I just found your blog and I think I'm in love
so so sorry for the late answer omg you have no idea how happy I am ♥♥♥ this is so sweet I genuinely never would have thought someone would actually take time to write something this nice for me xxxx
I’m moving over to @frenchhotmess if you wanna follow x
I won’t use this blog anymore, here’s why (x)
My new blog : @frenchhotmess
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Hi! I just recently found your blog and saw that you combined an imagine with supernatural and Brooklyn 99 and it's so awesome!! I was wondering if you could do a crossover with those two that Sam and dean and their younger sister travel to Brooklyn for a case and meet the 99. The sister and Jane used to be together but her brothers don't know that and hadajadajada. I don't know, sorry if this is long.
Hi! Thank you so much for the feedback, I actually thought combining B99 and spn would be silly so I’m so glad people like it ^^ Also thanks for the request, it’s great! I’ll put it up on my new blog once it’s done xx (I’m assuming you meant Jake, not Jane haha)I won’t use this blog anymore, here’s why (x)My new blog : @frenchhotmess
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So I saw you were destiel moodboards, that's so cool! Anyways, if the asks for that are still open, could you make a rain associated moodboard?
Hey! Thanks for the request! That sounds cool, I’ll do it! keep an eye out for it on my new blog x
I won’t use this blog anymore, here’s why (x)
My new blog : @frenchhotmess
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🌸 Send this to 10 other bloggers that you think are wonderful. Keep the game going and make others smile! 🌸
Thanks love xx I think you’re wonderful too ♥
I won’t use this blog anymore, here’s why (x)
My new blog : @frenchhotmess
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Little update : I’m back + new blog
Hey y’all. So some of you may have noticed I haven’t been on Tumblr in a few months. I don’t quite know how to put this (welp i’m being overdramatic again). earlier this year I had this big mental breakdown. Depression, major anxiety, fear of going to school/ out.., you know the drill. I decided to quit social medias for awhile lest it might get worse and now I’m back and sorry.
I’m sorry that I wasn’t there for those who needed me then, I haven’t been a great friend lately. I must have what, like 5 friends online and IRL who stuck with me. I suck at being a friend.
Anyway, so I’m back. I’m back cause I missed my friends, I missed all of you. I wanted to start everything all over again so I made a new blog : @frenchhotmess .
I’ll follow everyone I was following on @ethdent with my new blog
I lost a shit ton of followers but I’m very grateful for those who stuck with me. I promise the new blog will be as fandom-y and meme-y/ punny as my former one. If you could please follow it and maybe give me a little signal boost I’d really appreciate.
I hope we can be friends again. Please please please message me and tell me what I missed during my months off of tumblr xxx
Before quitting this blog I’ll answer all the messages in my inbox
I tagged ALL of my followers. I’m sorry if this bothered you, feel free to ignore it x
@magicalmess93 @girlsofthewildnight @angelofcas @actualcas @dumpsterofsin @omg-notobsessed @garfunkel-furuncle @marylina @abhipsafireheart @vegetarianbassist @fxckingmisha @weirdgirlwohoo @mac-and-cheeseburgerqueen @queerlikecas @crrockies98 @kxte04 @intravenousornithomimosaur @myfriendmagislit @redcaprica @bravelittledandelion @outacts @dunno-what-im-doin @celessls @hello-how-is-breathing @just-a-girl-being-a-geek @aprilstreeton @willnevergiveyouuporletyoudown @blackroserc @cobrakai-1972 @blackpinkdolphin @fadingcolorheart @lanastearns @cast1elw1nchester @sumara62 @cony213542273 @kingkarla @lucifersdaugther @livelovelike555 @dpayneski @itsallnight @korakora17 @kelsey80 @remusluvpin @sociopathicgeek @superwhopotterlockian42 @foggythingqueen @deans-ring @lyssamorris93 @mancamonster @kgracebirch7 @thesassysiberian @faith-in-dean @deanandcasstuff @dont-blink--craft @timelordy-fangirl @agent-superwholockian @likesiriusly @casdean1967 @bugsgocracra0 @helium99 @justafangirl144 @mishacollinsmyunicorn @introverted-king-of-hell @danibre @cas-and-deanwinchester @emotionally-compromised-idiot @queenwatson1967 @sandcastlesam @le2712 @casitstoobig @higlyfunctioningassbutt @quicksilver123456 @whendreamscomecrashingdown @sunshine-the-borderline @im-not-a-pizza-im-a-butterfly @the-minawinchester @apologisinginadvance @tobianimados @arvit @laineymarieee4 @the-moose-that-ships-destiel @catyolmes @thehillsyonder @schuylerjonyse @multi-trashqueen @phikee @shiningfennec @forever--supernatural @mikchaly @tia58 @mageofblood06 @aearchon @elliewinchesterr @skogeebear @superneetrul @the-messy-girl-right-here @ask-the-egos @balou200 @the-fallen-tumbler-star-love @ellienovak @hella-gunner @elvis-i-can-dig-elvis @deadfish03x @fareehamasroor @selfmadecinderella @missus-spooky @larrydaddyaf @midnightfairylady @iloveyoulikebuckylovesplums @doughnutsanddragons @wondershunter @rollingontheriver2 @lernjergispotato @lucijadolzan @fandomspower @freedominwriting @feels-andmorefeels @thefoxystranger @small-town-wayward-daughter @spaceisdead @eyeslaya99 @blaineandkurt4-ever @hello-castiels-cheesburger @mxixnn @loverollyjoger @im--not--ironic @sp4c-boi @milex-and-the-cactus @beccatigger @00neil00 @lulubellsass @dreamymara @collectivekiera @whimsibro @possesstiel @easilydistractedwriter @liseum @deepdarkfandom @cohsette @lunatrixlupin @birthlings @carry-on-you-wayward-winchesters @dandycandy75 @moaningcastiel @fangirl1802 @barbaralovespjo @itsjusthaawo @trekking-in-a-tardis @angelic-hunter23 @angel-hunter-winchester @totallynotjohngreen @annacaffeina @pinklaces34 @thebabybeans @blackbutler-scenarios @i-am-content-with-this-content @dem-gabriel-tho @cryingtitan @totidem-verbis @sprinkleofhappinessuniverse @crowleys-goldfish @edenial @charliesbackbitches @mightystark @thedeaniebean @elementarnanepogoda @seriouslysami @in-love-with-humanity @destiel-shmestiel @withecurrent @someonebeatmetotheurl @randomlivisnotokay @wildtendermythologia @1967-chevy-impala @rosto79 @castheweepingangel @ladynikitablack @mishacrazyworld @snowflake2244 @littlesasquatch @wintersoldiens @supernaturalandstuff123 @and-his-name-will-be-40-and-2 @jace-parabatai-spn @farewell--sanity @thatstrangermaura @shallot-the-fab @shouldntitbe-destiel @joannanewsombookclub @on-wednesdays-we-wear-flannel @captainverycollectionperson @high-on-spn @okie-dokie-angel @caitisaddicted @mamaredd123 @music-x-freak @random--weirdo @edmondstaplerhands @paolacristinasouza @tree-of-blue-squirrel @trisscar368 @fucktional-slytherpuff @godbriel @liveforarts13 @thecrazyexperiment @thereisnolumos @lgbtpridenyc @eternal-wrench @love-grows-with-every-glance @vultures-above-and-sharks-below @collectorofmovies @kristivsworld @joeydeancas @take-a-look-the-invisible-girl @gameofthronescollectables @fueled-by-space @mrsrossshorlynch @lilymay2209 @wtf-is-wrong-with-this @pain-in-the-fandom @fandom-hoe101 @shamvictoria11 @sexyashmike @fnaflover10 @section-79 @livelovefreeze98-blog @hannahmay0277 @avengersfan25 @my-nonexistant-romance @vampkitten18 @dr-tardis-who @wanderlustnightwanderer @colorfulrain6 @vikingsfloki @simplyfreeman @podthesquiz @you-have-been-winchestered @l0stgirl07 @impolitewimp @multifandomwhore91 @mein1928 @ibeacumberbabe @lizardqueen123456
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So I accidentally started playing 25 different pop punk songs in 25 different tabs. Beautiful mistake.
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So there is this idea that when you’re bilingual you like to show off and use foreign words on purpose but tbh when I can’t remember a word in French but know it in English I just feel completely stupid, like come on brain it’s our mother tongue, don’t tell me you can’t remember, I’m going to sound like an idiot now
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Dean Creations Challenge | deanshandprint vs. clarinetcas ↳ Prompt: Leviathan
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according to hetero dating law the girl shouldn’t pay for her meal which, logically, means that if two girls go on a date together nobody pays and they get everything for free but the catch is that they have to stand the whole time bc no one can pull out a chair
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idk a sketch of the various evil incarnations of team free will
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to my beautiful son, i leave this picture of a sweet dragon i found on google images when i typed in cool dragons
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what does “men who adhere to strict gender binary” even mean tho
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