estherspams · 4 years
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estherspams · 4 years
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Many occupations are out there.
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estherspams · 4 years
Bioinformatics/ Genomics
What is Genomics?
In 1970s Scientist Found the DNA Series of Simple Living Life. It is Branch Of Science, Based on Anatomy, Drawing, Function, Progress, and Modification of Genome. Genomics is Complete Study of the Genomes of Creatures. A Genome is Entire Set of Creatures DNA, Containing All of Its Genes. Its Key Task is Find The Complete Series of DNA or Structure of the Molecules that Build the DNA and the Chemical Chain Between The DNA Molecules. DNA Sequencing Knowledge is Not Only Very essential For The Biological Research But Equally Important in Medical, Medicine, Biotechnology & In Forensic Research etc.
Following are the Key Genomic Research Areas:
1. Meta-Genomics: MetaGenomics is Study of Genetic Substance Which is Gain or Cultivated From Environmental Pattern/Sample. It is Also Known as Ecogenomics, Community Genomics, and Environmental Genomics.
2. Human Genomics: As Name Suggested Human Genomics Is Concentrate on Study of Human Genome Sequence. The Human Genomics is the Entire Set of Nucleic Acid Sequences for Humans, It Found in DNA Within the Pair of 23 Chromosomes in Cell Nuclei and Small DNA Molecule Found separately in Mitochondria.
3. Bacteriophage Genomics: It is Also Known As Phage, it is Study of Genomics Which Infect Bacteria. Phages are ubiquitous viruses, found wherever bacteria Occurs. Bacteria Found in Soil or the animal’s intestines.
4. Pharmacogenomics: This is Branch Of Genomics Studies, Learn About the Impact of Genetic Changes on the Drugs Efficiency and Toxicity, and Plays Very Key Role in Optimization of Medicine Therapy.
5. Cyanobacteria genomics: This is Area of genomic Investigation is Focusing on the study of cyanobacteria, a phylum of bacteria which get Strength through photosynthesis.
What is Bioinformatics?
Bioinformatics is the Application of Information Technology, Used to Generate Methods and Software Tool For getting Knowledge of Biological data or Living Things. It is Used For Solving Biological Problems.
Bioinformatics is helpful for Create and Implements Computer Programs That Gives Access to Handle, Use and Manage the Information. it is Also Helpful to Develop New Algorithms and Statical Measures That Is Very Useful to Access Large Data.
1. Functional Gene Annotations / Genome Annotation: Gene Annotation is the Action of recognizing the Place of Genes and Entire Coding Zone in a Genome and Find What Those Genes Actually Do.
There Are Three Main Steps For Genome Annotation:
a. Recognize Section of Genome That does not Code For Proteins.
b. Recognise Elements of the  Genome, A action Called Gene Prediction.
c. Connect Biological Information to These Elements.
2. Next-generation sequencing (NGS): It is Fresh Process for Sequencing Genome at High Speed & Less Cost. Next Generation Sequencing  Also Called Second Generation Sequencing(SGS) or Massively Parallel Sequencing(MPS). NGS Generate a Large Amount of Sequence Data. NGS Plays Key Role in the Big Y Test From Family Tree DNA & Y Prime, Y-Elite & While Genome Test From Full Genomes Corporation. The Mitochondrial DNA full Series test uses next-generation sequencing technology (NGS).
3. Gene / Orf Prediction: An Gene/ Orf Prediction is the Element of Reading Frame That Has Capacity to Translated.
4. Genome alignment and Analysis: In Bioinformatics, Sequence Analysis is the Action of Subject to RNA, & DNA. Methods applied for Sequence Alignment, Searches Opposite Biological Database.
5. Multiple sequence alignment: MSA is Normally the Alignment of Three Or More than three Biological Sequences of Equal Length, Generally Protein, RNA & DNA.
6. BLAST / BLAT Data Analysis: Blat is Pairwise Sequence Alignment Algorithm Was Created By Jim Kent At UCSC in the 2000s to Help the Assembly & Notation of Human Genome.
7. Comparative Genomics: Comparative Genomics is an area of Biological Research in WhichGenomis Characteristics of Distinct Creatures are Compared. The Genomic Characteristics Consist the DNA Sequence, Gene Order, Genes, Regulatory Sequences & Another Genomics Landmark.
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estherspams · 4 years
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estherspams · 4 years
Fun facts from Genesis
#1: God made all living creatures, including us as herbivores. Killing of life began after man’s fall.
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estherspams · 4 years
Fun facts from Genesis
#1: God made all living creatures, including us as herbivores. Killing of life began after man’s fall.
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estherspams · 4 years
Fun facts from Genesis
#1: God made all living creatures, including us as herbivores. Killing of life began after man’s fall.
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estherspams · 4 years
Fun facts from Genesis
#1: God made all living creatures, including us as herbivores. Killing of life began after man’s fall.
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estherspams · 4 years
Fun facts from Genesis
#1: God made all living creatures, including us as herbivores. Killing of life began after man’s fall.
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estherspams · 4 years
Fun facts from Genesis
#1: God made all living creatures, including us as herbivores. Killing of life began after man’s fall.
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estherspams · 4 years
Don’t you wish people would take their time and energy to psychoanalyze themselves and not your posts and statuses?
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estherspams · 5 years
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By greykins
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estherspams · 5 years
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estherspams · 5 years
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estherspams · 5 years
Sometimes we must learn from the trees. We have to let our leafs die to prepare for winter. In the winter we have to rest. Just like the trees, we have to surrender and don’t fight the season that is necessary.
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estherspams · 5 years
‪When something isn’t right for you, your soul rejects it and tries to warn you in many different ways. Pay attention to how things make you feel and what emotions they bring up in you. These are all messages. If something is not right for you, let it go.‬
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estherspams · 5 years
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