"stop supporting communism!! its the worst thing that ever happened to my country, you have no idea how bad it actually was for the people who live here!!" and its always coming from a 22 year old whose grandparents would strongly disagree
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Miloš Alexander Bazovský – Pobožnosť na horách
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The Garden of Palàcio Fronteira, Lisbon. Photo - SIMON MCBRIDE
Source: House & Garden uk
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R.I.P. The 2976 American people that lost their lives on 9/11 and R.I.P. the 48,644 Afghan and 1,690,903 Iraqi and 35000 Pakistani people that paid the ultimate price for a crime they did not commit
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Lost amidst all the sentimental 9/11 tributes, Abu Zubaydah remains, after almost twenty years of unimaginable torture, imprisoned without charge in Guantanamo Bay. Despite having had no involvement in the attacks, the US is committed to keeping Abu Zubaydah trapped there until he simply dies - so important is it that he not be released and risk exposing the full, nightmarish extent of the rendition and torture programmes operated against him and hundreds of others. American comfort and apathy has been purchased with their blood.
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dog eating a hot dog at the mariners game
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I did this compilation right after Vine went down, and I thought I lost it, but I finally found it
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Zhou Chunya (Chinese,b.1955)
Fragrant Peach Blossom / Blooming Love, 2006 
Oil on canvas
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more than anything else, marxism-leninism is hope. capitalism is such a horrifically soul-crushing misery-inducing catastrophe that coming to grips with its full impacts is enough to drag anyone down into the absolute most miserable despair. but on the other side of all of this is a fight to dismantle it. it's a fight dating back centuries, one which is still being fought every day by people all around the world. marxism-leninism is a flame that will never be extinguished. one day this fight will be won, and the clouds that capitalism casts over us at all times will part, giving way to the eternal sun. marxism-leninism is the profound belief that a better world is genuinely possible, and that we can make it with our own hands.
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if ur in school rn at any level taking any sort of poetry or creative writing class while it is important to learn some things, if you feel like ur mechanics are good but ppl simply hate ur shit or don’t get it just give it time. I got C’s on most of my poems in college & often told they had no solid themes & now those same poems have garnered huge attention & been adapted into ppl’s zines and paintings and dances and some of my fav authors have shared them on their socials so like. while i respect many of the the things I did learn in school, maybe the Poetry 200 professor at my agriculture college in West Virginia wasn’t meant to be the only judge of my work or yours
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Help Ahmed 💔
Ahmed, our 4-year-old child, suffers from diabetes. Amid the war, his condition has severely worsened due to the lack of his medication and insulin. We struggle monthly to obtain the necessary insulin needles for him, at exorbitant prices and with great difficulty❤️‍🩹💔.
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Ahmed needs .4 gauge needle tips suitable for his age, but he has been forced to use .8 gauge needles, which cause him great pain, making him cry every time he receives an insulin injection. However, today Ahmed is very happy because we managed to get .4 gauge needle tips after nine months of pain🥹🥹.
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Ahmed is supposed to have a special diet for diabetes, but he is forced to eat whatever is available here since the appropriate food is not accessible, which harms his health.
Ahmed should check his blood sugar levels 3 to 5 times daily, but due to the unavailability of test strips, we only test him when absolutely necessary, which happens about once a week.
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Help Ahmed obtain his most basic right, which is the right to treatment. You can help by sharing the campaign link or donating🙏🏻🙏🏻. Here is the campaign link:
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Can we bring back Palestine Academy as a resource, I fear a lot of people are forgetting to go back to the basics and simply learn about what is happening in Gaza and what HAS BEEN happening for the past 76 years
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In the beginning 💢💢 I apologize to all of you for not responding to the messages you sent to check on my family, but my family and I are evacuating from east of Deir al-Balah to the seashore because all places have now become dangerous. Please pray for us. I may never be online again
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Dear friends 🤍 Tears of joy mixed with feelings of gratitude to everyone who stood by me, who gave their time and effort in order to reach the campaign’s financial goal of 30k euros, but due to the circumstances that Gaza is going through and the closure of all land crossings, I was not able to achieve the main goal of the campaign, which is to leave Gaza to Safe country Thanks and gratitude are due to: 1. The friends who pinned my story at the top of their page are amazing people.🌺🤍 2. The Ansar, each by name and title, are people of goodness and giving.🌺🤍 3.For those who put forward new ideas, the idea of ​​artistic paintings, marches, and bread sales are the unknown soldiers🌺🤍 4. These amazing activists who share daily updates are like a dynamo who never stops serving those in need.🌺🤍 5. Friends who sent the campaign link to their friends and families outside this application, those who carry humanity in their hearts.🌺🤍 @littlegermanboy @appsa @floofysmallbob @feluka @90-ghost @queerstudiesnatural @riding-with-the-wild-hunt @irhabiya @intersectionalpraxis @obscenity @sayruq @decolonize-solidarity @fancysmudges @heba-20 @jezior0 @commissions4aid-international @vivisection-gf I inform you that thanks to you, I was able to support my family from your donations and campaign revenues. Before we left Rafah, I didn't have enough money to leave Thanks to your donations, I was able to leave Rafah to Khan Yunis. What it cost me is as follows: Transportation: $400/600 Buy a tent for $500/$800 Land rent: $500/600 Building a very modest bathroom costs $200/300 Some incidental expenses are $300/500 Which means that I spent approximately $3,000 of the money of the group whose goal is to get out of Gaza to a safe country on transportation from Rafah to Khan Yunis. Then, on 27may2024 💔, the occupation army threw a bomb near our tent in Khan Yunis, which led to the burning of the tent, the mattress, and everything else. We fled without taking anything with us. I told my friend @littlegermanboy 🤍about this incident and we fled to Deir al-Balah because there was no empty place. We sat in the east of Deir al-Balah.
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This escape cost us more than before because of the outrageous prices we are experiencing here. This is just an example to tell you that a liter of diesel costs 100 dollars. Which means that the cost of transportation to Deir al-Balah cost me as follows: 500$ transportation 500/700$ to buy a tent to replace the one that burned in Khanios 200/300$ to buy mattresses, blankets, pillows, and clothes for me and my daughter, Maryam But in Deir al-Balah, we did not rent land. We sat on government land for free 300/200$ to build a bathroom All these expenses detract from the funds of the campaign, whose goal is to escape from Gaza to a safe country Of course, there are basic expenses, which are buying food, drinks, milk, and Cerelac for my daughter Maryam. Certainly, these are from the campaign’s money because we do not have any other income other than this campaign.
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Now the Israeli occupation army has told us to leave Deir al-Balah to the west, towards the sea The place I am in now is very dangerous, and if I decide to leave, it will cost me more than before, and this is not satisfactory. I spent the campaign’s money just to escape from one place to another.If the Rafah land crossing returns to work again, this means that the money we have is not enough to exit Gaza. For this reason, we will raise the campaign goal to 50k euros
I ask you, my friends, for increased financial and psychological support, because because of you, I am able to continue despite everything that is happening to me I thank you and everyone who contributed and helped to continue my life. If it were not for you, I would not have been able to save my family from health, psychological and nutritional deterioration. I thank everyone who gave me anything because everything here helps My friends who stood by my side, I shower you with hugs and love you so much.❤️😭 Moving towards the second goal to sustain my life and the life of my little family: 50k euros
These are my friends' articles. I thank you 🤍🤍
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What is the fault of my little son that he was born in this war? He has no right to live as a child like other children. Please help my little son 😭🙏🙏
@el-shab-hussein @sar-soor @90-ghost @fairuzfan @communistchilchuck @nabulsi @just-browsing1222 @bat-luun @kaneverse @nightowlssleep @staretes @violetlyra @ashbakche @friendshapedplant @oglach-uisce @buildabears
Hello my friend
I hope everyone see this post help us by donate and spread my link as many people as possible
Thanks 🙏
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Hello my friend 👋
I hope that you are well.
I am writing to you with a heavy heart and an urgent request for help. My family and I are in a very dangerous situation due to the ongoing war, and I have launched a gofoundme campaign to save them.
I want you to donate and share my campaign from my profile, this will help me and my family 🍉
please donate to this campaign. they are close to their goal, but their goal is very low and may need to be raised in order to evacuate the whole family and provide for their needs after evacuation. they have $5196 left to raise at the time of writing this post.
the campaign has been vetted under Eman’s brother’s name, Karam. It is #109 on the spreadsheet.
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