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Hoe technologie tyd steel van families.

Oor die afgelope jaar het tegnologie aansienlik verbeter. Dit is makliker om te gebruik en vas te hou, dit is doeltreffend en mobiel. Dit help ons oral en altyd, maar daar is 'n slegte kant tot tegnologie. dit ruïneer families en dit skep 'n skeiding tussen ouers en kinders. Kinders word verslaaf aan die gebruik van selfone en tegnologie. Sommige kinders sal eerder daar wees om 24/7 te bel, eerder as om gesprekke met iemand te hê. Ouers sukkel om daar kinders te praat omdat hulle hul foon gebruik. By die aandete tafel waar jy gebruik kan maak om met jou ouers met jou ouers te kan praat en oor iets praat, word dit nou 'n taamlike doolhuis in die huis wat skaars gebruik word. Gesinne sal om die tafel sit en daar wees. Fone pleks daarvan om met mekaar te praat. Dit kan familieverhoudinge verwoes, want voordat jy dit weet, het jou kind heeltemal verander en het jy nie eers besef nie. gevegte begin oor hierdie soort dinge gebeur en dit breek alles in stukke. Gesinne moet behoorlik met mekaar kommunikeer om 'n gesonde en gelukkige verhouding te behou. Daar moet vasgestelde tye wees waarop tegnologie gebruik kan word. ons lewens kan nie om tegnologie draai nie
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Regisseur Robbie Wessels, wat van sy belaglike gewilde liedjie afkomstig is, het 'n fliek geskep wat gerig is op diegene wat sy melodie liefgehad het. Alhoewel, vir een of ander rede, speel hy dit nooit eintlik in die fliek nie, nie eers oor die eindkrediete nie. Die rolprent gaan oor 'n man met die naam Manie Mol (Robbie Wessels) wat 'n kompetisie betree wat hom daartoe verbind om die leeuloop-dans te doen. Dit beteken om op dieselfde tyd oor 100m te hardloop en te dans.
Daar is 'n karakter genaamd Ronnie Wentzel (ook speel deur Wessels), die oorspronklike van die Leeuloop-lied wat die land gevlug het om die bekendheid van 'n gewilde liedjie in Suid-Afrika te ontsnap. Sy suster organiseer die kompetisie sodat mense hom nie sal vergeet nie.
Veronderstel verfilm in 'n valse dokumentêre styl, sien ons Manie en sy mede-mededingers maak gereed vir die kompetisie wat deur skerms van 'n Supersport-lite-program genaamd Bol n All, wat deur Gazi (Wessels, weer) en Dopi (Hamilton Wessels) aangebied word. Hul dun versluierde aanval op Ghapi en Dozi is omtrent so snaaks soos hierdie film kry.
Die verskillende karakters in hierdie flik
Terwyl 'n kritiek op die rolprent die gebrek aan snaakse grappies of pacing kan skei om spanning en 'n werklike dramatiese verhaal te skep, is dit nie die punt van die fliek nie. Dit is gemik op Wessels-aanhangers wat van die liedjie hou en fans van flieks soos Poena is Koning of Panic Mechanic. Niemand is op soek na 'n slim metafilm, subtiel of 'n boodskap van enige aard in hierdie een nie - dit is bedoel om crass te wees en vir Afrikaners wat in 'n wêreld van Leon Schuster-films woon.
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BMW is back at it!!!!

BMW has just released their new addition to the motorcycle world. The 1000rr is a brilliant motorcycle to ride on the roads and its even better on the track. Every time I go to ride a modern superbike on the road, it's like going back to school. No matter how much fun I've been having on today's psychopathic super-naked machines, I'm just not prepared. It's little things, like how much that committed, race-ready riding position works your legs and core, and how heavy they can feel on your wrists when you're braking downhill. And it's big things, too, like the horizon-warping acceleration, and just how fast you're going when you get to your normal braking zone. This is 1000cc engine and it is a 4 stroke. it has anti-wheelie, ABS, traction control and launch control. it is equipped with a quick shifter up and down. This is an in-line-four. this is one if the best motorcycles on the market at the moment and it doesn't destroy your wallet.
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Aprilia has always been known for making good looking super bikes but the RSV4 takes their whole look to a new level, keeping the good looking factory paint and sticker job and bulky look the new 1000cc motor cycle comes with an extremely sexy sound. This bike weighes 180 kg and it has 201 horsepower (150kw). The 2018 updated bike was made to take advantage of and comply with this year’s Superbike rules which state that fewer modifications are allowed for production bikes. It has more power, is lighter, and has improved handling and electronics. This motorcycle top speed is 286 km/h. This motorcycle is pure power and I mean who doesn’t love a factory quick shifter too!
There are two different models of this magnificent motorcycle there is the: RSV4 factory and the RSV4 R
The RSV4 factory price is: R220 000
The RSV4 R is: R329 000
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Is the R1 the right one?

The thrilling R1 blurs the line between daily rides and track days. The YZF-R1 is packed with MotoGP Championship technology: high-output, crossplane-crankshaft, 998cc engine, advanced Rider Active electronics, cutting edge suspension and more. . The R1 provides riders with a taste of what it would be like to ride the championship winning Yamaha M1. Developed using YZR-M1 MotoGP technology, this bike was born for the track. 200 hp, 199 kg this gives us a taste of all the motogp qualities. It has an updated quick shifter and it has a modified anti- wheelie system for us amateur riders.
The R1 is the road bike and the R1M is the track bike.
The R1 is: R195 000
The R1M is: R 362 827
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Is the Brutale really Brutal

MV Augusta has released a new sexy, bulky and powerful naked road bike. The new 800cc naked bike has taken the road by storm with it bulky look, its 3 exhausts pipes and its wide rear tire.This motorcycle does everything exceedingly well. The 800 is easy to ride at slow speed, and yet also incredibly rewarding and confidence-inspiring to ride at high speed. Peak power remains at 140 horsepower at 12,300 rpm, with the torque peak up 1.5 ft/lbs to 64 ft/lbs at 10,100 rpm. The previous nervousness that was especially noticeable at small throttle openings around town, has completely gone. There are still four power modes—Sport, Normal, Rain, and a Custom setting for individual preference—easily changed on-the-fly with a button on the twistgrip-side handlebar. Despite the extremely high level of engine tune and relatively aggressive Sport mode, the Brutale is still pleasingly tractable at low speed. I loved the smooth yet responsiveness of the throttle; this is an easy machine to ride.
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The Naked Beast

The KTM 1290 Superduke has changed the naked bike world. This motorcycle has the nickname of “The Beast” purely because of its raw power output. The engine in this monster is a 4 stroke V-twin cylinder with 4 valves per cylinder. It has a liquid cooling system. It has 180 bhp with 131.4KW. It also has a 6 speed transmission and a quick shifter. This motorcycle also comes with change blinkers up and down.
There are multiple versions of this bike: 1290 superduke, the 1290 superduke r and the 1290 adventure. Just like the panigale v4 the difference in price is huge.
1290 superduke- R200 000
1290 superduke r- R226 000
1290 adventure- R175 000
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The New Italian Beast

The new Panigale v4 is the latest installment from the Ducati superbike range. Ducati has decided to change from the L-twin engine to their first V-four. There are 3 different versions of this bike at 3 different massive prices, unfortunately.This incredible piece of machinary is a 1200 cc engine with a 214bhp and it has 124Nm of torque and it comes with 4 cylinders.
The standard price is:R 289 000
V4s:R360 000
This is so far the best superbike of 2018.
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