eumanalo09 · 4 years
High school life is the most challenging part of our journey. When you started high school, you learn new things. We made friends and memories. Memories that money can't buy. Learn how to treasure things. Learn to be contented on what you have, but never stop achieving for more
I believe that experience is one of the best teachers in life. Every experience has its lessons. Lessons that you can apply in the future. Making our decisions in life will define our future. Therefore, be careful about decision making because each decision that we make is irreversible. Sometimes we made mistakes, but it doesn't mean that you're a failure. Always believe in yourself. Always trust yourself because you can do anything if you trust yourself. Learn how to be a strong and independent person, because in the end you only have yourself. Aside from loving your family and friends, always remember that love yourself first. How can anybody learn how to love you if you can't love yourself?
Life is a butterfly. it is beautiful. A butterfly can't see how beautiful he/she is, because it cannot see its wings. You cannot see how beautiful a butterfly is unless you take a closer look. Just like in life sometimes we don't realize how wonderful our life is. Because we only see what others have.
As we grow up, we experience different situations. Sometimes those situations make us feel pain and sadness. Sometimes we cannot move on. But you know? there's only one thing that you need to move on to, and that is acceptance. Accepting what happened will bring peace to our minds.
By: Parane
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eumanalo09 · 4 years
The Magic of Practice
( Eu Manalo )
At first, I don’t think I can. A lot of negative thoughts were crossing on my mind. Should I join or not? Am I worth it to be in their team? Facing the wall in our classroom back then thinking again and again. Looking blanky on other people because I’m still confused. I’ve been longing to be in a group where I can improve and show my skill but unfortunately I don’t have the courage and determination. Seeing me in person or if you know me, I may look like that I’m always confident but I’m actually the opposite. It came the day that I realized I should stop thinking and just go for it because I believed that you should try something once in your life.
Months of trainings were done to fully improve our skills in writing. I once was a trainee as a News Writer in Filipino and up until I know I still am. Tiring thinking of what headline and lead will I put in your article and how can you make your article worthy of their reading. A lot of red marks you will see on my paper. It can maybe lose your confidence but the more red marks I see I was determined to continue and be determined. Because I believe that practice will never betray you. Articles need to be submitted on time. Re-writing and editing your work can also consume a lot of time.
My first time competing turned out to be sad. Maybe fate is not on my side that time because I didn’t won but that didn’t stopped me. The next year I was full of determination to try again. Trainings and submitting a lot of articles. Doing anything that I can to lessen the red thingy marks on my paper. The day of the competition came and I’m so nervous just thinking how good my opponents are. But with the help of my trainers, they helped me to get out of my comfort zone and try this once in a lifetime opportunity. They helped me to gain confidence.
And viola! After all the hardwork, it finally paid off. Just thinking how your sacrifices and efforts were finally paid off. Two consecutive years, I received my rewards for my hardwork.
Writing is not hard, it's really not. Some of you may say, I'm saying that writing is easy because I am used to it. I started from scratch and I am so clueless. But because of determination and willingness to learn helped me to where I am right now as a writer. Uplifting the name of our school against 17-20 different schools. Always remember your reasons why you joined. Be motivated and inspired for you to write the things you want to express. Practice will never betray you. Just keep trying and trying until you reach the summit. It may not be a good start but used this as a lesson to improve.
To wrap things up, I just want to say that if you want something badly, just try it. Because sometimes having the urge and courage to try something is a sign that you are brave and strong. You are brave to face the negative and positive consequences. Trying something new can make you know yourself even better. Realizing that you actually belong to that certain hobby or practice.
Believing and trusting yourself goes a long way. And having a lot of practice to improve your craft really helps. Because everything becomes good with practice.
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eumanalo09 · 4 years
"Being a gamer isn't bad as long as you know your limitations and know what is needed to prioritize" - Zai.
As a gamer, I prefer to play Mobile Legends: Bang Bang.
Mobile Legends: Bang Bang is an online battle arena (MOBA) mobile multiplayer game developed and released by Moonton in 2016. When it was one of the games chosen for the esports competition at the 2019 Southeast Asian Games in the Philippines, it became famous in Southeast Asia.
Playing Mobile Legends: Bang Bang can be helpful; this can be a time for stress relief and recreation. Moreover, particularly when you're on the battlefield, it can strengthen our critical thinking and our strategy. This also creates unity, partnership and cooperation between you and your colleagues.
In addition, when talking with your team and international players, it can create a relationship and enhance our communication skills. In fact, it will give you a wonderful gaming experience. Moreover, with the help of live streaming and competing in tournaments, many gamers earn money through this game. Many people say that it's not good for our education and wellbeing to play mobile games like Mobile Legends: Bang Bang, but for me, they're wrong. One of my favorite games as a gamer is Mobile Legends: Bang Bang. This game helps me a lot; my communication is enhanced. Besides, it also shows me some techniques that in real life you should apply. Because of Mobile Legends: Bang Bang, I met different people, I made new friends, and I had wonderful memories that money can't buy. It also teaches me plenty of lessons, I've learned how to make a careful decision, and I've learned how to fight and never give up on my objectives. In addition, when I have a rough time with my school work, it entertains me; it helps me to ease stress.
Mobile Legends: Bang Bang has many interesting features, especially if you like online battle arena (MOBA) multiplayer games. Besides, at any time and wherever you are, you can play Mobile Legends; it just requires a good network connection and excellent phone specs, and you can play all you want with Mobile Legends.
By: Dominique Parane
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eumanalo09 · 4 years
My Own Kind of Four-Leaf Clover
( Eu Manalo )
In our whole existence, we came across people who became part of our life. People who was or still with you. People who you used to share everything. People who became your brothers and sisters, it may not be by blood but in hearts. Is it so nice to have a circle, right? A circle of friends who literally knows you, from head to toe. A circle who will never left you behind or talk behind your back.
They say that, in this age you will meet a lot of temporary people and double-faced people. And you are so lucky if you really found people who is truly true to you. A lot of us are having problems to find friends maybe because they are not compatible or they have different behaviours. But as for me, even though you have different perspective in your lives, as long as you understand each other and of course if you respect each other, your friendship will go a long way.
Finding friends is one of the hardest and you are lucky if you already found them. It's like a four-leaf clover, hard to find but brings luck, happiness, and love to you. They are like gems who are really hard to find. And if you already found them treasure them like gems. They say that friends are hard to find and easy to lose, well, if you didn't treat them right you probably lose them. But if you really do appreciate and love them you will never do such a thing to lose them instead make ways to keep them. Trust is one of the important things that builds a relationship.
For those who are having hard time to find friends, just be interactive, approachable and always make a light atmosphere for you not to be awkward. Just be open but don't say everything because there are things which are made to be kept privately. Just always put a smile on your faces so that they will recognize you as a jolly person. Don't be negative if you still can't find friends or acquaintances. Don't pressure yourself, time will come and I believe that the people who'll become part of your life are the best and the most unexpected.
Being a good friend is not being always one of them in terms of their likes. As a good friend, you always have to look after them. Always reminding them about their limitations and boundaries for their own good. You don't always have to tolerate them especially if you know that it may cause them damage. Always be with them with or without problems. Stick to them through thick and thin.
As a 18 year old woman, who has circle of friends, I can say that I already found my one of the greatest blessing that I've ever received in my life- and that is my friends. Our friendship is not perfect. maybe you'll see that we are always happy but of course we have our down sides as friends. We sometimes fight, we but we never forget that at the end of the day we are still friends and we love each other. We have a lot of imperfections, we have flaws, we do made mistakes but because of these we made our friendship stronger. Supporting each other on any decisions that we made. Giving advices and making them realize something in a form that they will learn their lessons. Helping each other in every aspect of our lives: academics, family, problems within their selves, and love-life.
I can say that God gave me this wonderful people and they are one of the people that came across in my life that I don't want to lose. I may meet a lot of people in the future but these people already had a special spot in my heart and that spot will be theirs forever. I actually don't just want them to be a part of my memory that I will bring in my entire life. I want to make memories with them until we separate ways. I'm happy that I've met them and I'm proud to say that I have genuine, simple and true friends that I can comfortably with.
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