this & this & this
29 posts
mutli muse, semi-active, selective, iconless (atm)
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espritdivise · 3 years ago
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@sanktasolntse deserves to be in jail.
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espritdivise · 3 years ago
hi beautiful people, so I’m a fun two months behind on the revamp and in the middle of moving but in the mood to write. like this for a starter (iconless) and i’ll slip in your messages to plot a little something out!
if you scroll a little bit there is my in progress muse list and also my interest tracker! 
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espritdivise · 3 years ago
She hulk is the newest member of the clone club
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espritdivise · 3 years ago
“ am i not good enough? ”  
“ you’ve been so quiet. what’s on your mind? ”  
“ why did you help me? ”  
“ who do you fight for? ”  
“ why do you hate me? ”  
“ have you come to laugh at me in my miserable state? ”  
“ you’re not dating anyone, are you? ”  
“ i’ve got your back, okay? ”  
“ where do you think you’re going? ”  
“ how long have i been asleep? ”  
“ are you going to kill me? ”  
“ why can’t i come with you? ”  
“ we all have secrets, don’t we? ”  
“ did you want to be alone? ”  
“ why should i trust you? ”  
“ wait. did you hear that? ”  
“ promise me? ”  
“ why are you talking like we’ll never see each other again? ”  
“ do you remember anything at all? ”  
“ what? no witty remark? nothing clever to say? ”  
“ you wanna know what your problem is? ”  
“ may i have this dance? ”  
“ can i ask… what happened? ”  
“ how many people have you killed? how many? ”  
“ do you ever hear yourself? ”  
“ would you run away with me? ”  
“ could you be happy here with me? ”  
“ you can’t or you won’t? ”  
“ you slept with them, didn’t you? ”  
“ well, how do i look? ”  
“ after all you’ve done how can i possibly trust you? ”  
“ why can’t you let me in? what are you so afraid of? ”  
“ what did they do to you? ”  
“ so why’s it so important anyway? ”  
“ where have you been? ”  
“ why are you looking at me like that? ”  
“ why did you come? ”  
“ what are you doing out here by yourself? ”  
“ is… that my shirt you’re wearing? ”  
“ you… don’t like me very much, do you? ”  
“ why does it always have to be a fight with you? ”
“ why can’t you look me in the eye? ”  
“ can you forgive me? ”  
“ what if i never see you again? ”  
“ you were going to leave without saying goodbye? ”  
“ how about a little midnight snack? ”  
“ are you… smelling me? ”  
“ how did you get this scar? ”  
“ what do you want in exchange for it? ”  
“ what did you want to tell me? ”  
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espritdivise · 3 years ago
Hey friends!
Still working on revamping, but I’m jumping on the bandwagon and making an interest tracker to start things up!
See y’all soon.
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espritdivise · 3 years ago
hi beautiful people, so I’m a fun two months behind on the revamp and in the middle of moving but in the mood to write. like this for a starter (iconless) and i’ll slip in your messages to plot a little something out!
if you scroll a little bit there is my in progress muse list and also my interest tracker! 
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espritdivise · 3 years ago
Not on this week, I’m moving and life is crazy rn. ❤️
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espritdivise · 3 years ago
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espritdivise · 3 years ago
I’m gonna throw up the new interview with the vampire looks so good
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espritdivise · 3 years ago
“AW, you’re sisterly love is overwhelming Yelena.” She sneered, gently rubbing the irritation from her wrists. They could have at least taken the bracelets off of her first, but now she was stuck with chain imprints. Her heels had been tossed the moment they made her, knowing that those would be much more of a problem if she got her hands on them. 
“They were planning on making the drop in an hour, the big one,” She said as they passed his body, giving him a good kick to the side, not that it mattered. “Was going to call the others once he got it.”
@iinmortales liked  ♥
TIME seemed to be moving slower by the second as she remained tied to the chair. The sunlight from the cracks in the wooden walls had faded a lifetime ago and her head pounded with pain as she recovered from the blows given. It wasn’t exactly her plan to be caught this early in the mission, though it was nothing she couldn’t handle. Who knew how much longer she had until the men returned, but she knew she couldn’t be here when they did. Her nails did little against the tape around her wrist but she continued to saw at it. Just when she broke through the first layer of duct tape, one of many holding her to the chair, the door to her right groaned and she tensed. 
“Back so soon?” Her hands slackened behind her. “I had so much fun the first time.”
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espritdivise · 3 years ago
“  i  died  that  day.  ” for rowan
the princess bride sentence starters // ACCEPTING
IT was unclear just how many stories he had heard in his years of the same grief. The loss of Terresan and the peace that came with it for fae and humans alike mirrored each other in pain and loss. Though he had felt their pain and understood, he had never felt as deeply as he hate for Alina. His bias towards her pain was the least of his worries as he listened deeply. Orynth had been her home, her future, her safety, and now all that remained was an empty cartographer shop, with dust and blood covering the floor. She remained seated on her knees in front of him, face down and eyes red with tears. He had lost her over half an hour ago, and had only managed to track her sent throughout the small village. She had described the store before, but all that was left was not nearly as beautiful as she had pieced together. The store's roof was turning inward, a hole right in the middle had begun to expose the rest of the building to the elements. He was kicking himself for leaving her alone for even a moment, let alone losing her in an unknown territory, but there would be time for that later. He moves slowly towards her, foot by foot, letting her adjust to his presence, before he finds himself kneeling in front of her. His hand pushes the tip of her chin so she can look him in the eye.
"You survived Alina," He brushed one of her tears with his thumb. "It shall never be in vain, and they will never be lost to you."
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espritdivise · 3 years ago
⚔ the princess bride sentence starters ⚔
“  you  mock  my  pain!  ”  “  life  is  pain.  ” “  he’s  only  mostly  dead.  ” “  i’m on  the  brute  squad.  ” “  you  are  the  brute  squad.  ” “  prepare  to  die.  ” “  we’ll  never  survive.  ” “  nonsense.  you’re  only  saying  that  because  no  one  ever  has.  ” “  who  are  you?  ” “  get  used  to  disappointment.  ” “  you  keep  using  that  word.  i  do  not  think  it  means  what  you  think  it  means.  ” “  i’ll  use  small  words  so  that  you’ll  be  sure  to  understand,  you  warthog  faced  buffoon.  ” “  that  may  be  the  first  time  in  my  life  a  man  dared  insult  me.  ” “  drop.  your.  sword.  ” “  shut  up!!  ”   “  you’ve  made  your  decision  then?  ” “  i  bet  my  life  on  it!  ” “  truly,  you  have  dizzying  intellect.  ” “  you’re  just  stalling  now.  ” “  you  guessed  wrong.  ” “  enough  of  that.  ”  “  surrender.  ” “  you  mean  you  wish  to  surrender  to  me?  very  well,  i  accept.  ” “  i  hate  waiting.  ” “  morons.  ” “  you  are  wonderful.  ” “  you  seem  a  decent  fellow,  i  hate  to  kill   you.  ” “  why  are  you  smiling?  ” “  because  i  know  something  you  don’t  know.  ” “  goodnight.  good  work.  i’ll  most  likely  kill  you  in  the  morning.  ” “  oh,  there’s  something  i  ought  to  tell  you.  ” “  think  it’ll  work?  ” “  it  would  take  miracle.  ” “  hear  this  now —  i  will  always  come  for  you.  ” “  this  is  true  love,  you  think  this  happens  every  day?  ” “  death  cannot  stop  true  love.  ” “  i  died  that  day.  ” “  we  may  as  well  die  here.  ” “  he’s  dead.  he  can’t  talk.  ”   “  as  you  wish.  ”   “  why  didn’t  you  wait  for  me?  ”   “  you  can  die  slowly,  cut  into  a  thousand  pieces.  ” “  you  killed  my  love.  ” “  it’s  possible. i  kill  a  lot  of  people.  ”   “  yes,  you’re  very  smart.  shut  up.  ”   “  you’ve  been  mostly-dead  all  day.  ”  “  inconceivable!!  ”  “  let  me  explain.  ”   “  your vote of confidence is overwhelming.  ” “  what  hideous  sin  have  you  committed  lately?  ” “  will  you  ever  forgive  me?  ” “  there’s a shortage of perfect breasts in this world. it would be a pity to damage yours.  ”  
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espritdivise · 3 years ago
just putting it out there that none of my muses are straight, and i’m open to shipping with (almost) everyone ;)
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espritdivise · 3 years ago
𝟏𝟎𝟎 𝑵𝑶𝑵𝑽𝑬𝑹𝑩𝑨𝑳 𝑷𝑹𝑶𝑴𝑷𝑻𝑺 .    (  a  collection  of  100  nonverbal  action  prompts .   mature  and  potentially  triggering  themes  are  present .   add  “ + reverse ”  to  swap  assigned  roles . )
∗ o1﹕ sender  tucks  hair  out  of  receiver’s  face . ∗ o2﹕ sender  offers  receiver  a  bite  from  their  fork . ∗ o3﹕ sender  places  their  feet / legs  in  receiver's  lap . ∗ o4﹕ sender  offers  receiver  an  earbud  to  share  their  music . ∗ o5﹕ sender  comforts  receiver  in  the  aftermath  of  a  nightmare . ∗ o6﹕ sender  gives  receiver  company  in  the  hospital . ∗ o7﹕ sender  wraps  their  arms  around  a  hysterical  receiver  to  calm  them . ∗ o8﹕ sender  shows  up  at  receiver’s  home  late  at  night . ∗ o9﹕ sender  falls  asleep  leaning  against  receiver . ∗ 1o﹕ sender  wields  a  [ gun / knife ]  at  receiver . ∗ 11﹕ sender  runs  their  fingers  through  receiver’s  hair . ∗ 12﹕ sender  invites  receiver  to  dance . ∗ 13﹕ sender  takes  a  [ picture / video ]  of  receiver . ∗ 14﹕ sender  places  their  head  in  receiver’s  lap . ∗ 15﹕ sender  and  receiver  make  eye  contact  across  a  busy  room . ∗ 16﹕ sender  pushes  receiver  against  a  wall  to  kiss  them . ∗ 17﹕ sender  and  receiver  cook  together . ∗ 18﹕ sender  comes  to  receiver  after  being  injured . ∗ 19﹕ sender  sits  in  receiver’s  lap . ∗ 2o﹕ sender  lifts  receiver's  chin ,  invoking  eye  contact . ∗ 21﹕ sender  overtakes  receiver  in  combat . ∗ 22﹕ sender  finds  receiver  [ injured / bloodied ] . ∗ 23﹕ sender  straightens  an  article  of  receiver’s  clothes . ∗ 24﹕ sender  crawls  into  bed  with  receiver . ∗ 25﹕ sender  rolls  their  eyes  at  receiver . ∗ 26﹕ sender  lights  receiver’s  [ cigarette / joint ] . ∗ 27﹕ sender  is  caught  wearing  receiver's  clothes . ∗ 28﹕ sender  strikes  receiver  with  a  pillow . ∗ 29﹕ sender  writes  a  note  on  receiver’s  skin :  [ note ] . ∗ 3o﹕ sender  wraps  a  blanket  around  receiver’s  shoulders . ∗ 31﹕ sender  runs  and  jumps  into  receiver’s  arms . ∗ 32﹕ sender  shoves  receiver  out  of  anger . ∗ 33﹕ sender  hovers  over  receiver’s  shoulder  as  they  complete  a  task . ∗ 34﹕ sender  is  found  by  receiver  somewhere  they  shouldn’t  be . ∗ 35﹕ sender  curls  up  against  receiver  in  their  sleep . ∗ 36﹕ sender  is  found  drunk  by  receiver . ∗ 37﹕ sender  throws  an  item  of  sentiment  bitterly  at  receiver . ∗ 38﹕ sender  joins  receiver  in  the  shower . ∗ 39﹕ sender  is  caught  following  receiver . ∗ 4o﹕ sender  traces  one  of  receiver’s  [ scars / bruises ] . ∗ 41﹕ sender  twines  their  fingers  with  receiver’s . ∗ 42﹕ sender  barges  into  receiver’s  home  unannounced . ∗ 43﹕ sender  kicks  receiver’s  shin  beneath  a  table . ∗ 44﹕ sender  aggressively  shoves  past  receiver . ∗ 45﹕ sender  kisses  receiver’s  [ forehead / cheek ] . ∗ 46﹕ sender  pulls  receiver  out  of  harm’s  way . ∗ 47﹕ sender  is  found  sobbing  by  receiver . ∗ 48﹕ sender  locks  receiver  out  of  their  room . ∗ 49﹕ sender  brings  receiver  [ coffee / tea ]  in  the  morning . ∗ 5o﹕ sender  rests  their  forehead  against  receiver’s . ∗ 51﹕ sender  plays  a  song  for  receiver  that  reminds  them  of  them :  [ song ] . ∗ 52﹕ sender  takes  a  [ punch / stab / bullet ]  meant  for  receiver . ∗ 53﹕ sender  buys  receiver  a  drink  at  a  bar . ∗ 54﹕ sender  needs  receiver’s  help  getting  in  the  bath . ∗ 55﹕ sender  and  receiver  cross  paths  in  the  kitchen  late  at  night . ∗ 56﹕ sender  twists  receiver’s  arm  behind  their  back . ∗ 57﹕ sender  winks  at  receiver . ∗ 58﹕ sender  is  found  collapsed  by  receiver . ∗ 59﹕ sender  prevents  an  injured  receiver  from  getting  up . ∗ 6o﹕ sender  claps  a  hand  over  receiver’s  mouth  to  silence  them . ∗ 61﹕ sender  cages  receiver  against  a  [ wall / the floor ]  with  their  arms . ∗ 62﹕ sender  storms  away  from  receiver  during  an  argument . ∗ 63﹕ sender  is  found  by  receiver  sleeping  in  receiver’s  bed . ∗ 64﹕ sender  [ applies / touches up ]  receiver’s  makeup . ∗ 65﹕ sender  throws  receiver  into  a  wall  during  combat . ∗ 66﹕ sender  dances  sensually  with  receiver . ∗ 67﹕ sender  strikes  receiver  across  the  face . ∗ 68﹕ sender  places  their  hand  on  receiver’s  leg  while  driving . ∗ 69﹕ sender  pulls  a  chair  out  from  under  receiver . ∗ 7o﹕ sender  catches  receiver’s  wrist  when  they  turn  to  leave . ∗ 71﹕ sender  leaves  an  intimate  mark  on  receiver . ∗ 72﹕ sender  beats  receiver  in  a  video  game . ∗ 73﹕ sender  and  receiver  stand  in  stunned  silence  after  a  fight . ∗ 74﹕ sender  cares  for  receiver  while  they’re  sick . ∗ 75﹕ sender  and  receiver  go  on  a  hike . ∗ 76﹕ sender  is  caught  snooping  in  receiver’s  things . ∗ 77﹕ sender  and  receiver  cuddle  while  watching  television . ∗ 78﹕ sender  throws  something  aggressively  at  receiver . ∗ 79﹕ sender  creeps  up  behind  receiver  to  scare  them . ∗ 8o﹕ sender  and  receiver  go  shopping  together . ∗ 81﹕ sender  helps  receiver  [ dye / style ]  their  hair . ∗ 82﹕ sender  draws  receiver  into  a  kiss  by  the  back  of  their  neck . ∗ 83﹕ sender  is  discovered  having  a  panic  attack  by  receiver . ∗ 84﹕ sender  accidentally  injures  receiver  during  sparring . ∗ 85﹕ sender  grabs  receiver  roughly  by  the  hair . ∗ 86﹕ sender  brings  receiver  to  their  knees  during  combat . ∗ 87﹕ sender  shows  receiver  evidence  of  a  lie  they  told . ∗ 88﹕ sender  winks  [ seductively / mockingly ]  at  receiver . ∗ 89﹕ sender  yells  at  receiver  to  put  their  hands  in  the  air . ∗ 9o﹕ sender  helps  receiver  patch  up  a  wound . ∗ 91﹕ sender  holds  receiver  as  they  cry . ∗ 92﹕ sender  silently  and  angrily  points  receiver  towards  the  door . ∗ 93﹕ sender  gestures  for  receiver  to  sit  down . ∗ 94﹕ sender  pulls  receiver  into  their  lap . ∗ 95﹕ sender  cradles  receiver’s  face . ∗ 96﹕ sender  tackles  receiver  out  of  the  way  of  danger . ∗ 97﹕ sender  has  hidden  an  injury  from  receiver ,  and  receiver  finds  out . ∗ 98﹕ sender  confronts  receiver  about  their  unhealthy  behavior . ∗ 99﹕ sender  proposes  to  receiver . ∗ 1oo﹕ sender  has  just  died ,  receiver  finds  out .
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espritdivise · 3 years ago
SHE took her finger and swiped at the dribble of blood, rubbing it onto the shoulder of her suit. Offense wasn’t taken, but she still didn’t enjoy it. She had to blame his age and experience for his weak stomach, but knew one day he was going to be pushed, just like they all had. 
 “Look, it doesn’t matter. I need a drink, are you gonna tag along to that too?”
ID :// @espritdivise​ ⟫ natasha romanoff. [cont,]
HER hand swept past her ears, pulling her hair into a slick pony tail, not bothering to look his way. The stinging on her face could be from any one of the blows she had received minutes ago, and now the idiot who dealt them lay dead at her feet. Usually "quick and easy" meant a solo mission, but it would seem someone had found it necessary to tag along.
"Well, when I need it I'll be sure to keep that in mind." She winked. 
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eyes trailed down to the body she left in her wake. definitely not his style. he could have kept them alive, but he knew natasha worked far different than him. especially after they had hit her in the face. 
“ at first it looked like you needed help... but now... you handled it. ” brows furrowed under the mask as he gently stepped over the body. “ was it necessary to kill the poor guy? ” his gaze lingered for a moment before putting focus back on romanoff.
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espritdivise · 3 years ago
hi beautiful people, so I’m a fun two months behind on the revamp and in the middle of moving but in the mood to write. like this for a starter (iconless) and i’ll slip in your messages to plot a little something out!
if you scroll a little bit there is my in progress muse list and also my interest tracker! 
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espritdivise · 3 years ago
“POOR guy------?” Her head whipped in his direction, then back down to the body, she debated spitting on it. No ‘poor guy’ would ever be subjected to her skills or gun, and they certainly wouldn’t put up as much of a fight. This was not a conversation she was keen on having, and if she had been sent alone she wouldn’t have to worry about the judgement from him. “Please Peter, you’ll have to get used to fighting dirty at some point.”
ID :// @espritdivise​ ⟫ natasha romanoff. [cont,]
HER hand swept past her ears, pulling her hair into a slick pony tail, not bothering to look his way. The stinging on her face could be from any one of the blows she had received minutes ago, and now the idiot who dealt them lay dead at her feet. Usually “quick and easy” meant a solo mission, but it would seem someone had found it necessary to tag along.
“Well, when I need it I’ll be sure to keep that in mind.” She winked. 
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eyes trailed down to the body she left in her wake. definitely not his style. he could have kept them alive, but he knew natasha worked far different than him. especially after they had hit her in the face. 
“ at first it looked like you needed help… but now… you handled it. ” brows furrowed under the mask as he gently stepped over the body. “ was it necessary to kill the poor guy? ” his gaze lingered for a moment before putting focus back on romanoff.
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