ethereal-concepts · 7 months
this post is exclusively for people with dirty rooms
this post is specifically for people who know their room is a mess, but their brain won't let them clean it. this post is for you. I love you and I see you
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ethereal-concepts · 8 months
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johnny knoxville’s drivers license 2003/2024
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ethereal-concepts · 1 year
A windy day with a moderate temperature will make you feel like you got reborn into a world that really loves you this time
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ethereal-concepts · 1 year
"we need more mean/traumatized/angry/morally grey women" you guys could barely handle bela talbot
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ethereal-concepts · 1 year
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ethereal-concepts · 1 year
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ethereal-concepts · 1 year
Posting faggot and queer like 2am gunshots to keep property values on my blog low and scare away assimilationist LGBTs who want to replace my empty lot full of native wildflowers with a 5-over-1 because they're too traumatized by their upbringing to accept the reality of our diverse marginalized community
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ethereal-concepts · 1 year
Happy birthday bitch!!!!
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ethereal-concepts · 1 year
Newtons 4th law is that for every "it's so over" there's an equal and opposite "we're so back"
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ethereal-concepts · 1 year
On Saturday I hung out with my 84-year-old ecologist great uncle and he stopped in mid-conversation (abt the return of the whooping crane) and very seriously told me that "you can go one of two ways, as a naturalist"; either you keep sight of the hopeful possibilities, or you don't. I'm one of nature's wretched little pessimists but when an old ecologist literally holds your hands in his and tells you, "don't despair," you have to try, I feel.
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ethereal-concepts · 1 year
Coelacanth but it’s the size of a galaxy and it’s spots are stars. Imagine that. You’re welcome
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ethereal-concepts · 1 year
We for real for real for realsies have to popularize the term smith college problem . And normalize telling people they’re having a smith college problem . And if you’re always posting about smith college problems it is your duty to normalize going oh okay never mind once people tell you that you are smith college problem posting
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ethereal-concepts · 1 year
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ethereal-concepts · 1 year
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2.13 // 2.13 arena pages // 15.20
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ethereal-concepts · 1 year
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emilymcsings \ @judas-redeemed​ \ miriam adeney 
support this blog
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ethereal-concepts · 1 year
I really do think it’s hilarious that Dean taught cas how to love but also taught him to be majorly embarrassed about it. Keep that shit to yourself
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ethereal-concepts · 1 year
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guys u dont get it im yelling
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