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ethan-hayward-fmp-year1 · 4 years ago
hyper light drifter: team
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Hyper Light Drifter is primarily based on the vision of its key developer, Alx Preston. Preston had been born with congenital heart disease, and throughout his life has been hospitalized with digestive and immune-system issues relating to this condition. While in college, Preston had used the mediums of painting and film to illustrate his experiences with frail health and near-death conditions.
Preston envisioned Hyper Light Drifter as a video game as a means "to tell a story he can identify with, expressing something personal to a larger audience, so he feels more connected and have an outlet for the many emotions that crop up around life-altering issues". Further, he had yearned to develop a game that combined the best elements of The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past and Diablo for many years, which would feature world exploration and combat that required some strategy by the player, depending on foes they faced. After several years of being an animator, he felt he could do so in 2013.The theme and story for the game, featuring a protagonist suffering from a terminal disease, is meant as a simile for his own health 
Preston originally set out to make the game for Windows, OS X, and Linux computers and started a Kickstarter campaign in September 2013 to secure US$27,000 in funding to complete the title. Prior to starting the campaign, Preston had secured the help of programmer Beau Blyth who created titles like Samurai Gunn, and musician Disasterpeace, who worked on the music for Fez. He opted to develop the game under the studio name Heart Machine as an allegory for the various medical devices he often needs to track his own health, and to use for future projects following Hyper Light Drifter.
The project funding was exceeded in a day, and quickly grew over US$100,000 within a few days of its launch. To encourage additional funding, Preston created new stretch goals, including additional gameplay modes, more bosses and characters, and expanding the release to include the PlayStation 4 and Vita, the Ouya, and the Wii U consoles. These goals were all met by the completion of the campaign, with more than US$640,000 raised. Preston stated that he had had these additional platforms in mind when first launching the Kickstarter, but did not want to over-promise what he felt he could deliver. The additional funds have helped Preston hire additional developers to aid in porting the game to these additional consoles.
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ethan-hayward-fmp-year1 · 4 years ago
hollow knight: team
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Having released on PC in 2017 and on Switch during E3 2018, Hollow Knight has been an incredible success. Yet it was made by just four people, assembled under the name Team Cherry.
“We brought in friends where we could, for some voices,” co-director William Pellen smiles. “William’s mum did some voices,” adds co-director Ari Gibson. For those of you who are wondering: she voiced the White Lady, Marmu (for which she also got to pick the design, Pellen tells us) and shared the Mantis Lords voices. “My dad’s currently playing through the game. He’s looking for the characters that mum voiced,” Pellen laughs.
More seriously, he adds: “We had some extra art done by some interns but the core team for the vast bulk of the project was me, Ari and Dave [Kazi, technical director] developing the game and Chris [Larkin, composer and sound designer] on sound and music.”
And it all started at a game jam years ago.
“We’d known each other for a while and I was working in animation,” Gibson says. “William was actually doing web development and then in his spare time he was developing games and he sent me a demo for one…”
Pellen interrupts: “It was a simple platformer, a Mario type of thing.” Gibson continues: “It was quite cute. I played that and then contacted him about a game jam, just as a fun thing. It went well and we did a few of them.”
Pellen takes over, with the two co-directors finishing each other’s sentences like an old couple: “The very first one we did was called Hungry Knight and actually features the same character as Hollow Knight.”
Gibson smiles: “Not just the same character but the same sprites that we ended up using in Hollow Knight. The third one was a three-day game jam and we didn’t hit the time frame right but we still developed it and we ended up developing what probably was the very beginning of Hollow Knight. That was a side scrolling platformer using the same sprites.”
That game jam had a pretty interesting theme: ‘Beneath the surface’.
“We were keen on making another game with the character that we had,” Pellen says. “A simple insect world that we just kept working on until we decided that potentially we could publish it, like a professional product. We set up the Kickstarter at the end of 2014.”
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ethan-hayward-fmp-year1 · 4 years ago
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for my run animations i wanted my character to have a bouncy skip like run 
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ethan-hayward-fmp-year1 · 4 years ago
Which camera angle did you use and why?
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I used top down for my game as i was using games like hyper light drifter and zelda as references on how they world built in there games I had also made my character sprite sheet for its walk cycles in a top down way so I had to stick with it although I feel like military view would have also looked good as my game would constantly progress downwards things like steps would look better in that view as they would pop out more 
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ethan-hayward-fmp-year1 · 4 years ago
Raiders of the Lost Ark
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in Indiana jones raiders of the lost ark there's a long segment of the film where he steals the statue of futility from a narrow cave system and after he takes the treasure he activates all the traps i want to have hidden areas like this on my map as well there the player can find map fragments to find small times areas where you will have to run away from a bolder through an assult course of tiles that move in different directions 
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ethan-hayward-fmp-year1 · 4 years ago
The Hobbit: Goblin Town
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Compare this to your own world- goblins live here, it’s open, light and lively!
in my game I wanted to make a town area that surrounds the base of the broken dungeon I wanted it to have lots of levels to it, similar to the goblin town in the hobbit as it feels light and lively, my story line for the village is that a small fishing town was forced into the dungeon as the surface became to unworkable because the fish left after the dungeon corrupter the land above. but being that it was a fishing town i wanted it to have lively market feel even if it was stuck in a cave next to a dungeon living off of monster fish meat 
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ethan-hayward-fmp-year1 · 4 years ago
As above so below
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in as above so below the idea is you keep continuing down the caves until you reach the surface again i also want my games progression to push the player downwards so my game is on a constant decline this allows me to introduce choke points that force the player into certain directions giving the player the feel of freedom while making them go the way of progression 
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ethan-hayward-fmp-year1 · 4 years ago
The Last Descent
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the last decent is a true story about the death of of John Edward Jones who got trapped for more than a day inside Nutty Putty Cave before dying there in 2009 this film uses claustrophobia as it main medium to scare the viewer as i want my game feel like your constantly exploring the world looking for bosses and fighting enemies around the map so i don't want to confine my player into tight spaces 
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ethan-hayward-fmp-year1 · 4 years ago
Nutty Putty Cave:
the nutty putty cave is a long and tight cave in Utah the name is believed to relate to the soft, brown, putty-like texture of the clay found by Green in many of its tunnels. It contains 1,400 feet of chutes and tunnels and, prior to closure, had been accessible via a narrow surface hole.
Before 2009 this cave had four separate rescues of cavers and Boy Scouts, who became stuck inside the cave's tight twists, turns, and crawls. In 2006, an effort was put forth to study and severely limit the number of visitors allowed inside the cave. It was estimated the cave was receiving over 5,000 visitors per year, with many visitors often entering the cave late at night and failing to take proper safety precautions. The cave’s popularity had caused excessive smoothing of the rock inside the cave to the point it was predicted a fatality would occur in one of the cave's more prominent features, a 45-degree room called "The Big Slide". On May 24, 2006, a gate was installed, and the cave was temporarily closed. In early 2009, proper management was established and an application process was developed to ensure safety precautions were being met. On May 18, 2009 the cave was reopened to the public.
Nutty Putty has been closed to the public since 2009 following a fatal accident that year
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this tight cave system wouldn't work for my game as i want it to feel like a huge open area your free to explore 
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ethan-hayward-fmp-year1 · 4 years ago
New Zealand Glow Worm Caves
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Arachnocampa luminosa:
These flies live from about 6 through 12 months as larvae, depending on food availability. A larva is only about 3–5 mm long when it emerges from its egg, and can grow up to about 3 cm long.
The larva spins a nest out of silk on the ceiling of the cave and then hangs down as many as 70 threads of silk (called snares) from around the nest, each up to 30 or 40 cm long and holding droplets of mucus. The larvae can only live in a place out of the wind, to stop their lines being tangled, hence caves, overhangs or deep rainforest. In some species, the droplets of mucus on the silk threads are poisonous, enhancing the trap's ability to subdue prey quickly.
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A larva's glow attracts prey into its threads. The roof of a cave covered with larva can look remarkably like a blue starry sky at night. A hungry larva glows brighter than one that has just eaten.(citation needed) Prey include midges, mayflies, caddisflies, mosquitos, moths, and even small snails or millipedes. When a prey animal is caught by a snare, its larva pulls it up (at up to about 2 mm a second) and feeds on the prey. When Arachnocampa prey are scarce, larvae may show cannibalism, eating other larvae, pupae or adult flies.
The glow is the result of a chemical reaction that involves luciferin, the substrate; luciferase, the enzyme that acts upon luciferin; adenosine triphosphate, the energy molecule; and oxygen. It occurs in modified excretory organs known as Malpighian tubules in the abdomen.
The body of the larva is soft while the head capsule is hard. When it outgrows the head capsule it moults, shedding its skin. This happens four times throughout its life.
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At the end of the larva stage, it becomes a pupa, hanging down from the roof of the cave. The pupa stage lasts about 1 or 2 weeks and it glows intermittently. The male stops glowing a few days before emerging, the female's glow increases. The glow from the female is believed to be to attract a mate, and males may be waiting there when she emerges.
The adults of both sexes cannot feed and live only a short time. They glow, but only intermittently. Their sole purpose is to mate, and for the female to lay eggs. Adult insects are poor fliers and so will often remain in the same area, building a colony of glowworms. The female lays a total of about 130 eggs, in clumps of 40 or 50, and dies soon after laying. The eggs hatch after about 20 days and the cycle repeats.
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The larvae are sensitive to light and disturbance and will retreat into their nests and stop glowing if they or their snares are touched. Generally they have few predators. Their greatest danger is from human interference.
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ethan-hayward-fmp-year1 · 4 years ago
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Not all animals need eyes
The remipede isn't the only blind, colourless, cave-dwelling animal. There is a huge diversity of such creatures, but some of the best understood are the cavefishes.
Geoff says, 'A lot of major cave systems worldwide have blind cavefish. It seems obvious that if there is no light then eyes are of little use and evolution is a relentless mechanism for eliminating unused structures.
'However, what is really interesting is there aren't any blind fish in the deep sea. No sunlight penetrates below 1,000 metres, even in the clearest water - so why are deep sea fish still expending resources on making eyes?
'It's because there is a lot of light in the deep sea - and it is bioluminescence.'
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for my game this question of why the deep sea fish aren't blind is important because my game is set in a cave but there is still light that generates and is similar to what the deep sea fish experience, and being that any source of light seem to keep the eyes from being forgotten through evolution it would make sense for the enemies in my game to still have eyes but i like the idea of them being see through due to not having the need for pigment 
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ethan-hayward-fmp-year1 · 4 years ago
worlds largest cave
During a dive last month, a British team discovered an underwater tunnel connecting the largest cave, Son Doong, in Vietnam, with another gigantic cave, called Hang Thung. Once the caves are officially connected, it will measure an estimated 1.4 billion cubic feet. The river cave is thought to be at least 3 million years old. It measures more than three miles long, and at its largest, the cave is more than 650 feet tall, and almost 500 feet wide.
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being that I want my game to feel like your in a huge open space I'm going to have to neglect the rules of how caves are conventionally made, but as much as I don't care for physics I still want to to make sense so I could have a ribcage of an old leviathan sized creature or just put a massive tree in there as a support beam to hold the cave up allowing for its massive size 
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ethan-hayward-fmp-year1 · 4 years ago
caves and how they form
What Is a Cave:
“A cave is a natural opening in the ground extending beyond the zone of light and large enough to permit the entry of man. Occurring in a wide variety of rock types and caused by widely differing geological processes, caves range in size from single small rooms to intercorinecting passages many miles long. The scientific study of caves is called speleology (from the Greek words spelaion for cave and logos for study). It is a composite science based on geology, hydrology, biology, and archaeology, and thus holds special interest for earth scientists of the U.S. Geological Survey”
types of cave:
“Types of Caves A simple classification of caves includes four main types and several other relatively less important types. Solution caves are formed in carbonate and sulfate rocks such as limestone, dolomite, marble, and gypsum by the action of slowly moving ground water that dissolves the rock to form tunnels, irregular passages, and even large caverns along joints and bedding planes. Most of the caves in the world as well as the largest are of this type. Lava caves are tunnels or tubes in lava formed when the outer surface of a lava flow cools and hardens while the molten lava within continues to flow and eventually drains out through the newly formed tube. Sea caves are formed by the constant action of waves which attacks the weaker portions of rocks lining the shores of oceans and large lakes. Such caves testify to the enormous pressures exerted by waves and to the corrosive power of wave-carried sand and gravel. Glacier caves are formed by melt water which excavates drainage tunnels through the ice. Of entirely different origin and not to be included in the category of glacier caves are so-called "ice caves," which usually are either solution caves or lava caves within which ice forms and persists through all or most of the year.”
How Caves Form:
“How Caves Form The melt-water streams draining out along the floor of a glacier cave or the surging, pounding waves at the mouth of a sea cave offer immediate evidence of the origin of these caves. Solution caves, however, have always been a source of wonder to man. How do these extensive, complex, and in some places beautifully decorated passageways develop? Solution caves are formed in limestone and similar rocks by the action of water; they can be thought of as part of a huge subterranean plumbing system. After a rain, water seeps into cracks and pores of soil and rock and percolates beneath the land surface. Eventually some of the water reaches a zone where all the cracks and pores in the rock are already filled with water. The term water table refers to the upper surface of this saturated zone. Calcite (calcium carbonate), the main mineral of limestone, is barely soluble in pure water. Rainwater, however, absorbs some carbon dioxide as it passes through the atmosphere and even more as it drains through soil and decaying vegetation. The water, combining chemically with the carbon dioxide, forms a weak carbonic acid solution. This acid slowly dissolves calcite, forms solution cavities, and excavates passageways. The resulting calcium bicarbonate solution is carried off in the underground drainage system.”
Source: Geology of Caves by W. E. Davies and I. M. Morgan 
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ethan-hayward-fmp-year1 · 4 years ago
best looking mushrooms to size up into trees
honey mushrooms are shiny and cool 
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lion's mane could also make a pretty good tree as it has the same form as a weeping willow tree and that's pretty epic if you ask me, the only problem i can see is with its fine details as im using pixel art as my medium each branch will be represented in more of a clump  
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termitomyces titanicus and acacia trees also have a similar form so wouldn't be that hard to merge 
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parasol mushrooms hold the same similarities to acacia trees 
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and a tree that represents every other mushroom would have to be the dragons blood tree as there just big mushroom looking trees
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ethan-hayward-fmp-year1 · 4 years ago
how big do mushrooms grow
While the largest organism in the world is a fungus in Oregon
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the Termitomyces titanicus is the world's largest edible mushroom, with the cap capable of measuring a little more than three feet across
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ethan-hayward-fmp-year1 · 4 years ago
glowing mushrooms
The glow is the result of an interaction between a compound called luciferin and the luciferase enzyme in the presence of oxygen, they say. If their glow appears familiar to you, that may be because other organisms use the same compound to produce light as well
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ethan-hayward-fmp-year1 · 4 years ago
glowing crystals
gemstone luminescence is a phenomenon that occurs when electrons in certain atoms of a crystallized mineral absorb energy and then release it in small amounts over time.
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X-rays, visible light, and even heat can provide the energy to excite the electrons in minerals. However, gemologists most commonly use ultraviolet light to trigger gemstone luminescence,
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When UV light bounces off objects that contain special substances called phosphors, interesting things happen. Phosphors are substances that emit visible light in response to radiation. Phosphors hit by UV light become excited and naturally fluoresce, or in other words, glow.
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