error-4-u · 3 days
Spideypool fic where Peter literally hibernates (or in the least sleeps a lot during winter, waking up now and then but not remembering it).
Wade finds out and takes care of him so Peter is weirded out when he wakes up refreshed for once.
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error-4-u · 3 days
Peter: I'm going to get the wedding cake.
Wade: perfect, while you do that I'll check on the ring bear
Peter: You mean the ring bearER, right?
Wade: *sweating*
Peter: Wade, look me in the eyes and tell me you are not going to bring a dangerous wild animal to our wedding.
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error-4-u · 3 days
Person B: If nobody comes from the future to stop us, this will have to be the right thing to do.
Person A: That's exactly what you say before making one of the worst decisions of your life.
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error-4-u · 3 days
Person A to Person B, after explaining a detailed plan: Are you with me so far?
Person B, who's been nodding absent-mindedly but hasn't been with Person A for quite sometime as daydreaming about them is more important: *Nods again*
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error-4-u · 3 days
spideypool thoughts because i am back in my sm/dp phase and loving every goddamn second of it !!
- something about the way their dynamic is actually healthy??? yeah no FUCK the i-can-change-him idea, but rather the I-CAN-CHANGE-FOR-HIM idea??? obsessed and I love it in terms of spideypool
- i am ABSOLUTELY SMITTEN for the legendary fics where spidey gets jealous of himself and is left in a state of pure shock about it whenever wade’s swooning over his latest crush peter parker like SOMETHING ABOUT IT IS SO PETER OF PETER TO DO AND ITS FUNNY AND MAKES FOR A DELICIOUS IDENTITY REVEAL
- coming up to the topic of identity reveals I have a LOT to say about them, first of all I find them so important to the progression of wade and peter’s relationship. it’s important because maybe, on a more practical level, peter feels like wade has so much at his disposal to exploit his identity — but it’s that exact mindset that makes the big moment so special. who peter is behind the mask is him in a state of vulnerability; at the end of the day, spider-man is everyone’s shield and their great savior and protector — including peter’s. he feels like he has to be so strong and brave all the time and have his guard up, but the moment he takes off the mask, it means that he trusts you with his fragmented pieces and trusts that you won’t break them any further. NOW TAKE THAT IN THE CONTEXT OF SPIDEYPOOL, WHERE PETER FEELS LIKE HE HAS TO HATE WADE BECAUSE WADE IS WHO HE IS BUT HE TRUSTS HIM ANYWAYS AND DOESNT KNOW WHY. gold
- this is something that’s like said a lot but there’s something so interesting about the fact that wade and peter as characters actually have very similar principles and characteristic points — they’re both funny, both use humor and quippage to cope with the turmoil and struggle constantly thrown at them, and they were both thrown into the deep end at young age. where their characters begin to diverge are the morals and ideas formed by their unique and individual traumatic experiences and coping experiences. for example, if ben hadn’t died and peter’s rageful side and irresponsibility only consumed him, who’s to say he wouldn’t have become a murderous killer the same way wade was? or even a mercenary the same way Wade did to try and support himself financially and care for his family? and if wade had grown up in a supportive household and learned the price of his actions, who’s to say he wouldn’t have become a hero like peter? EXPERIENCES BUILD CHARACTERS AND THESE TWO HAVE SUCH INTRICATE CHARACTERS
- something about their perceptions of one another physically. I TALKED ABOUT THIS IN ONE OF MY REPOSTS but the way peter is just an average, pretty good-looking guy and every time I write wade describing his features, it’s not “he’s hot” or “he’s sexy” or “he’s a model” but rather the small things no one would find beautiful or even unique about anyone. big, chocolate brown eyes, crooked, bashful smiles, the way he forgets to push up his glasses — literally who the fuck would care other than a person madly in love? EXACTLY.
- in correlation to the previous point, FICS WHERE PETER REASSURES WADE HE’S GORGEOUS IN EVERY WAY AND MEANS EVERY SINGLE WORD. if you love someone TRULY, nothing can be ugly about them. and peter sees the scars and wade thinks he’ll hate it but in reality peter adores it and thinks wade is unique and beautiful and interesting and all of that. AGH warms my lonely lonely heart
- wade would be very happy to do the upside down kiss. this is in fact a fic idea so by any means please treat this as a prompt
- BOTH DISASTERS BUT BOTH EACH OTHER’S DISASTERS!! look I love tired x hyper but something about these two being absolute hurricanes of awkwardness and then bonding over their weird ass references with occasional hints of tired x hyper banter makes my heart sing I honestly just love them (BONUS POINTS IF THE HINTS OF TIRED X HYPER IS DEADPOOL MAKING A FLIRTY STEAMY COMMENT, PETER GETTING FLUSTERED, AND THEN PETER TRIES TO HIDE IT WITH A TIRED EXHAUSTED ANGRY LINE OF DIALOGUE) or perhaps peter realizing Deadpool is a fun guy and unknowingly doing everything in his power to hang out with him mayhaps?????
anyways yep!! some of my incoherent head-empty-only-spideypool thoughts that I would like to share with the class ! < andd not to be a shameless self promoter but if you would like to see these thoughts written out then I’m on ao3 wink wink cough cough >
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error-4-u · 3 days
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Inspired by a prompt on the Spideypool discord I'm on
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error-4-u · 3 days
Wolverine: "Get lost."
Deadpool: *shrugs* "Sure, whatever you want."
Deadpool: *starts looking around frantically* "Oh god, where am I?! Somebody help me!"
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error-4-u · 3 days
While on the clock today, it occurred to me that I would like to find a Spideypool fic where Deadpool is still portrayed as being a Spider-Man fangirl thinking he's just the best thing since "the best thing ever" and a literal angel why can't we be together forever simp
Peter/Spider-Man is just like: Dude I'm not perfect. I'm an actual asshole. And technically a criminal.
Like he went into vigilante-ism for his uncle. Imagine where he'll go for his aunt? (Spoilers: it's murder. Cold blooded, methodical, I will sleep fine after you've perished, murder. Based off that time in the comics he APPARENTLY revealed his secret identity to a full prison just to humiliate and threaten Kingpin for hospitalizing his aunt and dared any one of them to try testing his levels of mercy.)
And is just trying to emulate a "kinder(?)" Personification of Be Gay do Crime basically. Because public image.
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error-4-u · 9 days
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I miss the lil guys
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error-4-u · 12 days
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Version 1 of Genocide Sans fight in Re:Swap (my version of Underswap) happens to be extremely easy: just drop to 1 HP, spare him and then refuse to reset! :D
In case you're wondering about Sans's "cape", see this comic.
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error-4-u · 13 days
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...And this is why Pacifist run happens in Re:Swap! (For context, there's never been a Pacifist run before. There were a lot of Neutral and Genocide runs though.)
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error-4-u · 14 days
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Another one from Re:Swap's Pacifist route.
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error-4-u · 15 days
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From the one (and only) Pacifist run of Re:Swap (my version of Underswap. This is how Chara gets Undyne to help them get through Hotland — through Paps being his wonderful manipulative self :D
(This is me still knocking stuff off my "draw later" list btw.)
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error-4-u · 21 days
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From the sketchbook I had in July-August 2023. Also, something from my short-lived Miraculous Ladybug phase :P
This is based on "Undead Enemy" by Giga and Suzumu (performed by Kagamine Rin). It seemed like an extremely fitting song for Adrien. (These were originally doodled because I was thinking of maybe doing a whole thing based on that song, but... I doubt it'll happen now.)
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error-4-u · 21 days
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Inktobertale 2023 - Day 24: Warrior
This one's a reference to this scene from Kubo and the Two Strings.
Ink belongs to @comyet
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error-4-u · 28 days
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Inktobertale 2023 - Day 30: Megaphone
There's a joke that goes: "If you really hate someone, give their child a drum."
Ink belongs to @comyet
Dream belongs to Jokublog
Dust belongs to @ask-dusttale
Horror belongs to @horrortalecomic
Killer belongs to @rahafwabas
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error-4-u · 28 days
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Inktobertale 2023 - Day 30: Megaphone
There's a joke that goes: "If you really hate someone, give their child a drum."
Ink belongs to @comyet
Dream belongs to Jokublog
Dust belongs to @ask-dusttale
Horror belongs to @horrortalecomic
Killer belongs to @rahafwabas
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