euffyluvsyou · 10 months
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euffyluvsyou · 11 months
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euffyluvsyou · 1 year
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“Adopt the pace of nature. Her secret is patience.” Ralph Waldo Emerson
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euffyluvsyou · 1 year
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There are many small, but critical sources of air pollution in our homes and neighborhoods. Such sources — vehicles, construction equipment, lawn mowers, dry cleaners, backyard fires, and auto-body shops — are located where we live and work. Total emissions from these smaller but widespread sources are significantly greater than all the industrial sources in the state combined.
To prevent pollution from these sources, the MPCA provides education, guidance, and incentives for reducing air pollution. We have programs for businesses, cities, nonprofits, and communities that address a range of environmental problems, including air quality.
Drive your car less. Vehicle exhaust is a major source of air pollution in Minnesota. Carpool. Bike. Bus. Telecommute. Electric vehicles. How could you burn less fuel?
Keep your car in good repair. Fix exhaust and oxygen sensor problems ASAP. Check your tire pressure monthly; under-inflated tires have been shown to lower gas mileage, particularly at lower speed.
Turn off your engine. An idling engine creates a hot spot of pollution. Buses and big trucks produce particularly unhealthy exhaust. Parents and teachers can help their schools and daycares develop and implement no-idling policies.
Don't burn your garbage. Burning your household garbage is dangerous to your health and our environment, and generally against the law in Minnesota. If you're still using a burn barrel, wood stove, or fire-pit for your trash, contact your county about arranging for trash hauling services.
Limit backyards fire in the city. Smoke from backyard fires can cause unhealthy conditions for hundreds of people, especially during stagnant weather conditions. Since cities have elevated levels of pollution compared to rural areas, urban fires are more of a nuisance to people with asthma and other lung conditions. If you do have a campfire:
Keep fires brief and small — 3 feet across or less.
Burn only dry fire wood. In the Twin Cities it is illegal to burn any waste in a fire, even yard waste.
Never start campfires during an air quality alert. Sign up for texts or emails about elevated air pollution levels.
Plant and care for trees. Trees filter pollutants and absorb carbon dioxide. Trees also release oxygen into the atmosphere and help cool our homes.
Switch to electric or hand-powered lawn equipment. Gas-powered engines like those on lawnmowers and leaf or snow blowers often lack pollution control devices. An hour running a lawn mower can produce nearly the same amount of pollution as a 100-mile car trip! Use hand-powered or electric lawn care equipment instead.
Use less energy. Choose efficient appliances and heating systems. Get an energy audit and follow the advice. Turn off electrical stuff you are not using. It all adds up.
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euffyluvsyou · 1 year
I am here to voice out about the climate change! we are all sharing the same struggling our Earth because we are living in one home and that is
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Save more energy at home
Throw away less food
Reduce. Reuse. Recycle. Repair
Stop using plastics
Stop burning fossils and fuels
Stop using cigarettes
Stop cutting our oxygen giver, the tree
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euffyluvsyou · 1 year
The 3 'R's – Reduce, Reuse, Recycle – are all about minimizing the amount of waste we produce, reusing products as much as we can, and remembering to recycle any materials that can be used for a new purpose.
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The department of environment had been focusing their campaign towards environmental conservation and awareness through different means such as planting trees, waste segregation, reuse, reduce, and recycling as a way to save our planet.
We can’t deny the fact that in today’s modern world, people had are more focused on making a living that they tend to forget simple things such as waste segregation has a huge impact to our environment. Imaging all the plastic wraps, plastic and styro to go boxes and cups, they all go to landfills where they sit there for a long time waiting for decomposition, sadly, it takes hundred if not thousands of years before they get decomposed.
This is where Reuse, Reduce, and Recycle come in place. As a good citizen, caring for our environment should be included in our priorities. There are so many ways on how we can live with the 3Rs of the environment.
These 3Rs aim to cut down the amount of waste that we throw away on a daily basis. Wondering how we can achieve a cleaner and greener environment? How do we do that?
Check out these simple yet very helpful tips that could help cut down wastes and save our planet by simply applying the 3Rs.
In its simple terms how do we reduce the amount of waste materials in our home? Thinking of ways from the moment that we go on a shopping store or a grocery store already have an impact on how we can reduce waste matters at home. What can we do then? Here is a list on how to reduce garbage at home.
Avoid buying disposable styro plates, cups, spoon, forks, and napkins. Styro materials are hard to decompose.
Purchase only when needed but male sure that they are made from biodegradable and Eco-friendly materials or papers that can be decomposed quickly.
Use table towels or cloth napkins that can be washable, so you are reducing the amount of disposable table napkin
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There are various means on how we can reuse items that are no longer needed. Bring out the creativity in you and create wonderful ideas on how you can reuse old products, clothing, furniture, toys and many more. Here are some simple ways on how we can reuse items.
Donate old toys to other kids, check out some orphanage in your area and ask if they are willing to accept a bunch of toys so that other kids can still enjoy playing with them.
Pot and jam jar etc. can be used for your preserved veggies or fruits.
You can reuse old newspapers for other art papier Mache or can be used to pack glasses and vase when you are moving from another place.
Reuse eco bags rather than buying another one.
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RECYCLE: This is where most companies, government. And other private institutions who aim to eradicate all of the waste materials that we have thrown away on the dumpsite. Recycling is a process of transforming old items into something new. Something that is organic, something that can be made in to another for that is deem essential.  Here are some of the most practical ways on how to recycle waste materials into something creative.
As much as possible, buy recycled, organic, or Eco-friendly products. By doing so, you are helping the environment. Buying recycled items means lessening the percentage of raw materials being taken out of our environment. For example instead of buying fresh new papers, opt for recycled papers.
When buying your grocery, opt for items that doesn’t not give you too much clutter. Instead of buying plastic containers, buy jars that you know you can use them for something else.
Burning plastic is not only hazardous on our health but also has a huge impact on our ozone layer. Recycling plants have something to work on those plastic materials, try to collect them and send them to recycling plants.
Try to think of some more ways on how you can recycle old stuff on your home in order to create them into something new and useful.
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