etherway4 · 2 years
Just to get an idea, does Catra have long or short hair in your fic?
Long, since there was no evil intergalactic overlord cutting it off XD, Catra for the most part had a much calmer version of what we see through most of the series, and are slowly transferring to what we see in that vision of the future in the last series
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etherway4 · 3 years
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impressed by fan fiction https://archiveofourown.org/works/24751573/chapters/59841778
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etherway4 · 3 years
Hello Etherway4, I would like to ask you when the next chapter of Drowning will come out. It is the story of she-ra that has me hooked and I would like you to continue it please.😇😇
Hey! It has been a while hasn’t it?
It’s still coming!... Slowly... its the last year of university for me, and the project I have to do has no words to describe its scale. So real world stuff has been taking all of my attention. But I work on this in the few gaps I get! I’ve done a bunch today so its starting to take shape, but I won’t say when it will be done because that tends to go wrong! XD Just hang in there, it IS coming, I can assure you of that!
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etherway4 · 4 years
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Ladies and Gentlemen...
We’ve done it
Chapter 17: Ruin of a Broken Home, is already around halfway done, just a day after the release of chapter 16. And it’s definitely going to be a chapter worthy of holding the Milestone, I can’t wait to get this one out!
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etherway4 · 4 years
I’m not sure if anyone will see this but I though I’ll put this out anyway, I want to apolagise for the lack of anything coming out but it wasn’t my fault. It was the end of my first semester in my second year which everyone agrees is the most hectic year of the three. The sheer amount and quantity within the assignments I had to do (and the few that’s still left) boggles the mind, I didn’t even feel like I had time to breathe. 
So it wasn’t like I put drowning aside for a bit, more like it got hit by a train (I’ll include a small snippet of what I had to do in the next chapter, I struggle to make sense of it myself and I had to do it! :D) 
So yeah, Drowning is beginning to stir again, and work on the next chapter is well underway, the last chapter out was completed during this time so I also wanted to apolagise for any lack of quality as I had a lot on my mind and just wanted it out. So thanks for your patience (again) and I’ll leave a snippet of what’s to come below for your time:
He trailed off as he sighed before turning to face her. “I’m going to be honest with you… those things I said to you… I meant them. I… I hated you with everything I had.”
Adora flinched as the old wound tore open, she felt like she was going to be sick.
“I thought you were my last chance, to not have to go with her. I thought if you told them, they would realise who she was. When you couldn’t persuade them, I thought you didn’t try hard enough, that you wanted me to go… It wasn’t till later that I realised that you could never have persuaded them however hard you tried... and just how much my words must have hurt. You weren’t my last hope…” He took a deep breath, “I didn’t have a hope at all… I was just too desperate to see it… and when I lashed out because of it, I lost my best friend…”
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etherway4 · 4 years
Hey! I am incredibly emotionally invested in your fic, Drowning, and wanted to say that you're an incredible writer.
Thank you!!! It means a huge amount to me when people say stuff like that!
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etherway4 · 4 years
Hello! Been immensely enjoying following your fic Drowning, really has been an interesting take on a college/university AU. Love all the interesting psychology being woven in! Do you have plans for other fics? Also btw i am dem_bones on AO3 😁
yes you did confuse me when you switched your name for a bit, only figured it out when I realised the profile pic stayed the same. Thought I’d lost you for a chapter! ;D
As for plans: there are plenty of She-ra fics hibernating in the almighty huge notes document. There also might just be a sequel to drowning depending on how it goes as well as demand, which focuses on an accident with Adora.
Beyond She-ra, there’s some possibly for The Dragon Prince, a few focusing on the Percy Jackson universe, and there’s possibly a big project for How To Train Your Dragon. But there can be plenty more for nearly anything else!
Where I go really depends on what I fancy or what people want, but I certainly don’t aim to stop now! :D 
Lovely hearing from you!
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