eurie--kara · 1 year
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eurie--kara · 5 years
Sorry to whoever I stole this gif from.. but could we all take a moment to look at how Aziraphale stares at Crowley after Crowley turns his head away.. like Aziraphale is so consumed gazing at Crowley that he’s completely unaware of the nun
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eurie--kara · 5 years
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eurie--kara · 5 years
Aziraphale: *Holds up a fancy-looking bottle* "Is this whiskey or perfume?"
Crowley: *grabs the bottle and drinks all of it*
Crowley: "It's perfume."
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eurie--kara · 5 years
a ranking of crowley hair
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1. eden, 4004 bc. it’s okay. he’s getting the hang of hair. not entirely sure what he wants to do with it yet. fun curls, kinda snakey. not bad, necessarily, but not quite there yet. 7/10
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2. mesopotamia, 3004 bc. better! just look at those braids! still waiting for people to invent mirrors, i guess, or maybe just putting the braids wherever he feels like it when he’s bored. either way, it’s a good gay look. 9/10
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3. golgotha, 22 ad. again, not much has changed. no more visible braids, but the hood! he’s adding to the drama! you really can’t go wrong with hood and long hair drama. 8/10
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4. rome, 41 ad. NOW things are getting shaken up. gay and impulsively cut all his hair off. but it’s not good! please stop. extra points for the fun little crown. 2/10
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5. the kingdom of wessex, 537 ad. no visible hair. 1/10 for helmet
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6. the globe theatre, 1601. the hair? not bad. flowy. has good volume, good waves. the beard? noooooo. 4/10
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7. paris, 1793. STOP. just STOP. mr crowley sir go back to your room and redo your hair this minute. 0/10
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8. st. james’s park, 1862. he gets points for the top hat. and those sunglasses? iconic. but he gets minus so many points for the sideburns. 3/10
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9. london, 1941. good hat, though it covers his hair, making it hard to judge. likely it’s just short and slicked back. not bad, but boring. 5/10
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10. soho, 1967. i will admit, the more i look at it, the more this one looks kinda cute in a lesbian way. or maybe it’s the pathos of “you go too fast for me” he has to deal with that’s getting to me. whatever the case, 1967 crowley hair is doing okay. 7/10
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11. demon disco dancing, 1970s. ahhhhhh. someone please make him shave. extra pity point for his dancing. 2/10
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12. london, 2007. good, good, much improved. cute and ready to party. 9/10
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13. nanny, 2012. he’s obviously putting in some real effort here. he knows what he thinks nannies should look like and he’s going hard for it. unfortunately what he thinks is a good nanny look is not entirely flattering on him, but he’s trying. 6/10 for effort
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14. not nanny, 2012. okay now THIS. THIS is the pinnacle of crowley hair. just LOOK at that little half bun barely constrained by the hair tie. it’s cute! it’s fun! it’s flirty! peak hairstyle for trying to tempt your boyfriend into running his fingers through to pull it out of its confines.100/10
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15. present day. well, he looks like david tennant. i mean he is david tennant, and this is david tennant’s actual hair, but there’s just something about this sort of sticky uppy hairstyle that is inextricable from doctor who for me. still, obviously it isn’t a bad look for him. 8/10
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16. this one’s just sad and gay. 10/10 for somebody to love
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eurie--kara · 5 years
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puppy Aziraphale
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eurie--kara · 6 years
[GBF] The four knights of "GBF" speak their thoughts around the table! A limited-time character interview for Golden Week!
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From the social game “Granblue Fantasy” by Cygames. In PASH!2018 January Volume 1, we have conducted an interview with the “four knights” who are currently working in various places to relieve the crisis of the fallen land.
To shed the light on their respective personalities, we have gotten these comrades who know each other well to talk around the table, and we are publishing this  special PASH!PLUS interview during Golden Week, from April 30 to May 6, for one week only! To those who missed it, by all means so check it out during that time♪
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eurie--kara · 6 years
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eurie--kara · 6 years
“Hey,” Levi hears, a sound familiar, so familiar, that he’s stunned for a second. He turns, his heartbeat an increasing bump, bump against his chest as he sees a figure he thought he’d never lay eyes on again.
“Erwin,” he mouths. There’s barely enough breath in him to make the sound of an outline of that name. He can’t feel it, the way he’s shaking; he just feels heavy, so damn heavy, because he should be walking - running - over there right now, but he isn’t. His legs might as well be stuck under a boulder, because fuck, why can’t he fucking move?
Erwin makes his way over and Levi wants to hit him for taking his damn time. Isn’t he just as anxious? Doesn’t he know what Levi’s been trying to hide ever since - ever since…
“Hey,” Erwin says again, voice so soft in this space between them. He cups Levi’s cheek and weaves his fingers loosely into the strands of Levi’s hair, brushing his thumb across the bags of Levi’s eyes. His own are in a gentle smile as he looks down at his small yet staunchly fierce corporal. “It’s been a while.”
Levi has missed the callused skin against his own, and unknowingly tilts his head into that palm as his eyes never leave the sight of Erwin. “Do you know,” he utters, chest tight, “how much fucking work you have left?”
That’s not what he wants to say.
But that’s what he can only say.
The gentle smile never leaves Erwin’s face, but a greater tinge of regret seeps into the shadows of this expression. “I’m sor-”
“Don’t you dare say you’re sorry!” Levi interjects, the emotions welling inside of him surging forth. He slaps Erwin’s hand away and immediately feels the loss. He can’t speak yet, not when his throat feels so shaky, and steps closer to Erwin. “Don’t tell me you’re sorry,” Levi says again, this time much more subdued. He really wants to look away, wants to hide the expression in his eyes, but he doesn’t know how long he has left with Erwin and he can’t afford to lose any more time with him.
The softness in Erwin’s eyes take on more of an apologetic shape, and Levi slams himself into him, arms wrapping around Erwin tightly as his fingers claw wrinkles into Erwin’s shirt. The only thing Levi can hear is the sound of his blood pumping through the veins in his ear.
“Hold me,” he says, voice curt, and finally feels Erwin’s arms around him. It’s been so long, that Levi is overwhelmed.
There’s a laugh in Erwin’s voice when he jokes, “I always knew you were aggressive, but not in this way.”
“Shut up,” Levi says, muffled.
He relaxes into Erwin, with the way he brushes through the ends of Levi’s hair at the nape of his neck.
“Levi,” he hears. He hums in response, until Erwin gently pulls him away and he’s feeling miffed, but Erwin looks him in the eye and says, “Thank you,” and, “I’m sorry.”
Levi is about to reprimand him again, but Erwin cuts him off by taking his breath, pressing their mouths together and kissing him the way he always did when he thought Levi was focusing on a topic that could be left for another time - by brushing his tongue inside and absolutely stealing all of Levi’s senses. He pulls Levi close and Levi drops the rest of his thoughts because he’s missed this, missed the way Erwin bites Levi’s lips when they kiss sometimes, the way Erwin’s palm splays perfectly on the small of Levi’s back, the way his mind goes completely blank at Erwin’s command.
It’s not enough for Levi when Erwin pulls away, and he tries to pull him back in after he regains some air. Erwin’s eyes hold a kind of shame that Levi immediately feels a sinking in his stomach. Before he can reach out, Erwin brushes his cheek again, gently, and says, “I -”
Levi’s eyes open to the fog of dark blue that veils everything at the hours that aren’t quite night, yet not quite morning. His body feels terribly heavy, and he’s trying to catch his breath as if he just broke through the water while drowning.
There’s a knock on his door, and the flickering of a candle as it creaks open.
“You up? It’s time to get ready,” Hanji says, mellow for once because they know what’s been plaguing Levi at night from time to time, and probably judging from Levi’s face right now, they can guess what he just saw.
“Yeah,” Levi says, somber, as he throws the covers off him. He takes a minute, holding his face in his hand, propped on his thigh. “I’ll be right out.”
He just wishes that he could hear the end to Erwin’s sentence, every single time.
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eurie--kara · 7 years
Friendly reminder....
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That’s it.  That’s the post. 
Just wanted to remind you what Levi’s miserable face looks like. Because we haven’t seen it for three fucking months. 
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eurie--kara · 7 years
Lostcauses Fic: The Commander’s House
Yeah.  Still not over it.  Sorry.  
(Any similarity between Levi Ackerman and Emma Hamilton is entirely coincidental.) 
It doesn’t get any easier.  The pain doesn’t dull.  It’s as sharp and bright as it was four years ago in Shiganshina.  It’s just buried deeper.  Carved into his bones, woven into his sinews, twined around his heart, his lungs. Some days it feels like it’s strangling him, suffocating him from the inside out.  Other days Levi knows it’s the only thing holding him together.
But he keeps on going.  He does his job, leads reconnaissance missions beyond the walls, accompanies the surveyors and cartographers as they map every inch of the island.  Strange to think that all this time they have been on an island, and that out there, across the ocean, is a world vast beyond their comprehension. He wonders what Erwin would have made of it all.
There are settlements outside the walls now; farms and villages, homesteads dotted along the rivers and valleys, straggling along the coast.  But Levi always returns to the walls. To Shiganshina.  
He buys the house.  The one where they laid Erwin to rest.  Repairs it with his own hands.  Hanji had it cleared out, burning every last stick of furniture when they removed the body. His body.  When they took Erwin away.  “We can’t risk spreading disease, Levi.”  He knew that of course, he’s not a fucking idiot. Growing up in the Underground, he saw first hand how quickly disease could spread. But he saves the bottle from beside the bed, washes it carefully, and every time he visits, he fills it with fresh flowers.
People call it The Commander’s House now and the local children whisper that it’s haunted. It is, but only by Levi.  He inhabits the house like a restless spirit.  He doesn’t really live there.  He doesn’t really live anywhere. He just exists.  
Levi moves some of Erwin’s belongings into the house; his books, personal papers, a few clothes.  He claims a worn uniform and weathered cloak, the threadbare shirt with the ink stain on the sleeve, old boots, worn and scuffed by wear.  They hang in the wardrobe in the bright upper room now.  Erwin’s dress uniform, the one with the gold braid and the sleeve pinned back, is in the museum at the cenotaph.  Levi tries not to think about tearing open the buttons of that uniform, tries not to picture it lying in a crumpled heap of gilt and braid on the floor beside the bed, tries not to feel the weight of his Commander, lying hot and heavy on top of him, slick with sweat and consumed with desire.
Levi, fuck…Levi…
Sometimes Levi sits in the room at the top of the house and reads or just listens to the sounds from the street below; children playing, a dog barking, the notes of a blackbird singing somewhere.  But if he closes his eyes he can still smell the blood and the ash and the entrails.  Still feel the titan blood evaporating from his skin.  Still hear the words “teacher…how…find out…don’t exist?” more real than the sounds of laughter filtering in through the window.  That was Levi’s world, not this one.
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eurie--kara · 7 years
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Part of me is very fascinated with the idea of mmo rping that’s this complex/multi-layered and the other part of me is concerned that this person dedicated the time to do something this Fucked Up
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eurie--kara · 7 years
odd q (maybe), but what do u think r hange's key chapters? like. chapters for u that u believe show / have significant chara development for them? i dont feel like doing a full re read but i love them sm
The Essential Hange Zoe Reading Guide
This is the exact opposite of odd! This is my favorite sort of thing. I happily present to you my personal version of the Essential Hange Zoe Reading Guide  - complete with supplementary meta :)
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Why it’s important: Hange’s mind and methodology are on full display, but what I most appreciate is on page 22 where we learn that Hange’s early motivation was anger and hatred. They were able to take those emotions and transform them into something useful - a quest for a answers.
In chapter 34 we get our first glimpse of that anger as Hange is dangling Nick off the wall. You don’t need to read that chapter, but please look at this meta by @snkception. It’s one of the very best.
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Why it’s important: This was our first look at Hange on the battlefield and we see them in control of not one, but four squads in a coordinated attack. Hange is making decisions, delegating responsibilities, ordering movements, and caring for the injured. It’s a beautiful thing. Long before Hange became commander, this chapter inspired confidence that Erwin’s choice of successor was the best one.
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Why it’s important: We see just how terrifying Hange Zoe can be. When Hange is intent on scientific discoveries, they can display a ruthless disregard for humanity.  In this chapter, Hange momentarily considers letting Eren completely fuse with his titan body just to see what would happen. They excitedly asked Moblit to sketch Eren’s bloodied and torn face. It’s one of the many times Hange needed someone to stop them before they went to far. 
If you want to read more about this, I’ve written extensively on the topic.
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For those of us who love Hange, this chapter was a chance to see beneath the mask they often hide behind. While Hange starts out firmly in control of their emotions, as the ordeal goes on, we see them start to slip. This was Hange at their most raw and brutal and hurt. Hange, who spent years learning to overcome hatred is torturing a human being because the situation demanded it.  Meta here
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Why it’s important: While Erwin is tasked with swaying the military to his side, Hange has the more difficult assignment of swaying the hearts and minds of the people. With some brute force, a few threats, and a full on stage performance, Hange (and Moblit) help the common people overcome their feelings of terror and helplessness to stand against the government that lied to and oppressed them for so long. 
For the big payoff, you need to flip over to the final pages of chapter 61. Meta here.
Without exerting any special brain power, I can think of a dozen smaller moments that are equally important, moments that also speak to Hange’s depth, intelligence and humanity, but I since you asked for chapters, these are my choices. Happy reading!!!
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eurie--kara · 7 years
Do you ever...
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…wake up some mornings and just wonder how this fucker has kept on going day after day, for four fucking years?  Because I do. 
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eurie--kara · 7 years
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You can fight like Yeager, fly like Ackerman but you’ll never be better than Commander Erwin
Mass Effect AU with Shepard!Erwin, the legendary commander and Jack!Levi, the psychotic biotic. Krogan warrior Mike, Asari huntress Nana and Salarian scientist Hange are implied.
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eurie--kara · 7 years
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eurie--kara · 7 years
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