ethereal330 · 3 years
“I think about you. But I don’t say it anymore.”
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ethereal330 · 4 years
“و لنا أحلامنا الصّغرى، كأن نصحو من النّوم معافين من الخيبة. لم نحلم بأشياء عصيّة !”
— محمود درويش
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ethereal330 · 9 years
One of the difficulties of leaving a relationship is not so much, at the end, leaving the person themselves – because, by that time, you're ready to go; what's difficult is leaving the dreams that you shared together. And you know that somehow – no matter who you meet in your life in the future, and no matter what species of happiness you would share with them – you will never, ever share those particular dreams again, with that particular tonality and coloration. And so there's a lovely and powerful form of grief there that is the ultimate of giving away but making space for another form of reimagination. THE JOURNEY Above the mountains the geese turn into the light again Painting their black silhouettes on an open sky. Sometimes everything has to be inscribed across the heavens so you can find the one line already written inside you. Sometimes it takes a great sky to find that first, bright and indescribable wedge of freedom in your own heart. Sometimes with the bones of the black sticks left when the fire has gone out someone has written something new in the ashes of your life. You are not leaving. Even as the light fades quickly now, you are arriving.
David Whyte
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ethereal330 · 9 years
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Japan 2015 by richard evea
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ethereal330 · 9 years
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ethereal330 · 9 years
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ethereal330 · 9 years
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لما يخلص مصروفك وانت متهاوش مع اهلك
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ethereal330 · 9 years
هل تكتَفينَ بِحُبِّ رجُلٍ يتّخذُ الحُبّ نديماً و يأباهُ سيّداً ؟  هل تقنَعين بشَغَف قلبٍ يهيمُ و لا يستسلم , يشتعِل و لكنّه لا يذوب ؟  هل ترتاحين إلى ميولِ نفسٍ ترتعِشُ أمام العاصفة و لكنّها لا تنهَصِر , و تثورُ مع الزوابِع و لكنّها لا تُقتَلعُ من مكانِها ؟ هل ترضين بي صاحباً لا يستعبِد و لا يُستعبَد ؟  إذاً هذة يدي فهُزّيها بيدك الجميلة. و هذا جسدي فضُمّيه بذراعيكِ الناعمتين . و هذا فمي فقبّليه قُبلةً طويلةً عميقةً خَرساء .
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ethereal330 · 9 years
من الضروري أن يوجد فى حياة الإنسان شئ تنعقد حوله آماله، شئ يقرر لحياته قيمة ولو وهمية أوسخيفة
نجيب محفوظ (via ahmed86)
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ethereal330 · 9 years
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ethereal330 · 9 years
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ethereal330 · 9 years
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ethereal330 · 9 years
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ethereal330 · 9 years
جُبران ... 
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فيأتي الموت الاكبر ليجد كل الاجزاء ميتة فيحملها و يرحل
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ethereal330 · 9 years
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ethereal330 · 9 years
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ethereal330 · 9 years
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Late night reading… by Swiatloczuly. (http://ift.tt/1F7CVS0)
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