eth3r34l · 7 months
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It was raining still as she stepped outside but she didn’t care. Wasn’t one of her biggest problems anyway. Before she left the building, she managed to text her best friend to ask her to pick her up. All she had to do now was to wait so that’s what she did. Standing in the rain in front of the cafe, her hands in the pockets of her jacket. It was rather cold, after all, it was still winter. Despite the absence of snow.
“Are you okay?” a male voice asked her.
She looked in the way the voice came from. It was the man from earlier, the one she bumped into. He was holding an umbrella, one he shared with her as he came to stand closer to her.
“Yeah,” she said, looking away from him to look at the road.
“That was a dick move in there,” he commented on the earlier situation.
“I already apologized for the coffee,” her tone defensive.
“No,” he chuckled, “I meant the slap.”
“Well, what else was I supposed to do?” she asked.
“Let me clarify,” he took a deep breath, “Your slap was justified. His wasn’t.”
“Oh,” she finally understood what he meant, “Thanks, I guess.”
“Don’t,” he sighed, “I should’ve interfered earlier, not just watch.” He seemed to regret his choice to simply observe what was happening instead of speaking up.
“It’s fine,” she reassured him, “You couldn’t have known.” She was trying to make him feel better, after all, none of it was his fault. “I’m responsible for my actions,” she continued, “And well, I’m actually surprised I didn’t get fired earlier,” she joked, a soft playful smile on her lips as she looked at him.
He chuckled slightly before getting more serious again, “Sorry about your job.”
“Sorry about your jacket,” she said playfully, making him chuckle again. “And thanks for sharing your umbrella with me,” she thanked him, just to let him know it didn’t go unnoticed.
“No problem, clumsy barista,” he joked, a teasing smirk on his lips.
“Former barista,” she corrected him before chuckling, putting her wet hair behind her ear to get it out of her face.
“My bad,” he chuckled, his free hand reaching into his pocket to pull out a pack of cigarettes and opening it to offer her one. “Want one?” he asked.
She shook her head, “I quit,” offering him a smile again, “Thanks though.”
“Good for you,” he said honestly as he put one of the cigarettes between his lips and pocketed the rest of the pack. “But maybe you would be interested in this?” he said as he pulled his hand out of his pocket, handing her the tissue she left him earlier.
“Oh,” she took it from him, “I didn’t realize–”
“You seemed a little out of it,” he interrupted her, “No worries.”
“I was,” she sighed, pulling her hand out of her pocket and grabbing her tissue from him. “Thanks,” she said, her eyes on her pocket as she put the tissue in it.
The man simply hummed and nodded, looking at the empty road. Slowly the rain got less and less heavy until it stopped completely, making him put the umbrella down. Just as he did that, a silver car pulled up, stopping right in front of them. The tinted window rolled down to reveal a pink-haired woman with bright green eyes and a smile on her face sitting behind the steering wheel.
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eth3r34l · 7 months
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When he came to a stop, she moved behind him, his eyes following her but he stayed in place. Her hands found their way to his arms from behind, her body slightly brushing against his as she fixed his posture slightly.
“You don’t have to move exactly like me,” she said as her eyes watched her hands, not even noticing that his eyes were on her still. “Put a little bit of yourself into it,” she continued, “It helps.”
Then she stepped away, crossing her arms on her chest as she stood next to the mat he was standing on.
“And calm your breathing,” she said, noticing the way his breath slightly picked up on pace. But other than that, she didn’t pay it much mind.
He looked away from her as soon as her eyes met his, nodding his head, “Yeah, right.” His words almost stumbled on each other.
Kassandra’s eyes didn’t leave him the whole time. To most people, it would be probably uncomfortable to be watched like this but it didn’t seem to be the case here. Not for Phoenix. Here and there he looked her way with the corner of his eye, but she didn’t pay attention to that. Thinking he was just waiting for her to point out any mistake he could be making but there wasn’t much she could point out. Not any major things.
Eventually, she stopped him. Just to let him have a little break before they continue. She didn’t give him any time limit, simply waited for him to give her the green light. Which came not that much later to her surprise. With a nod she made her way to the mat, gesturing for him to join her.
“Now, you have permission to do whatever you would do to defend yourself,” she informed him, “Don’t pay any mind to the rules I have stated before, I’m well aware of you needing to be close for this.”
“Okay,” Phoenix tilted his head as he stretched before getting into position. “You sure? We don’t have to,” he said for clarification, just to make sure she’s actually okay with it.
“I’m good,” she reassured as she got into position herself.
“I don’t want to hurt you,” he said sincerely.
A soft smirk formed on her lips as she held in a chuckle, “You won’t.”
“Cocky,” he said playfully.
Then the sparring began. One blow thrown after another. For the longest time, it looked like neither of them had the upper hand. A few smirks were exchanged whenever the other stumbled even if slightly. The atmosphere grew rather competitive as the two moved almost in sync at times. Just until Kassandra tripped over Phoenix’s leg. Her hand instinctively grabbed onto him and took him down with her as she fell to the ground.
A soft grunt left her as her back hit the ground, her eyes closing shut at the impact. Opening just to be met with his as he was on top of her, his hands leaning on the mat. Her head lying between them. Not a word left either of them. Their lips parted as they panted, their breaths heavy and eyes connected without any hint of breaking said connection anytime soon.
“You can get off now…” she said softly, slight discomfort in her voice.
“Oh, yeah,” he chuckled nervously. “Sorry,” he apologized as he picked himself up before offering her a hand to help her up as well.
“I’m okay,” she refused, getting up herself. “Sorry for dragging you with me,” she apologized, fixing her clothes without looking at him again.
“Don’t worry about it,” he retreated his hand, it going into his hair to adjust it.
“I think that’s enough for today,” she said.
“Thank you,” he said, “For doing this.”
Kassandra nodded to let him know she heard him but didn’t answer. Leaving without saying another word.
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eth3r34l · 7 months
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It was quiet. Too quiet. Unusual for this home —or rather house— it has never felt like home. Not to her. Then again, she barely remembered what home feels like. She forgot the meaning of it long time ago. But it didn’t matter anymore. This was her life. Was it the life she always wanted? Far from it. Yet, it was the one she had. Would she change how things are? Would love to. However, that wasn’t a possibility. Not now.
A sigh coming from her as she took off her wedding ring, placing it aside on the kitchen counter. Watching as the sink got filled up with water, her mind wandering back to simpler times. Times that were long gone. Just like the cheerful girl with long white hair and a spark in her eyes. She was gone. Perhaps could be considered dead. Replaced by this empty shell of a woman with black hair that she dyed every time the roots began to come in.
She shook her head, trying to get back into reality as she stopped the water. Her hands sliding into it as the dishes clinked against each other, pulling out one of the dirty plates to wash it.
The sound of the front door opening and closing again echoed through the dim lit room, making her tense up. Despite that, she tried to act casual, placing the clean plate on the drying rack. Not turning around as she felt a presence approach her.
“I told you, you don’t have to do this,” a voice said from behind, “We have a dish washer.”
“It’s faster this way,” she replied softly, not even turning her head to look behind her.
There was no reply, just two hands sliding around her waist from behind. Her breath catching in her throat as they made her turn around, now face to face with him as her wet hands stayed in the air.
“I don’t want these beautiful hands of yours,” he spoke to her, taking her hand in his. Grabbing a towel to dry it before placing a kiss on top of it, “Get ruined by that nasty dish water,” he finished his sentence.
Her head turned away from him as he spoke to her, not looking him in his eyes. Feeling him take a hold of her other hand as well, his grip tightening.
“Where’s your ring?” his voice firm as the energy around him shifted completely.
“I took it off—” her answer making him tighten his grip on her wrist further, making her flinch slightly. “Because of the dishes,” she blurted out, “Didn’t want to ruin it—”
“Look at me,” he ordered.
Making her close her eyes as her eyebrows furrowed. There was a hint of hesitation as she turned her head slowly to look at him like he asked. Or rather demanded. Her purple eyes meeting his for the first time since he got home.
“Never,” he said, his jaw clenching and eyes narrowing, “Take it off.” His voice far from gentle as he grabbed the ring from the counter and slid it back on her finger, “Understood?”
She nodded, her gaze dropping to the ground.
“I didn’t hear anything,” he said as he pulled her closer, making her stumble.
“Yes,” she said softly, her body pressing against his as he held her by the wrists.
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