6 posts
She/Her/Hers, or They/Them/Theirs are my default pronouns. Will accept He/Him/His too when I identify as mostly male, which is quite rare. White, part Mexican, genderqueer/gender fluid. I am mostly female and partialy male about 60% of the time, equaly male and female identifying about 30%, and mostly male, partialy female identifying about 10% of the time. Plus size, and alternative. Love metal music, some pop, and cute things.
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error0152384682b · 3 years ago
For atleast one day of every month, there should be a day where white people are relentlessly called out, corrected, and insulted.
Where white people are reminded of their roles in history, reminded of how they've oppressed everyone, and where everyone should make an effort to call them out in public when they say something stupid or racist.
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error0152384682b · 3 years ago
when i was a kid i was completely obsessed and enamored with the word art in microsoft word and when they got rid of it i was genuinely crushed. literally does not get any better than this i miss you so much babe
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error0152384682b · 3 years ago
this is your reminder to start slow and gradually lean into consistency rather than to change your entire routine one fine day. it's okay to start wherever and whenever you feel ready. please don't compare yourself to the highlight reel of people on social media. i promise it's never too late to work on your goals. you don't have to make a drastic change just because it's a new year. time is a social construct and i want nothing more than for you to truly enjoy life at present without worrying too much about the future. you are completely able to achieve goals you have set for yourself, but take it step by step. please avoid burnout and please take rest. wishing you all the best!!
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error0152384682b · 3 years ago
Here's a sample of the things you will hear as a woman, or about other women:
"If you lost some weight, then you'd be bangable!"
"You look tired! (When not wearing makeup.)"
"Hey baby!!! (When you walk away and ignore the person) Whatever! You're ugly! You aren't worth my time!"
"Your hair is too short, it makes you look like a man!"
"Your hair is too long! You need to cut it!"
"You're just too thin, like a twig!"
"Youre too big. Nobody will be interested unless you drop all the weight."
"She has neon hair, she must be mentally unstable, lol!"
"She has a shaved head. Uggh, I bet she's a crazy sjw!"
"She'd be hot with make up on!"
"Look at that nose of hers! She looks ridiculous!"
"Her butt is too big!"
" Her butt is too flat!"
"Big breasts are a must!"
"If you don't have big breasts you arent a woman!"
"If you aren't called a woman at birth, then you aren't a woman." (Not true in the slightest.)
"You dress too weird."
"You don't act like a woman should."
"You should be thankful I gave you a chance, you're not even hot!!"
"You dress too plain!"
"You like drinking that? How basic!"
"You listen to that? That's weird for a girl to listen too."
"I'd expect you to listen to that, you are a girl after all."
"You are too girly."
"You're too much like a guy!"
If you want to know what it's like to be a woman, imagine being criticized for anything and everything. What you're wearing, what you say, how you act, how tall you are, your age, your weight. Everything. As a woman, you cannot simply be yourself, because someone's going to comment on it and try to pick you apart, everywhere you go. And it's even WORSE if you're trans or nonbinary!
No matter what kind of woman you are, you matter and are valid. You aren't too much. You aren't too little of anything. You are you, and you are great. There's infinite ways to be a woman, and every way is the right way. Every apperance is the right apperance. Every style is the right style. Every body type is the right type.
Have a good day, and take care of yourself.
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error0152384682b · 3 years ago
Going to spend my days off with my Angel. If anyone were to ask me why I call him that, i've got a million reasons.
One of the biggest ones is that he helped me to question my past conservative views, and he never judged.
I know that even when I was a Trump loving conservative, (I'm sorry,) there was a part of me that always felt terrible and wondered if I was hurting anyone with my views.
The answer is yes, and he helped me finally accept that. Truth is he didn't do much, all he did was make me bring my concerns up, and made me evaluate them. From there, and from talking to him more, I ended up changing my mind.
There's simply no way you can be conservative, and support minorities. Not when conservatives and the Republican party only support and fight for Straight, White, Christian men. Ofcourse, they will never tell you that. They'll bring out some people of color and try to pose themself as progressive. They may even bring out members of the lgbtq+ community and try to pose themself as progressive, too. Don't be fooled. They don't care. They use the oppressed to get votes, and will gladly trample on them when they've gotten the votes they wanted.
If you know a conservative, I want to tell you that there is a chance that they will wake up.
They just have to have some doubt, some inkling that something is wrong.
To anyone reading, take good care, be safe, and love yourself. <3
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error0152384682b · 3 years ago
Hello. I am new. Let me explain myself.
I am a former hardcore conservative. I used to be as far right as they come. I am a white, part mexican, plus-sized, non-religious, bisexual, (admittedly abit more straight leaning) female in a straight relationship who is currently changing their views. I grew up with a very white life, and living a very white experience, being treated and seen as completely white, despite being part Mexican. I never learned much about Mexican culture, and I want to. I want to hear more stories and experiences, and am trying to make up for any hurt or pain I've caused with my past beliefs. I'm open to talking about anything with anyone.
I am aware, nobody has to accept my apologies or explanations for anything, I just want to talk and get a better undertsanding of things.
And nobody has to teach me anything either, I've got to learn things on my own.
Pronouns are she/her/hers. I don't think I'd be upset if you called me they/them/theirs though. So, do so if you like I suppose. I'm pretty feminine and a bit masculine in personality, and at times, styles.
I don't really deserve your time or attention but I thank you for reading.
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