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yall ever write numbers by their radially equilateral geometrical patterns? I've thought of it repeatedly for years but usually forget to go past nine.
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why is my dog blue wtf
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I live and breatge yet again bitches
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Hundreds of years after the biotechnological revolution of old, out in the far reaches of the heliosphere, the metahumans feed on radiation and latent material across the ort cloud. Their structures are suspended in these areas, massive machines of both living and otherwise design fusions, like computers/buildings/and organisms all in one. Abstract conglomerations of biologically patterned structures rope through orbits with transport tubes and radiophagic arrays like veins or wires. They endlessly research more and more out in these silent expanses of void, sending their info back through the star system wide network for public usage, as it is their culture, to tirelessly research.
Though they aren’t all constantly in space conducting experiments, metahumans have no strict requirements to be under any atmospheric pressures, gravity, or temperature conditions for survival or even comfort. With bodies designed specially to withstand the void, and extremophilic methods of feeding, they’re seen with mild contempt and distrust by some of the retrohumanist communities, who liken them to aloof aliens, too hard to read to trust. While it would be a dangerously unfair power dynamic, the common irrationalities old human designs possess are all but erased in these beings, they work both as one, and as individuals, with no need to compete for anything. None of this is meaningful to said traditional communities of course, as they find differences disturbing.
This is one of my many, sporadic entries to a story I’ve been making in my head in collaboration with a fellow artist called -
“Sacred Circuitry”
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Ye so like, starting projects is kinda an existential fear of mine, despite the fact I also do random projects projects out of fleeting autistic passion. For whatever reason, sitting down and committing to a whole story freaks me out and I get stressed enough to start blanking. It almost feels like a homework dynamic thing.
but I’ll definitely try, I got big things in my mind to do with massive scifi series projects.
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Telling myself this every day here's a meme
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There’s nothing funnier than American Trad Caths revealing that they’re just Presbyterians that think Baroque looks cool
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Man but the notes on that post really are just tumblr showing they have no idea how anything works.
"report to your local animal abuse people not to cops" local animal abuse people would be animal control. Animal control officers are cops.
"rabies is treatable if you go to the doctor right after the bite" rabies is PREVENTABLE, not treatable. There is no cure for rabies. If you suspect you came into contact with a rabid animal, you need to get a series of rabies vaccinations to prevent the virus from taking over your body. This is not a treatment and it only works if you go right away. If you show any symptoms of rabies it is too late.
"rabies is fatal in animals but treatable in humans" rabies has a 100% fatality rate and is not considered a survivable disease at this point in time. If you contract rabies YOU WILL DIE. The "treatment" in humans is called the Milwaukee Protocol, only 14% of people survive it, and it leaves you with massive brain damage and effectively turns you into a vegetable. You do not return to a normal life afterwards. Very few people who have undergone this process are capable of doing more than laying in a hospital bed and eating and breathing through tubes. To my knowledge only one person was able to live a semi-normal life after years and years of ongoing therapy and was not expected to have made it even through her first year after treatment.
I cannot stress enough how rabies is unlike any other disease you may be thinking of. It's required on a federal level in this country to vaccinate pretty much any domestic animal that comes into contact with wildlife for one reason and one reason only: it is not considered possible to cure rabies and the spread of disease would threaten all mammalian life including our own if allowed to continue to propagate.
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the reason colonisers slaughtered buffalo to near extinction in america is consistent for why israel is bombing, uprooting and burning the olive trees in palestine. over 100 years later and the tactics for control and genocide are the same. tell me again about how america has learnt from it's past and people need to stop talking about it as they fund and support israel by once again making the oppressed out to be ruthless and an evil that needs to be stomped out. "savages" has become "terrorists" because history will repeat itself right in front of our eyes and those people who claim to be disgusted by that history will stand by and watch it happen again with pride.
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my children are DreamingCity ready
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Dunno if I wanna turn these into whole characters like I did the pyramid tech obsessed warlock who I can’t remember the name of, but these are vEry fun and themed builds. Especially the hunter, absolutely kills it in gambit.
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Telling myself this every day here's a meme
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so this thing,(disassociation/curator) stand in this case—
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Can’t remember wtf I decided to call it in a stand form, but if you look closely it says “post merge”, this is an idea that if the stand or user die, the user will merge with the specter and ascend. Sorta like a second phase to a boss, where they get even faster and with more unfair moves.
Got a buncha ability ideas too but it’s late rn so I’ll upload pics of those later.
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me af
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do not stop talking about Palestine!
there are Shut It Down For Palestine actions planned for Friday, look for one in your area if you can. they're not all registered on the Shut It Down website, so check social media as well as their list.
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weirdest dog I’ve ever owned fr
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This lil bean creatures name is Sunē, (Soo-nee) though her full name is Kitsuné, and at one point we’d nicknamed her “Spoon”/“Spoony”. She talks like a husky, only barks when threatened or upset, likes sugar more than meat, sniffs electronics, and is both taller and longer than most dogs her size.
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