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Refection on a year of reaing India Literature.
Reflections on a Year of Reading Indian Literature
Titles read; Midnight's children By Salman Rushdie (page 4-650) The last song of Dusk (page 1- 300)by Siddharth Dhanvant Shanghvi.
This year, my English four honor teacher gave us a challenge at the beginning of the year in the form of assignments for the year. The challenge or assignment was to read 1000 pages of books of a country of our choice that we were interested in or we are cosius about. He also said that because our school is a very biver one and there are a lot of people from different parts of the world, this would help us get more diverse knowledge and for this same reason we could choose our own country or one that we already have knowledge of. Taking into account the purpose of this assignment/ challenge and the conditions, I choose to read about India and its culture. After you had choice the country, you then have to search for images of the country, book of the coin try, nobels, biography, suspense, fiction, non fiction, all kind of stuff of books to then choice one or three if you prefer to get to the 1000 pages and learn more about the country through reading. I chose to read Midnight's children By Salman Rushdie that had 650 pages and also The last song of Dusk that only had 300 pages. I chose this book because, when I readed the back part of the book, they both talked about love, war, close minded people, and fighting for what you believe. I love drama and romance and so these books were perfect for me. And so through these books I learn a lot that I did not know before about this country and its people's culture. I learn that in this poor country, the rich have all the power and that they can do what they want with the people who are powerless and helpless. I learned that some white people ( american, United Kingdom) went to those countries for business and to take advantage of the powerless ones as well. I also learned that we as a new generation look at what our unsester did to get independence and freedom. I also learned that wear, new, change, and revolution were all back in the world back then and that people who were different or had different beliefs were punished for it. They got sent away to concentration camps, they were taking away for their families, and the world as a whole. They also gat turture and insulted just for being different. However, in all of this turture and hopelessness, the light of love and kindness shine in people and makes them stronger to fight even harder for what is so “wrong” in the eyes of those in power. Love doesn’t look at status, color, or race. Love is a beautiful feeling that comes when we most need it and witht the person that is right at the right moment for you.
From Midnight’s children by Salman Rushdie, I learned that independence is writing in blood in almost if not all countries, that been different or having special abilities can be treat by other people, that you can’t trust all people, to never give up even though your whole word has been taking from you just because you are different and have and opinion of your own. In addition to love always whining all batters and honesty with the kidney would take your far and make you happy even though it hurts sometimes in the prose.
From the book the last song of Dusk by Siddharth Dhanvant Shanghvi. I learned that Two completely different people with two completely different lifes can build a relationship and be strong together. I learn that marriage is not a game but something to be taken seriously. I learn the old tradition that the Indians had about marriage which is implicated for them to have their children's beend engaged as young as two years old and maintain their brother purely by her chosen husband by her parents. I learn that been a women in a so close minded country has it denefits like all tradition never change and room for improvement nut it also has it boughtfull like don’t want to follow all traditions and wanted to have a opinion of your own.
About myself, I learn to be more confident, more strong, more open minded and alway take into consideration other people's opinions as well as my own. To not whole a grach of salt at the end it can come to bite me too. To reacher about other people culture and tradition before saying something offensive that can hurt their feelings, and to comprehend were the person is carmen from and what is the “normal” there.
word count = 807
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how awful! Anuradha felt pity for the man whose heart could not sustain the lost of love
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we can start all over againg; he said looking at his wife
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I agree entirely,' he said as slowly as he could. And that's precisely why I am getting out of here.'
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week blog
So far the author has not introduced any new character to the story, however he has been giving us more detail about the story. He told us that Dr. Gandharva is the local doctor of the city and that everyone loves him, and that he is range to this girl who he has never met in his life. He has trouble for about 4 hour to get to Bandey and meet her for the first time ever and pass a couple of days with her before they get marry. She forgot about the meeting and so when her aunt told her that they day was coming soon she started to get very nervous.the day came and so she preperhersel and made her3sel look very beautiful for him while her aut was preparing the food and the house for this meeting. Well the time comes and so they are both very nervous and so his aunt stories to tell him story about how wonderful, talented, and nice she is.
Critical analysis,
This story has been having a sense of love novel. It has shown us who love was introduced in the lives of the characters in addition to a big compromise like it is marrying someone. This compromise and decision of love was taken from then, even before they were two years old.
Open response.
The book is berry confusing but for what I understand, the first meeting when prely wheel and they were both attracted to each other, however, I wonder if it is going to continue going well or if they are going to noes something that they don't like about each other and so they would decide to not continue with the marriage or if they are sense it is a family matter. ????
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Just remember one thing,' Divi-bai screamed. "if you leave MY HOUSE today you will NEVER EVER stp foot into it again- understand?
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thank God!" how bitter the small mercies in life are, she thought.
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I have never in my life met such kind of people " , Anuradha told her husband one evening.
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you have a brain, Divi, bai,' the parrot slurred. USE the damm thing'
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week blog ( new book)
So far the author has been introducing the characters. It has been a little bit confusing but for what I could understand is that there is a girl who was engaged with her future hanben when she was just seven months old. Now that she is twenty five years old, she wants to be her own person but she also understands that she has to follow and honor her parents' wishes and foot steps so she has to get married. The author also introduces a doctor who is well known around the people of the town and he is a big bead in the city too.
Critical analysis. “she started cleaning the table, making the bed, arranging her green glasses bangles-anything to her mind away from the sorrow billowing through her chest like a bush fire of late summer.” (pages 22) In my understanding this is one of the many parts that the author shows a description of who the girl feels about getting married so young and the reason why he is doin it. \
Personal response;
This book is very difficult to interpret because it has a lot of difficult worlds and also different dialects in indu.
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she started cleaning the table, making the bed, arranging her green glass bangles-anything to the her mind away from the sorrow billowing through her chest like a bush fire of late summer.
I forgat to put the name of the book and the pages ( SO SORRY)
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she started cleaning the table, making the bed, arranging her green glass bangles-anything to the her mind away from the sorrow billowing through her chest like a bush fire of late summer.
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A weep gathered in her chest like the white crest of wave
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week blog ( late)
Every single member of the congress women who put the country in an emergency state, was now being hunted down by the new government and laws to responden in fro9nt of the new society what they have done and to justify why they did it. Selling keeps finding himself unusual with himself, his son, and his new lifestyle. In addition to it, his now eight years old kid still did not talk, the magic men said that he can but it is just that he wouldn’t do it. One day eating in a restaurant, salling treated something unusual and so he decided to go to the town where he was born. When he goes there he gets into this place that is kind of like a nursing home/ restaurant kind of thing and finds Merry there. Selling introduces Mary as his mom and his son to Marry. They're there and now it is the birthday of the kid and it is also independent day, everyone is amazed in the middle of the “party” the kid started to talk and so something magical happened too. In that moment is when they discover that the son of Selling has inherent powers…the end .
Personal analises.
I like the book, I feel like it made the reader feel powerless but at the same time powerful with the storytelling of how everything went down and why everything was done. It is also a very historical book, in the sense the story is based on what happened in India before it gained its independence.
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