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euderosa · 4 years ago
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HAFSANUR SANCAKTUTAN as Yagmur Kara  /  Son Yaz, episode 1
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euderosa · 4 years ago
She was not in the mood to have this conversation. She realized that as the other went on and all Amelia felt like doing was taking the damn potatoes and walking away without really having to reply. Perhaps she would do just that is this went on for much longer. “Grand theft! Mon dieu, these are potatoes– what do you want me to dig them all up or something?” She reaches down into the ground– careful to not touch anything else but immediately holds back as the leaves on the plant next to her start to turn yellow. “Merde” She’d have to get herself in a good mood if she didn’t want to kill the greenhouse while getting a couple of potatoes.
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       it’s  entertaining,  how  easy  it  is  to  get  a  rise  out   of  the  other.  twisted  little  games  are  her  favorite  pastime,  after  all  –  and  while  she’s  not  currently  playing  on  a  grand  scale,  who’s  to  say  she’s  not  allowed  to  have  a  little  bit  of  fun.  “  it  was  sarcasm,  do  you  not  have  that  in  france  ?  ”  she  counters,  brow  quirked  as  her  lips  curl  in  mirth,  “  i  thought  the  french  were  meant  to  be  dry.  ”  her  gaze  travels  to  the  yellowing  leaves,  almost  more  entertained  (  at  least  she  was  nowhere  near  her  grapes  ).  “  we  can  up  the  charge  to  murder,  now,  i  think.  at  least,  attempted.  ”
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euderosa · 4 years ago
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euderosa · 4 years ago
“ eat me!! definitely, they will eat me!!!” sunhee exclaims with a newfound level of pure, genuine terror as she falls to her knees, never being one known for sparing the dramatics. she can just imagine zeus lining up first at the roasting of sunhee cha…  
at the first sign of mercy on giulia’s half — who, by the way, she isn’t convinced won’t eat her herself, with that look in her eyes; in fact, sunhee’s never been more sure that it’s what she wants, and it is a fear she’s had since they met — sunhee gasps, hope lit in her eyes as she shifts bernadetta ( her chicken bag ) to rest in her lap in front of her and opens her up. she starts emptying the contents — her wallet, an obscene amount of lolipops, an even stranger amount of pebbles and paper clips, and most particular of all: a rose quartz, refined gem. “ take it!! take it all!! please help me, miss witch!! i mean, giulia, goddess of everything but especially mercy on sunhee!! ” 
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         well,  this  has  taken  a  turn  toward  the  unexpected.  never  in  her  wildest  dreams  did  giulia  manifest  this  sort  of  reaction  out  of  the  other  girl.  in  fact,  she’s  rather  irritated  that  the  whole  exchange  seems  to  have  gone  off  script.  she  simply  intended  to  have  a  bit  of  chaotic  fun,  toying  around  with  sunhee  like  a  predator  playing  with  it’s  dinner,  before  ultimately  releasing  her  back  into  the  wild.  but  this  ?  this  surely  isn’t  a  normal  reaction,  surely  isn’t  one  she  could  have  predicted.  
     “  for  the  love  of  gaia,  get  up,  ”  she  hisses  out  from  between  gritted  teeth.  if  sunhee  continued  on  like  this  she’s  certain  they’ll  attract  a  crowd,  which  is  the  last  thing  she  wants.  “  eat  you  ?  you  think  the  gods  are  going  to  eat  you  ?  get  a  grip.  ”  still,  she  peruses  the  belongings  that  had  been  dumped  out  of  the  chicken  shaped  purse  and  on  to  the  ground.  she  leaves  most  behind,  but  takes  a  strawberry  flavored  lollipop  for  herself,  quickly  unwrapping  and  popping  it  in  her  mouth.  “  did  you  just  call  me  a  witch  ?  ”
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euderosa · 4 years ago
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chicago, sufjan stevens // supercut, lorde
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euderosa · 4 years ago
      “  that  is  true.  so  very  true,  ”  anton  heaves  a  sigh  of  relief,  not  really  in  the  mood  to  get  yelled  at  today,  “  wait,  there’s  a  plant  police?  i  mean,  what  do  you  want  in  exchange  for  your  silence?  i  am  down  for  anything,  de  rosa,  and  i  mean  anything …   ”  he  pauses,  winking  at  her  at  least  once,  maybe  twice,  clearly  misinterpreting  the  vibe  (  or  does  he  ?  ).  then  he  continues,  rambling  on,  almost  apologetically,  a  little  embarrassed  at  the  fact  that  he  actually  has  nothing,  not  a  single  euro  to  his  name  to  spare.  how  is  he  even  surviving  ?  “  except  paying  for  stuff,  ”  he  shrugs,  offering  her  an  awkward  smile  as  recompense  before  it  twists  into  a  more  serious  frown.  “  i’m  currently  what  most  people  would  call,  poor  as  fuck.  ”
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     “  don’t  be  such  a  perv,  ”  she  fires  back  with  a  roll  of  her  eyes,  “  if  i  was  interested  in  that,  you’d  know  . . .  and  i’m  not.  frankly,  if  you  wink  at  me  one  more  time  i’m  tempted  to  try  out  that  whole  causing  madness  thing.  it’s  not  something  i  exercise  often,  but,  well,  when  the  moment  feels  right,  who  am  i  to  control  myself.  ”  what  she  doesn’t  add  is  the  fact  that  it’s  not  a  power  she’s  ever  used  successfully,  but  what  anton  doesn’t  know  doesn’t  have  to  hurt  him.  “  there  are  plenty  of  things  i  find  valuable  that  don’t  require  a  monetary  exchange.  i  like  to  deal  in  secrets  and  favors.  if  you’ve  got  any  interesting  ones  of  the  former  to  share,  i’m  all  ears  and  if  not,  well,  i’ll  cash  in  on  that  favor  at  my  leisure.  ”
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euderosa · 4 years ago
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“What has been the most interesting thing you’ve created through alcokenisis?” Avery asked out of curiosity. In a way, she saw the creation of wine and other alcohols much like art or painting. You brought in different layers and elements in order to create the perfect blend. “And are you up for a day of experimentation?”
closed @euderosa​​
    “  i  don’t  really  do  that  all  that  much,  ”  she  admits  with  a  shrug.  sure,  it’s  a  fun  party  trick  if  your  friends  are  looking  for  a  round  of  shots,  but  she  finds  that  typically  there’s  no  need  for  it.  “  i  mean,  one  time  i  turned  a  pitcher  of  lemonade  into  limoncello,  does  that  count  ?  ”  she  asks  with  a  shrug.  “  sorry,  but  you’re  probably  better  off  asking  one  of  my  siblings  to  do  that.  it’s  not  really  my  thing.  ”  she  much  prefers  to  hone  her  powers  in  plant  cultivation,  appreciating  the  hard  work  that  goes  into  winemaking  from  the  ground  up  rather  than  willing  the  liquor  into  being  in  an  instant.  
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euderosa · 4 years ago
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                    it’s with a pocket full of cash and a short list of names that gabe finds himself at the botany club’s… thing. there are more flowers than he expected ( foolishly, given the nature of their entire club ) and he thinks it’d be a fair assessment to say that he’s lost. he’s about to give up on meanings entirely and just pick out the prettiest ones, before he spots someone who he hopes knows more than he does about all of this. he swoops in as quickly as he can. “hey! hi. do you think you could help me out? i’m a little out of my depth.” // @euderosa​ 
      she  has  no  desire  to  be  out  here,  but  as  a  a  member  of  the  botany  club  she’s  required  to  sling  bouquets  for  a  few  hours  (  why  they’re  not  selling  plants  of  the  potted  variety  is  beyond  her,  but  she’s  not  in  charge  of  this  whole  thing.  she’s  just  here  to  upsell  some  unsuspecting  victims  into  paying  way  too  much  for  a  couple  of  carnations.  and  lo  and  behold,  it  looks  like  she’s  found  her  first  mark.  “  of  course,  ”  she  replies,  forcing  a  smile  to  boot,  “  who  are  you  looking  to  buy  for  ?  what  sort  of  message  are  you  looking  to  send  ?  new  love,  longterm  relationship,  ex  that  you’re  trying  to  win  back  . . . mistress,  perhaps  ?  ”
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euderosa · 4 years ago
𝗦𝗠𝗦 ➥ ginny 🎭
virginia: ah, gotcha. anything i can help with?
virginia: oh, wow. sounds like a great time haha.
virginia: no but seriously, let me know if you want company. i'd be happ to pull an all nighter with you.
giulia: perhaps. but you can't exactly force inspiration to strike.
giulia: he's not a terrible partner. he's good at doing what i tell him to do, so there's that at least.
giulia: i do love burning the midnight oil ...
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euderosa · 4 years ago
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euderosa · 4 years ago
𝗦𝗠𝗦 ➥ theo
theo: oh, um, if you want i can help unscrewing your light blub!
theo: do you have a replacement one?
giulia: really? that's so kind. i'll have to think of a way to repay you.
giulia: oh, absolutely. i have all the supplies needed.
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euderosa · 4 years ago
         “ i — i am not, no! ”  sunhee means less for her response to be defensive and more along the lines of affirmative, loud, confident; all things she normally is, and yet, finds herself missing under giulia’s stare.  there’s something about her that genuinely frazzles sunhee to her core, and she has no freaking idea what it is. wary, sunhee tilts her head, taking a couple of steps back once again from the plant, now holding her hands up for giulia to see. “ a life of crime… over one little flower? are you sure… ? oh, gods! would i be arrested if word got out? ” 
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      “  who  knows  what  they’d  do  to  you  if  you  got  caught,  ”  giulia  shrugs,  having  far  too  much  fun  with  today’s  trickery.  she  almost  (  key  word:  almost  )  feels  bad  for  how  easy  it  is  to  pull  one  over  on  sweet,  innocent  sunhee,  but  she’s  having  far  too  much  fun  to  stop  now.  “  as  we  know,  the  gods  aren’t  often  merciful.  neither  is  the  law.  ”  she  lets  out  a  wistful  sigh,  her  expression  shifting  ever  so  slightly.  “  but,  then  again,  i  don’t  have  to  turn  you  in.  that’d  be  making  a  major  sacrifice  for  you  though  —  and  why  would  i  do  that  . . .”  she  leaves  the  statement  open  just  waiting  for  sunhee  to  fill  in  the  blank.  
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euderosa · 4 years ago
“help,” virginia repeats, brows lifting as she grins enthusiastically. pleading eyes focus on giulia ready to change tactics at the others resistance. a scoff leaves her lips as she can’t help but laugh at the thought of a demeter kid helping her. “yeah, let me warn them about what i’m trying to. they’ll chew my head off before i can even puck a petal,” she pouts. a grin curves on her lips at giulia’s response. even a look out was still better than anything else. “perfect!” she beams. “as long as you can distract any demeter kid, especially mae — oh! and aylin too, away from being able to see what i’m doing, we’ll be set and i pinky promise that i’ll owe you.”
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       “  i  don’t  think  aylin  will  care  if  you  swipe  some  roses,  ”  giulia  retorts,  “  but  i  won’t  snitch  on  you.  not  to  her  or  anyone  else.  sibling  solidarity,  yeah  ?  ”  she’s  always  inclined  to  foster  the  more  mischievous  actions  of  her  not  as  mischievous  siblings  —  even  if  the  actions  are  as  minor  as  this  one,  it  manages  to  spice  up  her  day  even  the  slightest  bit.  “  are  you  sure  you  want  to  owe  me  one  ?  ”  she  counters,  knowing  all  too  well  that  the  favor  she  would  cash  in  on  would  ultimately  be  something  gin  might  not  like  very  much,  “  i’m  willing  to  let  you  get  away  with  this  one  for  free  this  once.  ”
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euderosa · 4 years ago
anton freezes mid-snatch. did she catch me? of course, she did. why else would anyone say that phrase at anyone else? anton used to be fast, though. these days, he was a little rusty, hands and feet no longer quick on their own, mostly due to complacency and the fact that he didn’t really need to be a thief always on his toes anymore. crap. “you got me!” he grins, turning around to face his captor. his mind races to find an excuse, any excuse, but he finds himself surprised when fate apparently decides to throw him a bone. finally. “oh, wait, what? isn’t this… aren’t you… you’re not going to yell at me for, uhh, conveniently forgetting to ask permission?” interesting…  
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      “  i  have  better  things  to  do  with  my  time  than  scold  you,  ”  giulia  counters  with  a  shrug,  “  and  besides,  it’s  not  like  i’m  the  plant  police  or  anything.  that  being  said,  however,  well  . . .  i  can  be  bought  for  the  right  price  and  i  could  just  go  to  aylin  and  tell  her  you’ve  been  snatching  from  the  garden  that  we  and  the  demeter  offspring  so  graciously  look  over . . .   ”  she  trails  off,  hoping  that  he  understands  what  she’s  putting  out  into  the  universe  (  he’s  an  offspring  of  hermes,  after  all  . . .  he  should  get  it  ).  “  so,  what  do  i  get  in  exchange  for  my  silence,  grant  ?  i  haven’t  got  all  day.  ”
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euderosa · 4 years ago
Amelia at the greenhouse is a rare sight. That being by choice or by the specific order for her to avoid spending a whole lot of time around the crops. However, it’s necessary form time to time, specially when the potatoes back at the Demeter house run out and changing her dinner plans isn’t something she’d be exactly pleased about. When she heard the other’s voice, her whole body seems to give a sigh– maybe she should’ve just bought the potatoes at some store. The girl stands up with a roll of her eyes and turns to face the other. “Is this really how you choose to spend your time?”
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           “  oh,  relax,  ”  she  replies,  meeting  her  with  a  roll  of  her  eyes,  “  i’m  bored  and  you  looked  way  too  jumpy  not  to  amuse  myself.  do  you  think  i  really  care  what  you  snatch  from  this  garden  ?  ”  she  takes  a  seat  upon  one  of  the  nearby  benches,  still  observing  from  her  new  perch.  “  so,  is  this  what  you’ve  resorted  to  then  ?  grand  theft  spud.  i  mean,  if  you’re  going  to  ransack  the  garden,  you  could  always  go  for  a  bit  more,  don’t  you  think  ?  ”
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euderosa · 4 years ago
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                  🍇     task  03  -  clothes make the woman  . 
                                           pinterest  board  here
› 01. what’s your muse’s favorite piece of clothing in their wardrobe?
i  don’t  know  if  she  has  a  specific  favorite  piece,  but  she  does  have  preferred  styles.  her  look  is  very  romantic,  very  almost  cottagecore  in  a  way,  but  like  trended  up.  i  don’t  know  if  that  makes  any  sense.  but  i  think  her  favorite  pieces  in  her  wardrobe  are  probably  her  floral  dresses.  she’s  got  a  whole  collection.  
› 02. what are your muse’s favorite colors to wear?
she  has  a  lot  of  green  in  her  wardrobe,  a  lot  of  cream,  a  lot  of  white,  denim  blue  obviously,  pops  of  yellow,  red  sometimes  if  she’s  mixing  it  up,  but  she  usually  goes  toward  softer  hues.  
› 03. do they prefer summer clothing or winter clothing?
summer  !!  she  lives  in  sundresses  i  feel  and  tbh  is  most  at  home  on  the  beach  in  a  bathing  suit.  she  grew  up  on  the  amalfi  coast  and  summer  is  her  time  to  shine.  
› 04. how has their wardrobe evolved over the years?
she’s  always  been  kind  of  easy  breezy  with  her  style,  but  it’s  definitely  gotten  trendier  over  the  years.  she  used  to  not  think  too  much  about  her  outfits  when  she  was  younger,  but  nowadays  she  puts  in  a  lot  of  effort  to  look  the  way  she  does. 
› 05. do they have any style icons or anything else they’re inspired by?
no  one  in  particular.  she’s  inspired  by  people  she’ll  see  on  insta  mostly  ?  
› 06. do they like to accessorize? if so, what do they usually wear?
a  bit  !!  she  loooves  hair  scarves  and  often  wears  her  hair  half  up  with  one  tied  in  the  back.  she’s  amassed  quite  a  collection  of  silk  scarves  for  the  occasion,  most  of  them  thrifted  !!  as  for  jewelry,  she’s  got  constellation  piercings  in  her  ears,  so  most  of  the  time  she  has  a  combo  of  delicate  gold  studs  and  chunkier  gold  hoops  in  her  ears.  she  also  wears  gold  necklaces,  most  of  them  dainty.  
› 07. where do they usually shop? specific stores, a specific kind of store (ie. thrift store vs designer), or do they make their own?
honestly,  she’ll  shop  anywhere.  she  isn’t  a  designer  shopper  really.  she’ll  invest  in  something  she  really  loves  though,  but  that’ll  usually  be  more  like  a  really  special  dress  or  a  leather  bag  or  pair  of  shoes.  she  cannot  resist  online  shopping  and  will  put  so  much  in  her  cart,  but  she  tries  not  to  go  too  crazy.  she  also  loves  the  thrill  of  thrifting  too  !! 
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euderosa · 4 years ago
𝗦𝗠𝗦 ➥ theo
theo: oh, um, alright well....
theo: that's fine, i'm glad you could help you out!!
theo: thanks for the heads up!
giulia: although ... there's a lightbulb in my closet that needs replacing
giulia: and it's /just/ out of my reach.
giulia: i could ask one of my siblings, but ...
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