eurosurveillance · 4 years
Resuming field investigations
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Starting the 01st of June 2020, we have resumed field investigations across Romania; we are still awaiting for the border access, so we can resume international investigations in countries we serve on a regular basis: Bulgaria, Hungary, Austria, Czech Rep, Republic of Modova and Slovakia. We are accepting projects for these countries, as we strongly believe the relaxation at border crossing will occur around or on the 15th of June. We are restarting our engines for field investigations, withheld for 3 months due to the pandemics. Read the full article
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eurosurveillance · 5 years
Is your business partner compliant ?
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Entering in business negotiations with a Romanian company? Do you wish to continue or expand your collaboration with a commercial entity in Romania? Let us check the facts for you, for modifications of a company profile does happen in very short time, and not all changes are for the better of the future or existing collaboration. For instance, is your partner compliant? Is he operating under the radar for some reasons unknown to you? is the principal or the owner/s or even the administrator on scrutiny for shady financial or commercial practices? Do contact us for a full due diligence or business verification of your future or existing partner in Romania. Read the full article
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eurosurveillance · 5 years
Employment verifications Romania
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Hiring in Romania? Do you have a company in Romania and you need a background check run for your new employees? Or perhaps you need to screen you management level staff? Look no further, contact Eurosurveillance Romania for a professional job on background checks. Contact us today for quote and assessment. Read the full article
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eurosurveillance · 5 years
Is your product sold without approval in Romania?
Is your product sold without approval in Romania?
Is your product or brand present in Romania and is sold without your consent? Look no further, we can assist you in proving and pursuing this infringement upon your intellectual property right and operations.
Contact us for such a project in Romania.
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eurosurveillance · 5 years
Claim research Romania
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We undertake and conduct claim investigations in Romania and Republic of Moldova, Hungary and Bulgaria. Specialized in travel and medical claims, foreign deaths, accident and other motor vehicle-related incidents. Contact us for more information. Read the full article
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eurosurveillance · 5 years
Investigatii proprietate intelectuala
Desfasuram investigatii asupra dreptului de proprietate intelectuala in Romania, incluzand (dar nu numai):
posibila incalcare a copyright-ului
incalcarea unicitatii brandului, a marcii sau a caracteristicilor unui produs sau serviciu
obtinerea de mostre pentru clarificarea unei posibile situatii de mai sus
Contactati’ne in timp util.
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eurosurveillance · 5 years
Counterfeit auto parts
Some time ago, a vehicle burned to the ground following a fire which allegedly appeared inside the cockpit, under the dash board. Fortunately the driver and his family managed to get out of the vehicle before worse can happen.
A couple of weeks later, a police report was issued concerning this incident. The report clearly stated that the last repair job the vehicle undertaken (with only a couple…
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eurosurveillance · 5 years
Mystery visitor in Romania
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We undertake and conduct research of mystery visitor type in Romania, mainly for leisure and HoReCa facilities and premises, but not limited to these. We are able and staffed to run this sort of research, on behalf of clients with business interests in Romania, but also in Republic of Moldova, Bulgaria, Hungary and Ukraine. If you are interested in this type of service (mystery visitor in Romania), do not hesitate to drop us a line, for a free of charge assessment and quotation of the service required. Read the full article
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eurosurveillance · 5 years
Romania service of process
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We undertake orders of service of process for Romania, in all major cities and also for remote rural areas. All services are run as per the Hague Convention. Action is followed by our statement of service, supported (if need be) by various proof of delivery. We also conduct services of "cease and desist", on behalf of trademark / brand owners or of their legal representatives, in relation to intellectual property infringements. Contact us today for a free of charge assessment of your such project. Read the full article
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eurosurveillance · 5 years
GDPR to be observed
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Looks like the new challenge in this profession is to acquire the talent to interpret and learn as much as possible from the DPA / GDPR act 2018. Eurosurveillance CI Romania is well prepared and knowledgeable in this respect! https://www.dailymail.co.uk/money/pensions/article-6848427/How-husband-aged-80s-vanished.html Read the full article
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eurosurveillance · 5 years
Intellectual property protection in Romania
Intellectual property protection in Romania
We investigate intellectual property infringements in Romania and provide legal and tactical methods to safeguard brands and protect against counterfeiting in Romania, gray market diversion and misappropriation by former employees, business associates and third parties.
Our portfolio of brand protection and intellectual property protection is mainly based on the following products:
Vehicle spare…
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eurosurveillance · 5 years
Commercial investigations in Romania
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When conducting commercial investigations in Romania, we dig deep to unearth any and all details during a commercial investigation in Romania. Be these past associates, former administrators, capital changes, board notes, meeting minutes, past or current business associations, old partners, financial history, credits and debits, insolvency orders...all of these and more can be found in our extensive reports when we are contracted for commercial investigations in Romania. We are doing this in a court-safe manner, and it is our duty to inform you now that all our data is collected legally and observing the utmost confidentiality. For more information on what we can do for you or to discuss a business investigation in Romania, please send us  a request for our brochure or ask for our sample report; these are free of charge and does not imply any agreements. Read the full article
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eurosurveillance · 6 years
Your Romanian branch doing bad ?
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So you have expanded your business and established a local branch in Romania; this was a good move, you get fresh markets and such, your business is benefiting from all the good things this action brings. Congrats! However, you notice that your branch starts to limp, whereas in the recent past, the entity was doing all right. And you think "right, erm, this is Romania, things are different, it takes time to adjust to the local flavor of doing things". This is the sort of thinking most of businesses in this situation would do. Is this really so? A great many times, we have been instructed by clients to have a deeper look into the "limping" of Western businesses with branches opened in Romania. And also a great many times, these branches were found to be marred by that "local flavor", getting bad results because of the endemic corruption existent. Due to the (mostly) unchecked bad business practices, all it takes is a bad apple in your organization's basket and all goes south in a very short period of time. By the time the company-mother fully realizes the damage, it is usually too late and the measures needed to cure this corruption pest are hurting the business even more, often to the point of closing the branch altogether. So much for your dreams of expansion. Get in touch with us; we have been doing this since 1991, and we know how to help you in such cases. Read the full article
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eurosurveillance · 6 years
Your Romanian branch doing bad ?
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So you have expanded your business and established a local branch in Romania; this was a good move, you get fresh markets and such, your business is benefiting from all the good things this action brings. Congrats! However, you notice that your branch starts to limp, whereas in the recent past, the entity was doing all right. And you think "right, erm, this is Romania, things are different, it takes time to adjust to the local flavor of doing things". This is the sort of thinking most of businesses in this situation would do. Is this really so? A great many times, we have been instructed by clients to have a deeper look into the "limping" of Western businesses with branches opened in Romania. And also a great many times, these branches were found to be marred by that "local flavor", getting bad results because of the endemic corruption existent. Due to the (mostly) unchecked bad business practices, all it takes is a bad apple in your organization's basket and all goes south in a very short period of time. By the time the company-mother fully realizes the damage, it is usually too late and the measures needed to cure this corruption pest are hurting the business even more, often to the point of closing the branch altogether. So much for your dreams of expansion. Get in touch with us; we have been doing this since 1991, and we know how to help you in such cases. Read the full article
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eurosurveillance · 6 years
Power tools counterfeit
When you purchase fake power tools, this is what happens:
your money are channeled towards funding that worldwide industry of fakes, fooling other honest people out of their hard earned cash
you subject yourself to the danger of getting hurt, maimed, even killed by one of these fake tools, built mainly NOT with your safety in mind
your endanger others who work around you, and risk the insurance…
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eurosurveillance · 6 years
Sick leave verification
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Do you find that your employees are not showing up for work, due to a sudden sick leave, on a more frequent basis during the summer and during the holiday seasons? You may onto something here. It is true and it goes without saying that employees need equitable sick leave programs for security and overall high performance. Yet, some organizations suffer from sick leave abuse, and sick leave abuse translates into business loss and failure to meet that department targets. Not to mention the disruption of the productive environment, burdening the others with supplementing their tasks with those of the employee who is on sick leave. Many work issues may result from repeated sick leave abuse and misuse. It is obviously virtually impossible to list or identify every single potential offense. Therefore, adjust and hone your policies, so to retain the flexibility to deal with employee situations individually should the need arise. We can help you, within the legal boundaries, to ascertain if a sick leave pattern is something fraudulent; we do this in a confidential environment, and mandatory extra care is taken to observe the utmost factor of this action - legality. Contact us today, for a free of charge assessment of a sick leave verification needs, and do ask us for our information pack and various levels and costs. Read the full article
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eurosurveillance · 6 years
Counterfeit toner Romania
We have been conducting investigations to uncover and pursue sale and distribution of counterfeit toner cartridges in Romania and the Republic of Moldova, since 1991. However, in the last years, our focus has become more and more sharp onto the distribution networks and storage facilities in Romania. Our extensive experience as HP counterfeit expert comes in handy, as Mr. Julian Tanase was the…
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