essds2 · 3 years
Jamboard Link
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essds2 · 3 years
week thirteen - prototype
The object that I decided to craft from my event is the utensil that is used to string the fruit and berries along the twine that is attached to the perch structure. It is a large needle made of scrap wood and is 230mm long. Workers from the Arataki Visitor Centre will use this needle to prepare and attach the food to the structure for the native birds.
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I constructed the prototype in my dad's workshop. I used a band saw to cut the thin curved shape out of scrap plywood. I then sanded the edges to round them out. I carved out a small hole at the bottom of the needle with a chisel and a file. Lastly, I stained the light wood with a dark acrylic paint.
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essds2 · 3 years
week thirteen - components, materials, and sections
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Digital drawing method
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Digital/Collage drawing methods
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Digital drawing method
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essds2 · 3 years
week twelve.75 - analysing creative work by others
I analysed my classmate, Jade Pillay's, work. I really like the cultural connections that her event has and how strongly it connects her to her memories. I also really thought it was an effective choice to incorporate sound in her drawings. I was curious to see what drawing techniques/methods that she chose to use to portray her event. She also chose to use digital drawing and collage as a medium.
Lucy recommended that I explore the french "Pochoir" technique to potentially use elements of that to make a stencil to ensure that my stippling drawings have a clean other edge. It was really interesting looking at different pochoir drawings. The creative potential of playing with size, shape and colour is really exciting. Being able to make multiple tests and to reuse the same shapes and colours while playing with different arrangements and compositions is really appealing to me.
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essds2 · 3 years
week twelve.5
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These are some images of the signs that are displayed along the Arataki Nature Trail. I like the collage style of these designs and I would like to emulate a similar technique into my drawings. Using this style would help connect my event to the site and it's contexts.
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essds2 · 3 years
week twelve - site plan and menu
Site Plan
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Methods: collage/digital-drawing
I decided to situate my structure off of the Arataki Nature Trail. It is located between the "Plant Paradise" and "Kauri Cathedral" areas of the trails and is about a 45 min walk from the start. I wanted the event to occur in quite an isolated location that isn't as easily accessible to the public. Less people will likely observe as it is quite a long walk. Those that are truly interested in the event and have a greater appreciation for the birds will be more likely to make the effort to walk a long way. This ensures that the birds will have a better experience as there won't be an overwhelming amount of observers.
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Methods: stippling (to simulate pecking at the fruits/berries)
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essds2 · 3 years
week eleven - measurements, scale, prototype
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I received some constructive feedback from Lucy that my design for my prototype should be more than just an upscaled needle - so I made some changes:
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essds2 · 3 years
week ten - further research & design changes
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this drawing represents a critical moment and realisation in the design process of this project:
it looks so messy and like a 2 year old drew it because I created it at 6am one morning when I woke up and had been reflecting on the feedback from last week that lead me to try and explore new directions and materials. This is when I thought about stringing the fruits and berries together and attaching them to the perch structure
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essds2 · 3 years
week eight.5
I tried experimenting with relevant drawing methods and mediums that relate to the contexts of this event. Due to Auckland being in lockdown and not having access to conventional drawing/making tools, I decided to try and create my own mediums and tools with what I could find at my dad's house.
I gathered some fruit and raided the pantry to try and collect the most pigmented things I could find.
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I then mixed each ingredient with boiled water and sacrificed our muffin tray to divide the pigments and let each soak for 30 minutes.
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Swatch test:
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essds2 · 3 years
week nine - 1:1's
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Rachel encouraged me to explore further material possibilities as metal spokes through the fruit may be inappropriate for the birds beaks and may be harmful. She also recommended who I should seek out to find detailed drawings of the Arataki Visitor Centre as I have been struggling to find any.
I was struggling with figuring out which drawing method to explore and incorporate in my project, and she suggested that I could think about how I could simulate the action of pecking. This was intriguing - and upon further reflection after the session, I thought that stippling could be very effective in communicating aspects of my event (such as the fruit).
This review session also made me think about the permanence of my installation and how it changes over time. Perhaps it could be active for longer than a week and could naturally degrade over the years. Or if it did only last one week, what could happen to the materials after? Could they be repurposed? Donated?
Lastly, she brought up an interesting point of how my design precedent is too strong (too closely related to/inspired by the hanging sculptures in Westfield Newmarket and to the form of a leaf). She encouraged me to to explore more options and to make more refinements to my design and to really think about how the design of the form is specifically for birds. That I should have more confidence and play with my creativity rather than heavily base a design off of another object. This was an eye opening moment and I think a critical lesson that I am very grateful to have realised.
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essds2 · 3 years
week eight - making design decisions
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I really enjoyed the exercise this week where we looked at our tutorial groups event proposals and gave feedback on each. It helped me gain insight and inspiration on the diverse ways my classmates have been approaching the brief.
The feedback that I received encouraged me to consider which drawing methods to experiment with and how I could connect these methods with elements of the direction of my event. Using the fruit/berries that are in the menu or using other natural materials to create pigments to paint with could be an effective technique to portray the natural themes of my project.
For materials, I am thinking about using wood for the perches and a thing metal rod to 'skewer' the fruit onto. I am also considering how I could incorporate a water element to the design as it may help attract the guests to the event, however I don't want to overcomplicate the design or take away the emphasis of the main structures. Perhaps a bird bath?
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essds2 · 3 years
break - research
I researched ways of how I may lure the birds to my design. I found that birds, especially in the summer, are attracted to water and event the sound of it. I also found that birds are attracted to the bright colours of fruit. They also prefer to feed in the sun and to be sheltered from wind. They like to have a clear view over their feeding area so they can see any predators. https://www.forestandbird.org.nz/resources/feeding-native-birds-garden
I put together a series of profiles, compiling different characteristics of each bird species that I want to attract to my event:
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Doing this helped me realise what each species shares and has in common and also helped me see how they may interact with each other. This also helped me see which species I could realistically expect to attend the event, if they live in the area or if they are rare/endangered.
I was able to record all the different fruits and berries that are eaten by the different birds and I was able to figure out which foods could be shared amongst multiple species. This also helped me get a sense of the scale that I have to work with and how to accomodate for the range of weights/sizes of each species.
I want to ensure that my design does not pose any harm to the bird guests by attracting predators. Hanging the perch/feeding areas above ground creates a safer environment for the birds as the predators cannot get to them or their food. I also discovered that it is commonplace to wrap a tree trunk in sheet metal to prevent pests from climbing it.
I also want to ensure that the event isn't create a disturbance to the surrounding ecology. I don't want to interfere with the natural feeding patterns within the ecosystem and create in imbalance. Human intervention may cause them to stray from their natural habits and ignore their instincts and instead rely on the easy answers we’ve provided. I think to ensure there is no impact I want my event to only take place for a short period of time (maybe a week) so that the birds don't form any sort of dependence on the artificial feeding.
other similar projects:
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Refuge for Resurgence installation by London studio Superflux is a project in which "All forms of life on Earth, from humans to animals, plants and fungi, are given an equal seat at the table". I found this project really relevant to my project intentions as they meticulously designed an event and it's objects for a range of different species and imagined how each species may act and interact with eachother. "14 different stools and table settings that were customised for 12 different species of flora and fauna." It also shared similar values to my project as it incorporates the appreciation on other non-human species. "The intention is to start to see other non-humans as equals, and to acknowledge the roles we all play in ensuring that our rich, complex, biodiverse planet continues to thrive".
I think it is a very interesting idea to have the humans serving the animals as an act of appreciation and respect. ""The cutlery was created from found materials and is intended for use by humans to present ceremonial offerings to each species." Perhaps I could incorporate humans into my event as a way to help the birds?
Julia recommended that exploring the impact of sound could be really useful in my project, so I created some drawings where I thought about mapping out the sound of birdsong and the impact it has on the atmosphere.
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essds2 · 3 years
week seven - three drawings
I thought about the culinary methods that are associated with my event. They include; picking/gathering, cutting/slicing, washing, peeling, skewering, stirring, mixing, and potentially carving. I then tried to connect these methods with methods one could use for fabricating or drawing.
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I thought about the culinary methods that are associated with my event. They include; picking/gathering, cutting/slicing, washing, peeling, skewering, stirring, mixing, and potentially carving. I then tried to connect these methods with methods one could use for fabricating or drawing.
three drawings of an aspect of your food event that mimic the methods and media used in three drawings found on the arena channel:
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I used methods such as collaging, digital editing, stamping (brushed ink onto a leaf and stamped it onto paper - inverting the colour digitally), and placing paper onto a textured surface and rubbing a stick of graphite to catch the texture, whilst combining multiple different textures. My drawings depict natural elements such as leaves, Tui's, and wood grain. All of these elements relate to aspects of my design process and ideas thus far. Tui's are intended to attend my event and I wanted to analyse their movements when in flight, I am looking into the forms and patterns of leaves, and I am interested in analysing the texture of bark that exists within my site and how I may incorporate it into my design (materiality) or in terms of how other design elements may coexist with this material.
These drawings are inspired by these three drawings found on the class arena channel:
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Lygia Pape, Untitled from the series Weavings (Tecelares), 1959
medium: woodcut (carving into wood, covered in ink, stamped onto canvas)
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Gjon Mili - Jascha Heifetz playing in mili’s darkened studio as light attached to his bow traces the bow movement, New York, 1952
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When Light Cartwheels, Max Ernst
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essds2 · 3 years
week six ~ part three
materiality and texture exploration
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I am researching the act of adding texture to a wooden surface. I am inspired by the texture of different kinds of tree bark. I am thinking about applying this materiality to the 'bird furniture'.
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essds2 · 3 years
week six ~ part two
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Elevator Pitch: What/who: a gathering for native birds, including tui, bellbirds, kereru, fantails, silvereyes, grey warblers, and saddlebacks. Menu will include: fruit from native plants and trees, nectar, and seeds.
Why: I want to design an event for the birds to show my appreciation for them and to give them a way to celebrate how much of a gift they are to the earth and to my ears. It will be an event that attracts them to the area in order to benefit the ecology through pollination and seed dispersion, and to affect the ambiance of the environment with birdsong. It will provide an opportunity for bird-lovers to observe them (potentially through a livestream).
Contexts: Inspired by the thriving of birds and their reclamation of space in lockdown, the act of feeding pigeons and ducks, birdhouses, bird-feeders, bird-watching, and birdsong. Will also incorporate native flora into the menu and design.
Where: Near Arataki Visitors Centre in Waitakere Ranges.
*Humans will be able to unexpectedly come across the event and watch from afar, but must be respectful and quiet.
When: during level 4 or 3 lockdown
Methods/Materials: wood, pottery layed into the wood, textured wood to emulate bark. Hanging from trees.
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essds2 · 3 years
week six ~ introduction to gathering brief
Mind map:
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Food means different things to different people. To me, it is a choice. An extremely important choice. Foods can have a significant impact on the environment and on the life of others (animals and humans). I believe that there is a great responsibility in choosing the foods you consume. A question I had to ask myself years ago was "what is more important? Taste? or life? (life was the obvious answer for me - hence why I've been living a vegan lifestyle for over 4 years).
From this mind-mapping exercise, and also thanks to the toaster exercise, I ended up with two strong ideas that I felt interested in and passionate about. One was a gathering with an activism purpose of raising awareness of how diets impact climate change. My second idea involved having animals as guests, and I eventually narrowed it down to native birds. It is important to me that my gathering involves only plant-based foods.
It's evident from the doodles of plants and flowers in the background of the mind map that I had a clear vision from the beginning. I want it to include an abundance of greenery and have kind of a 'Garden of Eden' type feel.
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After explaining my ideas to a friend, she suggested I watch the documentary 2040 (it's about how climate change will impact our lifestyles in 20 years). I also started researching the impact of diets and certain foods on the environment.
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Some links:
I talked to Rachel about my two emerging ideas and I realised I felt more excited when I was explaining the gathering for native birds. I feel like this idea has a lot of creative potential and I would love to dedicate a design project that is catered to something other than humans!
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essds2 · 3 years
week five ~ sewing a tablecloth
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Recipe reflection:
After our recipes were digitally printed onto a linen fabric and cut out, we, as a class, thought about how each design would be arranged to form the nicest tablecloth. We decided to make these decisions based on each design's density (white space vs colour) and orientation. We agreed that we wanted to create more of a balanced appearance by separating the recipes with a greater white space and dispersing those that appear more saturated and dense. In a random order, we flipped some recipes. I thought this was a good idea since it may encourage more community engagement at a gathering - as you would be able to read a few outstanding recipes that were across the table from where you were sitting.
I found it valuable that this session made me feel more connected to the classroom community by allowing me to individually contribute to a shared project. I also found the act of sewing very enjoyable and therapeutic.
I enjoyed this brief as it encouraged me to consider how to arrange and display information in relevant and effective ways - similar to graphic design. I also enjoyed considering and experimenting with things such as colour, composition, texture, and movement. It was challenging to design a recipe page that expressed my personal connections to the food, but I enjoyed the challenge.
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