide grin. Robin gasped at the attack, swiping the water away from her face. She bit down on her bottom lip and began to splash you as a retort — now inducting a small splash fight between you two.
Laughter filled the air and all the more did you two exasperate yourself from trying to dodge the water attacks. You perched against the sides of the cavern’s pool, heaving as you took your break. But a smile was stretched widely on your face.
“Please spare me, dear Robin,” You huffed, laughing lightly afterward. Robin had a mischievous glint in her eyes before she dove beneath the surface. Like a shark, the girl pulled you away from the side and dragged you beneath the water.
Before going under, you let out a shriek. Underneath the water, you two were in a swirled tangle. You couldn’t see too much beneath the surface, but you could see the bleary sight of the girl around.
You felt around and slipped your hands onto her shoulders, holding her tight as her hands drifted to the backs of your thighs. Your legs wrapped around her waist and held her close. Robin smiled at you before slowly kicking to push you both upward to the surface again.
You both gasped sharply, inhaling as much air as possible. You turned your head to the side and coughed a bit of water, scoffing at the girl. You smirked before raising your hand to her face and gave her a light pat on the face.
“You suck,” You chuckled with a small grin. She smiled in return and kept you in her arms, a fluttering sensation in your throat. In the back of your mind, you knew exactly what Robin was thinking. And you yearned for exactly the same thing.
Robin crooned her head down ever the slightest, her nose brushing up against yours. You slipped a wet strand of her hair away from her face, tracing your fingertips down her cheek. Robin shivered underneath your touch, squeezing you tenderly ever the slightest more.
“Can I kiss you?” She murmured, her breath hot and lips hovering above yours. You nodded, far too caught up in your own world to even allow a sliver of conversation to slip past you.
Your hands cupped Robin’s face as you slowly drew the girl in, planting the most innocent of kisses to her lips. The kiss was shy, but beheld a moment of true compassion. Her kiss tasted of peach soda and they were absolutely sweet.
You could feel butterflies float straight out of your stomach and your heart float to the clouds. The golden sun rained down upon you two and graced your crowns. You pressed softly against her lips, breathing in a sense of content.
Perfection was all that could be used to describe this moment and you were more than content with this exchange of love. You almost didn’t want this moment to end, but you understood that time would fade onward.
As the sun sank below the horizon, you parted from Robin. You two kept silent in the pool, wrapped up in one another’s arms as you watched the sun quickly get replaced with dim moonlight. Her forehead pressed to yours, wet strands of hair sticking to one another’s faces. And nothing short of smiles had been present upon your faces.
“Let's do one more thing,” You suggested shyly, leading her backward out of the pool. You two were soaking wet and dripped onto the cave grounds as you two collected your belongings. As she bent over to pick up the nearly forgotten picnic blanket, you leant over her and wrapped your arms around her torso.
Robin straightened her posture, smiling at your cute gesture. You kept your nose buried into the crook of her neck, giggling lightly against her skin as you held her close.
“It’s been a few minutes and you’re already so clingy,” Robin teased, turning around to meet you face-to-face.
“You’re a once in a lifetime opportunity, Robin,” You said softly. “And I’m not going to waste you,” Robin smiled sweetly at your saying, leaving a peck on your cheek.
“Shh, stop being cute and cheesy, and let’s get this shit in my car,”
The evening was young and the skies were as endless as time. Underneath the sweet presence of moonlight, stars kissed your eyes and warmth enveloped our skin. Robin’s eyes sparkled something akin to stars and her hands danced along your hips. The breeze sang like a lullaby and night was dull in the best of ways. You traced hearts on the back of Robin’s hand as you two quietly spoke into the chipper evening air.
You and Robin coddled your damp selves together underneath a blanket and watched every distance star twinkle. You relayed tales of the constellations and pointed out the ones you vaguely remembered. Your hands bumped together awkwardly, but you soon interlaced your hands with Robin’s —and the sensation of bliss washed above you.
“Do you ever feel insignificant in this world?” You asked quietly to the sky, letting all of that existential crisis seep into your bones. Robin chuckled shortly at your question, averting her gaze from the skies to your face. In silence, she admired your relaxed face and inched closer to the side of your face.
“I always have,” Robin responded softly, lightly pressing a kiss to your jaw. “For forever I’ve been insignificant,” She began, turning fully on her side. You glanced at her and mimicked her positioning, your arm propping up the top half of your body.
“I went by unnoticed by everyone at school,” Robin listed, eyes fluttering down to the grass beneath you both. “I was forgotten by teachers and friends from middle school,” Robin sadly reminisced, sighing as she twidled with the grass blades.
“And even you ignored me for a while, but then one day you didn’t,” Robin spoke softly, her gaze now meeting yours. Internally, you felt guilt crawl on your skin. “There’s a difference between noticing someone and stepping up,” She pointedly remarked, grinning widely at you. “You stepped up and defended me,” Robin stated proudly and for a moment you felt your heart cry happily.
“You made me feel significant,” Robin murmured out, damn near close to sputtering out little tears. You chuckled away your sorrows and smiled cutely at the girl you were absolutely enamored with.
“God, I could kiss you right now,” You sighed out, earning a tight smile from Robin as love swirled in her eyes.
“Then kiss me, princess,”
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from me to you — r.buckley [8]
Pairing: Robin Buckley x Popular! Reader
Category: fluff
Summary: It’s Robin’s turn to give you a letter
Word Count: 1.3k
Author’s Note: This is best read on the website rather than the mobile app, the app flubs up the formatting of it all.
I’m so sorry if this felt poor :/// school’s lowkey kicking me in the ass right now
Tag list: @jdogjdyke , @lettersshapes , @marland56 , @silver-winter-wolf, @bandsandanimefreak , @ihavetwospleens , @retrogarden , @hogwartsrey , @kurt-nightcrawler , @g0lly
part nine || buckley master list || series master list

Quite a bit of time had passed since your confession to Robin, and never before had you felt so comfortable with her and with yourself.
Now that she knew, any odd tension between you two dispersed and was instead filled with repressed desire. While it wasn’t ideal, it certainly wasn’t bad.
If anything, you indulged in knowing that what you two had together was private and quiet — and it was yours alone.
There were longing moments of you two sharing private looks in the hallways when you were parting ways. There would be pregnant pauses in conversation after you two would graze hands and eventually link pinkies in private when your hands were concealed. You catch her staring at you during classes, and when you’d meet her gaze she’d send you a wink and smile.
With Robin now it was all the more flirty and free. You two were shamelessly doting and complimentary, but of course, there were things that were off-limits for now. No kisses and no insanely long hugs, but the subtle handholds and glances were good enough for you … for now.
You couldn’t ask for anything less than what you had now, and you were pleased with the outcome that came to be. On one very rare instance, you asked Robin how she was mentally, more particularly with the grace of dating her. Still, even after a month or so since the confession, she wasn’t ready.
And of course, you never complained.
Naturally, Steve pestered you about what happened that night on the rooftop the day after it happened. You kept pretty vague about the interaction as you wanted to keep it private, but all you mentioned is that ‘it went well’. And that was enough for Steve to cheer aloud and hug you tight.
Ever since he’d tease you a little bit and constantly ask if you two started dating yet. “No we’re not dating, Steve,” You’d always respond with a roll of your eyes. Steve noticed the little moments between you and Robin, and he’d be so eager to know what it all meant — as if it were some conspiracy.
“I saw that! I saw the romance in those eyes!”
“Steve, we literally just looked at each other,”
It was nearly summer now and a few days into the final week of the break. Carol and Tommy H. were trying to rope you and Steve into joining them at some beach house get-away in California, but of course, you refused strongly — as did Steve. They both shrugged you off as being a pussy and boring, but you didn’t care. You weren’t going to waste your summer drinking booze and skinny dipping.
While in the midst of them trying to persuade you one last time, you saw Robin smile and motion you over to where she was in the cafeteria. As Carol and Tommy were caught up in one another’s eyes, you sent a subtle wink Robin’s way and began to shift in your seat.
“Sorry guys, really,” You meekly cut in. “I don’t even think I’d be allowed anyhow. I appreciate the invite though,” You added in, glancing over to Steve for a moment before slipping out from your seat.
“Where are you going?” Tommy questioned, eyeing you suspiciously. You hesitated in telling them the truth and bit your tongue for a second.
“I’m going to hang out with Robin,” You proudly responded, still meek in the announcement but prideful in your smile nonetheless. You were proud of the truth of the matter and already began to brush off their judgment before they could hiss it out.
“I swear, ever since you started hanging around that loser-”
“Zip it, Carol. Not another fucking word,” You glared, standing behind Steve as a sort of instinctive barrier. Without another word, you departed from the party and began hastily walking to Robin.
She noticed your distressed expression as you silently begged for her to just leave the entire damn cafeteria with you. She immediately started cackling at your little predicament but lent you a sliver of pity as you two fled the scene together.
Back at the table, Carol and Tommy were disgusted at the sudden ditch. However, Steve’s smug ass smile never left his lips since you left.
Directly outside of the cafeteria, you and Robin were giggling up a storm. You inhaled sharply, back pressed against the wall — a bright smile on your face. Robin admired you in this state: carefree, proud, and enamored.
“Come with me,” Robin murmured before guiding you toward her locked. She held your hand as you two walked, and while you didn’t complain you were certainly curious.
“Are you gonna shank me?” You whispered, jokingly aghast while Robin began to chuckle. “You dare laugh! By God, she truly is a dastardly woman,” You gasped dramatically, a smile creeping onto your face as Robin turned around while she was laughing.
“No,” Robin drawled. “I promise I have something a lot better than that,” She teased, winking at you as you both continued toward her locker. Your cheeks heated ever the slightest at her gesture and silently obeyed as you traversed the hallways.
By the time you got to her locker, you could feel your heart pounding and ringing in your ears. You both were silent as she fiddled with the lock. While she was doing so, she glanced over to you and grinned.
“Don’t peek,” You shut your eyes and covered your eyes with your hands as an extra precaution. Robin bit on her bottom lip as she hesitated upon giving you your little present. Although, if you committed then she would too. Robin slipped the present into your hands, holding onto you for a moment longer.
“Open your eyes,” Robin murmured, smiling at you. To place it simply, you were quite surprised to see a letter in your hands. Albeit, it wasn’t as gorgeous or eloquent as yours, but you could immediately tell that there was a lot of heart behind it. Her hands stuttered as she slowly drifted from you and she had a weak grin, obviously sheepish about this exchange. Nevertheless, you were flattered by the thought she put behind this and you beamed sweetly.
“Did you put peach perfume on this?” You questioned with a cute grin, causing Robin to blush immediately.
“You always scented your letters,” Robin embarrassedly murmured, causing your own cheeks to heat for a moment while you grinned at her. God, she was fucking adorable.
Your attention returned to the letter and you flipped the letter on the back to see a splotch of melted wax. You appreciated her little attempt at a butterfly wax seal, finding the rather beautiful imperfection of it all the more endearing. You pocketed the seal, a gesture that didn’t go unnoticed by Robin. The letter was quickly opened and a short letter was written inside.
I thought it was about time that I wrote you a letter for once. It’s my turn to take an initiative :)
I just wanted to say that I think you’re so beautiful and such a remarkable person. I’m really glad that you defended me when you did and for taking a step back from the throne to get to know me. You’d send glares to others when they’d insult me and you’d go out of your way to make sure I was okay. And you especially went out of your way to send me all those letters —risking getting caught every time.
It’s those little but bold gestures that made me fall for you.
It’s been over a month and you’ve been nothing but patient with me. I appreciate it a lot, seriously.
The letter promptly ended there and you looked up to Robin, seeing her smiling nervously. You gave her a curious look as you slipped the letter into your pocket. You could immediately tell that she was itching to say something, but kept the moment quiet. She reached for your hands, holding them gently. Her gaze dropped down as she traced the backs of your hands with her thumbs. Robin looked up to you once more, heart rapidly beating as she spoke simply.
“Will you go out with me?”
#robin buckley#robin stranger things#robin buckley x reader#stranger things#stranger things imagines#stranger things imagine
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everyone’s a critic — s.harrington
Pairing: Steve Harrington x Henderson! Reader
Category: fluff
Summary: You, Suzie, Dustin, and Steve have a little movie night together
Word Count:
Author’s Note: This is best read on the website rather than the mobile app, the app flubs up the formatting of it all
Reminder! This is a spin-off story from the original story ‘road trip’
Tag list: @thatkindofgurl , @banannie25 , @carpediem1219
spin-off master list || harrington master list

“Couch fort! Couch fort!”
You and Dustin cheered excitedly as Suzie posed the idea of having a movie night. Almost immediately, you all got to work. You and Steve got together the chairs and sheets necessary for the structure of your home for the night. While you and Steve struggled to build, the other two were collecting movies to watch and getting together the food for the evening.
“Steve!” You shrieked as the poorly placed sheet fell on you while you were decorating. Your boyfriend cackled as you tousled around in the fabric, getting all the more tangled up. You popped your head out eventually, staying in a lovely little cocoon.
Steve giggled all the while, lifting you off the couch and helping you unravel from the sheet trap. You spun around dizzily and fell into Steve’s arms, laughing alongside him now. You both giggled in one another’s hold as the bed sheet pooled at your feet.
“C’mon,” Dustin whined as he brought over the popcorn bowl. “Get your lovely shit out of the way so we can actually have a fort,” He scornfully said, but a small smile was apparent on his face while he watched the scene unfold.
You rolled your eyes and chuckled, bending down to grab the fallen sheet to drape back over the chairs. While you did such, Steve laid out the set up for lounging beneath the seat of the couch and Dustin prepped the food table.
Eventually, all the accommodations were set up properly and the four of you were sat comfortably in your lovely couch fort. You were cuddled right next to Steve, casually lounging on him while Dustin and Suzie were sat in a similar manner. In a way, it was endearing to see their young teen awkwardness with it. Dustin’s arm was wrapped around Suzie’s waist, but they were so cutely stiff.
You pointed them out to Steve, who couldn’t help but snicker softly. He dipped down slightly, his lips coming near your ear as he whispered a little joke about the couple. You slapped him in the chest but giggled in return.
This caught both Dustin and Suzie’s attention, but they kept quiet as you snuggled up against your boyfriend. Your hand intertwined in his hand as the movie began to start up — feeling pleasantly content in the quiet between you four.
“Okay, hear me out,” Suzie began once The Breakfast Club concluded and the infamous end shot of Bender had been frozen on the television. The three of you looked to her attentively while she slouched back, eating the last of her popcorn with an irked expression painted on her face.
“This is such a problematic movie and no one is talking about it!” Suzie frustratedly expressed, chewing angrily at the bunch of popcorn that was in her mouth. You nodded in agreement, looping an arm around her shoulders.
“Here’s what sucks about it,” You painted a mural before her with a wave of your hand, seeing the light practically die at her eyes as you spoke. “Some teenage girls are stupid and would die for a man like Bender,” The reality of such crushed on the young girl’s shoulders and she groaned loudly.
“They do?” Steve curiously asked, brows furrowed in concern. Dustin responded for you, nodding simply with a hand on his shoulder.
“Billy,” Dustin flatly added in. This instantly made it clear for Steve and he, too, groaned aloud. Suzie continued to vent as she stuffed more food in her mouth out of frustration, lolling her head into your side.
“Bender harassed Claire and yet he still gets the girl,” Suzie cried out, thumping her head against your shoulder.
“Because apparently, sexual harassment is hot,” You sarcastically groaned, leaning over to snag some popcorn for yourself. You and Suzie continued to get caught up in your in-depth conversations concerning some rather problematic movies. All the while, Dustin and Steve sat back silently as they listened in to your conversation. No words had been exchanged between the two boys at the moment, they had a similar thought.
This is the girlfriend shit I put up with … but I’ll still love her anyway
For Dustin, he was so grateful that you and Suzie were getting along swimmingly. Just having his two favorite girls bonding so naturally made him smile. He leaned against the couch as he ate away at the popcorn in his bowl, smiling as you two began to elevate more in louder conversation concerning problematic movies.
Even for Steve, he thought the sight of you chatting with Suzie was endearing in a way. Suzie already was like a sister to you and he recognized this bond immediately, glad to see the whole ‘family dynamic’ legitimately growing between you both.
As the night soared onward, you all indulged in more fattening foods and iconic movies. Although, by the time that it was around three and four movies in — the lot of you began to steadily fall asleep.
Dustin had been the first to collapse, leaning up against you while Suzie followed after him in slumber of your opposite side. At a point, you too began to quietly drift off into a deep sleep. Steve had been the last of the bunch to go to bed, smiling at the darling sight of you coddled next to the children with the mix of blue light and fairy light radiating onto your forms.
At that moment, Steve couldn’t help but sit there in awe of how peaceful the scene had been. Dustin was lightly snoring away with his head in your lap while Suzie’s arms wrapped around your torso. Steve shifted carefully over to the three of you, planting airy kisses to your foreheads.
He carefully carried Suzie to lay her more comfortably on the couch, doing the same with Dustin on the same couch as his girlfriend. The two stirred in their positions and coddled in the blanket Steve draped over them.
Before Steve could pick you up, he noticed your eyes flutter at him and the perk of a smile on your lips. You took hold of his hand and stood up before him, placing your other hand on the nape of his neck.
“They’re cute aren’t they?” You hummed softly into his shoulder, flush against his body while your eyes gazed upon your brother. Steve’s hands drifted to your hips, holding you ever so delicately.
“I’m cuter,” Steve teased, causing you to snicker against his shirt. You gave him a baby pinch on his neck, slowly drifting from his arms.
“Shut up,” You quietly hissed with a twinge of a grin, pulling on the collar of Steve’s shirt. You began backing up to the couch, pulling your boyfriend slowly down with you.
“Sleep with me, lover boy,”
#steve harrington#steve harrington x reader#steve stranger things#stranger things#stranger things imagines#stranger things imagine
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hi i just want to say that i appreciate all your comments (even if i don’t reply to them)!
the ones complimenting my creativity and ideas especially make me really happy :,)
i’m a hopeless, but aspiring author and hearing all these little nudges of encouragement is so freshing to see!
i used to write other fanfictions underneath the same username and i wasn’t as well-received them (and to think it was two years ago when i was 14)! and i’m so glad that i’ve evolved so much in a short amount of time
anyway, yes, i hear you all loud and clear!! thank you for all the love ‘n stuff over the past month or so <3
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from me to you — r.buckley [7]
Pairing: Robin Buckley x Popular! Reader
Category: fluff
Summary: Tonight is the night when you confess to Robin
Word Count: 3.2k
Author’s Note: This is best read on the website rather than the mobile app, the app flubs up the formatting of it all.
Tag list: @jdogjdyke , @lettersshapes , @marland56 , @silver-winter-wolf, @bandsandanimefreak , @ihavetwospleens , @retrogarden , @hogwartsrey , @kurt-nightcrawler , @g0lly
part eight || buckley master list || series master list

“Come meet me inside the school at 8,”
Robin murmured to herself in assurance once more, holding the letter in her hands. Though she didn’t want to admit it out loud, she was perfectly terrified to finally meet her admirer. Her heart was pounding in her chest — rapping in frantic beats.
She came into this meeting knowing the ultimate goal at the end of this all, but she was still uncertain with how everything would unfurl. It could be great, or it could not. Robin wanted this to be wonderful but knew that she could not always get what she wants.
Robin took a deep breath of faith, slowly walking up to the double doors of the school. She noticed that all the lights were on and that a little note card was there for her. Robin slowly picked it up, reading over the familiar handwriting of her admirer.
Hey Robin,
I thought you might enjoy a little more to this whole reveal ;)
I know you’re fond of little mysteries and clues, so directly follow this one and a few others to come and find me.
Go to where I left your first letter.
Robin folded the letter and pocketed in her jacket once again, pushing open the doors of the school. The halls were eerily quiet as only her footsteps and pounding heart filled the void. Normally, in such deserted circumstances, Robin would be freaked out in the slightest, but she was way too eager to allow for fear to come over her.
Eventually, Robin found herself in front of her locker. Floating directly in front of it was a home-made hot air balloon. She cooed at the cute little creation her admirer had set up for her, her hands lightly grazing over the blue fabric of the project. A little flat candle was situated underneath the fabric bag that acted as the ‘balloon’ of it. Inside its basket was a little letter.
Robin blew out the candle and allowed the air balloon to fall into her hands. The balloon became flaccid as she pulled the letter out from the basket.
Perfect! You found the first one!
Let me just say, this locker has never made me more anxious than anything else in the world. There have been so many moments of me standing in front of it and questioning whether or not I should leave the letter or not, and hopefully, I wasn’t wrong in following through will all of them.
But, there have been really great moments just sitting in front of it with you and chatting away the lunch or break period away.
Anyway, obviously, I’m not here so go to the room where Shakespeare comes to life.
“Where Shakespeare comes to life?” Robin hummed to herself in a twinge of confusion, placing the letter back into the basket as she debated where this could be. Quickly, it dawned on her.
With the hot air balloon in hand, Robin hastily made her way down the hallway toward the English 10 classroom. Once arriving at the door, she peered inside to see the room completely dark — save for the candle that powered the next hot air balloon.
She carefully stepped inside, the door creaking open as she walked over toward the balloon. It was far larger than the other one, almost twice the size of it, and it wasn’t actually floating like the previous one.
A book was placed inside the basket, which perhaps had been what was weighing down the hot air balloon. Robin blew out the candle and took hold of the basket, walking out of the classroom to get into the light.
Robin sat on the tile floor of the hallway, pulling out the book from the basket and tucking the smaller hot air balloon into the larger one. Her hands carefully grazed against the pages of the book, noticing that this was the book that her class finished two months ago.
She checked out the sides of the book, noticing numerous post-it-notes sticking out from the sides and folded pages. The typical good English student book. Robin opened up the front cover of the book. Inside the page of the paperback, there was faded pencil writing alongside the main passage. First and foremost, she read over the main passage.
I think this might out me before you actually see me, but who’s to say?
You don’t believe in anything until you see it.
I’d say one of the most terrifying moments (apart from this) was spent with you in this classroom so many months ago, but I’m glad I pulled through with it. Without that day, I probably would’ve never gotten to know you better.
Go to the room that smells oddly of perfume and smoke next.
Robin’s eyes flickered back over to the faded writing in the top corner. She squinted her eyes, bringing the book closer to her face in the hopes of being able to read the faint section.
“32?” Was the only intelligible part of the erased writing. Robin pursed her lips together, her mind clouding and unable to remember where she recognized this from. Although, the writing was far too faded for her to actually identify the words or handwriting.
She leaned her head against the wall of the hallway, her mind trying to juggle two different thoughts at once.
Who did I get to know more through English?
What smelled of perfume and smoke?
Robin got to know you, Tammy, Carol, and a few other straggling names and faces. But she couldn’t pin-point which girl it could be. Nevertheless, she brushed off the thought — no need to figure it out when her admirer was perhaps feet away from her. Robin sat there and lulled, attempting to think of where her next clue would be.
“Perfume and smoke?” Robin muttered to herself as she stood up from the ground, picking up the book and two air balloons with her. She lugged slowly down the hallway as she continued to think. After a slow minute of thinking, she finally realized where the next balloon would be.
Robin found herself sprinting toward the women’s bathroom, throwing open the door to see the hot air balloon floating over she sink. She heavily sighed with relief and excitement, holding the door open with one hand and yoinking the air balloon out of there.
The letter was soon opened by her hands and a rather short note was written inside.
Okay if I talk about this one I’d totally out myself, so we’ll ignore it for now.
Anyhow, I’ve never been here before, but go where the music is at its loudest.
“Okay, band room,” Robin confirmed aloud, continuing down the hallway to head downstairs to the underground level of the school. She took this leisure time to think for a little while as she strolled down the corridors and down the steps.
How should I react when I finally meet her?
Robin wasn’t sure of whether or not she’d be pleased to find out the identity of her admirer. Some mysteries are best left undiscovered, but should this be one of them?
Was she pretty? Was she kind? Was she quirky? Or witty?
She wanted to know for the sake of ending the mystery of it all, but she was utterly terrified for the worst outcome. It was very possible that her admirer was a right on creep, but her way with words seemed to speak otherwise. And it was made evident in the letters that she definitely knew this mystery girl, but which one of her friends or acquaintances could it be?
Robin paused at the bottom of the stairs, looking at the next hot air balloon with a tinge of doubt. For a moment, she wanted to go back and leave the mystery a mystery. But, her stubbornness and swimming in too deep kept her from doing so.
She less enthusiastically blew out the candle and open the letter, solemnly reading over the letter.
I’ve never actually been down here before, but when I came down here to leave this … wow. All the instruments I could see through the glass are so pretty and beautifully polished.
You know, I’ve never heard you play before, but I’d absolutely love to. I’m sure you’re amazing, especially after a decade of playing.
If you’ll have me, I’ll show up at your guys’ next marching band performance and cheer you on :)
Find my next letter where it’s red and some of the most beautiful of art is produced.
Robin smiled softly at this, feeling ever the slightest bit more relaxed from her previous doubts. Already with this little letter alone, she could tell that her admirer definitely had care behind her, but that didn’t exactly convince her.
She traced her thumb over the parchment before folding the letter back up again. Robin threw her caution and suspect to the wind, prodding onward with her little scavenger hunt.
Initially, Robin thought the next clue would be in the art room, but that place certainly was not ‘red’. Therefore, it singled out the developing room Jonathan had mentioned here and there.
Robin couldn’t quite remember where it was located and spent a few minutes trying to find the goddamn room. She frantically looked up and down the hallways, scrambling about to just find the next letter.
Eventually, she found the exact room she was on the hunt for — thank God. She flickered on the red light and stepped into the room, noticing the air balloon at the very end of the room.
Robin reached for the photo in the basket, smiling softly at the photograph of a robin. She remembered getting a similar photograph from her admirer not so long ago, and every single one of those pictures were strung up on her room’s wall.
Robin flipped over to see the backside of the photo, reading over the small print written in permanent marker.
Robins are cute, but you’re the cutest
Sorry for being cheesy, I’m lame sorry-
Anyway, I really hope you ended up keeping the photo I developed for you. Once you find out who I am, give big thanks to Jonathan for putting up with my pathetic ass since he helped me develop these photos.
No worries, I’m sure you’re secretive about your sexuality as I am. Jonathan doesn’t know about my crush on you hehe
You’re almost there to finding me :)
Go where you received your first physical present from me.
Robin instantaneously made her way to the library. As she made her way closer to the library, she could hear familiar music playing from inside. Her hands pushed open, believing that she’d finally find the identity of her admirer.
However, the moment she stepped inside, all she was met with was another hot air balloon. Robin sighed heavily, running her hand through her hair. She blew out the candle and allowed the air balloon to fall onto Mrs. Hudson’s desk.
Robin simply looked at the letter sitting inside the basket, almost too frightened to actually hold the letter. She already instinctively knew that this would be the last air balloon and that she was moments away from meeting the girl behind the letters.
“It’s gonna be now or never,”
This is the second to last letter for you, I’ll keep this one brief so as to just pour everything out on the last letter before you come find me.
Find the book that matches the one I recently gave you.
Robin began walking around the shelves, fingers gracing over the spines until she found the exact one she had been looking for. She pulled it out, seeing the edge of a letter poking out.
Robin returned the book but kept the letter. Her name was so elegantly written on the front, exactly as it had been with the first letter. Shakily, she peeled off the last wax seal and pocketed it — as she always did.
For the last time, she hesitated to open it. Robin held her breath as she began to unfold the letter, the familiar fragrance of roses hitting her senses. She smiled sadly at the familiarity of it all and finally opened the letter to its fullest.
Dear Robin,
I thought it was appropriate for this letter to be the only formal one of mine. It’s been a long seven months of feeling such a romantic interest in you, and I’m really sorry for not being able to find it in myself to confess sooner. Here I am now, though — thankfully.
I’ve found myself having a physical attraction to you at first, and finding all your quips and quirks to be so endearing and cute. But all of that came from a naive person who didn’t know a damn thing about you.
Now, here we are (seven months later), and we’re closer than I could have ever dreamed. Not only has my adoration grown, but I’ve learned more about you and gotten to actually know you.
I know that going into this friendship you warned me that I wouldn’t like you if I knew who you really are, and you were right. I love you for who you are, and for owning up everything about you. You wore your personality on your sleeve, and you only managed to draw me in more rather than repel me away.
Robin Buckley, I’m absolutely smitten for you and this I’m sure.
If you’ll have me, find me where the sun both touches first and touches last. I’ll see you soon.
Yours Truly. ♡
Robin carefully closed up the letter and stepped further into the library, catching sight of the hidden steps that led up to the rooftop. Her heart pounded in her chest harder than before, and she felt dizzy with fear that her steps felt long and heavy.
From above, you heard the steps coming up behind you. Your hands balled tightly to your sides. You wanted to collapse from the frightening factor alone. This could entirely break your friendship — whether it be good or bad.
“[Y/N]?” Robin’s voice broke the silence and you felt the world pause. You turned around to her, seeing her shocked expression. All the hot air balloons and book she held fell to the ground in a moment of shock.
In her eyes, she saw you standing in the darkness, but lit up by gorgeous fairy lights that lined the rooftop and filled the sky. At that moment, you were absolutely beautiful and evangelical, and she couldn’t have imagined a better act of confession.
Both of you approached one another, silent and steady with your strides. You met in the center, a good foot away from one another. Robin held her breath, afraid to say a word. You exhaled softly, smiling shyly.
“Robin, I really like you,” You firmly said. Robin’s bright smile had been her simple reaction, and she reached forward to hold your hands.
“[Y/N],” Robin murmured softly, tracing the backs of your hands with her thumbs. Her smile fled for a moment, unsure of how to phrase this in a way that wouldn’t hurt you.
Robin really liked you. She also appreciated how far you’ve come in confidence, from being sure of your sexuality to your liking of her. She recognized that you were jumping hurdles and risking so much with just this confession alone — not to mention having to sneak around getting her those little presents and notes just for the sake of leaving her something sweet.
You both grew from being total strangers to being really close friends. From the moment that you defended her from Carol and defied your friends, she knew that you were someone different — someone special.
Since the beginning, she could tell that you were putting in the effort to be kind to not only her but her friends too. With that, she knew you were a good person and someone worthwhile.
“You’re wonderful,” Robin began, and she looked deeply into your eyes as she spoke. “And I really like you. I just, can’t … not yet,” She softly began. You felt your heart stop and your smile slowly fade, but you kept silent as you let her speak.
“I’ve been seduced by this secret admirer for months on end, and I’m glad it’s you,” Robin honestly confessed, her hands drawing from yours to instead cup your face.
“I just need a little more time before any dating can happen between us,” She began to explain. “I’ve only known you as a friend and known your letters as a whole other person,” Robin glanced away for a moment before exhaling sharply. Her hands departed from your face, but her gaze poured into you — shining with honesty and love.
“I’d be lying if I said that I didn’t think you’re so damn cute, or if I said that you weren’t clever and creative,” Robin chuckled gently. “You’re exactly my type,”
“As I said, I just need a little more time to process everything and,” She paused for a moment. “I’m not ready to have a girlfriend yet, I barely understand myself. When I’m confident and ready, I will definitely go out with you and be a good girlfriend and everything,” Robin began to laugh sweetly, and her hands slowly slipped into her jacket pockets — feeling the texture of the wax seal in between her fingertips.
“I want to be good for you — hell, I want to be perfect for you,” Robin snickered lightly. “I know you probably think I’m already perfect so don’t hit me with that line,” She winked.
“Just give me the time to be good with myself so I can feel good with you too,” Robin finalized, curling some of her hair behind her ear as she patiently waited for your worded reaction.
“I totally get it,” You smiled, honestly relieved to hear her words. “You need your time and I’m not gonna push anything,” You agreed.
This moment between you was gentle and genuine, and you couldn’t ask for anything more. Truly, Robin liked you as well as you liked her. However, it was true that all of this was happening so quickly. You didn’t expect her to immediately jump into a relationship. You were glad that both of you would be taking everything slowly, but surely.
You couldn’t ask for anything better than this moment.
You reached for one of her hands, holding her so delicately. Your touch was so gentle and soft, treating her as she would shatter upon contact.
“Can I leave one kiss?” You asked shyly. She smiled at this, finding your caution and politeness absolutely adorable.
“Why not?” Robin shrugged with a little smile. You grinned and rose her hand to your lips — placing the faintest of kisses on the back. Your eyes flickered from her hand to her face, smiling small.
“I’ll wait for however long you need me to,”
#robin buckley#robin stranger things#robin buckley x reader#stranger things#stranger things imagines#stranger things imagine
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fanfic writer moods
the thrill of posting something
you’ve got comments emails
existential crisis’s over getting views but no feedback
24 hour high of getting a long ass comment
the inclination to Stop
the addiction to keep going overtaking that
‘when’s the next update?’ lol, wish I knew friend
44K notes
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in your arms — s.harrington
Pairing: Steve Harrington x Henderson! Reader
Category: fluff
Summary: Upon the first night of camping, you and Steve stay up a little past your supposed curfew
Word Count: 1k
Author’s Note: This is best read on the website rather than the mobile app, the app flubs up the formatting of it all
Reminder! This is a spin-off story from the original story ‘road trip’
I don’t know how kissing works lmao sorry
Tag list: @thatkindofgurl , @banannie25
spin-off master list || harrington master list

“Are you awake?”
Steve’s voice whispered softly into your ear, sending chills down your spine. You simply nodded and tapped the back of his hand, notifying that you were just as wake as he had been.
“Turn around, baby,” He softly asked. You hummed with amusement, brushing a curl out of Dustin’s face first. You then turned away from facing your brother and instead looked to Steve, smiling sweetly at your boyfriend. You planted a small kiss on his nose, giggling quietly as he smiled at your small gesture.
“You should be sleeping, we still have to drive tomorrow,” You reminded softly, a slightly more serious expression on your face. Steve rolled his eyes and held you closer to him, a tender expression painted on his face.
“I know,” He hummed quietly. His hands played with your hair, curling strands around his finger. “I’m honestly really excited,”
“Well, Dustin is surely more excited than you are and he’s already asleep,” You joked, scrunching your nose at him.
“Shut up,” Steve chuckled, his hand drifting from your hair. “I kinda wish this would last forever,” Steve mentions during a brief period of silence and soft snoring.
“Away from Hawkins and Keith for more than a month? Fuck yeah,” You responded swiftly, causing Steve to snicker at your comment.
“You know, I never liked Keith,” Steve muttered and you pulled back away from him for a moment — raising your brows at him accusingly.
“Babe, you never liked anyone from school,”
“Okay listen-” You snorted at his retort, running your hands through his hair. Steve’s hands wandered to your hips, holding you carefully.
“Well, I liked you,” Steve argued your point teasingly. You nodded and kissed a little spot underneath his jaw. Steve hummed at the sweet contact before continuing with his thoughts.
“Seriously though, he always hits on you and the guy hates my guts,” Steve pointed, making you roll your eyes at his comment.
“You were a dick to him in school so I don’t blame him,” You chuckled. Steve shrugged a muttered a ‘fair point’. “And c’mon, you can’t mad at the guy for hitting on me,” You cooed, a trailing laugh coming from Steve immediately after.
“He can’t have me and you’ve had me for practically forever,” You added on after Steve’s rather sardonic reaction. Steve smiled at your comment and shook his head endearingly. He began tapping his fingers lightly against your skin as he attempted to remind himself of what he was going to mention.
“Yes?” You whispered aloud, noticing his expression of contemplation — his furrowed brows and pensive expression. You twirled little locks of his hair as you let him think, mind wandering during the silence.
“Oh yeah, anyway, bringing it back,” Steve remembered with a soft sigh. “I don’t want to let go of you is what I meant,” He rephrased, giving you that good charming Harrington smile.
“You make it so hard to not kiss you,” You whined with a little laugh. Steve smirked and slowly allowed his hands to drift to your face. The touch alone got you heated internally and caused goosebumps to follow where he touched. Steve’s hands caressed your face, causing you to hum and lean into his touch. His eyes lidded slightly as he stared you down lovingly.
“Kiss me then,”
Without much thought to it, you crooned and ghosted your lips over his — affectionately leaving a soft kiss. He tasted sweetly of candy and chocolate from earlier that night, and this made you smile for just a moment.
Steve smiled against you, letting you pull from him after the first kiss. He leaned in once more, instead placing a peck on your flushed cheek. Steve barely traced the side of your neck and yet the motion caused a shiver to crawl up your spine.
“Can I kiss you again?” Steve asked hotly against your lips. You complied and swiftly joined your lips together once more.
The exchange of love was plain to the world, but to you — you were practically melting in his arms. While simple, you could feel every surge of passion coursing through you both. From the hands that handled in your hair to the pounding of your heart. Steve’s kisses held more than fervent ardor, ever grace of your lips together felt effervescent and breath-taking. The subtle gestures equaled to a bolder sensation of infatuation and devotion that overtook your whole being.
“I love you,” You breathily whispered once you two parted. Steve smiled at your saying, letting his hands fall back to your waist once again.
“I love you too,” Steve softly said, placing his final kiss of the night on your forehead. You fluttered your eyes shut for a few moments, pressing the side of your face against Steve’s chest. You could feel his controlled breaths with every rise of his chest and his pounding heart.
In the quiet, the world passed by so slowly. Time seemed to drift from touch and the only perch of reality became the man you fell in love with — it was just you two and you felt content in that. You too wished that this would last forever. If you could, you stay wrapped up in his arms and heat for forever. Being with Steve allowed for some vulnerability and the sense of protection from him.
At times, you felt as if you never expressed your love for him enough. But words weren’t enough to convey all the bubbling notions of your heart. Your hands clutched the fabric of his shirt, balling them in your hand as you attempted to let yourself drift into slumber.
“I’m excited to have this summer with you and Dustin,” His murmur broke the silence. Your heart fluttered at his statement, and even more so when you felt his fingertips graze down your arm gently. You pulled away from him for a moment. You smiled and withdrew your grip from his clothing. You then nuzzled your face into the crook of his neck, humming with content. Steve interlaced his fingers with yours, holding you so delicately while you whispered warmly against his skin.
“I am too,”
#steve harrington#steve harrington x reader#steve stranger things#stranger things#stranger things imagines#stranger things imagine
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full offense but trying to write people kissing when i’ve never done it myself is so motherfucking hard
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Tag Lists!
Hello everyone! I have my tag lists open up for all fanfictions and series :)
If you want to be tagged in a specific series (I will do max of ten or fifteen for those!) just let me know :)
And if you want to be permanently tagged for a character also just let me know!! (I can do max of ten or fifteen for these)
If you request to be tagged for a specific character, you have to option to be tagged in future series or not as well!
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road trip — master list
Steve Harrington x Henderson! Reader

You and your brother Dustin decide to go on a road trip to visit Suzie in Utah, and your boyfriend Steve tags along
Every fanfiction following the first one is a spin-off of the main story
01 // road trip
02 // in your arms
03 // everyone’s a critic
04 // parlor
05 // stolen kisses
06 // lunar
#steve harrington#steve harrington x reader#steve stranger things#stranger things#stranger things imagines#stranger things imagine#masterlist#steve harrington masterlist
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blanketed — s.strange
Pairing: Stephen Strange x Reader
Category: fluff
Summary: You fall asleep studying in the awfully cold library and Stephen brings you to bed
Word Count: 1k
Author’s Note: This is best read on the website rather than the mobile app, the app flubs up the formatting of it all
Just a lil short one :)
strange master list

The library was oddly quiet, and that usually was the norm, however it usually was not when you were around.
Whenever you’d study in the library, there would be nonsensical humming and tapping of pencils or the occasional gasp if you had been indulging in a fictional book as a wind-down. Even at times you’d full-on have a conversation with Wong while reading through your book. And, almost always, you’d be up from the periods of 11pm to 3am studying away.
This time around, none of that was occurring and it was nearing the usual hour of you beginning to study. Usually, you’d announce to Stephen that you’d go off and study for the next few hours. However, he hadn’t heard a peep from you since he got home.
Stephen stepped into the library to check up on you to ensure that you were okay, or to see if you were even there at all. Oddly enough, he saw you fast asleep and lying on your books with a cup of hot chocolate right beside you. While he didn’t care to admit it aloud, the sight was fairly cute.
Stephen carefully took away the beverage and closed the books, making sure the desk was clear and clean. Carefully, he lifted you from your slouched position. You stirred as he lifted you and instinctively wrapped your arms and legs around his body, and immediately passed out again.
“You stress yourself far too much,” Stephen whispered as he placed the softest of kisses upon your temple. He carried you off toward his room, levitating about so as to not potentially disrupt your slumber again.
Once arriving at his room, he laid you softly on the mattress. Even with the thin blanket around your shoulders, you shivered and goosebumps littered your skin. He rummaged through his closet, not finding any warmer alternative for a blanket. It was the summer and there was no need for heavy winter covers, but tonight just so happened to be one of those cold summer moments.
The cloak began tugging away from Stephen when he momentarily ran out of ideas. The fabric seemed to reach out to you, a motion for Stephen to use it as your temporary blanket. Without further thought to it, Stephen removed his cloak and laid the fabric on top of your body.
“Just stay with her for the night,” Stephen murmured to the cloak as he sat on the edge of the bed. The cloak seemed to agree as it tucked itself around your shivering form. The warmth seeped in soon enough and your sleeping self moaned faintly at the new-found heat. You relished in the warm ‘blanket’, curling up in the cloak and burying your nose into the fabric.
Stephen smiled and chuckled gently before brushing your hair away from your face. He admired you for a few moments longer, admiring how simply beautiful the moment had been. The moonlight shone through the window and kissed the sheets, and the sight of you sleeping peacefully eased his heart. Before leaving to sleep on the couch, he left a sweet kiss on your forehead once again.
By the time that the morning came to be, you awoke to the pleasant scent of light cologne. In somewhat of a confused daze, you sat up and realized that you had slept in Stephen’s room. You had no recollection of the transfer from the library to his room, but you had no complaints. You were delightfully warm with the cloak wrapped around your shoulders and Stephen’s scent was rather intoxicating — you must admit.
You slowly slipped out of bed, trudging through the urge to immediately sleep forever. You kept the cloak wrapped around your body, the bottom floating slightly above the ground to avoid touching it. You eventually stumbled into the kitchen where Stephen was preparing two cups of coffee for you two.
“Good morning,” He greeted kindly. Stephen stifled a silly smile, finding your current appearance of messy hair and the cloak wrapped around your frame to be terribly adorable.
“Good morningggg,” You extended with a sleepy grin, leaning up to place a kiss on his jaw.
“Did you have a good sleep, darling?” Stephen asked sweetly as he handed you your cup of coffee. You nodded, sipping the hot liquid after — sighing with content. You looked up at Stephen and smiled shyly, hugging the cloak a little closer to your body.
Stephen noticed your little action of clutching the cloak and smiled at your simple gesture. In a way, it was undeniably cute of you to wrap yourself up in his cloak and scent even after departing from bed.
Once you realized that Stephen was staring at you, you flushed out of sheepish embarrassment — assuming he wanted the cloak back. You set the coffee down on the counter and shrugged the cloak off from around your shoulders.
“Almost forgot,” You murmured, unraveling from your blanketed bliss — extending the cloak back to its rightful owner. Before Stephen’s fingers could reach for the fabric, the cloak wrapped itself around you again and drew away from him. Both of you were confused but said confusion slipped out into good humor. You two chuckled lightly at the moment and you softly ran your hand over the fabric.
“Guess he likes me more,” You haughtily said, sticking your tongue out at Stephen.
“I don’t give him attention for once and now I’ve been betrayed,” He exasperatedly said, the back of his hand pressed to his forehead. He sighed dramatically, causing a fit of giggles to come from you.
“No worries, love,” You said. “I’m just more fit,” You jested, blowing a kiss toward him. Stephen rolled his eyes endearingly and bent down to get more at level with the cloak and began speaking.
“You've got a new owner now apparently,” Stephen gruffly stated, looking back up to you while he said this. “Ungrateful,” He jokingly scolded, standing straight once again before taking a sip from his coffee.
“So the Cloak of Leviathan is mine now?” You teased with a childish grin. Stephen rolled his eyes and gave you a simple kiss to your temple.
“Only when it’s cold,”
#stephen strange#stephen strange x reader#stephen strange imagine#doctor strange#doctor strange x reader#doctor strange imagine#marvel fanfiction#marvel imagines
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Stephen Strange — Masterlist
All of my Stephen Strange x Reader stories and fanfiction, all ordered according to the date in which they were published (oldest to newest)
Series are posted at the very bottom of the list (below the cut)

semblance [one] || complete
for a man who can see past illusions, you being an illusionist is quite annoying
blanketed [one] || complete
you fall asleep in the library and stephen brings you back to his room
#stephen strange#stephen strange x reader#stephen strange imagine#marvel fanfiction#marvel imagines#doctor strange#doctor strange x reader#doctor strange imagine#masterlist#stephen strange masterlist
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road trip — s.harrington
Pairing: Steve Harrington x Henderson! Reader
Category: fluff
Summary: You and Dustin planned a little road trip to go see Suzie in Utah, and of course Steve was gonna come along for the ride.
Requested by: @ofrosesandteacups !
Word Count: 2.8k
Author’s Note: This is best read on the website rather than the mobile app, the app flubs up the formatting of it all
I really really liked this concept hehe :)
Honestly, I liked it so much that I’m going to be doing a few spin-offs for this :)
(I have five in mind!)
Also! This takes place during an alternate universe proceeding season three, but all the demogorgon stuff didn’t happen, Mews is alive, Starcourt Mall and The Palace are present, the Byers (and El) didn’t move away, and pretty much Hawkins is very normal but all beloved characters are thriving and here.
Lastly, this is kinda bad now that I’m re-reading it lmao sorry :(
harrington master list

“Got everything packed, dears?”
Your mom asked for the millionth time, checking over all of your belongings alongside Dustin’s things. You and Dustin both nodded, going over everything necessary once more from the list for your mother’s sake. Two weeks of planning and packing and so many long, extra nights of putting up with Keith at The Palace finally led to this fateful day — and would actually lead up to a whole month of rest and recreation.
To put it simply, you and Dustin were very eager to go on another summer get-away. As much as you both loved Hawkins, it was nice to get a breath of fresh air from the insanity at home. On the plus side to everything going on, you’d get to spend your month with your favorite boys and finally meet the girl that stole your brother’s heart nearly a year ago.
Dustin helped you pack everything into your minivan, placing the cooler in the middle and the bags on the chair that Dustin wasn’t going to be sitting in. You ran to your mom and gave her the tightest hug, Dustin joining soon after calling ‘group hug!’.
“Take care of Mews for us okay?” Dustin nodded at his mom, giving that concerned parental look to her. Your mom laughed, obviously agreeing to take care of the poor kitty for you both. Mews was your precious baby and you didn’t want anything bad to happen to her.
After long minutes of smothering hugs and kisses, you and Dustin drove over to The Palace to say your good-byes to all of Dustin’s friends. The car ride there was full of you two discussing ideas of what to do while you were in Utah and the like, Dustin scribbling ideas down on the backside of your checklist.
Roughly five minutes later, you pulled up to The Palace and hastily parked the van. You looked to Dustin for a moment as he grinned at the sight of the arcade, and you could tell straight away that he wanted to get a couple of games in before ultimately leaving.
“You can play,” You murmured in your silence, tossing a bag to him as he sat in the passenger’s seat. Dustin smiled wider than before, throwing his arms around you in a tight hug. “Now go! — I didn’t put up with Keith’s shit for extra hours for nothing,” You jested, shoving your little brother out of the car.
The quiet buzz of fuzzy arcade static, cheering of kids, and intro start-ups on replay rang in your ears. In a way, it felt peaceful to walk in here without having to reprimand kids for beating up the machines when they got angry. You walked around the carpeted floors for a little while longer, eventually spotting Dustin with the rest of the gang. You chuckled softly to yourself, quietly reminiscing of your middle school days with all your friends.
“So you’re finally leaving, huh?” Keith questioned, bursting you out of your slight daze. He slowly chomped on Cheetos, eyes narrowing at you. You smiled sheepishly, nodding as you met his gaze.
“Yep. You’re gonna have to hold up fort without me, bud,” You joked, raising a fist up to Keith. He rolled his eyes, giving a small smile before returning your fist-bump. “Gonna miss you,” You added in softly, snickering lightly. While Keith was a creepy piece of shit, you guys became really good friends over time and you were quite pleased with that.
“No you won’t,” Keith laughed, making you snort and shrug. “Have fun in Utah,” Keith finalized before you saluted him and departed from him and join your brother.
“Ready to jet?” You asked, swinging your arm around your little brother.
“Do you guys really have to leave again?” Will frowned, walking over to give you and Dustin hugs.
“It’s only for a month,” You reminded as you were hugging Will. “We’ll be back before you know it,” You smiled.
“And you could help me with my new campaign?” Will asked with hopeful eyes, and you smiled at the charming boy’s question.
“I wouldn’t trade it up for the world,”
There were numerous farewells exchanged between Dustin and the gang, and of course, you said your good-byes to the children that stole your heart. Before leaving, you gave Keith one last smile and wave — and of course, this caught Dustin’s attention.
“Since when did you get along with Keith?” Dustin asked as he slid into the passenger’s seat.
“I said he was creepy, never said I didn’t like him,” You chuckled, buckling up. “The guy is weird with single girls, but he’s … decent … enough with me,” You carefully chose, backing up out of The Palace parking lot and toward the Starcourt Mall.
You and Dustin luckily found Robin’s car in the parking lot of the Starcourt, and you took the convenient spot beside her. You snagged your wallet with you and gave a quick glance at your brother.
“Wanna buy ice cream before we head out?” You asked with a grin, and of course, he nodded. The both of you hastily walked into the mall and toward Scoops Ahoy with a determined stride. The two of you were so goddamn excited and were minutes away from heading out on your day-long trip and month-long vacation.
“Robin!” You cheered when you saw the pretty face of your favorite worker. She smiled and glanced over her shoulder to yell at Steve.
“Hey dingus! Your wife and kid are here!” Robin drawled with a teasing tone, and you’ve never seen the guy stumble out from behind the backroom faster. He had already changed out of his uniform, dressed in a thin sweater and jeans.
“You forgot something,” You teased, striding over to him to pluck the hat off of his head. Steve chuckled and gave you a little kiss on the cheek, taking the hat from your hands and tossing it onto the back counter. Robin rolled her eyes endearingly at the two of you — honestly finding you two disgustingly adorable.
“Let’s hurry up and go,” Dustin exaggeratedly said, causing a short laugh to come from Robin.
“Yeah, come on, lovebirds,” Robin teased. “Little Henderson’s gotta see his girl too,” You laughed, parting from Steve before leaning against the counter. You tapped the silver bell and gave a cheeky grin at Robin.
“Mind if we grab some ice cream first?”
In less than thirty minutes the three of you had left Hawkins with bubbling thrill in your stomachs and smiles on your faces. Steve took care of the driving duties while you were his not-so-alert passenger. You were hunched over on the dash, the list from earlier and a pencil in hand. Thus far, you three had hiking, ice cream, and museums vaguely written down.
“How about the movies?” Steve suggested. “If memory serves me right, ‘Ferris Bueller’ should be coming out,”
“Oh! ‘Aliens’ is coming out too!” Dustin reminded, and you hastily wrote down their suggestions. Steve glanced over to you for just a moment, quietly admiring you and silently doting on how cute you were. You were sat cross-legged on the seat and your face was hard with concentration as you attempted to write as legibly as possible.
“Eyes on the road, Harrington,” You called him out with a little smile playing on your lips. His eyes shot back to the road, a light blush across his cheeks. After writing down the lists, you looked back over to Steve and quickly left a short kiss on his cheek. Steve blushed a little more and giggled lowly, reaching over to hold your hand without taking his eyes off the road.
Dustin smiled to himself when he noticed Steve holding your hand daintily. Honestly, Dustin was insanely happy that you and Steve were dating. More often than not, you were full of bright grins around him. It was obvious that Steve made you happy, and that much made your brother elated.
He loved you both in his own way, and he couldn’t imagine a better summer than the one he was about to have. He was going to be surrounded by some of the most important people in his life and soon come back to see the rest.
By the time it was 8:00 PM, you all reached a mostly empty campsite. Sunset would come by nine and it was best to get yourselves situated sooner rather than later. Steve parked the van and you hastily popped open the trunk, crawling inside to grab the giant blankets and pillows you instructed for them to bring.
Steve began to set up a little campfire while you and Dustin set up the sleeping space — one thin blanket laid across the surface of the van as a make-shift comforter and the numerous pillows scattered where your heads would be. While Dustin worked on setting up the radio and numerous snacks for the lot of you, you fumbled with stringing up the back end of the van with the numerous set of fairy lights that you purchased from the shop.
“Good job, campers,” Steve proudly appraised, a cheesy grin on his face.
“Wow, Eagle Scout Harrington — look at you,” You jested, gesturing over to his campfire set-up. Surprisingly, he did rather well with the whole thing. Dustin applauded him and the fool bowed as if it were some performance. You chuckled at their silliness and gathered together the graham crackers, marshmallows, and chocolate. Steve lurched inside the van and grabbed the metal hangers he brought along for this particular moment.
The three of you sat in the comfy back of the van, at ease with the world and one another. The night was quiet, save for the occasional bustle of the trees due to the wind or the howl of distant creatures. You head was leaning against Steve’s shoulder and your hands were intertwined while you toasted your marshmallows.
Not even a few hours into the day and the moment was already perfect. Dustin and Steve shot jokes at one another — one of which included Dustin turning into a gummy-mouth monster with the melted mallow. Music was softly playing in the front of the van and the fire warmed your shivering forms.
The meal eventually subsided, and all the laughter came to a gradual halt as you all felt sleep creep behind you. Steve held you in his arms, and you were facing your brother. While both of your boys had been asleep, you were still awake. You brushed a stray curl away from Dustin’s face and smiled to yourself, peaceful as can be.
Back on the road and only a few miles away from Suzie’s house. Dustin could barely contain himself as he practically bouncing in his seat, entirely fidgety and restless as the destination came closer and closer. Steve checked out Dustin through the rearview mirror and laughed.
“C’mon, bud,” Steve smiled. “Don’t get all hyper now, we’re almost there,” You smiled at the little comment and lulled your head against the seat, staring out at the barren land before you. Hawkins was filled with trees and yet here in Utah it was deserted and you could feel the heat radiating from outside. It was definitely a lot hotter than Indiana.
Before you knew it, Suzie’s house came into view and Steve parked as excruciatingly slow as possible — obviously to torment Dustin. Before Steve could even drive up to the house, Dustin was already unbuckled and literally ready to hop out of the van.
“Fuck this!” Dustin complained as Steve joked to adjust the parking one more time, and leaped out of the van. He hastily ran up to Suzie’s house and knocked on the door, rocking back and forth on his feet as he waited for the door to open.
“Should we go too?” You asked Steve as he set the van on park, and he nodded in your direction with a grin. You both stepped out of the car and by the time you approached the house, Dustin and Suzie were wrapped up in one another’s arms.
“So she is real,” Steve hummed in amusement — causing you to chuckle and slap him square in his chest.
“Of course she’s real, idiot,” You laughed, rolling your eyes. Dustin and Suzie began with the cute, but cringey nicknames and that alone almost made Steve burst out laughing. You had to cover his mouth and suppress your own laugh too, both you just grinning stupidly at one another before Suzie interrupted you two.
“Hi! You must be Dustin’s sister,” Suzie addressed you first, beaming sweetly at you with her hand extended.
“[Y/N] Henderson,” You grinned as equally bright as her. “It’s a pleasure to meet you finally,” You shook her hand firmly. Suzie returned the gesture, her smile practically never ceasing.
“I’ve heard only good things,” You added on with a little wink, your gaze flickering over to Dustin for a moment.
“I sure hope so,” Suzie giggled, giving her boy a playful glare.
“It’s nice to meet you, Suzie,” Steve then cut in, offering his hand out to the young girl.
“You must be Steve,” Suzie said as she adjusted her glasses for a moment, reaching to shake his hand immediately after. “Dustin talks a lot about you as well,” She mentioned.
“I’ve heard only good things,” Suzie mimicked, smiling in your direction as she said this. You chuckled lightly at the repeat, your cheeks flushing a light red.
“Come in,” Suzie motioned, leading the lot of you inside. Once past the living room, you were met with a gorgeous dining room with plates of food waiting for you all to devour.
“Did you make this?” Dustin asked with a surprised smile. Suzie nodded with a proud grin, quickly asking for your preferred drinks before heading out to the kitchen.
During the lovely lunch, the lot of you were chatting among yourselves — telling embarrassing stories and teasing one another. You told Suzie all about the embarrassing moments of his and he did the same for you, but this was all in good fun. The room was filled with the beautiful sound of absolute bliss.
Suzie asked all about Hawkins and what it was like out there. She was grinning at the prospect of endless miles of trees and having snow fall on your tongue during winter.
Midway through the dinner, you felt Steve’s hand reach for yours under the table. You happily took hold of his hand and gave it a soft squeeze. While you continued to eat and listen about Suzie and Dustin’s adventures during summer camp, Steve stared at you lovingly — and back again toward the children. While you were listening, Steve leaned over and whispered sweetly into your ear.
His comment raised heat to your cheeks and your hold on his hand tightened just a little bit more. You looked at him with a soft gaze, lowly resisting the urge to kiss him right then and there. Dustin picked up on this new exchange and gave a curious look to the pair of you, narrowing his eyes and suspiciously looking to you both.
“What did you tell her?” Dustin asked slowly, assuming that he said something promiscuous or something of the sort. You shook your head and dismissed his question, waving your brother off. Dustin rolled his eyes and picked up from where he left off.
The entire lunch was lovely, and the rest of the entire month was even better. Every moment shared between you four was filled with laughter and smiles, practically emitting the personification of summer and love. Honestly, you didn’t want to go home and miss out on more of this.
Throughout the entire vacation, you couldn’t help but ponder on Steve’s whisper from the first day. They were the words that kept you attached to Utah truthfully. And you entirely believed it was true.
“We’re like a cute little family,”
#steve harrington#steve harrington x reader#steve x reader#stranger things#stranger things imagines#stranger things imagine#steve stranger things
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This is absolutely the cutest omg 🥺♥️
Highschool Sweetheart→p.p.
Parings→Peter Parker x reader
Summary→you write little notes in your yearbook about each person. But what does peters say?
A/n→this was originally a concept post. Someone sent this in and this is the cutest! I forgot who sent it because the person did come off anon so if you’re out there let me know so I can give you the credit for the idea! Update! Their @ is @softstefcn
“Ned we need to do something!” Peters voice cracks as he scoots his desk closer to Ned’s during algebra. Ned perks up and looks at his best friend with a distraught look.
At the end of the year, just about every student bought a yearbook. A large hardcover book with all the high school memories in it. You had one just like everyone else, although you were treating yours differently. You and Betty joked around, you made notes on students you knew. You drew on flashes face, ‘rich brat who is Spider-Man’s fanboy’. Or how you doodled all over brads photo, ‘once a dork, now kinda hot.’ He knew you had to have written one about him.you two were friends and had written one about MJ and Ned, so there was definitely one about him.
He even heard you giggling about it with Betty at lunch the other day.
“What about peter?” She giggled and you look up with wide eyes.
“Our peter?” You asked and Betty nodded as she flipped to a picture of pete.
“Peter Parker...”
Was all he heard before ned rudely interrupted his spying that day and now it hasn’t left his mind.
“What?” Ned looked up and peter looked back over to you.
“(Y/n)’s yearbook. I need it.” He says and ned grows a soft smirk.
“Oh, I see. You wanna write your phone number. That’s cute peter but a little cliché—“ He starts and peter shakes his head.
“No, no, (y/n) and Betty wrote something about me and I wanna know what they wrote.” He looks over and sees you work on the problem. Your lip between your teeth, that meant you didn’t understand yet we’re too scared to ask the teacher for help. He knew your body language very well.
He wanted to know so badly, he wanted to know if you wrote anything about liking him. Or maybe you wrote something about how much you hate him. He needed to know.
“You want to take her yearbook so you can see if they wrote something about you? Of course they did.” Ned says and peter peeks up with a soft smile.
“Do you know what they wrote?” Peter asks and ned shrugs.
“No, but in chemistry I over heard her giggle while she wrote something down and it started with ‘peter Parker...’ that’s all I heard. I don’t know what they wrote but I know they wrote something.” Ned says and peter goes down.
“That’s What I heard at lunch too! Please, I need to know. I wanna ask her out but I don’t know if she likes me.” Peter says and ned rolls his eyes hearing the same conversation as usual when it came to peters little—huge—crush on you.
“Then ask her if she likes you. It’s kinda obvious that she does. That pink skirt you told her she looked good in? She wears that all the time because of you, Betty told me.” Ned says going back to the math problem.
“She does that?” He smiles thinking about you in the pink skirt. “Anyways, I need my hands on that book.” He says and ned puts his paper back in the folder knowing he’s not getting anything done.
“Peter, I get it, you want help from a man who experienced love...” Ned starts and peter furrows his Brows.
“That’s not what I wanted—“
“Just ask to sign her yearbook, I’ll distract her, then when you see what she wrote and I’m sure it’s not terrible. Then ask her on a date to that coffee shop she likes.” Ned gives him advice and peter sees how it’s not that bad.
“Okay, next period in history?” Peter asks and ned nods as the bell rings as if its on cue.
Peter has never been more excited for history. He takes a seat at his desk and taps his foot eagerly waiting for you to waltz on in holding the midtown high yearbook.
There you were, blue sweater and blue jeans, the outfit was simple but peter looked at you like you were the only girl in the world.
“(Y/n)!” Peter smiled as he walked over to your desk.
“Hey pete.” You smile and he looks down at the book.
“Can I sign your—“ He starts but then the last bell rings.
“Parker, take a seat.” The teacher spoke and peter sighed as he made his way back to his desk and sat down in the metal chair. Instead of listening to the teacher he spent his whole lecture looking at you, the way you took notes and the way you would bite your lip when something confused you. He wanted so badly to know what was written in that book about him.
He watched as the worksheet went out as it was now his time to get his hands on that book.
“(Y/n)!” Peter started but quickly brad came in front of him seeming to be wanting the same thing. Peters jaw clenched as he walked over to ned.
“Ned! I need your help!” He whispered and ned looked over to you who seemed a little too friendly with brad.
“Oh right!” Ned smiles as he gets up from his desk and makes his way to start talking to you. Ned inneruped brad and with the sly movement of his hand, he pushed the book over to peter.
Peter signed his name with a small note on the last page before quickly flipping to the ‘pa’ last names.
He skimmed though all of it until he found his awkward year book picture surrounded by hearts.
‘Peter Parker, the prettiest and sweetest boy I know.(also really suspicious)’
was written in black and silver sharpie and it made peters heart flip. You thought he was pretty, wasn’t exactly what he was going for but he looked at other people’s and no one else had Hearts around their pictures and it seemed to be everyone of peters pictures had hearts, you had drew little hearts around the field trip to the stark tower around peters picture.
‘My sweetest pumpkin boy!’ Made peters heart flip as you wrote ‘pumpkin’ as an inside joke from the eighth grade when aunt may made all of you carve pumpkins and peter ended up doing yours to try and show off. That was before he acted weird around people.
Peter grew red and then all of the sudden the last bell rang. You stood up and peter handed you back your yearbook.
“Oh, you signed it?” You asked and he nodded. His beet red face made you nervous, he looked nervous which made you nervous.
“Yep, my signature is under Ned’s.” He smiles akwardly and you nodded.
“Okay...I was wondering if you did the worksheet for math? I need help and you’re the only—“ you start and peter can’t help the word vomit that comes next.
“I think you’re really pretty too!” He squeaks and your mouth falls open and you start to feel embarrassed. He saw what you did to his pictures, like a fifth grade girl, drawing little hearts and love notes around your crush.
You liked peter, a lot, any time you’d try and ask him out he’d get weird and quickly run away. You thought maybe he didn’t like you but he did it to a lot of people. He’d just look down at his phone or look down at his arms that always seemed to have goosebumps even in the hottest weather.
“W-what?” You ask as you start to move out of the classroom.
“You wrote that you thought I was pretty, I think you’re pretty too.” He blushes hard and you smile. You don’t really know what to say, you’ve imagined peter asking you out, hell you’ve dreamed about it every night. But now that it was happening, you feel like you don’t have the right words.
“I—uh...was just playing around!” You grip the book right to your chest. You and peter step off to the side. Peter can’t get his eyes off of you, his eyes locked with yours no matter how hard you try and break eye contact.
“I think you’re pretty, handsome? Whatever. I just didn’t think you liked me.” You tapped your finger nails against the book.
“Why would you think I don’t like you?” He asks and you give him a dumbfounded look.
“Because everytime I try and talk to you alone you run away, it’s kinda rude pete. Actually, it’s really rude—“ something in peter snapped, his heart pounding as he leaned in and pressed a quick peck to your lips.
Your eyes are wide, forgetting what you said before. You felt peter Parker’s lips against yours. The boy you had a crush on sinice middle school kissed you.
“I like—“ He starts but you lean in and kiss him like he did you. Peter let his hands find the side of your arms pulling him closer to you.
“Hey! You two!” Mr. Harrington pointed and you immediately pulled yourself away from peter. “Go home.” He said as if he was tired of catching teens makeout in the hallway.
You have a soft smile on your face as peter is still holding your arms.
“Uhh, you said you needed help with that worksheet from math?” He asked and you laughed s little before letting your hand touch his cheek and then finding His hand and walking down the hall.
“Let’s go, loser.” You smile as you hold peters hand down the hall.
“We should go to your favorite coffee place?” He suggests and you smile knowing that either Betty or Ned told him to tell you that.
“Sure, you can help me and kiss me all you want over a hazelnut latte.”
Perm taglist: @lynnbeaan @actorsdamn @your-daily-dose-of-fangirl @ironspiderguy @mdgrdians ns @dreamymeliorism @roaringgoodshow w @built4broadway @strugglinggryffindorkid @1mychalia1 @grace-sully @didanyonesaybuckybarnes s @embrace-themagic c @thebonanamuffin @thellamalord @flowerchild8341 @cade-james @random-stupid-stuffs @joyfulspider @sad-broken-crayon @mylinkmyrules @carry-on-ms-believer @queenmissfit @skeletalwolfcat @gingerpeachyy @condy-wants-a-cookie @dennythepooh @zon-chan @fandom-fangirl07 @gabriels-gumdrop @whatam3ss @jamaicaa-blakee @thetributethatvolunteered @o-brienwrites @smexylemony @spn-worm @fucking-reddie @stranger-marvel @darlingtholland @sylvirstars @supernatural-strangethings-1980 @pvnk-bivch @spideyyypeter r @lubrielx @authorpocketcow @swoozi224 @abunchofmaraudersfluff f @redridingthroughthehood @sammyskyler2000 @usuallyweepingnacho @tom-hollands-eyelash @capandbuck @delicately-written @emmyfignewton @spidcr-man @laramitk @captianbuckyy @kira-marieee @hazthosterfield @emilyle23 @tomshufflepuff @freakofnature444 @keepingupwiththehollands @ballarinaphan @1-800-chosen-jacobs @screamsss-in-fangirl @peachy-parkers @stevieboyharrington n @peterunderoos96 @ximaginx @vlogsquad-wannabe @im-sorry-it’s-a-secrect-blog @ohh-Anna @im-a-smol-sweet-potato @shawnftjacob
502 notes
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semblance — s.strange
Pairing: Stephen Strange x Reader
Category: disdain to ‘love’, angst? , fluff at the end
Summary: Being an illusionist doesn’t go well by Stephen, but he’s gonna have to put up with it somehow.
Word Count: 4k
Author’s Note: This is best read on the website rather than the mobile app, the app flubs up the formatting of it all
I pretty much said fuck it to the actual canon or realities of the MCU, this is just for fun and not a severe technical piece lmao
I also don’t know if I’ll continue writing for Stephen, but if you want more from me just let me know! I absolutely love him, but I’m not sure if anyone would enjoy my content of him haha
strange master list

“It’s a pleasure,”
You smiled softly at the heroes that had been seated in the common room. Unfortunately, not everyone had been there, but Tony claimed that ‘it was good enough’. Spider-Man, whom you have just learned was known as Peter Parker, fidgeted in his seat as he was tempted to ask you a question.
“What is it, Pete? Spit it out,” Tony cut-in, noticing his fascinated expression and eager posture.
“Can I see one of your illusions?” Peter asked with a bright grin, and your heart melted at the sight of this adorable teen practically lurch in his seat to get a sight of your powers.
“I think it’s best for all of us to see,” Bruce added in. “So we can know what we’re working with,” He clarified a little more, looking among the rest of the group.
Your powers required a short mental preparation whenever you had to mystify numerous people, and unfortunately was a pathetic downside, but you would learn to lessen this with time. You closed your eyes, entering back into the room around you in the palace of your mind. The illusions began the moment you shot yourself back into reality, your eyes shot back open again — hauntingly white.
You kept yourself from doing too much, but you did simply weave a gold throughout the room. You swirled the golden ribbon in the very center, allowing it to explode and scatter among the group. Peter was easily intrigued by this, reaching his hands out to catch gold dust. Rhodey, Steve, and Bruce weren’t insanely impressed quite yet but did look about the golden room in their own forms of awe. The powdery dust certainly felt real against their skin, and the way it twinkled underneath the light seemed realistic as well.
Tony remained stoic, not cracking a tinge of a grin. He knew you could do better, and you felt the pressure leaning on you despite him being silent. While Tony saw your gruesome potential first hand, he understood that you didn’t necessarily want to create a mirage of Peggy walking right through the door or anything of the sort. However, that didn’t mean you couldn’t conjure something up a little more impressive and intense.
You glanced toward one of the corridors in the compound, conjuring for Sam and Clint to walk right in and greet the group before joining. Their mannerisms were near perfection, and every detail down to the pore had been there. Steve would’ve openly approached the pair had he not been prepared for the images you created.
You sharply inhaled, washing away the previous illusion of the two men. Instead, you began pulling the walls down, the lights flickering sporadically and the wall decorum falling and crashing onto the ground. Bruce and Peter stood up, almost out of habit, while Rhodey and Steve held themselves tightly to the couch.
“An illusionist? Really?” The voice broke your concentration and the illusion took a halt, and your gaze shot over to the man who had just entered through the portal. Directly after his comment, a low beam of light emerged from his amulet lit up the space, and the man before you seemed undeniably unimpressed.
The others were still trapped in the vicinity of your illusions and were clueless of the entry of the new individual. For them, the world suddenly paused and they looked to you with confusion as you stood there. You blinked for a moment before breaking the barrier between reality and your augmented creation.
The light whir of the portal caught their attention and immediately had been met with the wizard-looking man. Everyone, aside from you and the other man, felt dizzy from the sudden dismantlement of your illusion.
“Oh … Strange,” Tony said once the false world broke around him, brows furrowed as the sorcerer closed up the portal behind him. He ignored Tony’s greeting and kept his glare affixed on you, and your gaze glued to his.
It was clear as day to anyone that you two already didn’t like each other. For a man who could see through your abilities found you useless, and you found his attitude to be pretentious and egotistical. You both had terrible impressions from one another and you hadn’t even said a word to him yet.
Tony cleared his throat and introduced the two of you to one another. While you were polite, Stephen rolled his eyes and waved your hand away. You frowned at this exchange and retreated your hand away from him, arms now crossed and a glare evident in your eyes.
“That’ll be Doctor Strange to you,” Stephen remarked soon after, tilting his chin up in a haughty manner. You scoffed, obviously offended by his outwardly cocky demeanor.
“If you’re not gonna treat me with respect, then why the hell should I give you the pleasure of a formality?” You retorted, creating an even heavier tension to the room. “Asshole,” You grumbled underneath your breath, earning a menacing glare from the doctor.
You and Stephen kept on bantering back and forth, hurling insults at one another. Your fists were clenched and you were quietly fuming, ears tinted red and eyes narrowed. Stephen kept his composure, but the look in his eyes made it clear that he was aggravated.
Bruce awkwardly glanced over to the other men on the couch, shifting uncomfortably in his seat. Rhodey shrugged before lounging back into the couch, watching you and Stephen duke it out. Peter’s eyes shyly met Tony’s, silently begging for some sort of interference in this. Tony sighed, but nevertheless agreed and began to stroll over to the pair.
“You’re incompetent-”
“Ladies, ladies,” Tony cut in sharply, gliding over and draping his arms around both of your shoulders. “You’re both pretty,” He moved you two toward the direction of the rooms, giving Stephen a firm pat on the back before you the pair of you forward.
“Show her to her room, Stephen,” Tony smiled sourly. Stephen sighed, but complied reluctantly — walking forward and expecting you to trail behind him. Of course, you did. As you and Stephen left, you heard the faint sound of a self-induced smack followed by: ‘Tony! You get them away from each other,’ from Rhodey, then a ‘He doesn’t even live here?’ from an unsure Peter.
‘Eh, they’ll skip the part where they hate each other and get to the part where they’re shirtless,’
Fucking Stark.
You rolled your eyes as you heard this comment, and noticed Stephen uncomfortably tense — making it evident that he obviously heard Tony’s comment. You and Stephen continued to silently stroll to where your vacant room would be, and you took in the architecture around you.
“What’s your problem with me?” You spoke out of nowhere, barely giving a glance to the back of Stephen. He sighed, rolling his eyes at your question.
Without even trying, you made the sorcerer retreat to his narrow-minded roots. Stephen had never met an illusionist before you, and God he didn’t want anything to do with you. He didn’t deny you having potentially strong capabilities, but really all he detected were simple mirages. Stephen really did find Tony Stark to be somewhat incompetent, so who’s to say that he didn’t choose someone incompetent as well?
To him, you were nothing more than a parlor trick.
“Your capabilities are limited, and I honestly don’t understand why Stark had you join us in the first place,” Stephen addressed bluntly, a dark glower to his eyes. “You’re useless,” Your cheeks turn hot, feeling embarrassed by his brutal statement. You knew that you couldn’t contradict him, especially as you hadn't perfected most everything and you were weak.
“How can you determine that when you can’t even see them?”
“Selective seeing,” Stephen responded plainly, motioning to his amulet briefly. “And I didn’t see anything serviceable,”
“Piss off,” You groaned.
You’ve known this man for no more than ten minutes and he already was becoming the bane of your existence. You didn’t want to let him infuriate you, but here you were. His unbridled insults irked you majorly. You both approached the empty room after a few more moments of walking, and you peered inside — a singular floor lamp in the middle of the room.
“Thank you, Strange,” You stated sarcastically, looking back over your shoulder to see the man still there.
“Doctor,” He reminded with a light-hearted scoff.
“Feel free to go now,” You nodded at him with a stoic look, swatting your hand to shoo the sorcerer away. “Not unless you have more verbal assault for me,” You sardonically added in, raising your brows.
“Hm, I’ll save it for another night,” Stephen huffed, staring at you for a little longer before departing. You sighed and walked over to the floor lamp, sitting down next to it and turning on the light. Still somewhat heated, you shut your eyes and began designing your new room.
While you were playing designer, Stephen had walked back to the kitchen — Tony being the only person left now as the others dispersed to saunter about wherever. Stephen approached him, leaning against one of the counters as he gave a disappointed stare at Tony.
“Why have her here?” Stephen groaned, causing a chuckle to come from the other man. “She’s just a simple illusionist-”
“Hey, just ‘cause you have a vendetta doesn’t mean I can’t choose her for this,” Tony hastily responded, quirking a brow at him while he sipped from his cup of coffee. Stephen rolled his eyes, crossing his arms over his chest as he continued to eye Tony.
“I’m already here so why waste the time and effort in training her?” Stephen haughtily questioned.
“You sure are covering up your jealousy,” Tony sarcastically drawled, setting the coffee mug down on the counter. “She has potential and I have faith in her,” He defended, giving Stephen a perfectly serious glare.
“Give her a chance,”
That night ended with Stephen Strange staying at the compound for a short while to play silent mentor and watch you develop in your abilities. Tony and Stephen argued for hours on end, but came to the consensus of you staying as an Avenger if Stephen found you to be up-to-par. Of course, Tony was egotistical enough (and had that much faith in you) to allow this to happen.
You could impress Stephen, and Tony knew damn well you would.
For the next few days you endured general fitness training with Steve, hand-to-hand combat training with Natasha, and a lot of self-studying. With every lesson Stephen would stand among the sidelines to watch you, ensuring that you were doing decently well.
Of course, he threw the occasional insult at you that distracted you in the slightest. Stephen, truthfully, concurred with Tony that you were great with combat and the like. However, you had yet to show improvement in your actual mystical ability.
And what would be the point of being an Avenger if you couldn’t even hone in your arcane skills?
Upon trying to find you, just for a little check, Stephen came upon the library and found you reading to pass out on your books. Your hand pressed against your cheek as you absentmindedly played with your disheveled hair. Your eyes fluttered in attempts to keep yourself awake, but of course, it failed and you ultimately laid your head in your arms. Stephen found this sight rather amusing and approached your resting form.
“You’re not going to improve in anything if you sleep on your books,” Stephen whispered lowly into your ear. You shot up, insanely startled by the cavalier comment, You breathed shakily, meeting eye-to-eye with the sorcerer who awoken you.
“For God’s sake,” You moaned, burying your face into your hands. Stephen let out a slight chuckle at your flabbergasted disposition. You looked to him with upset, but sleepy eyes.
“Come on,” Stephen swiped away your books, closing them firmly. “You’re obviously tired, just go to bed,” He suggested, smugly looking down at your exhausted self.
“You can’t tell me what to do,” You weakly slurred. You pushed away from the desk and stood up, lazily trying to grab at your books. Out of amusement, he held the books high above his head — watching as you knocked your head into his head and groaned, trying to grasp your belongings weakly.
“Fuck this and fuck you, I’m over it,” You eventually grumbled, shoving Stephen away. You slumped away from the library, yawning loudly before wandering back to your room.
A few moments after you departed, Stephen opened up one of your books to its marked page — eyes scanning over the images and words that were upon the page. He smiled to himself, finding the rather vague writings amusing.
While he disdained you, there was no harm in at least making sure you wouldn’t read yourself to death. Stephen began to stride back to his room, holding your books in hand. He decided upon returning them in the morning after doing a little light reading.
Stephen hastily passed by your room, seeing the door wide open and a soft glow coming from within. Curiously, he peered in to see you sleeping peacefully in your room. Around you, there was a gentle glow of blue swirling about your room. Stephen stepped inside for a moment, approaching the origin of the glow. He knelt by your bed, inspecting your hands whilst they surged blue — your veins radiant.
The sorcerer deduced that this was simply an outlet for your abilities, and it was simply expressed during the night. To him, he sensed that your magic was at its strongest despite being so subtle. The energy was powerful, but it was peculiar that it emerged when you were at your most vulnerable. Stephen hummed lowly in amusement, quietly stepping out of the room so as to not awaken you — ready to read up all about your abilities.
“Stephen needs you in the common room,” Natasha mentions as soon as you were done training with Steve. You groaned, but thank her for informing you of this new nuisance. You also thanked Steve only last time before departing from the training room.
Honestly, you were trying to make it to the common room as slowly as possible. You barely remembered your exchange last night with the sorcerer and somewhat assumed that he was only here to mock you.
“You forgot something last night,” Stephen teased the moment that you barely stepped into the vicinity of the common room. You sighed as he waved your books in the air. You sauntered over to where he was lounging on the couch and took back the books, muttering a not-so-gracious thanks. Quickly, you attempted to escape his presence and go about your day with as little of a nuisance as possible.
“Stay here,” Stephen commanded, literally roping you back. The binds weren’t terribly strong, but just enough to pull you back close to him. He spun you around and made you face the smug bastard.
“The amulet isn’t in use,” Stephen pointed out, making a gesture toward said object. “Perform for me,” He haughtily tested, smirking lightly. Without complaint, you sat on the ground and stared up at him with a discrete amount of disgust. You knew that this was part of his numerous testings for you, and you had no room to complain about that portion of it all.
You closed your eyes, and they returned to be blank white as they had before. In the circle of your illusion barrier, you caused the room to darken and allow the floor to disappear into pitch black. You levitated before him and stared him down. You built up never-ending shelves filled with books and sent every single one raining down onto him. Stephen did feel the mirage of heavy books weighing down his shoulders, and slowly got pushed into the couch.
However, much to your chagrin, he kept an unamused expression. He sat right back up, legs crossed and seemingly unaffected by what you threw at him. The moment that you saw his reaction, you began pouring more and more reckless illusions. From changing the setting to the middle of a busy street to posing an enemy to threaten his damn life. Nothing worked, and nothing changed his expression.
As you got more desperate, the illusions began to weaken and crackle under your control. The last illusion you had managed to stutter out was one of a morbid contort of his hands. It was a weak gesture, but that’s all that you needed to really affect the sorcerer. You never saw his expression change, but it certainly did.
Eventually, it all shattered around the pair of you. You were far more affected than Stephen had been, almost entirely collapsing where you sat. Your breath was labored and your whole body was shaking.
Stephen tilted your chin up, seeing blood flow from your nose. Your eyes were still blanketed white, but not as blank as earlier on. You pursed your lips, suppressing your scowl as you slapped his hand away from you. You weakly got up from the floor and left the room without another word, fists balled tightly and frustration flowing out as tears.
During the evening after your exchange with Stephen, you sat in your room and planted yourself firmly in the center. You breathed in deeply and exhaled sharply as you kept your eyes shut. The world around you silenced into nothing as you awoke in your fictional realm.
You birthed life from nothing, lifting trees from the black and giving color to the sky. Green filled underneath your feet and little plants began to sprout from the soil. The span of months and years passed by in seconds, and everything functioned in the same timely manner.
From the distance, you forged an image of Stephen. You approached the mirage, standing face-to-face with the copy. Out of matters of frustration, you made the man sink down to his knees — letting his body contort and become horrifically misshapen. The once tranquil Earth shattered to apocalyptic nothing as you tortured this mirror image of the man you grew to loathe.
You felt blood and tears dripping down your face as you took out all your frustrations. But with your fury came your displenishing of your power. You felt yourself get weak in the knees as you continued to let Stephen get battered and bruised.
Eventually, everything collapsed — as did you. You fell to the ground, exhausted mentally and emotionally. You huffed heavily, trying to lift yourself back to your feet. Each time brought you back to the ground with a thud. You burst out into tears, shaking terribly as you let yourself splay on the floor.
Never before had you ever felt so useless. This horrible doctor made you feel absolutely aggravated and made you feel as if you were the scum of the earth. You wanted to stay in the position that Tony gave you, but if you couldn’t even keep your emotions intact — or your illusions for that matter, then maybe you didn’t deserve to be there.
“[Y/N],” You heard Stephen’s voice whisper from the now-opened doorway. You looked up to him, your face an absolute bloodied and sobbing mess. You tried to stand again, feeling the urge to physically harm him. He made you miserable day-in and day-out. Stephen didn’t deserve any of your kindness.
However, on the contrary, you were deserving of some soft care. Wordlessly, Stephen picked you up from the ground and carried you to your bed. He sat on the edge, hand disappearing through a small portal to grab a washcloth from you.
“Is it your new life mission to make me feel like shit?” You choked out, wheezing slightly from the immense crying you experienced earlier. Stephen shook his head and took the washcloth to your face, gently cleaning off the grime.
“I’m sorry,” Stephen apologized. After your ‘performance’ earlier that day, he could see your potential bursting at the seams. However, he truly was being far too harsh on a woman who was still learning and growing — just as he had did before. You needed the tough treatment, but he held his expectations unrealistically high. He was blinded by ego and pettiness, and that obviously affected you as well.
Stephen was being painfully close-minded, and your reaction to your own collapse proved that. Just his silent resentment made you frustrated and crumble, and it sent you through numerous forms of pain. Truly, he felt entirely awful for being the center of your agony.
It was difficult for him to apologize, but he knew it was needed. And so he swallowed his pride.
“That’s all you have to fucking say?” You moaned, grabbing him by the collar and lifting yourself up from the bed. Your fingers curled tightly around the fabric, crying just a bit more as you suppressed the urge to slap him then and there.
“I’m being too harsh on you,” Stephen admitted, continuing to clean off your face despite your tight grip. “You’re powerful beyond belief, and I recognized that long ago,” He admitted, curling your hair behind your ear.
“You’ll hate me still, and I can’t blame you for that,” Stephen added on, drawing the bloodied cloth away from you. “I want to apologize for being so terrible, you don’t deserve any of it,” He softly said, folding up the cloth and gently placing it on the ground. All the while, he kept his gaze affixed to you.
“You’re more than being ‘good enough’ for the Avengers,” Stephen complimented, causing you to smile small to yourself. You intertwined your own fingers together, twiddling your thumbs as you avoided his eyes. “You no longer have to prove yourself, especially to me,” Stephen said, daintily placing a single hand over both of yours.
“I’m still going to hate you,” You muttered, now gaining the smallest ounce of confidence to look the man in the eyes. “But, I thank you for the apology,” You sheepishly added, sending him a weak smile.
“I can tell it took a lot,” You jested.
“Yes, it … it did,” Stephen lightly chuckled. The moment remained silent between you two, and you could tell that he had another pressing comment that he wanted to utter.
“Spit it out,” You lowly commanded.
“I’ve seen you with everyone else, and you’re clever enough to really let them crumble. Except with me,” Stephen paused. You wanted to roll your eyes, but you kept your reactions to a halt as you knew he was trying to be sentimental in a way.
“You were able to get into their head simply, and you did the same to me,” Stephen claimed. “It just took a little longer,” He extended his hands out to you, showing off the backs of them. You noticed how they quivered and how soft his voice became as you stared at them intensely.
“You created the illusion of contorting my hands,” Stephen recalled, drawing away after the mention. Truthfully, that last illusion was a final act of desperation. You didn’t want to invade his insecurities and fears, but you did — and it absolutely impressed and shocked the man. His gaze affixed on you tightly once again, and bid you to bed with a final exchange of words that you held onto.
“There’s ultimate power in what’s subtle and controlled. And you managed to do that and defy it,”
#stephen strange#stephen strange x reader#doctor strange#doctor strange x reader#stephen strange imagine#doctor strange imagine
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rooftop sights — p.parker
Pairing: Peter Parker x Reader
Category: fluff
Summary: Spider-Man accidentally finds you on the balcony, and offers you a break from the stressors of school work for the rest of the evening
Word Count: 1.5k
Author’s Note: This is best read on the website rather than the mobile app, the app flubs up the formatting of it all
For any of my Peter Parker lovers, I’ll be starting up a series for him pretty soon :)
parker master list

“God, I need a break,”
You murmured to yourself before pushing away from your desk — taking a much-needed break from the tolling essays. A sigh passed by your lips as you swung the door upon and stepped upon the balcony. The fresh air felt nice during the middle of the night, the light breeze passing through your hair and kissing your warm skin. It was cold, yes, but a lovely break from being all cooped up and hot in your apartment.
You hugged your arms and leaned forward against the railing, smiling at the blessed view you had every night. Living lavishly in New York and having the sight of the wide city was eternally gorgeous from such a high apartment view.
However, your moment to yourself was suddenly interrupted as a spiderweb attaching to the very top of the building. You were startled out of your wits and yelped, jumping back as you saw the red-and-blue-clad hero hop onto the ledge of your apartment.
“Oh my God, ma’am I’m so sorry!” Spider-Man hastily apologized, mask eyes wide. “I didn’t mean to interrupt you, or startle you,” He added on, smiling sheepishly underneath the mask.
“No, no it’s okay,” You ensured sweetly, standing straight and eyeing him down for just a moment. Spider-Man felt a little flustered, not only due to the fact that he totally frightened you, but his luck led him to cross paths with this cute girl.
“So, Spider-Man, what brings you here?” You asked suspiciously, brows furrowed and a smile loose on your lips. His hand rose to his neck, rubbing the nape as he sheepishly glanced down at the city streets down below.
“Just ... doing some patrolling, and this is one of the highest buildings,” Spider-Man explained simply, shifting positions as he sat upon the ledge.
“I probably shouldn’t keep you here too long, especially since you’re doing your job,” You glanced back to your laptop for a moment before turning back to him. “And I’ve got an essay to write for science so-”
“I mean, I’m pretty much not doing anything. It’s almost four in the morning and I’m sure the city will be fine without me for a bit,” Spider-Man joked, glancing up at the roof before returning his gaze to you. A blazing thought ran through his head, and he smirked to himself. He extended his hand out to you, eyes on his mask perking up a bit to indicate that he was smiling in some manner.
Live a little.
“Wanna take a break from the work and join me?”
“Fuck, God yes,” You laughed, taking hold of his hand eagerly. For two strangers, this was quite the audacious move to make. But then again, Spider-Man was bold when Peter Parker was not. Tonight, he was gonna let loose and talk up the cute girl that obviously needed the break.
Spider-Man wrapped an arm around your waist and flung the both of you onto the very top of the building — well, way above the building. You gasped sharply once you both were high above the city, your eyes catching a quick glimpse of New York once again. Everything around you felt slowdown as light filled your sights, and the warmth of Spider-Man while he held you tight.
“Wow,” You murmured the moment you both landed on the flat top of the building. You sighed in content, slowly slipping away from Spider-Man’s grasp. You slowly stepped onto the edge of the building and sat down, hands gripping. Despite this sight being your normal, every night view, it felt so different seeing it from what felt like the top of the world.
“Why is this cooler?” You murmur to yourself sarcastically, chuckling quietly underneath your breath.
“It’s ‘cause you’re with me,” Spider-Man jokingly responded, sitting next to you with a cheeky grin on his face. You rolled your eyes and elbowed the superhero lightly on the side.
“It’s Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man, not Amazing Spider-Man,” You jested, causing the mentioned hero to snort.
As the night sang on, you two were caught up in the silliness of your exchanging stories of normalcy and heroism. In just the short hour that you’ve spoken to him, you’ve felt so at ease and the impending weight of your essay to be due in two days fell off your shoulders. This practical stranger made you feel relaxed, and you were somewhat upset that very soon this sweet moment of bliss would never occur again.
You glanced down at the time on your phone, realizing that it was almost around the time that you would get up and begin getting ready for school. Spider-Man noticed you disappointedly looking at the time before returning your gaze to him. You stood up along the edge, glancing down at the blazing city lights and then up toward the slowly rising sun.
“I guess this is where we part ways,” You hummed sadly, but before you could leave, Spider-Man’s hand grabbed yours. You looked back at him with a concerned curiosity, your brows furrowed and a smile hinted on your lips.
“Hey, let’s do one more thing,” He suggested slowly, a shy smile creeping on his face. “It’ll be on me for keeping you up,” Spider-Man carefully slipped his arm around your waist.
“Hold on tight,” He warned, and you instantly wrapped your arms and legs around his body. Spider-Man shot out a web and immediately began swinging throughout the city. You gasped, fear suddenly overcoming you — your face buried in his chest and you practically squeezing the poor boy from fright alone.
“You’re safe with me,” Spider-Man reminded as he continued to fling the two of you around the city. Almost as quickly as you left, you found yourself safely on the concrete and your world was spinning.
“Woah,” You breathily said, stumbling back into Spider-Man’s arms as he held you straight — letting you get over the dizzy spell. You looked up to him while he still clutched you, an exasperated smile on your face.
“How the hell do you do that every day?” You sigh, still buzzing from the thrill and fear of the whole experience. Spider-Man laughs and smooths out your hair, giving a small shrug of his shoulders.
“Just takes a leap of faith,” He smiles sheepishly, slowly slipping his arm from around you out of courtesy. You laughed and shook your head at his little comment, and quickly you walked into Delmars for some sandwiches and coffee.
“Ah, Spider-Man,” Mr. Delmar said with a pleased smile. The closer you two approached the front, he noticed your presence as well.
“Good morning to you too, Miss,” Mr. Delmar politely greeted, and you gave him a pleasant smile and wave. In what was quite literally a less-than-a-minute exchange, Spider-Man ordered two ‘usuals’ for the pair of you and two coffees as well. While waiting around for the coffees to be finished up, he leaned against the closest wall while you stood a few inches away from him. The two of you just continued chatting, picking up the conversation from earlier.
“Your breakfast,” Mr. Delmar called out, and Spider-Man took the initiative to grab the food and drinks. You both thanked him and slowly departed from the store. Not even a few feet outside you both tried to figure out the whole ordeal with trying to swing and hold the food and drinks securely.
“I can just wrap one arm around your neck?”
“Wow, getting bold now?” He teased, making you flush in a meek embarrassment. However, he did take up your suggestion and held you carefully — bag of sandwiches around the arm that held you while you balanced the drinks against both of your chests strangely.
“We’re never ordering drinks with food again,” You murmured to yourself. Spider-Man laughed at this and flung the two of you over to where your apartment was located. You sheepishly pressed the bottom half of your face against his shoulder and took a peek at the city from your position. New York was never quiet and always busy, but the city seemed to be at ease despite every passing car disappearing in the blink of an eye.
You two eventually returned to your balcony and directly sat in front of the glass doors. You noticed Spider-Man lift up the bottom half of his mask, and you curiously looked at him. His skin was pale and smooth, practically immaculate — it almost felt illegal to see such a faint part of the anonymous hero.
The pair of you continued chatting away the next thirty minutes, indulging in the delicious sandwiches and sweet coffee. At some point through the light meal, you found yourself leaning against Spider-Man’s body — your head leaning on his shoulder.
“Thank you for the food, and spending time with me,” You murmured to him once you both finished your meals. He smiled, and God what a nice grin it was. “I really needed that,” You hummed, standing up slowly to stretch. You extended your hand out to him and helped him off the ground, pulling him ever so subtly toward you. You gently left a kiss on the soft patch of skin next to his lips, causing the hero to blush deeply underneath the rest of the mask.
“I hope we could do this again,”
#spiderman fanfiction#spiderman imagine#spiderman x reader#peter parker#peter parker x reader#peter parker imagine#peter parker imagines
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