ethmis-chronicles · 4 years
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a little gif of Ethmis’s primary antagonist, Theodore Carter! i’m very new to making gifs/animatics so this was super exciting! maybe I’ll do his character intro next :)
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ethmis-chronicles · 4 years
Character Intros: Veralina Yatir!
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(the drawings are mine, the photos are from pinterest!!)
For context, check out my introduction to Ethmis post!
Name: Veralina Yatir
Character: Main Protagonist
Age: 21
Species: Fairy
Wing Color(s): Black*, Lavender
Status: Appointed to Human  <<Estelle Chevalier>>
- Soft-spoken
- Reserved
- Quick to trust others
- Kind, helpful
- Curious
- Speaks formally to everyone by default
- Book-smart, but terrible at understanding colloquialisms
- Was previously assigned to Estelle’s roommate, Priyal**
- May posses monerus*** mutations due to dual wing color
- Hair/ eyes naturally a lavender tone: fairies may have unnatural hair/eye colors due to monerus manifestation
- Accepting special gifts from humans is traditionally forbidden to fae in accordance with maintaining separation from assignments, but Veralina breaks this rule when Estelle offers her honeyed milk
I’m excited to introduce the first of many characters from my original fantasy story, Ethmis Chronicles!! Stay tuned for more introductions and feel free to ask questions and interact!
* black wings indicate that a fairy’s assigned humans may befall a tragic fate. appointed fairies are not privy to this information
** Consecutive assignments are not supposed to be related in any way to previous ones: having assigned humans who know eachother is exceptionally unusual
***Monerus: biochemical element in fairies that gives them their intuition, creates their advance immune functions, allows for unnatural hair and eye colors, etc: rare mutations can cause unique abilities.
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ethmis-chronicles · 4 years
Welcome to Ethmis!
Hello! My name is Jules and this is my new blog! I’m working on an original fantasy/ au story that I’ve been calling “Ethmis”!!
I’m gonna be sharing things like plot details, character designs/ original character art, mood boards, and eventually new chapters! 
So, what’s it about? 
The story is set in a universe where fae/ fairies live alongside humans. (note: they are human sized) The fae are working under a system called the Catalogue, in which fae are “assigned” a human who has altered the course of their fate. The fairy’s job is to influence the human’s decisions so that they return to their given destiny. Think of it as putting a train back on its tracks. The catalogue has been in place since the dawn of humankind, and is generally accepted by humans (who are spared the finer details) and fae (who accept their role and believe they are making sure the world stays balanced). 
The conflict arises when a group of fae realize that fate isn’t always good- being assigned to a human could result in the human;s death or other unfavorable circumstance. This is information fae were not privy to, since they are taught to forget about an assignment once they move on to the next. Realizing this shatter’s the fae’s view of their role as helpers/guides to humans. So, a rebellion dubbed Inoculus rises to challenge the Catalogue- using less than kind methods that aren’t always in everyone’s best interest.
That’s all I’m gonna say for now! Stay tuned for more Ethmis content!
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