Estevan in Senegal
72 posts
Peace Corps Economic Development Volunteer Kaolack, Senegal [March 2015 - Summer 2017] Welcome to my blog! Here is where I share my personal experiences as a Peace Corps Volunteer as well as news and relevant information related to my community, Senegal,...
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estevanastorga · 8 years ago
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This week, I've been spending time in my new site familiariIng myself with the city and getting to know people in the community. So far, I have made lots of new friends; however, my new bff is Yaay Kanté who sells avocados! Finally a service with guac to keep me happy :) I also have a new address! Feel free to write me letters or send goodies. My bedroom walls are pretty bare, so posters and photos would be gladly put up! Estevan Astorga B.P. 1443 Escale, Ziguinchor Senegal, West Africa (at Ziguinchor)
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estevanastorga · 8 years ago
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I've been to the desert on a horse with no name... #Lompoul #Senegal #Sahel #NoHorse #JustaCamel (at Lompoul, Thies, Senegal)
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estevanastorga · 8 years ago
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¡Feliz Navidad! Esta mañana volvi a festejar Navidad porque me amenecieron todas las tarjetas y buenos deseos que me mandaron Y tambien el mejor regalo que puede abrir un Mexicanito en Navidad... TAMALES!!! Acompañado con "Eagle's Eggs" for "Nutrients". #feliznavidad #tamales #desayuno #graciassantoclos #alliwantforchristmasistamales #newyearsresolutionsareforpoorpeople #PeaceCorps #bestgiftever #nacholibrereference #nachoooooo
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estevanastorga · 8 years ago
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Once a mama's boy, always a mama's boy. #Dakar #PeaceCorpsMoms #SamaYaay #MomKnowsBest (at Institut Français Dakar)
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estevanastorga · 8 years ago
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Contrary to popular belief, goats are super annoying. #PeaceCorps #PeaceCorpsSenegal #PeaceCorpsGoats (at Toubacouta)
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estevanastorga · 8 years ago
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So happy to have hosted #PeaceCorps Chief of Staff, Laura Chambers, in Kaolack! Local news was very excited to capture the moment. #ToubabCorrespondentWalyFaye #ReportingLive from the #CityofDreamz #Kaolack #PeaceCorpsSenegal #DafaTangQuoi (at Kaolak)
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estevanastorga · 8 years ago
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When your women's group sells frozen juice downtown when you're running errands in 105°F heat you say ALHAMDOULILAH! #PeaceCorps #PeaceCorpsSenegal #Kaolack #NeexNaJus #WomenofSenegal #Ditaakh #WhatIsDitakh (at Kaolak)
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estevanastorga · 8 years ago
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Financial Literacy Fridays! #PeaceCorps #PeaceCorpsSenegal #ThatsWhatSheCED #IntoTheBush #KhaalisRekk #Gainthkaye #Kaolack
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estevanastorga · 8 years ago
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I found the best Korean food in Kaolack... maybe West Africa! Thank you for the "Teranga" @u_crystal ! 고맙습니다 ! #koica #PeaceCorps #goal4 #itsadifferentkindofceeb #ceebucalamari (at Kaolak)
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estevanastorga · 8 years ago
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Mosque by midnight. #PeaceCorps #PeaceCorpsSenegal #Senegal #Kaolack #Mosque #MidnightMosque (at Ndorong Kaolack)
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estevanastorga · 8 years ago
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Happy #internationaldayofthegirl ! Girls Camp was over two months ago and I STILL can't stop talking about it -- and neither do our participants. I keep in touch with some of the campers and they tell me how excited they are to begin a new school year with a completely different perspective on their lives, their future, and their health. So many of them look forward to sharing that experience with others. #WhoRunTheWorld #Girls #WomenoftheFuture #letgirlslearn #ThanksObama #ThanksFLOTUS #SeneGAD #PeaceCorps #PeaceCorpsSenegal
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estevanastorga · 8 years ago
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Last minute number crunching thing our final day of Business Development Camp. Collectively, we provided over 100hrs or training within the span of 8 days at two different camps. One targeted 15 women learning hands-on techniques to work with local grains, fruits, and vegetables as well as incorporating soft-skills like marketing, bookkeeping, and business formalization. The other involved 40 youth and taught them the principles of entrepreneurship using case studies and conducting research in the field. The new "mbubu" was to celebrate a job well done! #PeaceCorpsSenegal #HowISeePC #CEDlife #ThatsWhatSheCED #Thies #MbubuSwag (at Thiès)
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estevanastorga · 9 years ago
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PCV road trip! Take me down south. #kedougou #7placememories #PeaceCorps
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estevanastorga · 9 years ago
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On the most northern end of Route National 4 in Kaolack the street is lined with Pulaar meat vendors morning, day, and night. I pass by these guys every day on my way to the chamber of commerce #Peacecorpssenegal #PeaceCorps
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estevanastorga · 9 years ago
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Check out the #SeneGAD board with the #LGL swag! Excited for a productive year with these hard-working PCVs. #PeaceCorps #GenderAndDevelopmemt #LetGirlsLearn @senegad (at Thiès)
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estevanastorga · 9 years ago
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Mangos mangos mangos! Let the season begin. #getinmybelly #patroncorps #Peacecorpssenegal #PeaceCorps (at Thiès)
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estevanastorga · 9 years ago
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Behold the future of Fat-Kao! It was a blast hosting this group of fresh faces in the City of Dreamz and showing them their future sites. Looking forward to your install :) #PeaceCorpsSenegal #Kaolack #Fatick #TraineeLife #jambaarngeen #anasamaburrito #lëppneexnacikaolack #SenegalQuoi #Quoi
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