Erotic Short Stories 4 Women
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eroticshortstories4women · 6 months ago
Daydreaming about lazily "nursing" on your scrumptious, raging hard, Viagra Enhanced Manhood - with my head tenderly resting on your belly - we watch a very long movie together - Just to enjoy HOW "Rock Hard" and Desperate I can "KEEP" You! As I leisurely tease and play with your Powerful HARD Cock of Pure Perfection - I wanna smoke some Great Weed with you (for the first hour of the movie) - I want you relaxed, vulnerable, evermore subordinate and venerating!
When the time is right and you're oozing endlessly, I will move you over to the rocking chair (next to the bed), so I can deftly mount and sit on your virile monstrous joystick in the rocking chair - while we finish watching the movie together JOINED ... MMmm - I'll Adeptly "KEEP" your hyper edged, Thick, Glorious, Pulsing Erection - Captive, Prisoner - Balls Deep UP inside of me (reverse cowgirl style) - Moving the rocking chair - Only Occasionally . . . Surely I will end up, helplessly climaxing on your Mighty Throbbing 9" Cock... But - I will NOT ALLOW You To Cum, (My precious subservient stud muffin). We will blissfully finish the long movie together, intimately joined in our Hyper Sexual Union... Occasionally I will giggle and helplessly flood your subjugated cock and balls in orgasmic bliss due to the persistent "pulsing passion" Imprisoned deep within my Covetous Loins... But, When the movie is eventually over, We'll go back to bed and kiss a lot - And not think - Your powerful, thick, STILL Rock Hard, Viagra Enhanced Denied Cock - Pulsing and Throbbing - Helplessly - Desperately - Deep inside of my Euphoric Blissful Femininity Once Again - Right Where It Belongs - As I Lay on Top Of You "Relaxing" - Whispering sensuously into your ear - What A Good Boy You Were (For Not Cumming) - Until we both eventually fall asleep together with my petite body laying on top of yours. Sorry, but this is what I truly want - Routinely - My Bad?
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eroticshortstories4women · 6 months ago
I couldn't possibly comprehend how this poor virile man must be feeling, a willing victim of my insatiable desire to "KEEP" him in a state of constant arousal - yet still "Masterfully" Deny him release.
The intense sexual "desperation" he must be feeling.... The NEED.... the Frustration. It had to be unbearable for him.
Yet still - I couldn't help myself. No matter how badly this man's need to cum was - I couldn't resist my own need t o make it worse! To Push His Trembling Sexual Limits...
The mere touch of my soft velvety hand trailing ever so gently up and down his fully erect virile (vein filled) sexual organ, had him quivering and pleading for release - mercy . It was indescribably arousing.
"Oh sweetie, you poor thing," I purred sympathetically. "Are you really all that turned on? Are you really all that desperate, frustrated? Do you really - really want to cum, you sweet thing? You look - and feel - like you want to be touched, teased and edged so much more."
"Please, please, please!," he begged shamelessly. "I need it so bad. Please Let Me Cum! Hold Me Please! Oh God Please.... something... anything..." As my soft feathery light feminine touch continued stimulating his raging (hyper sensitive) joystick unabated.
"Aww, is it that bad baby?," I teased, fighting back a chuckle - suddenly and cunningly I paused momentarily - giving him another much needed recovery break! He Looked So Incredibly Yummy and Delicious (his sublime mighty erection dancing mid air), I knew I would not be able to resist devouring him for very long! BUT - He Would NOT Cum!
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eroticshortstories4women · 6 months ago
Is This a Mother?
Teaching Her Daughter How To Properly "Edge" An Erection?
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eroticshortstories4women · 6 months ago
When He's Rock Hard, Viagra Enhanced, Standing At FULL Attention!
Something To Remember Him By . . .
He has a Soul, He has "A Sex" - As Strong and Powerful - As It Comes . . .
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eroticshortstories4women · 6 months ago
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eroticshortstories4women · 9 months ago
Femdom - Done Right
I have news for you young ladies visiting this tumblr site… You’ve been lied to… Femdom (Gynarchy and Matriarchy) is not what all the hateful jaded women and self-loathing sissies out there in cyberspace try to make it out to be… I’ve been around awhile…
Female Domination, (FLR / Femdom) is about a culture of Strong and Wise Women taking the lead and asserting their innate power in personal relationships and in society in general.
It is about women taking charge (and control) of their men - in and out of the bedroom - to get what they want - to subliminally train their men (naturally) to submit to their female guidance in all things. It is about teaching, leading and training a man to be a better person, a better devotional venerating lover… It is about focusing his mind and psyche on giving rather than receiving, making his woman happy, contented and fulfilled… Femdom (FLR) is also about transitioning and transforming him into a stronger healthier man… There is absolutely no contradiction in a hyper-masculine Virile Alpha Male – Completely and Willfully Submitting to a DOMINANT SUPERIOR WOMAN…
Femdom (FLR) is NOT about humiliating and/or belittling men, treating them as worthless, humiliating them or acting as if they are inferior creatures made to lick the dirt off of womens’ feet… This is just online idiocy and BS the way I see it… I Love and Adore My Venerating. Doting, Healthy, Virile MAN… And So do all the other astute progressive women I associate with socially…
Femdom and “FLR” is about a Woman asserting her power over a man because it’s totally natural that she wants to be in control… She believes she was born to be in charge, and she believes she has earned the right to be in charge… She believes her guidance (in and out of the bedroom) is superior, because she knows intuitively that her inner strength and her inner wisdom is superior to that of a man’s… Sexually, it is about the natural transfer of intoxicating hypnotic sexual power… from the strong virile male - to the superior female - and the transformation of personal identity… The Lady Fucks... The Man gets fucked!  He’s grateful just to be a part of it… Even if this means the woman wanting him to fuck her rough, hard and deep… The woman ultimately decides how things go… After All, Males are sometimes arrested for sexual misconduct, Ladies Are Not… What does that tell you?
Simply stated, I believe in natural female authority - as the core of my family, and share that belief with every other woman in my personal sphere - not because I want a world of weak pathetic men, but because I want a world of strong studly venerating men, who are ultimately guided by the wisdom and strength of even stronger Wiser Women, day-in-and-day-out, in this generation and in all succeeding generations.
A Femdom ”Controlled“  Relationship Does Not Mean … That You Shouldn’t or Can’t - Be Kind, Loving, Generous & Nurturing !!!
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Please, Share this Tumblr site with as many progressive women as possible, Especially the younger Generation, The  NEW  World  Leaders  and  Shapers…
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eroticshortstories4women · 1 year ago
"The Pleasure Trap"
Although Most Females Are Truly Unaware of It at the Conscious Level, Subconsciously Most Females Understand the Following Fact “Innately” when it’s Rationally Exposed to Them:  A Man is Much More Obedient, Kind, Nurturing, Loving & Generous with his Woman, When he is “Yearning” For Orgasm – Rather than After He’s had One. This is Due Primarily to the Unconscious, Involuntary Neurochemistry of His Male Mind.
Neurochemistry is Quite a Fascinating and Intriguing Science, But also quite simple to summarize to get that “Aha!” Feeling About Male Orgasm Mood Change “After” Orgasm/Ejaculation. To understand what is going on, You need to look into the Three Powerful Neurotransmitters - Oxytocin, Prolactin and Dopamine that all interplay while a Male is Visually as well as Sexually Aroused and Stimulated. Feminine Sexual Attention (Teasing & Edging) Serves to Naturally Heighten Male Dopamine Levels - The Powerful Reward Chemical that is at the Very Heart of All Human and Animal Behavior. Along with the Dopamine “Increase” when a Male is Highly (Hyper) Aroused is also Heightened Levels of Oxytocin flooding his bloodstream, often colloquially referred to as the “Cuddle Hormone” that is responsible for “Bonding” not only between couples but between siblings, children etc - and produces that warm wonderful afterglow after sex. Interestingly, (Both Genders Produce Oxytocin), But these levels Fall away Rapidly in Males after they have an Ejaculative Orgasm. Whereas A Woman’s Oxytocin Level Stay Naturally Elevated and Her Dopamine Levels Stay Elevated As Well, Which is Probably One of the Major Reasons Why Women are Naturally Multi-Orgasmic.
So What Is Dopamine You Ask:  It’s at the Very Core of ALL our Sexual Drives and Survival Needs, and it Motivates “All Of Us” to Do Just About Everything in Life. This mechanism within the Reward - Pleasure circuitry of the Human Brain has been around for millions of years and has not changed.
In the Male Brain, Dopamine is “Go & Get it!” and Prolactin is “Whoa!” Learn all you can about the Incredibly Addictive Pleasure Drug Dopamine. It’s Incredibly Strong and can Control a Guys Devotion, Veneration & Ultimate Subjugation (Mystically) if Properly Exploited. Think of the Subliminal Programming Possibilities here Ladies, as You Read the Rest of This Excerpt.
Few females Fully Understand or Appreciate the “POWER” in their Hands, in that All Males have an “off switch”, which kicks in - right AFTER they Orgasm. It is Generally NOT Understood that Guys have the Rare, Basically Unknown “Potential” for on-going, Intense Dopamine-Driven Sexual Desire, If their Naturally Occurring Self-Regulating Production of Prolactin is Eliminated and/or Avoided. When The Male Orgasmic Nerves “FIRE”, The Explosive Male “Orgasm” produces a Sudden Massive Increased Wave of Both Chemicals (Dopamine and Oxytocin), But at the Same Time, Applies the Sexual “Brakes” by Producing Increased Prolactin Levels. Prolactin Functions to Effectively Shut Down Their Intense Sexual Desire and Prolactin Remains Enhanced / Elevated in the Male Brain for up to “Two Weeks’, as it takes a while for the levels of Oxytocin and Dopamine to Return to Previous Levels. Therefore Ladies…, Daily Tease, Denial and Firm Sexual Control of a Males Joystick, Means that a ”Trainable“ (Orgasm Managed) Male Will Be Operating Daily, on Heightened Levels of Both Oxytocin and Dopamine without the Undesired, Destructive and Unwanted rush of Prolactin into his bloodstream produced by Male Orgasm. Thus, Keeping in mind that A Man is Much More Obedient, Loving, Nurturing & Generous with his Woman, when he is Desperately “Yearning” For Orgasm (High on Dopamine)- Every Ladies Secret Programming Goal Should Be to Carefully and Meticulously “PREVENT” the Dopamine and Oxytocin Level Plunge from Occurring, and the Natural Easy way to do this is by Prolonging and Preserving his Raging Erection, While Restraining & Preventing him from having an Ejaculation. Precious Dopamine and Oxytocin (Again The Bonding Drug) Can be “Kept” at Peak Levels While You Easily and Secretly Influence his Vulnerable Psyche.
As for Easily and Covertly Influencing his Vulnerable Subconscious), The Best Time to Whisper your (Will), Desires into his (Ear), Subconscious Mind, is when he is Lost, Floating in Subspace, Blissed Out AND Ultra Rock Hard - “Held” Totally Captive & Imprisoned, Deep up Inside the “Paradise” of Your Glorious Heavenly Womanhood. It Is At This Divine Moment, While His Eyes Are Rolled Back Into His Head and you are Skillfully Delaying & Denying Him Orgasm (Edging), that He is Most Naturally & Helplessly under The Intrinsic Power of Your Will/Suggestion. Imagine the Programming Possibilities Here Ladies - His Vulnerable Open Psyche Will Be Naturally Unprotected, Extremely Susceptible to Your Complete & Total Feminine Control !!!
When His Dopamine (Reward) and Oxytocin (Cuddle) Levels are Routinely and Habitually Maximized - Improved, More Affectionate & Loving Male Behavior, Naturally brings about an increased level of Reciprocal Behavior from his Sensual Nurturing Woman - Creating a Virtuous Subliminal Self-Perpetuating Feedback Loop Deep Within Both the Male/Female Mind & Psyche.
{Visualize or imagine the following scenario… A Man and Woman Laying in Bed, Both Watching The Movie 50 Shades of Grey. The Male on his Back , propped up by pillows (completely naked of course), While the female lays her head (resting it) on his lower abdomen, faced towards the TV screen. For the Entire Length of the Move, the Lady holds Captive and Still, in her Gently Nursing Mouth, the first 2 or 3 inches of the Males Raging Hard - Desperate Erection. She Knows That Not Only is he Feeling “Ultra Male” in this Extremely Rock Hard Condition, But that she is also Flooding his Helpless Brain with Steady and Consistent Levels of Dopamine and Oxytocin. As his Joyful Hyper-Sensitive Manhood Pulses with Each Heartbeat, She is Ingeniously Re-enforcing her Natural Feminine Dominion and Authority - Deep Into the Depths of Her Males Defenseless Psyche. By Tenderly & Carefully “Teasing” Him in This Powerful but Nurturing Way, She Can Make Comments and Plant Her Thoughts and Desires (about Certain Key aspects of the Movie) Easily into the Subconscious of Her Entranced Male}.
In Conclusion, A Males Orgasm / Ejaculation / Sexual Energy - Should Be Routinely and Habitually Managed, ”Saved“, Restricted & Preserved (Karezza); Causing Not Only His Healthy Libido / Yearning Desire to Naturally Explode, But His Loving Devotion & Bonding as Well. The whole point of Prolonging & Preventing his orgasm, is to “Accumulate” and Build the Sexual Energy or nervous Energy called “Ojas”, which is Wasted the moment the Nerves Fire During Male Ejaculation. It is not his semen loss that’s the problem, It’s actually the Firing of the Male Nervous System During Sexual Stimulation that Needs to be Avoided and Retained. The more you Conserve this Reservoir of ENERGY, (His Battery “Joystick” Fully Charged) The Stronger the two of you will Bond & His Desire to Pleasure “His Goddess” in Every Aspect of Life Develops Beautifully.
Nurture  What’s  Natural  -  Ladies Are Multi Orgasmic - Males Are Not !!!
While A Males Precious Sexual Energy (Ojas) Should Be Routinely And Habitually Conserved, Preserved and ”Saved“ (to Increase Dopamine / Oxytocin – While Minimizing Prolactin) , A Lady on The Other Hand Should ”Fully & Freely” Bask in Feminine Orgasmic Bliss, As Often As She Desires !!! Nature Intended it Like This Ladies - Don’t Fight Nature, Learn from it, Exploit It and Revel in It !!!
Thus, A Female Led Relationship (FLR)… Keeps “The Passion”  Alive in The Relationship, With The Seductive, Tantric “Femdom“ Art of Karezza…
Secretly, Carefully & Strategically…. Take Him to the Dark Side (Femdom) - Show Him What His Male Body, Was Truly Made For (Karezza) !!!
His Entire Function and “Design" as a Male is Ultimately For Your Total Exploitation, Entertainment and Gratification, Not Just Your Sustenance and Sanctuary …
In Review, Routine & Habitual Karezza “Training” of the Male (Mind & Erection), Beautifully and Naturally Increase “HIS” Libido, Passion, Devotion, Desire and Virility as well as his Subjugation and Veneration. Creating Once Again, A Wonderful, Subliminal, Self-Perpetuating (Feedback Loop), Deep Within BOTH The Male & Female Psyche…
With this Powerful Femdom type of  “KAREZZA”, The Woman’s Love Life / Sex Life - Naturally Improves Exponentially…
Imagine the Connection, The Prolonged Bliss you Both Will Experience - Him Being Perched Everlastingly Right on the Very “Edge” of Orgasm, And You Perched Right “On Top of Him” Having Quivering Full Body Orgasmic Bliss to your Hearts Content. Take Breaks Frequently - Sexual Fulfillment, Is Most Assuredly Made “Sweeter”, By The Prolonging of Desire… In this Way, You Can Both RIDE The Exquisite “Edge” For as Long, and As Deeply as you Both Breathe Properly.
Although this Might Sound Torturous to Some (a Good Kind of Torture) Trust Me, it’s Pure “Euphoria”. By Harnessing, Channeling and Absorbing His Pulsating Sexual Energy Consciously Into and Through Your Consuming Womanhood; That Divine “Accumulated” Flow of Precious Sexual Energy will spread into Everything That You Do. You will Feel Revitalized, Connected and Tuned into the Rhythms of Life and He Will Absolutely and Utterly Worship You…
Note: Depriving a man of the use of his Erection while he is Utterly Helpless & Completely “CAPTIVE”, (Imprisoned) Balls Deep Inside of the Paradise of Your Heavenly Vagina, is a Most Wonderful Form of Obtaining Complete Sexual Dominance / Control over him, Especially If U Freely Orgasm - While Deftly Preventing Him from Doing So .
Having him sit upright and then wrapping your legs around his back is one of the Best Possible Positions for Prolonged Tantra & Karezza Lovemaking, Especially in the Hyper-Sensitive State He Will Undoubtedly Be in After Your Interminable Edging… The Wise Woman, Skilled in her “Art” Must Retain Control of “ALL” Movements, Thus Beautifully Controlling Herself & Her Subordinate Male… Until Her Stud Has Not Only Attained Complete and Deepest Union With Her, But Has Also Become Acclimated to His Secure Enveloping Captivity.
Then….and Only Then….Slow, Rocking (Karezza) Style Intercourse – Will Lead to a Woman’s Complete Discharge of Her Nervous Surplus, Complete Relief from All of Her Sexual Tension - Due to Intense Orgasmic Ecstasy - And More Prolonged BLISS, Satisfaction and Fulfillment for Him than any 15 Second Ejaculation Could Ever Provide… Due to his elevated Oxytocin Levels…
Remember, The Key to Teaching A Male ”NEW BEHAVIOR” (How Not To Cum) with the Hypnotic Powerful Neurotransmitter Dopamine, Requires Frequent Repetitive Training !!!!!   If You Learn To Exploit The Powerful Processes Neurochemistry (Dopamine and Oxytocin) Have on the Psychology of the Vulnerable Male Mind - You’ll Be Able to Easily “Train” Your Male To Respond To You, With Virtually Any “Conditioned” Behavior You Desire…
(Karezza)… Ladies Cum  - MALES DON’T (Tease & Denial)
Of all the things You can “Do” when You Tease, “Edge” & Torture a Man, The One Thing that will Ultimately give you the Greatest Dividend – Will Be - Ruining His Orgasm.
How many Ladies reading this are Familiar, Comfortable and/or Titillated with the Concept?
Ruining Your Males Orgasm is Always Done by Abruptly Abandoning the Stimulation of His Penis (Joystick) Just Prior to the Point of No Return, Thus Minimizing his Pleasure, But at the Same Time Magically Making Him Hornier & Hornier & Hornier; The Purpose Being, Driving his Libido, Dopamine and Desire for your Femininity Up to Absolutely Peak Levels.
Learn to Always Say, “Aww, Did I Ruin that Honey?” Many Ladies find that they get a Real Power Thrill when they See their Studmuffins Imminent Ejaculation, Utterly Stopped in it’s Tracks. Virtually All Women Become Absolutely Delighted In Just  How “Horny & Rock Hard" Their Males Stay Immediately Afterwards !!!
Once Again Ladies, Here’s the Paradoxical Secret of Habitually Ruining Your Guys Ejaculative Orgasm; His Libido & Desire for your Femininity Will Multiply Beyond Your Wildest Imagination, Such a Win-Win Situation for Systematically Subjugating Him!!!
Within Every Woman there is a “Domme” - Waiting to be Discovered, Nurtured, Worshiped and Served !!! 
It takes Practice to get Really Good at Ruining a Males Orgasm. Probably the Single Most Often Asked Question in a Woman’s Mind, Women who Really Want to Subliminally Dominate, Subjugate, as Well as Perpetually Tease and Deny Their Stud Muffin “Properly”, Want to know How to Ruin a Male Orgasm The Right Way. Here is a Quick and Sadistic Outline of How You can Learn to Habitually Ruin your Guy’s Orgasms & Make him your Totally Subservient, Subordinate, Lusting Sex Slave (As He Should Be). Remember, every Man is Different and You will have to Learn the Signs Your Man Unwittingly Gives when He is Reaching The Point of No Return. That is, the Point at Which He is Going to Erupt & Explode no Matter what You do. You Can Only Learn these Signs and Signals by Watching Him Closely and “Practicing” Daily. Watch his facial expressions, his body, his feet, his movements, which muscles tense and Watch His Breathing .
You Need to Get Him and “Keep” Him Ultra Aroused Obviously, and then You want to Bring him as Close to Orgasm as You possibly Can, Without Allowing Him to Actually Cum while You are touching him. I emphasize this because in order to ruin his orgasm Properly, You must stop All Physical Stimulation “Right Before” The Last Possible Second. Always Remember, It’s Better to Stop Stimulation 15 Seconds Too Early, Than 1 Second Too Late !!!
I recommend that you Stroke or if you Prefer - Nurse on his Erection Very Gently, and with a good amount of lubrication. Although You can do this without lubrication if your sucking on him, Males Last Longer when they are Well Lubricated, And the longer you KEEP Him Rock Hard in the Peaked “Edged” Phase, the Higher his Dopamine Levels Will Ultimately Be. Give him four or five strokes, fast or slow doesn’t matter. Alternate between fast and slow if You like. The Key Is In the Pause Between these “Elongated” Never Ending Sets of strokes. You Must Pause However  Long Enough to Allow Him to Relax and Recover Just a Little Bit, Before You give Him His Next “Set” of Blissful Hypnotic Programming Strokes. The Longer You want to Tease Him, and the More Dopamine/ Oxytocin You Want in His Brain (while you whisper your desires into his open ear), the Longer Your Torturous Teasing and “Pauses” Should Last. Remember, His Impressionable Mind is Quite Open in this Condition to Your Hypnotic Suggestions, So Be Sure To Exploit this Vulnerability Ladies …
Watch him Very Closely !!! When You see the signs of his Impending Imminent Orgasm, Remove your hand or mouth and Stop touching him Immediately!!! Wait at Least Ten Seconds Before You Touch his Hyper-Sensitive (Straining) Erection Again; Fifteen to Twenty Seconds Even Better. Any less time, and You may trigger a Full-on Orgasm the Instant You start Up Again. Many men unconsciously try to hold back their ejaculation, especially if You’ve Properly “Trained” them with Karezza Not to Cum without Your permission, or if they feel they might cum while You are not directly touching them. This a good thing, encourage this behavior & Exploit IT… Once You’ve reached that all important point of no return, they will most often trigger their own miniature ruined ejaculation by just trying not to Explode.
Many Men hold out, for as long as, eight seconds before they Finally Succumb to a Helpless Joyless Ruined Orgasm. That is, eight seconds after You stop touching, sucking & stimulating them. That is why I say, The Astute Lady Should Wait at Least Ten to Fifteen Seconds before she begins stroking her Stud Muffins Hypersensitive Joystick Again. The Longer the Breaks are between stroking stimulations, The Better!!!
What You Ultimately Want to See and Trigger Ladies, is your guys “Creaminess” begin to slowly flow out of the tip of their penis head “smoothly”, like a miniature oozing river - AFTER You’ve Stopped All Stimulation. The Cum will NOT Explode Out with Force as you ��and they” are typically used to, Thus in this Way, You Ultimately will be Saving, Accumulating and Preserving Your Lovers Precious Sexual Energy from Being Wasted, and this Sexual Energy Once again Beautifully Builds Upon Itself. The sadistically fun part is, that no matter how hard they try, they will be unable to pump their own cum out with any pressure, But They can try. They can flex their “Kegel” muscles that usually make their cum squirt, spurt, or shoot out, but it will not work :))  Most Importantly, They’ll be Hornier and Harder than Ever…
——- In Review, Ruined Male Orgasms are Just That, Totally Unsatisfying!!! They involve stroking, sucking, stimulating & masterbating an erect penis, Right UP to the Point of No Return, “ALWAYS” After Interminable Edging. And Rather than Milking the Erection Through the Blissful, Cherished Orgasm, a Couple of Subjugating Femdom Techniques can be Used to Properly Ruin the Male Orgasm & Reinforce To His Unguarded Psyche, Your Ultimate (Feminine) Control.  A Quick Summary of the Most Effective, Femdom Techniques are Summarized Below.
Abandonment: Through extensive experience, the Mistress identifies the point of no return (PNR) for the Erection being Subjugated and Totally Ceases Any & All Stimulation, “Just Before” His Ejaculation Spasms Begin. Simply sit back and Delight in Watching the Silly, “Straining”, Pulsating Appendage Struggle to Expend the Unstoppable Pressurized Cream Inside of it, which is Gut Wrenching and Totally Unsatisfying. The Victimized & Totally Stunned Manhood will (Almost Always), Paradoxically Remain Fully Erect and Extremely Rock Hard Following The Ruined Orgasm & Immediately Feel the Oh So Desperate Need to Cum Again.
Keep in Mind Ladies, Your Routine & Habitual Goal is to “Prevent” his Orgasmic Nerves from Firing “Completely“…Thus Retaining Over 95% of His Precious & Priceless Sexual Energy from Being Wasted… A Small River of Cum Slowly “Oozing” Down His Bursting Hard, “Straining”, Vein Filled Cock Shaft is What You Want to See Happening Repeatedly…
Taking This Subliminal Programming & Subjugation A Step Further !!!
Bleeding: An advanced Technique With Extremely Wonderful Libido Building Effects.  Rather than bringing the Desperate, Throbbing Erect Penis Up To the Point of No Return (PNR), Stimulation is Abruptly Stopped JUST Prior to This Point, Causing “Your” Play Toy to Leak Out (Ooze) a Small Amount of Precum, but Still Remain, Right on the Verge (Edge) of Orgasm.
Due to The Wonderful Involuntary Neurochemistry of his Mind, A Males Dopamine Levels Will Again “Be Peaked” at This Point. It’s at this Exact Point in Time that His Mind & Psyche is Most Vulnerable to your Comments, Suggestions and Subliminal Programming, So Exploit This Omnipotent Gift….. Firmly “Command Him” Not To Cum, Tell Him He’s Never Allowed to Cum Without Your Permission and Praise Him What a Good Boy He Is for Obeying You.
After a Short Pause, Once “Control” is Again Regained over the Straining, Throbbing, Desperate, Hyper Sensitive Erection, This Procedure can be Repeated Over and Over and Over Again, Drawing Small Oozing amounts of Cum from the Screaming “Joystick” Each Time.
At Some Opportune Point of Your Choosing, His Vulnerable Bursting Hard Joystick Can Then Be Stimulated to a Maddening, Straining, Painful Dry Orgasm He Will Never Forget.  If the “Domme” is Feeling Particularly Sadistic, the Dry Orgasm Can Then Also Be Ruined, Most likely Leaving the Possessor of the Tortured Dominated Cock Sobbing and Writhing, But Advantageously Hornier and Harder Than Ever !!!
This is the Perfect Time – After “A Series” of Exquisite Ruined Orgasms (RO) – For The Astute Lady To Mount Her Guys Now Supersized, Traumatized, Totally Subjugated and ”Drained“ - BUT Extremely Horny Stud Muffin, in order to Delight in a Rock Solid “Ultimate” Multi-Orgasmic Ride of Whatever Duration She Chooses !!! – Which Normally He Would Be Unable To Endure For Any Extended Length of Time… The Beauty Of This Viagra Induced (Femdom) Subjugation Is, Even With His Raging Accumulated Sexual Energy Carefully Preserved, He Won’t Be Able to Cum, There Won’t Be ANY Cum Left Inside Him !!!
You Will Now Completely OWN Him, Physically & Psychologically !!!
In Review - Eventually the Males Balls can be Completely “Emptied” in this Most Advantageous “Bleeding” Type of Way, While Retaining & Harnessing All Of His Oh So Precious Sexual Energy. Some Very Smart, Liberated & Skilled Women Use Tease & Denial, Along With “EDGING”, Followed By A Series of Ruined Orgasms, as a Wonderfully Sadistic Method of Totally Draining Their Dominated Husbands / Boyfriends Balls, Before They Mount Their Insanely Horny Bull.
Remember, There is a Major Difference Between Male Ejaculation and Male Orgasm; While usually occurring simultaneously, they are NOT THE SAME THING … Male Orgasm is the Pleasurable Rhythmic Muscle Contractions that are the result of Prolonged Mental & Physical Arousing Stimuli (Thus the “Trainable” Multi Orgasmic Male). Ejaculation However refers to the “Out of Control” Firing of His Male Orgasmic Nerves and the Energy Draining Explosive Expulsion of His Pressurized Ejaculate Which Must Always Be Properly Managed, Controlled, Restricted and Purposely Avoided by the Dominant “Ruling” Female of Course !!!.
Remember Ladies, Practice Makes Perfect…
If he isn’t Totally Emptied/Drained of Semen Every 10-18 Days, Forbidden Accidents May Happen, And this is Definitely a No-No if your Properly Harnessing, Absorbing, Managing and Restricting All of his Sexual Energy and Ejaculated Orgasms As You Should Be !!!
Remember Ladies Your Orgasmic Bliss Will Become “Maximized” …The More Your Dominated / Subjugated Males Orgasms ARE Routinely “Minimized”…
Through a Man’s Passion & Libido, Nature Has “Given” Man INTO Woman’s Hands, and The Woman who Does Not Know How to Make Him Her Subject, Her Slave, Her TOY, and How to Thoroughly Control Him with Her Femininity in the End is Not Wise.
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eroticshortstories4women · 1 year ago
Karezza is A Practice / A Female Empowering Technique... in which the Fully Erect and “Edged” Male Joystick - Remains {Captive} Balls Deep - Within the Governing, Ruling Woman... The Lady, The Leader and Master - Moves Only When Necessary - To Deftly and Shrewdly Maintain the Bursting Hard, Throbbing Erection (Within Her) at its Maximum Size and Strength (Absorbing the Sexual Energy) - While Preventing and Avoiding - An Accidental Ejaculation... The Leisurely Continued Stimulation, Pubic Bone Grinding and Gentle Rocking Motion - should continue slowly - Under the Astute Womans Total and Complete Control...     As His Captive Joystick Pulsates More Incessantly - The Desperate “Edged”  Male and The Governing Restraining Female, should Match their breathing, maintaining eye contact - to focus on and enhance their blissful emotional connection...  As The Hyper Aroused “Brewed” Male   Helplessly  Grows Larger, Harder and Throbs More Vigorously - Balls Deep Within The Woman's Divine, Covetous, Nurturing Femininity - The Lady May Naturally Find Herself - Blissfully Climaxing - All Over The Pulsing (Throbbing)  Passion - “Incarcerated” Deep Within Her...
With Karezza, IT IS BY DESIGN, That the Woman Routinely Enjoys Orgasm - While The Subjugated Male Ejaculation - Remains “Harnessed” and Prevented... Thus, The Precious Male Sexual Energy and Libido is (Ideally and Beneficially) Perpetuated and Enhanced, NOT WASTED...  Naturally, The Male Hunger For Sublime, Omnipotent,  Sensual Femininity - Becomes Insatiable...
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With “Karezza” Sex, the Male Is Always Horny and “Wanting” Due to (Routine & Habitual)  Prevention & Denial of His Ejaculative Orgasm, and thus Always Desires his Princess and Her Glorious Intoxicating Femininity...
The MAIN purpose of  “Karezza”  -  Is the Maintenance and Indeed The Intensification of Desire in the Male, But Also, Much More Frequent Enjoyment of Blissful Sexual Pleasure for both the Male & Female within the context of Their Relationship.
Devotional Sex — What happens after her orgasm with Devotional Sex? (
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eroticshortstories4women · 2 years ago
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My Studs Powerful and Glorious  8″ Cock -  Of   Rock-Hard  Virile Perfection, Has Become Absolutely   “Inspiring to Me” . . .
The More I Shrewdly Tease  and  Edge  Him,  The More Subordinate / Amenable / Doting  He Becomes!    What a Win-Win . . . {Pavlovian Conditioning}  
I’m not sure what I Love More - Teasing n Edging  My Man to Tears - Or Habitually Denying Him Orgasmic Bliss - Making Him Healthier, Hornier and Hungrier!
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Your Greatest Skill  in bed Ladies will be (intuitively) knowing - Exactly when it's time to stop stroking, sucking or fucking your ”Boy Toy's”   Desperate Cock; So That he  "Remains"  Perfectly Edged !!!      Take Breaks Frequently...
Depriving a man of the Use of his Incarcerated Erection - While he is Utterly Helpless & Completely “CAPTIVE” - (Imprisoned) Balls Deep Inside the Paradise of Your Heavenly Vagina, is a Most Wonderful Form of Obtaining Complete Sexual Dominance & Control over him, Especially If You Freely Orgasm - While Deftly Preventing Him from Doing So...
With this Powerful  Femdom  Mastery of  “KAREZZA”, The Woman’s Love Life / Sex Life - Naturally Improves Exponentially…
…the More he is Controlled the more he will “Want” to be Controlled….
…it’s like a snowball… The Woman just has to start the process and “Mother Nature” will “INDEED” lead the Male Psyche to seek more arousal drug (Dopamine) in his system by delaying his Orgasms further and further…..
When His Dopamine (Reward) and Oxytocin Levels are Routinely and Habitually Maximized - Improved, More Affectionate & Loving Male Behavior, Naturally brings about an increased level of Reciprocal Behavior from his Sensual Nurturing Woman - Creating a Virtuous (Subliminal) Self-Perpetuating Feedback Loop - Deep Within Both the Male/Female Mind & Psyche.
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eroticshortstories4women · 2 years ago
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If  You  Learn  To  Exploit  The  Powerful  Processes Neurochemistry  and  Dopamine  Have  on  the  Psychology of  the  Vulnerable Male  Mind - You’ll  Be  Able  to  Easily   “Train”     Your  Male  
With  Virtually  Any  “Conditioned”  Behavior,                   You  Desire…
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eroticshortstories4women · 2 years ago
Break Him Carefully
Halfway there!  A month and a half ago, my amazing 36 year old sexy husband agreed to three months of constant tease and denial, without sexual release (Orgasm).  Since then, almost every night, 7 nights a week (and sometimes in the morning, too!), we cuddle snuggle and fondle each other - he makes me cum by going down on me as much as I want, then I slowly and meticulously “edge” him, over and over again, to my heart’s content..  Sometimes we’re quick – half an hour and off to sleep. Sometimes we linger – time flies when you’re having fun. {Grin} But the key is that we make time to do it every night, with only a few (very few!) missed nights.  I’ve never slept better in my life…  
After 5 years of carefully easing my stud into our female led marriage, I find that we BOTH sleep best now…, if I hold his healthy virile erection in my gentle hand, as we lovingly fall asleep together (hugging)… His Pulsing, Fully Erect Manhood has become a sort of security blanket for me… As I fall asleep and wake up each morning Now - With his strong (rock hard) cock in my hand…
I adore my precious healthy man…  He’s trusting his most intimate, primal, involuntary sexual reflex to my personal care and governance – knowing, full well, that I intended to break him…  I promised to ultimately reduce him to a sweaty, leaky, quivering, begging “mess of a man”…  I warned him that I planned to make it difficult – that I was going to truly challenge him over the weeks, just to see how much he could handle – to prove, once and for all, that his virile muscular (athletic body) could physically endure so much more -  than his mind ever imagined…
When we started eight weeks ago, we had an honest, open conversation about what was about to happen – what we were about to do.  We discussed our limits and set a safe word.  We agreed that if it ever stopped being fun, for either of us, we would stop.  During that conversation, he honestly admitted his doubt about two things:
First, he doubted we would make it this far.  He doubted my will and commitment to denying him.  His words, “There will be a night when things get so hot, you won’t be able to resist causing me to Cum inside of you…  I know you.  You won’t make it three months having intercourse with me, but it’s fun to try.”  My reply, “Challenge accepted!”  And so far, so good.  Sooo fucking good!  To my husband’s total amazement and slight alarm, I haven’t even ruined him…  Yet…
Second, he doubted I could truly break him.  Break his mind, that is (not his body!  I adore and need that!).  When I promised to send him into the deepest, darkest, most desperate, mind-scrambling frenzy of lust he’s ever experienced, he honestly doubted that such a mindspace existed.  He knows how it feels to be relentlessly edged - balls deep - teased and denied by my sublime femininity for days at a time.  He knows the beautiful frustration of being milked and ruined, over and over again through the years.  He’s begged – literally begged – for climax and orgasm before, and heard me say “NO!”  He’s been there…  He survived those things without ever truly losing his mind, and he figured this would “just” be more of the same…  Three months of intense fun, but nothing truly new.
And… to be honest… I wondered if he might be right.  His doubt motivated me greatly to find out.  It made me “edge” him even harder…  It made me stop and let go, every time my feminine instinct screamed at me “He’s a man!!  Have Mercy!  Let him Cum!!”  It’s why I insist on playtime every night, no matter what’s happening in our daily lives or how tired I feel.  I wanted to know… to genuinely know… could I break him?  Is it even possible?
Last night, I’m proud to say, I finally… carefully… definitely broke him!
After eight weeks of daily edging, teasing and denying him a cherished climax, we started off the evening “routinely” enough. We played and cuddled to warm up, then I tied his wrists to the headboard of our bed.  He was wonderfully hypersensitive and his magnificent joystick was leaking and crying endless tears of joy (I was quite wet and aroused obviously), so I shrewdly decided to mount him very slowly and carefully - avoiding any sudden motion that might resemble a thrust. We kissed slowly and passionately as I took my sweet time, just thoroughly enjoying the sensations of him throbbing and pulsating balls deep inside me…  Eventually I got my favorite toy and delicately vibed myself to a glorious climax - fully impaled on his glorious captive “denied” rock hard joystick…  A perfect start… By the look in his eyes, I realized  just how much  he loved feeling me Climax and Cum - All over his powerful incarcerated Cock…
After a brief restorative rest break I slowly dismounted my stud and retired to languish at his side in a blissfully relaxed haze, alternately vibing, tickling, and stroking and teasing his raging cock through a string of easy edges… Easy for me, that is… My head resting on his chest, my long soft hair spilling over his body, my leg hooked with his… It was so serene, I almost fell asleep.
I didn’t even notice the time.  I didn’t even notice when an hour slipped by.  And then two hours.  I was in a warm, post-orgasmic serene trance… perfectly comfortable… watching his beautiful, magnificent manhood straining so sweetly and desperately in my tender nurturing hands… lost in my own little world of loving.. him… It was just so easy…  And, as nonsensical and silly as it sounds, I cherished and adored him for it.  I loved that he found me so beautiful, so irresistible, so sensual and intoxicating that he couldn’t stop himself from submitting…. It made me feel like the most amazing woman in the world.
So I almost didn’t notice when his grunts faded, and the quivers started.  He startled me with a raspy, crackling whisper, “Baby, Please… Pleeease!…”
It was the most earnest plea I’d ever heard from him in my life.  Something in his tone, beyond the words alone… a moment purely between us, when all facades crumbled.  He was breaking…  Finally breaking…  This is how it starts…
I immediately perked up.  I needed to see his face, to confirm it for myself.  Yup… He was gone.  His eyes were open, but there was no mind behind them.  His lips were moving, but only a few airy words slipped out.  A lot of “please” and “fuck” and sometimes my name, over and over again.  My heart swelled with pure happiness for him.  I didn’t say a word – I didn’t want to interrupt his journey. He was in a deep blissful trance. I just kept lightly gliding my silky soft fingers along his dancing - 8 inch Cock of Utter Perfection… Carefully, Invisibly guiding him through space… Knowing that He “Needed” Me… That he could   NEVER   do this to himself...  
Weeks of hard work (for the both of us!) was finally paying off…
There was No Way I was going to let this exquisite moment END any time soon.  I completely forgot how sleepy I was, or how late it was.  I Kept Going… Carefully… Lightly… Nurturing… soft touches ONLY – because just one firm, hard grip or stroke - probably would have ended it…  At one point, when he was sweating, quivering, and babbling, I offered him a chance…  I whispered quietly, “Remember, we have a safe word.”  That’s the only time I “broke character.”  I’m sure his subconscious heard me; I’m sure he understood - But he didn’t say anything, though…  He just kept quietly whimpering and begging in a trance,  “Please… Please…”
He wanted to STAY.  So I made him STAY ! ! !
He wanted to be Broken…  So I Broke Him ! ! !
He said it was the BEST night of his life.  And I believe it!  
Nevertheless, We have another eight weeks to go…
Man O Man - Am I Going To Enjoy Myself - The Next Eight Yummy Weeks ! ! !
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eroticshortstories4women · 3 years ago
As You Slowly and Carefully play with, and “Nurture” your Males Bursting Hard Joystick, STOPPING FOR BREAKS TO AVOID any ACCIDENTS, Tell him to Relax and Breathe and Listen to the sound of your (sexiest) voice. Whisper your seductive Deepest Desires into his Open Receptive Ear as you’re stroking and “Edging” him and remind him that he is Not allowed to Cum… Take you time (make a game of it) and proceed very slowly… Whisper in his Ear to just let go and Fully Submit to Your Feminine Control, Your Feminine Power…Tell Him that You know that He has Searched his Entire life to find his rightful place, which is to be in Complete Submission to The Right Woman. Tell Him that His search is over, That “You” are that Right Woman and that you are there to stay… 
Tell Him, He will have to endure “Much” for you and you will always be Expanding his Sexual Limits.
 (Convince him that he will Love it)…
Enormous portions of the male brain seem to almost shut down during intense sexual stimulation; The higher cortex and the hippocampus - Responsible for proper cognitive functioning… The only portion of the male brain that seems to remain unaffected during interminable “Edging” (Tease & Denial) is primarily linked to his motor control and emotions. Reasoning and Decision making are severely and advantageously impaired; making his receptive psyche that much more vulnerable to your feminine Re-Programming…
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eroticshortstories4women · 3 years ago
Asymmetric Sex...
One of the most surprising aspects of a Female Led Relationship is how the asymmetric nature of sex evolves. Few conservatively raised women can imagine how different their sex life becomes when they assume a position of dominance in their relationship. In most intimate relationships, sex is essentially symmetric, or at least idealized as such. When one partner is in the mood, usually the male, he works to arouse his woman - but more commonly, he simply initiates sex. If he is in any way a gentleman, the expectation is of course mutual satisfaction. But Female Led Relationships are different… In a female led relationship, the lady controls all sexual activity. Either she allows her doting suitor to indicate an interest, to which she responds positively or negatively - or she reserves the initiation of any type of sex entirely to herself. In either case, the woman is the gate keeper of all sexual activity. When she does choose to engage in sexual activity, it is primarily focused on “her” satisfaction. She expects her venerating lover to properly bring her to orgasm at least once, perhaps more, before there is any possibility of his own pleasure. So every sexual encounter in a female led relationship arrives at a point where the woman has been completely satisfied, but the male of course has not!  This makes sense because there is virtually no risk of a healthy man failing to orgasm during sexual intercourse, whereas there  is  considerable risk that he might before the lady does, thus depriving her and surely ending the intimacy.
The woman’s first orgasms, therefore, is usually achieved by means other than sexual intercourse or penile penetration… The possibilities are endless but usually involve manual or oral stimulation or the use of sex toys. But just as the lady decides when sex occurs, so does she also decide how far it proceeds. In particular, she decides whether sex proceeds beyond HER first orgasm. As a routine matter, the devotional male not only has no expectations about when or whether sex will happen, but, as well, how far it will proceed when it does. As part of the transformation of the healthy relationship, the lady may also be scaling back her Boy Toys Explosive Orgasms while at the same time, increasing the frequency her own. How far can this go? Well, let us suppose that you decide to “allow” your Virile Boy Toy an average of just one orgasm a week… At the same time, you might indulge yourself each night. That would result in a ratio of 7:1. But - you might allow your Stud Muffin as few as a couple of orgasms a month, while you enjoy a quickie in the morning, another after work, and a more intimate and prolonged encounter in the evening. In this scenario - That is a ratio approaching 50:1. These ratios, while interesting, are irrelevant… Once you pass beyond 5:1 there is really no longer any meaningful connection between your orgasms and his - they become entirely different matters: his are a strict matter of discipline (and what’s best for the relationship), the exact frequency that brings about optimal adoration and obedience, while your enjoying as many blissful climaxes as your heart desires. In fact, the more sexual intimacy, the better for the marriage. That might seem incredible, but for the fact that, as you become ever more proficient in exercising erotic power in your relationship, your devotional lover begins to derive greater and greater happiness from your satisfaction and fulfillment. He will crave giving you that morning quickie as much as you! Needless to say, this extreme asymmetry does not come about overnight. It develops naturally over time, so that, gradually, eventually, both of you come to regard your female-centered sex life as a normal aspect of your Feminine LED Relationship…
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eroticshortstories4women · 3 years ago
My Hypnotism and Sexual Training
Your new fiancee - you come to find out - (as you arrive home from work) - had hired a hypnotist for the evening. It was her best friend who had just recently moved back into the neighborhood. She wanted your agreement and acceptance to make Just a small little change in your psyche...It was promised that when finished it would make your sex life with your new wife - increadible...  You agreed and so after dinner, later that evening, the hypnosis session started.
You were first required to relax and smoke a few deep inhales of marijuana, from what looked like a Turkish Pipe Bong, the instructing therapist brought out... As you all sat together on the couch, talked and got to know one another, neither your fiancee nor the hypnotist smoked from the Turkish Pipe - Only you were to partake!
Ever So Slowly, it was revealed, that your beautiful, sensuous, dreamy therapist or hypnotist (leading the conversation that evening) was actually your fiancee’s BFF... They had been lovers beforehand for many years - since childhood actually... You were instructed to take one last deep inhale, lay back, close your eyes, Listen and Obey...
Before Long, You were Deeply under this extremely sensual womans trance, in a total hypnotic state...  You as a man - were to be Sexually Re-programed... From now on (it was explained to you) You would be Unable to Cum... That’s Right, No more ejaculations... No More Accidents...You as an Extremely Virile Raging Hard Man would hit the edge of climax - AND - no matter how hard you (or someone else) tried, you would stay there - “Peaked” -   Right on the Very Edge Of Erupting/Exploding... But, somehow you wouldn’t be able to...
Then, naturally, while you were still fully under, your fiancee and her BFF - Decided to test out her fine subliminal work (deeply implanted) in your psyche.
You slowly awaken, Finding you’re Completely Naked - NOW, somehow in bed with these two absolutely gorgeous ladies - They are playfully taking turns - stroking and teasing your throbbing, aching (desperate) 8 inch erection - and you are completely and absolutely shocked... The last thing you remember, You were sitting on the couch with these two ladies...
Your Massive “Straining” Cock feels harder and larger than ever in their delicately soft, petite, teasing hands... As you slowly awaken more and more, You see on the night table “next to the bed” a couple of Blue Viagra tablets - and a half drank clear plastic cup of water... Half of a marijuana joint is also visible... You’re certainly buzzed from the extra potent pot they evidently had you smoke earlier while under hypnosis...Your find yourself tied to the bed and gagged.  For the next three hours you find yourself experiencing and enduring the longest, hardest, most torturous “edge” imaginable - as your sexy adroit fiancee and her sexy intoxicating lover friend - began taking turns - slowly fucking you in every way possible... Your mind is empty - totally blank - unable to think - your eyes are rolled back UP into your head - AS ETERNITY PASSES... Soon they are treating you to superb blowjobs and handjobs that should have made you plaster the ceiling with splatters of cum... You’ve endured the latest 20-minute blowjob that would have normally made you erupt in under 5 minutes, even starting from scratch. But you weren't.. . When you had awoken in a daze 3 hours earlier, and all this had started - you were somehow already impossibly close to Erupting... But now, this entire latest teasing blowjob torture - was being spent with you straining hysterically to Climax... They had both taken at least a couple dozen turns “each” - riding you deeply..., bringing themselves to powerful satisfying quivering orgasms...
Now, they were spent..., Exhausted and it was late, 2 am, as you could clearly see on the clock... They were now leaving you gagged - with their panties over your face and nose - tied spread-eagle to the oversized bed - as they curled up against each side of you... Each woman now having a leg over one of yours, while they both laid their heads on your chest - talking to and kissing one another... Your eyes were closed in utter disbelief (feeling so extremely male) when suddenly one of the ladies rested the palm of her velvety soft hand on your overused, aching, desperate erection - Commenting on how you were still Ultra Rock Hard...The other lady then rested her hand on your underused and aching full balls... Commenting on just how amazingly outstanding the hypnosis session had gone.. 
The Ladies now didn't play or stroke, they didn't tease (at least, not actively). They just settled in and quickly fell asleep on your shoulder, leaving you to stew in your own sexual frustration and DENIAL... A Few Moments Later, the hand resting motionless on top of your throbbing manhood, suddenly grasped and encircled her hand around your pulsing desperate joystick - and just tenderly held your pulsating cock while she slept... Yup that was your fiancee’s hand - she always held your pulsating, throbbing Cock just like that - while she slept...   Early the next morning - the subliminal hypnosis, torture and cock training began again - even though I was Rock Hard the entire night through...
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eroticshortstories4women · 3 years ago
Over the last few weeks Darling, We have had long talks about our sexual desires "Lover Boy" - and you've confessed to me repeatedly that you want to surrender to me completely... That you want me to have total physical, emotional and psychological control over you, in every aspect of our life... Over the past few weeks (when you've been most vulnerable and honest), You've agreed that I am, beyond a doubt, the superior sex... You now agree and want me, to use you for my pleasure, my entertainment, My needs and desires - and to regularly tease, "edge" and torment you sexually... I will control your erections and all of your orgasms and have total control over your life on a daily basis... Truthfully Sweetie, I'm totally for this, It actually excites me... I have wanted this more than anything else - My whole life my precious stud muffin, but never found anyone like you... We are so lucky to have found each other and to share the same hopes, dreams and desires. I will never let you go... I know this is what you want also... MMmm yes, that's right, take another deep inhale of this killer marijuana, while I continue stroking your Raging Erection... That's a good boy! Nice and Slow, Like This, So you Don't Cum...
But Baby, I do need to clarify a few things now that you have willingly surrendered everything to me... Pay attention now... We have agreed on everything so far, physical control, teasing, tormenting, orgasm control, DENIAL, Chastity - You Pleasuring Me - Daily life together, Restraints, Toys and Equipment... The thing is Baby, on a scale of 1-10 of pleasurable intensity - for all of these things - you are only looking at a 1... Whereas I am looking at a 10...
You’ve awoken all my sensual feminine feelings and desires (over the last few weeks), plus I’ve discovered new ones - and they are taking over me... But don't worry Darling, you'll be ok, I'll take it slow and easy on you as I "Govern" You Completely... Pushing and Expanding Your Sexual Limits, as I Naturally Should... My job will be to KEEP you Hungry and Horny, Your job will be to KEEP me Pleased and Satisfied...
You see I want absolute and TOTAL control over every aspect of your life, everyday... I want my Nurturing, Intoxicating, "Divine" Femininity to be ALL you think about... I want your psyche to be completely helpless, vulnerable and dependent on me for Everything, every minute of everyday... ALWAYS...
You are going to ALWAYS be in restraints of some kind, mental or physical... Sometimes you will not be able to move a muscle and other times you will be able to move around and do chores around the house. Perhaps at times, I'll keep your penis locked in a chastity cage for proper psychological training (it is mine)... It depends on My Mood... But KNOW THIS! You will Never - Ever - Be "allowed" to touch your flaccid penis - Or Your Rock Hard (Desperate) Cock Ever Again... I'll be the Only One to do that Baby... I've worked everything out in my mind, how everything will work and be achieved... You don't have to think of a thing baby, I have it covered... I promise you, I will look after you, and the only things that will ever be on your mind - Will Be Me - Your Healthy Cock and your Beautiful FULL Shaved Balls... Nothing else will exist for you Darling, NOTHING... EVER AGAIN...!
Our free time (days and nights) will mostly consist of me "edging" and teasing you, (or sucking on you), slowly for hours, and then letting you pleasure me, followed by a repeat of the same... Over and Over... Baby, you are going to lose your mind, as I make your Healthy Manhood (Permanently) Larger and Stronger! You see, there is something you need to know... I want to be able to "edge" you so slowly, and for so long, it will literally drive you crazy... I know that the more your healthy virile manhood is exercised, the Larger and Stronger it will Ultimately Become... I intend to spend a lot of time Practicing - How to bring your Joystick to the "Edge", as slowly as possible, and I mean really slowly - Then I want to keep you right on the edge of climax for hours... IT' WILL BE SO GOOD FOR YOU...
A touch, a stroke, a lick,  a feather, my silky soft hair, the softest touch possible, that will send you into a helpless physical spasm, where you will buck and arch - howl, whine, squeal and beg me to let you Cum - As your erection helplessly "dances" above your belly... Oh Baby, you are going to Beg So Much... So Much... Baby I’m going to blow your mind, OVER AND OVER AGAIN. Regularly... MMmm That's Right Baby... Before Long you'll Crave "Denial" More than Orgasm... No More Energy Wasting {Explosive} Orgasms For You My Love...
Just so you know, this will turn me ON So Much, I just can't describe it... I'll be as horny and wet - as it’s possible for a girl to be, and so desperate for an orgasm... You'll get the chance to show me how much you appreciate me, as you orally worship and pleasure me... I'll suspend your teasing and edging (just long enough) to allow you to bring me to Orgasm with your tongue and mouth. My Orgasms Will Become Your Everything... And I'll be expecting nothing short of mind blowing euphoric Orgasms, Because I will be So turned on... Your job will be easy, habitual and addictive... My Blissful Flooding Orgasms will be succulent and desirable for you - As you ravenously consume my leaking feminine juices... You will Crave My Yummy Climaxes - and you will soon want lots of them - and the more I have - the more I will want... Naturally you will become addicted to my ambrosial feminine orgasms, dozens each day... As You Remain "Eager" and ULTRA Rock Hard... Our addiction will of course multiply, meaning lots more "edging" and sexual yearning for you Baby... As I Cum and Cum and Cum - All Over Your Mouth OR Incarcerated "Captive" - Properly Subjugated Joystick...
It's my desire to turn your mind to MUSH everyday... I intend to "edge" you - over and over - and give you the most intense sensations Baby, so that you can't think - as your dopamine filled mind receptively listens to my verbal "femdom" programming... You won't know who you are baby... I promise you... You'll Just Be My Hard, Hungry, Everlasting Super COCK of Pure Perfection!
Oh Yes My Love, I Want to be your "Goddess", I want you to Worship and Adore Me... I want "MY" Healthy Cock to be Throbbing HARD at ALL Times - And "MY" Balls to ache with the desire and Need to Cum (as your testosterone levels build and build) ... Oh Baby you will want to Cum so Bad, But you'll have to earn it... I will Keep your "Dopamine" Levels OFF THE CHARTS... !
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eroticshortstories4women · 3 years ago
It’s the evening of your 2nd anniversary... Your sexy 24 year old  “nymphomaniac”  of a fiancee - had hired an experienced 40 something female hypnotist (an acquaintance you find out) for the evening’s erotic hypnosis session - the one thing she wanted the most... Just a small little change, they explain, and you just can’t believe your ears. After all, you think to yourself, the sex with your titillating girlfriend was already outstanding (world-class)... But, as your Intoxicating ambrosial Goddess explains to you, By the end of this evening’s hypnosis session, The hypnotist would forever change your male sexual stamina and abilities... From this night forward, you would be Unable to Cum... You as the subordinate (governed) dominated male - would be re-programmed to paradoxically hit the very edge of climax and no matter how hard you (or anyone else) tried, your cock and balls wouldn’t be able to ejaculate... You would just helplessly teeter and tremble on the Very “Edge”... No matter what, you would be unable to explode... Now Slowly Awakening, after your two-hour hypnotic re-programming trance - your sensual, young, enchanting bride-to-be informs you that she’s invited the older hypnotist (friend of hers) to STAY the night and 'test out her work'... To make sure the psychological re-programming worked as anticipated... Quality control so to speak... They Laughed... As you were already naked and tied to the bed - what could you do?
Out of your mind with lust - Your informed that for the last three hours, you have been experiencing and thoroughly enjoying the longest, hardest, most torturous “edging” session imaginable... Somehow, your mind is remembering it in delightful detail (as you realize just how hard and horny you actually are)... 
For the last three hours, Both of these two sexy masterful women have been leisurely taking turns - stimulating, teasing and denying your enthusiastic manhood - proficiently fucking and riding you - in every way possible... They started “testing” you, by giving you skillfull handjobs that should have made you plaster the ceiling... Then your bride-to-be suggested trying out nursing and sucking on your oozing (crying) manhood, so you have received 20-minute blowjobs (superbly) from each woman, that would normally have made you erupt in 5 minutes or less, But You Didn’t... Then when they teamed up - before they started riding and grinding on your enraptured joystick - you were already impossibly close to cumming... The entire hour (tag team) fuck session was spent with you desperately straining to cum... They had both taken at least 3 or 4 turns each - riding you wildly and deeply, unintentionally bringing themselves to quivering, full body, intense femdom orgasms... As your cock just naturally grew larger and stronger (incarcerated balls deep)...
Both ladies were now Spent - Exhausted... Happily Euphoric, as they contentedly talked - leaving you tied spread-eagle - and as horny as hell - to the comfortable oversized bed... Eventually though they curled up next to you, one against each side of you... Each woman then throwing one of her legs over one of yours - and then they both laid their heads on your chest occasionally whispering to each other... Your bride-to-be resting her petite soft right hand - atop of your hypersensitive (throbbing) overused, traumatized 8 inch erection... At the same time, The hypnotist rests her delicate warm hand on your overfilled, hot sore balls (cupping them almost sympathetically). The two ladies don’t play or stimulate you (at least, not actively) As your raging  throbbing  cock remains hyper-aroused - beneath their feather light feminine touch ... The two ladies just tenderly settle in to your shoulder - remaining perfectly still - and soon you realize that they have both fallen off to sleep, leaving you to stew in your lustful sexual male frustration...  A few minutes later, you feel your “ bride-to-be” slowly wrap her delicate hand - FULLY - around your aching, hyper-aroused (throbbing) erection while in her deep sleep...  Remaining as still as you possibly can, Your needy manhood helplessly pulsates - even harder in her hand, as she tightens her grip unconsciously and firmly holds the base of your raging erection... After a few more minutes, you clearly feel her hand squeezing gently - in perfect rhythm to the pulse of your “everlasting” JOYSTICK... You begin to realize that you’re in for a Long HARD Night . . .
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eroticshortstories4women · 3 years ago
She had learned so much about the sexual “mastery” of a male over the years, from watching sex-ed tutorial videos from the likes of Velvet Veronica, Miss Fluo, Marie Kaefer, Cherry Grace and many more... Her new boyfriend was so easygoing and amenable, unlike her previous boyfriends... He allowed her the freedom to do anything she wanted to him (sexually) for learning and/or educational purposes. But the best thing was that his ample manhood was instantly rock hard whenever she wanted it to be - without any real effort on her part. She loved studying and stroking his beautiful majestic erection every chance she got... Every Detail, Superb... The soft silky “thin” skin covering the Steely Hard Curved Jumbo Banana... So Many protruding veins in the Rock Hard Shaft...More magnificent bulging veins than she had ever seen in Any Other Mans Erection... And His Swollen Mushroomed Shaped Cock Head - This Was Pure Perfection!  Whoever circumcised him as a baby was a true artist. They Definitely Deserve An AWARD!
She absolutely Loved having / feeling his rock hard, pulsing, vein filled penis in her mouth. She could drive him insanely wild with her slow exquisite tongue skills, around and around his hot mushroomed head, as she really enjoyed giving him as much pleasure as she possibly could. She truly adored  “Edging”  his  Desperate  Raging - nine inch manhood - of steely hard perfection ... Nothing was more entertaining for her than seeing his subordinate, subjugated Virile body completely paralyzed - turned to stone - and his face twisted up in both pleasure and agony at the same time - as she went to town on his hyper sensitive, curved, captivating, mesmerizing joystick... There was just one problem... She hated the taste of male Cum, Absolutely hated it.. It made her stop giving blowjobs entirely in the past... She was good enough to finish any man off within only a couple minutes if she wanted to... But It just wasn't worth it.....Her new man however was different, He was diabetic so everything about him was sweet, most especially his loving doting personality... She didn’t mind her new boyfriends sweet endless oozing {erection crying} in her mouth, but a gushing mouthful of nasty salty sperm in her mouth just wasn’t her thing... One day she discovered an amazing product on a femdom / feminist website she was shopping / researching... {Blue} Ejaculation Blocking, Viagra Pills... Was this for real? A Blue Viagra Pill that Simultaneously Prevented Ejaculation? She just had to get some... She told her doting lover (as she force fed him a pill) that they were just normal everyday Viagra pills (but they weren’t)... Sure enough he believed her when they made his powerful raging erection Impossibly Stronger and Larger (almost magically)... Now she could suck and “edge” and torture His Divine  Servile  Cock to her hearts content, for hours every single day, without any risk of accidental eruptions / ejaculations....  and that's exactly what she started to do - over the days that followed. He Would Be  Rock Hard  for two hours then he’d get a one hour break, Hard, Soft, Hard, Soft - Up and Down, Up and Down, Raging, Desperate Hard-ons all day long - until it was time to finally go to sleep... It wasn’t 3 months before He Would Helplessly Grow Rock Solid - Just Upon Her Verbal Request or Command!
She then began secretly blending Viagra in his morning smoothies - giving him the best, most leisurely (slow) blowjobs of his life, subtly “Edging” him for hours at a time... While simultaneously reminding him / Commanding him NOT TO CUM! She wanted to subliminally program his psyche that his Subordinate, Subservient, Servile Erection Obeyed HER!  Her NEW tease and denial powers seemed surreal to him, almost as if he were somehow deeply hypnotized... However, Being Rock Hard All Day, teased and habitually denied, left him completely exhausted and halfway insane... But he was Strangely HAPPY - Because It Made HER So Happy, to have so much Control over his Harnessed, Forbidden Orgasm... He could feel the cum pressure building up in his aching cock and balls (more and more) as the weeks passed by... Then again At 3pm each day his sexual goddess would place  “another”  blue Viagra pill into his mouth, instructing him to swallow it... His sexual libido and ravenous hunger for her ambrosial femininity somehow became mysteriously supercharged... He was now hornier and healthier than ever... She would just stare, curiously watching him the whole time (as she teased and edged him) with a devilish grin on her face, taking pleasure from seeing his reactions... She would take frequent and routine breaks daily while “edging” him, by elegantly mounting his hungry eager face until she helplessly climaxed {usually flooding his face in utter glee}... She would then slowly recover from her orgasm by resting her head on his tummy, while she held the tip of his erection inside of her gentle nursing mouth and sucked sucked sucked, using every trick she knew - repeating the entire process, until she was so absolutely horny and sore that she couldn't take anymore oral stimulation. Then she would climb up on top of him, straddle his hips and ease his silky hard - raging - 9″ Viagra enhanced joystick - deep up inside of her juicy wet slippery loins and then slowly grind her swollen clitoris down against his pubic bone, adroitly riding his properly denied monster joystick to a couple more blissful orgasms, leaving him thoroughly frustrated and desperately horny, as she’d relax and habitually fall asleep with his incarcerated, throbbing, subjugated manhood held “captive” balls deep until morning... She used to hold his persistent pulsing erection gently through the entire night in her hand (security cock) - But THIS was so much better!
As the psychological, subliminal and sexual “training” continued week by week, he felt very lucky to be the man “she had chosen” to dominate and govern - sexually. He was just happy to be USED by her - Thankful that she would please and pleasure herself to sexual fulfillment with his  Mastered  Male  Sexuality... Feeling Her Euphoric “Angelic” Consuming Feminine Climaxes were ALL that mattered to him NOW... He found that he had forgot what an explosive, energy depleting (draining) Male Ejaculation actually felt like... He was just so delighted and thankful to be Her Robust Sex TOY!  His adoration, veneration and sexual Doting of his Increasingly Insatiable - Divine Goddess - Naturally grew stronger year by year ...
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