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e r n e s t o | e s t r a d a forty-five motel manager new mexico
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
ernestoestradax · 2 years ago
Drinking alone was depressing. It was a sentence Ernesto had heard time and time again from his parents and maybe it held some truth for him as well. He wasn't a drinker, let alone someone who liked to drink when it was anything but social but truth be told, things had been rough - not just in relation to his work but life in general which frankly, sounded worse than he'd like to admit. He was usually all about pushing through. All about just keeping it going and smiling away his worries but tonight? Tonight, Ernesto Estrada needed a drink. A strong one. Maybe even two and a nightcap on top.
With a whiskey on the rocks in hand, he made his way across the establishment, eyes scanning for familiar faces which shouldn't be hard in a town like this. In fact, it didn't take long until he spotted a guy he remembered talking to once or twice before - Wade, if he remembered correctly. Working at a motel, he was good at remembering names at least - it made guests feel special after all.
"Sure does," he replied over the music, settling in the booth with a huff. It had been the only space available and then again, Ernesto wouldn't be caught drinking at the local bar by himself. "Not to spoil it for you or anything but it sucks most nights," Ernesto muttered, covering his mouth as if he was spilling something top secret to the other man. Then again, he wasn't exactly the right person to ask, considering he wasn't exactly a regular or very fond of karaoke. "I'd offer to stand in with something else but I couldn't promise that hearing me belt out Mr. Brightside or something like that would be any better than yet another reprise," he joked before nodding towards the stage. "So I guess we just have to wait and see what they go for next, unless you're taking the stage. And if all else fails - order another round."
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blue dicks, 9pm / OPEN
at this point, wade's kind of lost track of time and god knows how long he's been hogging the booth for. every now and again someone would come over and say hi or wade would wave them down for a chat—six months in and he's managed to make plenty of friends here, which is both a fun thing and a bit of a challenge. fun because, well—people; wade would rather die than spend his day on his own. plus, getting to know people usually gets him a job here and there and he'll never say no to some extra cash. a challenge because now he has to remember to keep his story straight, remember which lie he told to whom and whether one doesn't discredit the other. and sure, he could just fucking stop lying but where's the fun in that. and, again, he'd rather die than tell the truth. making up stories about himself has been the most fun enterprise of his life, it got him in and out of a lot of shit over the years, why stop now.
"dude, the karaoke night fucking sucks tonight," he says when someone else takes the hot seat across from him. "if i have to hear another disney song one more time i'm gonna—i don't know. something. three people did let it go, one more time and i'm leaving, you know."
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ernestoestradax · 2 years ago
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— INTRODUCING: ernesto estrada.
The Basics.
Full Name: Ernesto Alejandro Alvarado Estrada Face Claim: Danny Pino Pronouns and Gender: cisman (he/him) Birthday and Age: March 9th, 1978 (45) Zodiac: pisces ☉ aries ☽ capricorn ➶ Sexuality: pansexual Hometown: Truth or Consequences, NM Time spent in T or C: most of his life, only left for college and again when he moved away for a few years to start a new job and be closer to his partner until he returned to help out with his family's motel about a year ago Neighborhood: La Vista Occupation: motel manager at the loveroot motel Family: Maria Estrada (mother, deceased), Carlos Alvarado (father, owner of the loveroot motel), Karla Estrada (sister, estranged), Roberto Estrada (brother)
The Personality.
Ernesto is a man who knows what he wants and yet, isn't usually able to convey whatever that may be. He's a person of action rather than words but that doesn't mean he'll keep his mouth shut about things that do in fact bother him. He can come across opinionated and stern but deep down he's a good dude who's just trying to make an honest living while life keeps throwing obstacles his way. Unfortunately for him and those close to him, he is also very easily swayed by his father's opinions. Despite being definitely old enough to live after his own rules, he feels like he owes him and would do anything to keep him happy, even if whatever that is, isn’t necessarily what would bring him his own happiness. He is currently still working non-stop under his dad, who's long overdue to retire but refuses to do so until he thinks his first born is ready - which according to him, will never happen as long as he's still kicking around.
The Past.
trigger warnings: parental death, grief, infidelity
Growing up, Ernesto learned early on that nothing in life came to him for free. While growing up in a loving and tight-knit family, there was always something to do or help with, whether it was taking care of his younger siblings or running errands for his parents while they worked over time to provide for them. Being the oldest, it was a given to him – looking back, maybe it shouldn’t have been.
It was a strange upbringing, being essentially raised at the motel his parents bought when he was still a young boy and seeing all kinds of people come and go, day in and day out. It all seemed fleeting and yet, somehow familiar.
He grew up in a home that felt safe, yet almost stifling sometimes. His parents both tried to cater to their children’s needs as much as they could but therefore, worked long hours and discussed work and money over dinner. In return, Ernesto grew up talking and behaving like a young adult, never really joining the other kids when they played around town but he’d spend his time with his nose buried in books, escaping the pressure of being the perfect son for them instead, while he waited for his mother to finish her night shift at the reception, despite her begging him to go to sleep instead. 
There was never a question when it came to Ernesto taking over eventually and yet, there was also no room for him to breathe with his father's expectations weighing him down. Ernesto figured that it wouldn’t take much for him to run the place, he’d been preparing for it all his life after all but his father couldn’t agree less. To him, it’s a privilege to be earned and so far, Ernesto hasn’t yet.
Having always been a bit of a loner, Ernesto was a late bloomer who’d stumble over his words whenever he talked to someone he liked and it wasn’t until he finally moved away to go to college to get a degree in hospitality management when the too tight bond he had with his parents seemed to finally loosen.
It was then when he learned what it meant to be Ernesto and not his father’s son, which had always been a relationship with its very own, rather exhausting dynamic. 
Ernesto would often wonder whether or not his father actually liked him. He was a stern man. Seemingly unkind and always a little rough around the edges, unless he dealt with the people checking into the motel for a few nights. It was as if a switch was flipped then - a gentle smile replacing the prominent frown.
Putting some distance between himself and his parents soon turned out to be one of the best decisions he’d ever made. He finally grew into himself, discovered himself and who he was outside of the motel. Outside of the small town he called his home.
Having found who he really was during his time away, Ernesto realized that while he still wanted to take over the motel one day but he wanted to do it differently. He didn't want it to be so all consuming to him the way it had been for his parents and yet, he'd soon learn that the reality of being an Estrada heir meant that working hard was the only way to go and that owning a business meant never actually getting to clock out, even while you slept.
Losing himself in his work upon returning to T or C, he finally had a goal to set his eyes on and finally, his parents seemed to be proud of their son, happy that the family business wouldn’t die with their bloodline. 
Once back in town and with some new found confidence, Ernesto soon found himself working more hours at the motel and in a long-term relationship that’d last for the next few years.
But as time passed, the pair started to feel like they were drifting apart and with his mother falling sick and her health rapidly declining, Ernesto ended the relationship before a good thing turned into something that would be damaged beyond repair. He couldn’t seem to muster the energy to feel so many things all at once - his grief hitting him out of nowhere and hitting him hard.
After her untimely passing, Ernesto needed a break. Being confronted with his own family’s pain felt unbearable and with his father still falling into his rather frigid ways, he moved away for a second time in his life - this time, to work in a different city and a different job which didn’t sit well with his family in the slightest.
But it was then when he crossed paths with his current partner. A rather turbulent relationship that’d last for many years to come and one that'd be sealed with rings being exchanged along with a promise.
It was by no means a perfect fairytale from the start. Maybe it was never even meant to be. There were fights and breaks followed by make ups and eventually, Ernesto learned about his partner’s infidelity. Trough hearing about their antics from others. Their affairs. Their flirtations. But he couldn’t help the way he felt about them and never did much to change it. He’d fallen for them and he’d fallen hard and so he swallowed each and every bitter pill, time and time again. This time though, they agreed on newly set up rules that he felt were simple and fair enough for both of them. They could hook up with whoever they wanted, as long as they told him it happened. The only limits being that they can’t act on it when he's around or it's with someone they both know well.
After a few years away from home, Ernesto’s father reached out to let Ernesto know that he was planning to retire eventually and Ernesto knew it was as if New Mexico was calling him back home.
The small town he grew up in would always be where he truly belonged and it wasn’t long until the pair agreed to move into a house there - a chance to mend the part of their relationship that had been chipped away at over time and a somewhat fresh start for either of them.
The Present.
The new found euphoria that came with moving back isn't meant to last long though and instead, it won't take long until Ernesto’s life will take yet another turn.
While everything seems like it is all falling into place for the first time in forever, once again, Ernesto’s partner fell back into their old ways. Only this time, it hit too close to home - literally. Ernesto doesn't know yet that their latest slip happened to be with no other but a close mutual friend and co-worker of his, breaking the only rule in place along with Ernesto's trust.
Aside from that, Ernesto is struggling with his father’s ways once again, learning the hard way that while it feels like he grew into his own, it’s not that easy not to fall back into his very own old habits. He came back with the promise of working towards taking over the motel, yet it feels like that’s merely a distant dream at this point and not at all a possibility in the near future. Instead of feeling right at home, Ernesto feels torn. On a lot of things, if he’s being honest to himself.
The Connections.
close friends & childhood friends
his partner's affair(s)
employees at his family’s motel/coworkers ↳ @daniramsey
anything and everything really!
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