eternallyimaginative · 10 months
Ugh I need to get reading this again
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eternallyimaginative · 10 months
oh youre bi? why dont you "bi" me some time with a distraction while i crack this safe ya fuckin goon
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The Host by Stephanie Meyer
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Book: The Host 
Author: Stephanie Meyer
Publisher:   Little Brown and Company
Release Date:   Janyary 1st, 2008
Format: Hardcover
Pages:  620
Started Reading: April 9th, 2020
Finished Reading: April 13th, 2020
Summary (supplied from GoodReads):    Melanie Stryder refuses to fade away. The earth has been invaded by a species that take over the minds of human hosts while leaving their bodies intact. Wanderer, the invading "soul" who has been given Melanie's body, didn't expect to find its former tenant refusing to relinquish possession of her mind. As Melanie fills Wanderer's thoughts with visions of Jared, a human who still lives in hiding, Wanderer begins to yearn for a man she's never met. Reluctant allies, Wanderer and Melanie set off to search for the man they both love.  
My Thoughts: Honestly this is my favourite Stephanie Meyer book that I have read. I love Twilight, but I can definately point out the flaws as seen in the book review for each of the Twilight books. 
I adore Melanie and Wanderer (Wanda) as characters. I love how they are opposites, yet they compliment each other so well. Seeing the transition between enemies/host and alien you see the transition in their relationship from start to finish, with the two girls seeing each other as family. 
A qualm that I do have with this book in regards to the Melanie and Wanda dynamic is that I wish there were more situations where Mel was present. Yes Wanda is the main character as the story is being told about an alien invasion from an anlien’s perspective, but in my minds eye if you’re going to be inside of a host, I would have liked to see more struggles between the two characters. I’m pretty sure this would have been the case if the story telling roles were reverse. 
Secondary characters, I won’t be saying too much about them so they will all fit into one paragraph. Jared and Ian, I like how they are similar to Mel and Wanda in contrasting the other party in the duos. Having said that though...I’m not a fan of Jared. I love the character of Ian a lot to he completely real. Qualms that I have regarding the character development though? I wish we got to see more of how Ian transitioned from hating Wanda to being friends with her, seeing more of the conflict with himself if you know what I mean. We certainly see it with Jared. Jamie? Love him. Jeb...I want him to be my crazy grandfather. Enough said. But, I think the most well written secondary character written was probably Doc. I mean when I started reading the book I felt Wanda’s anxiety about him like it was my own, but then the course of the story and you find out that he’s actually a very sweet character. Seeing that is very refreshing to me in books because it really makes you feel emotions alongside the character. 
Setting? I actually though it was very well done. Mind you I will completely have to warn anyone that has not read this book yet...you really have to be patient with it for the first 14 chapters. I say this because they are painful to get through, once you get to the human resistance in the desert caves though its smooth sailing that you can’t put down. 
Over all I really enjoyed the fact that this story is about an alien invasion, but told from an alien. I mean I usually can not even get into alien books at all, even when its “oh my god we’re being invaded!” But, this one had a completely different take. Its was we’re going to write it as an alien and make her end up empathising with the humans. It really does make you question your moralities when you read the conficts that Wanda has with herself and the conflicts that she deals with from the humans. 
Verdict: Hands down I think I’m going to have to rate this one a 4 out of 5 for myself. Its far from perfect, but its definitely up there on books that I have the least amount of qualms with. 
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Betrayed (House On Night Novel) by P.C. Cast and Kristin Cast
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Book: Betrayed (Book 2 of House of Night)
Author: P.C. Cast & Kristin CAst
Publisher:   St. Martin’s Griffin
Release Date:   Coctober 2nd, 2007
Format: ePub
Pages:  310
Started Reading: November 15th, 2019
Finished Reading: November 24th, 2019
Summary (supplied from GoodReads): Zoey, High Priestess in training, has managed to settle in at the House of Night and come to terms with the vast powers the Vampyre Goddess Nyx has given her. Just as she finally feels she belongs, the unthinkable happens: human teenagers are being killed, and all evidence points to the House of Night. While danger stalks the humans from Zoey’s old life, she begins to realize that the very powers that make her so unique might also threaten those she loves.     
My Thoughts: Honestly, through out this book I found that Zoey was a very shallow person. I have to admit that I didn’t really notice much character development with the main character. Which was kind of disapointing, but again in regards to the last HON review I’m giving the writer’s the benifit of the doubt considering that there are 12 books in total for the series? So, it may come at a later time?
I actually really adore the nerd-herd, and so far they seem like very good friends to Zoey. But, I don’t really see why she has them as friends when she doesn’t really treat them well. I feel like that from all of the society and school pressure from her elders and peers that she has let the power and influence go to her head, and she in turn is starting to power trip. I find that even though I’m not a very big fan of Erik Night, I find that he doesn’t really deserve the treatment that Zoey gives him. This goes for Heath too.
I like that we were able to see a bit more of Aphroditie’s character development though, and to me it indicates that she’s going to be a very key player through out the series. 
Stevie Rae...even though she hasn’t been shown too much in the book, she’s just one of those characters that I absolutely love! I was devistated though regarding what happened to her. But, keeping that in mind that I had read these books before quite a few years ago, and I do know what happens. So, I know it will all be worth it in the end. 
Honestly though...I can’t really think of what else to comment on regarding this book, so I’ll leave the result below in the verdict.
Verdict: Because I didn’t enjoy this book of the series too much, and there were so many things story element wise that I just didn’t like...I’m going to rate this as a 2.5 out of 5. 
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This was literally me the first time that I read The Host by Stephanie Meyer
Slowly becoming obsessed with a book
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Marked ( House of Night Novel) by P. C. Cast & Kristin Cast
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Book: Marked (Book 1 of House of Night)
Author: P.C. Cast & Kristin CAst
Publisher:   St. Martin’s Press
Release Date:   May 1st, 2007
Format: ePub
Pages:  306
Started Reading: October 15th, 2019
Finished Reading: November 15th, 2019
Summary (supplied from GoodReads):    After a Vampire Tracker Marks her with a crescent moon on her forehead, 16-year-old Zoey Redbird enters the House of Night and learns that she is no average fledgling. She has been Marked as special by the vampyre Goddess Nyx and has affinities for all five elements: Air, Fire Water, Earth and Spirit. But she is not the only fledgling at the House of Night with special powers. When she discovers that the leader of the Dark Daughters, the school’s most elite club, is mis-using her Goddess-given gifts, Zoey must look deep within herself for the courage to embrace her destiny – with a little help from her new vampyre friends (or Nerd Herd, as Aphrodite calls them)
My Thoughts: Hmm...where to start....
Well lets start with setting I assume? In my minds eye this is in a parallel universe to our own, not quite our own reality. I say this because in the book it is common knowledge that there are humans and vampyres amongst the civilians of the universe. Heck the humans know that they may get “changed” into a fledgeling if they are “marked” by a “tracker” (another vampyre gifted with the ability to sense where a potential fledgeling is and mark them for the vampyre goddess Nyx). Other than that little difference based on my opinion, most of the technologies for 2007 are the same as we would have had in that year. Its kind of interesting that both of the writers made a logical choice and had the vampyre schedule be pretty much the flip side of the human schedule, Night vs Day. To me it made sense, and I wouldn’t have had it any other way.
Characters were actually pretty well rounded out for a beginning book of a series I think. It kind of gives you a glimpse at them, and want to learn more about them. But, of course with there being at least 12 books in the series there is still a lot of character development to be made. Honestly I’m not too surprised that this one has the content that it does simply because there is A LOT to cover. 
As for each individual character....Nefret you can tell that there is something more with her from the foreshadowing that the protagonist Zoey gives us. Damien seems like a cupcake BATHED in glitter goodness, funny because thats how Stevie Rae is portrayed to the other characters. Speaking of Stevie Rae? I freaking LOVED her, honestly from the moment we’re introduced to her character you’re made to feel like there is to be a deep bond between her and Zoey. Mind you I think this is foreshadowing for the other books. The Twins are two psuedo twin girls from different ethnic backgrounds, but love everything the same way. I found them interesting in the fact that they are so much alike and spicy in personalities, but I do wish that we could have seen them more in this book, but again there is another at least 12 books so there is time for that. The character of Zoey’s “ex-almost-boyfriend” is named Heath....he’s not a bad guy....but he’s very much like a puppy that just won’t leave you alone...yeah take that how you want. The 2nd love interest of Zoey is Erik. He’s not a bad guy, but it just seems too easy of a love interest to me, like way to easy? “Hey I’m the new kid and I’m going to automatically get the attention of the hottest guy on campus”. Honestly I don’t know if I like that trope simply because I prefer the build up of a relationship dynamic. But, lets not forget about our main character Zoey Redbird. She’s not a bad character? She just seems kind of flat to me a bit. Especially when she has such a rich background and ethnic history that could have been explored more, or even stressed more to the audience. She seems like the type of character that is just spit out in a video game world and knows what they have to do *looks pointedly at SAO with a glare*. But, that’s just my opinion.
Now for a possibly touch topic? It really shouldn’t be touchy considering that its JUST a book. Religion/Faith/Spirituality. You’ve got a lot of this in the novel’s, and I guess you could say its the driving force of the realm that the books take place in. You have the humans and their “People of the Faith” who honour and worship the Judeo/Christian God, and who think that anything that is different than that is devil worship. On the flip side of that coin you have the vampyre society who acknowledges this god, but knows its not for their path and have been chosen to follow the way of Nyx the goddess of the night. Honestly this book was the first thing that introduced me into my own faith. I myself am Wiccan, but didn’t know exactly what this book was pulling from at the time of reading it. This is where I really do have to pay it to the writers for doing their research regarding pagan, mainly I do believe Dianic Wicca (I’m taking a guess on this path of Wicca simply for the fact that Dianic is more feminine power based to my knowledge). The symbolysims were pretty spot on from the colour candles representing each element to the fact that there is a goddess in this path. There is another reason why I want to say that it seems like the Vampyre society reflects pagan faiths. They acknowledge the other paths are there, but know where their feet are looking to go down the paths. 
Now, I think I should address the writing style. Its actually fitting for the books. Its written like a teenager communicates. With the exception of Zoey though....to be honest she’s a little too innocent in the language department when I compare it to how I was at that age. On the other hand its probably at an age group that is probably available for a 13 year old to read? Even if there is some conent that you’re like “how is this in a book written in the language appropriate for a 14 year old? They should be more innocent?” Its just a little bit of a mixed vibe, but not bad. 
Verdict: I’m going to rate this book as a 3.5 stars. Its showing that its got more in store for the story, and keeps you reading. It really is showing the potential in my eyes. 
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Oblivion (a Nevermore novel) by Kelly Craigh
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Book: Oblivion (a Nevermore novel)
Author: Kelly Craigh
Publisher:   Atheneum Books for Young Readers
Release Date:   July 28th, 2015
Format: Hardcover
Pages:  448
Started Reading: March 29, 2019
Finished Reading: April 1, 2019
Summary (supplied from GoodReads):   This electrifying conclusion to the Nevermore trilogy takes one last trip to the dream world of Edgar Allan Poe to reveal the intertwined fates of Isobel and Varen. The boundaries which divide Life from Death are at best shadowy and vague. Who shall say where the one ends, and where the other begins? —Edgar Allan Poe The fine line between life and death blurred long ago for Isobel Lanley. After a deadly confrontation with Varen in the dreamworld, she’s terrified to return to that desolate and dangerous place. But when her nightmares resume, bleeding into reality, she is left with no choice. Varen’s darkness is catching up to her. To everything. Threatening to devour it all. Isobel fears for her world. For her sanity and Varen’s—especially after a fresh and devastating loss. To make matters worse, the ghostly demon Lilith wants Varen for her own, and she will do anything to keep him in her grasp—anything. Can Isobel ever find her happy ending? Worlds collide and fates are sealed in this breathtaking finale to the Nevermore trilogy.
My Thoughts: Could this story melt whatever heard and soul I have more? This book...is right up there with Nevermore on the same pedistal. So beautiful it was.
That Pinfeathers think I mentioned in the last book review? Yeah...I had an emotional connection to him by this book. I see why he went the way he did, but I kind of wished we saw him a bit longer in the book. But, then again if he was still hanging around Varen wouldn’t have come to his senses the way that he did. 
Varen...oh you were the one that melted my soul the most. Even though we didn’t read through your perspective and through Isobel’s...oh how it was heartbreakign to see that you still thought se was dead...Why am I listening the Marianas Trench while reading this book and reviewing it?! First time I’ve heard this album by the band...and I’m on the Ghost song...oh good lord and lady (*coughs* sorry the Wiccan in me) this song goes so well with him...it makes me upset now....And I though Rhythm of Your Heart did...What is my life anymore?!
I wish that we saw more Gwen and Danny, but again I understand why we didn’t. In a way I think this book was making up for the last one in regards to giving us more time with Varen, and also with Isobel being so close to reaching him since it is the last novel of the trilogy. 
I still think the best scene in this one was when Varen finally realized that she wasn’t a dream, though he still though she was dead and he morphed the surroundings to like that beach scene that resembled the Poe Poem...
I actually liked seeing Varen interacting more with the Dream world, and not just him in his gloom state. Especially when he did want to get out of there and out of Lilith’s grasp on his mind. 
Speaking of Lilith...I feel like through out the story now that I think about it....as much as she terrified me...we could have been spending more time on her lore, and the like. But, then again we were probably only told what we as the audience needed to hear. I don’t it was just a thought regarding the world building...
Reynolds....Kelly I have to say it...as much as I love Isobel, Varen, Gwen, and Danny....I honestly think Reynolds was the best character in the whole story. The twists you put us through involving him were unreal. He’s the Snape of this series. Like you want to dislike him...truly dislike him at times...but then by the end of the book you truly love him... Though I do wish that were was a bit more time to explore him. But, again its probably that we the audience didn’t have to know. After all we were only told what Isobel was told, and even she by the end of the story was still a little puzzled. 
The end of the book.....a very love/hate relationship with the end of the book. I found it bittersweet...Its almost like the story wasn’t COMPLETELY ended. Especially with the epilogue. I mean we’re told a bit of why Varen had initially gone into his own mentality the way that he did. I’m feeling from all of the hints that his mother was the catalyst for this...he went to meet her 2 years after all this stuff happened....and yet...he couldn’t bring himself to approach her. I mean I get it...this happens in real life more often than not...but considering the paranormal/horror stuff that the series revolved around....I would have kind of liked to know why his mother left Mr. Nethers, but most of all leaving Varen too...Like did she know some of this stuff? She was just hinted at so much...like Varen’s attachment was a core element to the story lore...but there was nothing at the end...
Verdict: A very bitter sweet ending to this wonderful trilogy. You really do need to have patience with it. But, if you can supply that patience you will greatly be rewarded with this enriching story. Take note though that you should listen to Rythm of Your Heart when reading the scene of the Grim Facade in Nevermore, and Ghost while reading this book. Both songs are by Marianas Trench. 
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Enshadowed (a Nevermore novel) by Kelly Craigh
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Book: Enshadowed ( a Nevermore novel)
Author: Kelly Craigh
Publisher:  Atheneum
Release Date:   Published August 28th 2012
Format: Hardcover
Pages:  429
Started Reading: March 26, 2019
Finished Reading: March 29, 2019
Summary (supplied from GoodReads):  True love takes a twisted turn in the second book of this modern gothic romance trilogy channeling the dark brilliance of Edgar Allan Poe. Varen Nethers is trapped in a perilous dreamworld—a treacherous and desolate realm where the terrifying stories of Edgar Allan Poe come to life. Isobel Lanley, plagued by strange visions and haunted by the nightmares of Varen's creation, is the only one who can save him. Isobel knows that her only hope lies within a Baltimore cemetery. There, in the early morning of Edgar Allan Poe's birthday, a mysterious stranger known as the "Poe Toaster" will make his annual homage at the legendary poet's grave. Only the Poe Toaster holds the key to the way between worlds. But great dangers lie ahead for Isobel. An ancient evil, draped in veils of white, is watching, challenging her for Varen's affections. When Isobel finally finds Varen, he is no longer the quiet and brooding boy who once captivated her, but a dark force, powerful and malevolent. Could Isobel's greatest love also be her greatest adversary?  
My Thoughts: I have a serious love/hate relationship with this book. But, I promise you it is in a good way...this is where I’m a sucker for punishment (from the last review) comes into play...Through out the whole book...you keep wanting Varen to come through a bit more, even though he’s stuck in the Dream world...
A few times through out the book you do get a hint of Varen through Pinfeathers. Pinfeathers was a character introduced near the last quarter of Nevermore. During that time he was very...sadistic in a sense? In this one because Varen had a change of heart, so did Pinfeaths. This happened because Pinfeathers is a portion of Varen’s psyche, or some might say an alter ego. This is stated in Oblivion, even though you kind of get that gist through this novel as all of the Red Nocs are products of Varen’s own imagination. The Blue Nocs being that of Edgar Allen Poe. This time though Pinfeathes instead of being taunting to Isobel like he was in the Nevermore novel, he’s actually subtly helping her. Mind you he and Reynolds are both notorious for speaking in riddles. 
Still regarding Pinfeathers, I watched some other reviews on this same book, well before reading it. So many people were “oh Pinfeathers” this and that. Honestly, I don’t see where they were getting that from. Maybe because I didn’t feel that we had enough interactions with him either to fully develop an emotional attachment for when he shatters. *cough* This changes for Oblivion...of course...
Reynolds...The whole point of this freaking book was waiting for her to go on that trip to meet him, as she’s descovered that he’s the Poe Toaster. I have to hand it to Kelly again...she really drags out that time building up the inticipation. After all, the closer you are to Reynolds, the closer you get to see Varen again...or we hope...
During this time Isobel has the opportunity to build stronger ties with her younger brother Danny (who might I say is my spirit animal/character what ever you know what I’m insunuating), and her hew best friend Gwen. You really end up loving these characters more because of this. 
Again, because of my love/hate relationship with this book, it was the pacing because it was that anticipation of “when are we going to see Varen again? And ANSWERS”. I was raging by this point. Like I wanted to go Super Sayan (sp?) on this. 
But...the whole story had to build up like this.
Though I must say, near the end of the book when Isobel was having all of those confrontations with Reynolds/Gordon whatever his name is. Oh yeah that was quote in the book wasn’t it. Whatever. I just kept shaking my head. I kept thinking....my head is going to explode here any second...
Verdict: This was obviously not my favourite of the three books (weird as I tend to like the 2nd books more than the 3rd). But, it did produce just the right amount of elements that needed to be there for the story as a whole. Thank you Kelly for introducing more sides to some of the characters, and doing a lovely job of making us suspended on that cliff. Pun inteded for the end of that book. 
Rating:  4 out of 5 stars.
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Nevermore by Kelly Craigh
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Book: Nevermore
Author: Kelly Craigh
Publisher:  Atheneum Books for Young Readers
Release Date:   August 31st 2010
Format: Paperback
Pages: 543
Started Reading: March 22, 2019
Finished Reading: March 26, 2019
Summary (supplied from GoodReads):   Cheerleader Isobel Lanley is horrified when she is paired with Varen Nethers for an English project, which is due—so unfair—on the day of the rival game. Cold and aloof, sardonic and sharp-tongued, Varen makes it clear he’d rather not have anything to do with her either. But when Isobel discovers strange writing in his journal, she can’t help but give this enigmatic boy with the piercing eyes another look. Soon, Isobel finds herself making excuses to be with Varen. Steadily pulled away from her friends and her possessive boyfriend, Isobel ventures deeper and deeper into the dream world Varen has created through the pages of his notebook, a realm where the terrifying stories of Edgar Allan Poe come to life. As her world begins to unravel around her, Isobel discovers that dreams, like words, hold more power than she ever imagined, and that the most frightening realities are those of the mind. Now she must find a way to reach Varen before he is consumed by the shadows of his own nightmares. His life depends on it.
My Thoughts: Honestly, I had read this book back in 2012 from my local public library, but due to due dates I couldn’t finish it. I then purchased the books in time so that I could re-read them. But, obviously until recently I never had a chance. I would try to pick Nevermore up again, and for some reason always just after the ice cream shop scene. I think other stuff was just  distracting me.
Of course, I picked it up again and I refused to let anything distract me. I read through it with in 7 days due to work and the like. And, guess what...I didn’t really want to put it down. I would constantly be thinking that I wanted to read rather than go into work, but of course I need to work to pay my bills. 
Nevermore is the type of book that you really have to have patience with when you get about half-way through. Its not a bad thing...its just that the build of of stuff tends to wear you down and you get impatient. I found this with the other books too. Yet, its that build up that you need. So, that you can get more enjoyment out of the parts that you really are looking forward to. 
The characters I found were quite dynamic considering the story that was being told. Isobel is a cheerleader, but she’s not a bobble head like your mind would like to stereotype. And, and with that it brings me to her future love interest in the book. Varen Nethers, he’s a goth kid, and as you can now imagine when I mentioned sterotypes...that exactly what Isobel did...she stereotyped Varen when she was placed as his partner for an English project that they did on Poe. Over time she begins to find out more about Varen. It could partially be the fact that her actions catch him off guard because she wasn’t quite what he expected either. That ice cream shop scene that I mentioned earlier? One of my all time favourites when Isobel sticks up for him. It think that was the time that he really starting thinking that his stereotyping was wrong too.
One stereotype that I did see in background characters’ behaviours was that of Isobels old friends. The jocks acted really....what you think of a jock fromt he 90′s films and stories of when they bully those who they think are weaker than they are. 
When you enter Varen’s dream world with Isobel...another sterotype, but on the story this time. It was coocoo for coacoa puffs. But, thats what you expect from a story that involves Edgar Allen Poe elements, mystery, horror and a dash of YA.
Reynolds was quite the character through out the books. In the first book he was very much like a...not quite spirit guide...but you almost want to put him in that catagory because he was constantly helping Isobel? I guess you could say a “Dream Companion” though I don’t think I’ve ever heard of that before myself...but trust me when you read the books, you’ll see what I mean.
Gwen...you meet her about halfway through the first book...and honest to goodness I saw a good friend of mine in her. Not quite the same personality, but the sarcasticasm and always there for you drive I saw completely. I just recently go in touch with this friend again too, which I find a bit ironic in a hilarious way. Gwen is the type of friend that everyone really wants in their lives. She can playfully bicker with the main character’s love inerest. She can get under the friend’s parents nerves, and yet find her way back again. She’s there to help her friend get out of a tight spot, and put her life on the line  for each other. Yet, she’s also the friend that encourages you to jump out of your comfort zone a bit, so that you can improve yourself.
The setting through out the book I found was quite descriptive, that might be why I mentioned earlier that you really need to have patience with the books. There is foreshadowing, and you really do need to pay attention. It will most likely be explained by the end of the book, or well into the next one what something might have meant. By this point you kind of want to slap you head like you “should have had a V8″ for being so simple and not catching it. You, then reflect on something, and your hear begins to melt.
The end of the story? *claps to Kelly* You really did a good one. Quite the cliff hanger to make the reader come back for more. That’s exactly what I did. Though I must say with the second one I was a sucker for punishment. For the readers of the blog...you might get an explaination in the next review.
Verdict: I quite enjoyed this book. I found it delightful, mysterious, and intreguing all at the same time. The characters you actually want to hanging out with. Even though the Dream World is kind of freaky, you do want to go there and see what you see from your own mind at times. It was next to perfect in my minds eye, but I am trying to be a little bit more honest with my reviews, like I said when I started the blog. Soooooo...I dub this book....
Rating:  4.5 out of 5 stars.
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Well I’ve been on un announced HIATUS....
Hey, I’m sorry to all of my followers for my book blog...I didn’t realize quite how long my hiatus was from book blogging. And, for that I’m deeply sorry. 
I’ll let you know the honest trueth...
It was from my depression...
I’ve been wanting to read that whole time...yet...I could never get the energy to. What made me even sadder about this fact...was that reading through the difficutl times, and my depression times was what helped me. Reading has given me a different world that I could enter, and completely forget about. 
Reading gave the opportunity to leave my life as a child and adolecent while I was at home. I kept somethings that were being done to me secret from my mother, thinking that she wouldn’t believe me or worse blame me for it...It let me have a gateway to be in a different life than the one that I was subject to by my step parent. 
Reading gave me a reprieve when the person who was supposed to be my best friend turned her back on me during this time. I have not spoken to that person since then over 7 years ago, nor do I really want to. 
Reading let me feel like I didn’t have to be myself, my current life when I felt so alone. Mind you sometimes the characters were going though a loneliness time too, but the characters always ended up with their happy ending. I guess you can say it kind of gave me hope.
Eventually over time I really gravitated toward gaming.I think this was because RPG’s produced not only the story...but also the fact that I had to grind in order to get strong enough to beat something and then go onto the next portion of the story...
Recently I picked up a book again....for some reason thinking that it will help me get back to my old self..the self of me that was a bit more popular with people...Though I didn’t know it at the time.When I reconnect with some old friends that were mutuals with my best friend at the time...quite a few of them let me know that they felt more comfortable around me as I wasn’t as judgemental. 
Weird to see that though as I’m a very sarcastic passive aggressive individual. I wonder if thats how I started channeling some stuff. 
Anyway, back to the fact that recently I started reading. I did want to blog the books right after I was done them, but they are in a trilogy and I honestly couldn’t put it down. For that I’ll really have to thank the author. 
So, in an attempt to make up for the hiatus...and the fact that I didn’t blog the books right after I read them, I’ll be posting all three today. 
With further adue, I hope you enjoy them ^^”
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when people say they started shipping your otp b/c of u
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Hi Cassie! Sorry but I have to tell: I'm a little disappointed about the fact that we're going to meet Tessa and Jem's baby before Wessa's children. Yes I know we red about James in Nothing but Shadows and a little in Cast Long Shadow, but we only know few things about him and Lucie and the release of Chain of Gold has been postponed twice and we still don't know when this book will come out. I love you and your books, but sometimes I feel like you're forgetting about James, Lucie and also Will.
Well, I guess I can answer this as it isn’t a real spoiler!
Baby James featured in The Whitechapel Fiend in 2013. James then featured in The Midnight Heir, and James and Lucie in Nothing but Shadows, Cast Long Shadows, and Every Exquisite Thing. All of these were published before any GOTSM short stories about Jessa or Tessa and Jem being pregnant. There was also an entire Cassandra Jean comic about Tessa finding out she was pregnant and telling Will. So it’s hard to feel honestly like Will and Wessa fans have gotten short shrift here, especially considering that Forever Fallen is one short story and The Last Hours is three full novels about Lucie and James that also have love scenes for Tessa and Will. We know actually quite a few things about Lucie and James, while we don’t even yet know the gender or name of Jessa’s baby!
It’s true the Last Hours was delayed, partly because my publisher wanted to put out Queen first, but I promise that’s not because they’re Jessa fans secretly. :) We also do already know it’s coming in 2019 and as the cover and release date are being announced December 12, I can tell you now you won’t be even waiting a year for Chain of Gold. Not only have I not forgotten about Will, James and Lucie, Chain of Gold is what I’m working on now, so they are literally almost all I think about. Try to remember writer’s schedules aren’t the same as readers’!
I had actually hoped we had put a lot of this behind us – that most people had ceased to think of Jessa/Wessa as a ship war, but as them both as the equal loves of Tessa’s life deserving of equal time and happiness. Telling the story of James and Lucie isn’t as far as I am concerned a point for Wessa, it’s an interesting story in an interesting time period I wanted to tell. Equally, Jem and Tessa and the baby are in Forever Fallen because of Kit, and the story I wanted to tell there, not because it chalks up a point for Jessa fans. Make sense?
Here is how I think of it. Will got everything he wanted in life – except to see Jem as much as he would have wanted, and for Jem to have a chance to have a full and happy life, too. Now Will’s last dream has finally come true. There is no competition here and plenty for Will fans to look forward to; in the meantime, given all that Jem has suffered and how it broke Will’s heart, I would hope Will fans would be happy, for Will’s sake if nothing else, to see Jem happy and having what we know Will already had, at last!
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Literal Book Titles by Christine Riccio: The Infernal Devices.
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Reblog if you love BOTH Sam and Dean Winchester and have zero tolerance for hate against EITHER of them
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‘She wanted to rip his throat out–rip it out with the elongated canines she bared at him as she finished shifting and roared.’ … ‘Rowan grinned. “There you are.” Blood–her blood–was on his teeth, on his mouth and chin.’
Chapters 20 and 21, Heir of Fire - Sarah J. Maas
This is dedicated to my niece, @cassideeje08. I was supposed to post this yesterday for her birthday, but I missed some important shit in the drawing. HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY, CASS!! Love you!!!  ❤ ❤ ❤ 
I included the last image because I actually didn’t mind how it looked before adding the blood.
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That shade
Reactions to Feyre giving birth
Rhysand: Oh God it’s happening, Feyre darling are you okay? is everything okay? do you need something?
Nesta: Did we really need another Feyre in the world? *cracks a small smile*
Cassian: What’s the bet that this baby is going to come out with a bigger wing span than Rhys?
*Azriel in response to Cassian* that’s not a hard feat to accomplish
Mor: Everybody back off and give her some damn room! RHYSAND CALM DOWN
*Elain sitting quietly next to Feyre, holding her hand*
Amren: I feel bad for this baby coming out because the first thing it’ll see is you all
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