escapedchickens · 5 years
I like to make an announcement
I am not leaving the fandom but unfortunately, I have no energy to run this blog as I feel like I am not capturing the aesthetic or personalities of these characters so I am going to give it to a really good friend of mine who can run the blog really well. 
I’ll keep in touch.
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escapedchickens · 5 years
Roleplayers, reblog if your blog is duplicate friendly 👥
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escapedchickens · 5 years
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Quick doodle since I don't get much time to draw these days
I think I'd like to do all the hens in 80s workout attire
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escapedchickens · 5 years
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“Oh dear, someone should help them down.”
I'd actually love to see some Nick and Fetcher :)
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underrated pair thats for sure
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escapedchickens · 5 years
Ginger and Rocky being bothered by their chicks while they try to sleep because they’re little rascals xD
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escapedchickens · 5 years
Clementine POV
A POV of Clementine of the day she was found and adopted💕
Cold. Alone. Scared. That's how I felt in this moment. Why did mommy and daddy abandon me? Why wasn't I allowed to go with them and my siblings? Why did they think I was ugly? All those times they told me that they loved me, their comforting hugs and tender kisses meant nothing. Not anymore. Will I ever see Clemenza, Arlo, Blossom, Nina, Mia and Tyson again? I was now hiding in the cover of the cattails so I could cry in peace. I had no one but myself. I hear a noise and look up, my eyes meeting that of some kind of bird
I think it's a chicken but they look to be my age. This stranger coaxes me out of the cattails and takes me over to three adults. One had a weird looking device of sorts on her face, the other was big, rude and bossy and the last one was short and had a clueless look as to though she was unaware what was going on. She was also a little pudgy....ok a lot. The chick who found me explains the situation to the adults while I glance over at her three siblings who are giving me curious looks. Haven't they seen a duckling before? They ask me my name and I reply rather quietly. I tense up at the sound of a new voice, a ginger hen with a green hat and weathered floral scarf making her way over, an odd colored rooster with a blue polka dotted bandanna trailing behind her
I guess my so called friend tells them what they told the others, the hen and rooster now towering over me and giving me friendly smiles. I'm assuming they're the parents of the four chicks since two of them look similar to this duo. I can feel water building up behind my eyes as the hen bends down to get a better view of me, asking me where my flock is
"They left me behind because I'm ugly." I tell her, a hint of sadness in my voice
What was she going to do to me? I have nowhere else to go
"You're not ugly, darling. I can promise you that. Would you like to stay with us?" She smiled at me, a caring expression on her face. I glance up at the rooster, his eyes softening as they met mine, a smile plastered on his beak. They seemed friendly enough so I nod in response which makes them very happy from what I can tell. What choice did I have?
Before I know it, I feel a pair of big wings gently wrap around my body and take hold, lifting me up off of the ground as I'm moved towards something soft and warm. I look up to see the rooster again and I couldn't help but giggle at him
They took me back to their home with their family and allowed me to play with their chicks, learning their names and the names of their little ones. We had a friendly game of coming up with rhymes to remember things their parents taught them and bizarre plans of sorts. This family was odd but so was I in a way and I didn't mind that though I still felt pretty down about the whole ugly thing. I saw the adults putting together a nest in the corner of my eye which intrigued me but I didn't ask what it was for since it wasn't my business
"So this is what it's like to have a home?" I wonder out loud, getting the attention of the four chicks who were sitting around in a circle which I had excluded myself from
"Yeah. Pretty neat huh?" One of the son's smiles at me, sounding a little ecstatic. "Are you sure I'll be loved here and not be called ugly?" I couldn't help but question
I overheard their parents talking about letting me stay at this cozy little hut while they looked for a hen to take me in
"That word isn't allowed here. Besides, you'll love our parents." The tan chick places a wing on my shoulder as she scooted over to me. There was no lie in her little green eyes
We continued with our games until it was supper time and Mrs. Rhodes outdid herself with the toasted bugs and grape jam. Delicious! I was feeling much better at this point that I was smiling and even conversing at the dinner table. I certainly felt at home with this family though I shouldn't get too comfortable around them since I wouldn't be staying with these chickens forever. But a thought had been constantly nagging me in the back of my mind. Who would adopt me? And would they adopt me? What would my new mother be like and did she have chicks of her own? I break away from these troubling thoughts at the sound of Mrs. Rhodes clearing her throat, my full attention drawn to the British hen
"We've been thinking and since your flock left you behind....well, we'd like to adopt you." Ginger had a wide smile on her face as she stared at me
Was this really happening? Was I really going to be a part of this family who had been treating me so nicely?
"Really? You mean it?" I couldn't help but ask as my little brown eyes lit up, trying to process this all. It felt too good to be true!
"Every word, kiddo. So what do you think?" Rocky holds Ginger's wing while answering my question
"Yes." I giggle, my now step siblings hugging me tightly as the adults laughed at the scene
I've never felt happier than being with my new family who loved me so very much. It was bedtime after dinner and the couple escorted me to the nest I saw them prepare earlier. It was for me! I climbed up into the small bunk, making myself comfortable on the soft grassy mixed with hay bedding. Ginger pulls a blanket over me as I struggle to keep my eyes open, heavy with tiredness. I didn't want to call these strangers by their names anymore but by what I wanted to call them out of my love for these kind and thoughtful birds who saw me as one of their own children considering I'm a duck and not a chicken
"Thank you....mommy....and daddy." I smile sleepily at them, catching them off guard for a moment
"You're welcome." Ginger smiles in return
"Sleep tight, angel." Rocky bends over and places a kiss on my cheek, nuzzling my new father as he did so
This was a great beginning to a new chapter in my life
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escapedchickens · 5 years
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For the Aardman fans out there
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escapedchickens · 5 years
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Chicken Run Burger King kid’s meals, 2000
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escapedchickens · 5 years
Official AI/DBH AU Blog is here. Give it is a shot, I love to see how this AU would work out, as the game and movie have similar themes of freedom. 
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“This is more than a retelling; This is a story of how each of us put together an escape plan one by one. It can be tough, it puts everything we believe in to the test, but it will be all worth it.”
Yorkshire: Become Free
I want to see what if our favourite birds from the movie are androids instead? I am new to the fandom and I love to explore the lore of the game with these AU versions of these characters. 
Art made by @gavimp I highly recommend her for her art and she is an overall great person. 
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escapedchickens · 5 years
Not cool man. On the plus side, your Ricky looks cool. 
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I found out that someone had copied Ricky....same parents, same name, wears a bandanna....makes my Ricky a little less special now....
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escapedchickens · 5 years
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escapedchickens · 5 years
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I am happy to say that my commissions promo poster is complete and I am ready to take on commissions. I am at a stable position financially thanks to the help of my family, but I need to make some cash on the side while I build up my career post-graduation. Nothing big, but a little bit of recommendation would be appreciate it.
Feel free to message me.
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escapedchickens · 5 years
How would you each deal with a stressful situation? Also interested in what you consider a stressful situation, haha.
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“Stressful situations? Well, I don’t know what to say about the rest of the girls but for me, it varies. I usually keep it to myself and think over what possible situations I can explore and what are the chances of it working. Sometimes it work, sometimes it does not, and the girls panicking did not help at times.”
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“Well, it would be too easy to consider escaping the farm a stressful situation but it is the first thing I can come up. Nowadays, things like not enough supplies for a project or recipe, or not having the right scarf for the ocassion. Something like that, but not as much as before.”
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escapedchickens · 5 years
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escapedchickens · 5 years
Hey everyone! Just curious, were there any humans besides the farmers that ever came over? What were they like? Were there any you got along with?
“I suppose a few lads they talk to about their egg count. Probably a business man or someone. I didn’t hear much but I imagine that they are happy that at least they met their egg quota.”
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“But I did meet some of the relatives that would visit the farm. One of them being a young lady that resembles Melisha. Albeit, prettier than her. I did not get her name but she is calmer.”
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“Oh let’s not forget the littlest Tweedy girl, she is so cute when she pets us and sprinkles chicken feed on the ground and watches us peck. Shame that we don’t see her a lot, but when she comes to see us, it is a gift.” 
Big thanks to @wickedbrony for letting me borrow her characters for this ask. They sound real sweet and I like to include more in future works. 
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escapedchickens · 5 years
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Hmm, how about some of the chickens (Like Ginger, Rocky, Fowler and Bunty) judging Babs' singing? (Like idk, X Factor or something lol)
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they love her regardless :)
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escapedchickens · 5 years
@wickedbrony​ and @feathersandfarmers​ this clip reminds me of your human OCs being the few humans the chickens get along with. 
I got my 6 year old sister to film this and I’m so glad I did because I think it may be the cutest thing ever because of her commentary 😂
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