erisdoesmorethings · 3 years
people who can't chew icecream are weak
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erisdoesmorethings · 3 years
was talking abt how i want to kms and mee6 leveled me up
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erisdoesmorethings · 3 years
this post describes my entire thought process
Gonna start straight up stealing Techno apologist posts and reversing the roles to make them realise certain hypocrisy:
"pogtopia!Tommy: Constantly talking about how he's gonna take back Lmanburg and not destroy it, actively disagreeing with anybody suggesting to destroy it
Also Tommy: Actually takes back L'manburg and doesn't destroy it
Techno: *surprised pikachu face*"
"Exile!Tommy: Constantly talking about how he doesn't want to hurt Tubbo or destroy L'manburg and how he will do only minor terrorism as long as it helps him get the discs back
Also Tommy: Doesn't agree with Techno because it has gone far beyond minor terrorism, shows that the discs matter to him and actively opposes Techno because he is hurting Tubbo
Techno: Surprised Pikachu face"
You get the idea, there's this idea that Techno is the person who is always clear about their intentions but it's not like Tommy ever hid his even slightly, Tommy's betrayal was only surprising if you had literally ignored everything about his character
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erisdoesmorethings · 3 years
the contrast of bench trio having one guy on his last life, another guy having been recently revived from the dead and not knowing how many lives he has now, and the last guy having 40 totems of undying and all his canon lives intact
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erisdoesmorethings · 3 years
a muslim person did not start this!! by tagging your drink, food, cursing, and music posts you are heavily patronizing us and taking away the entire point of our ramadan!! please stop!
it is on us to resist any urges, most of us have been fasting since we were children we do not need this warning and we have told non muslims this repeatedly! “not safe for ramadan” itself just sounds so weird and very rude, even if you do not mean it in that way. this entire thing reeks of performative activism.
if you are going to be tagging your nsfw then tag it with “nsfw” or a personalized tag like you do all the other months of the year, non muslims do this every year and it’s just useless to us! again! non muslims please stop speaking for us and educating others about our religious holiday, we get your intentions are good but you are heavily miss informing others about our holiday! thank you but please listen to us on this!
it will not break our fast if we see food, drink, accidentally hear music, accidentally see a curse word, or accidentally see something explicit! it will not! please just listen to us. most of us are not even online for the majority of the month, the entire point is to be closer to God and our religion! why would we be wasting time on the internet?
if you want to be actual allies then consider spreading the word about the hijab ban in france where girls under the age of 18 will not be allowed to wear the hijab! thank you!
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erisdoesmorethings · 3 years
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i cant take it anymore
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erisdoesmorethings · 3 years
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but I can’t resist on making Slime Rancher au, sorry not sorry. I highly recommend this game!! This kept me sane when I was quite ill once ✨
BY THE WAY. My concepts are HIGHLY inspired off the original sprites and original art of Slime Rancher. Im not claiming the original designs at all, and thus I inform I inspired of them - both of poses and clothings! They are very similar and I’m not even hiding it. So yeah. I’m not claiming the original art. I inspired of it highly I hope we have it clear??? Please don’t go after me
THERE WILL ALSO BE SLIMES, but I have to draw them first lol
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erisdoesmorethings · 3 years
so tubbo is playing detroit: become human tomorrow on stream, and i saw a twitter post here that listed the possible triggers so i thought it’d be best to post them here too! idk how big i am in tubblr (?) but just thought i’d share!
- domestic/child abuse
- gun violence + guns in general
- violence
- blood
- murder and death
- Holocaust parallels
- discrimination and hate speech
- NSFW/sexual scenes
- suicide attempt (avoidable), mentions of suicidal thoughts
- alcohol abuse
- sexual assault/abuse
- drug addiction
- psychological abuse/torture (avoidable)
- drowning (avoidable)
- hostage/kidnapping of child
- misgendering (?) (SPOILERS: androids are referred to as ‘it’ instead of he/she/etc. which might be triggering)
- car accidents (avoidable)
- bombs/explosions (avoidable)
- slave songs at the end
- child death
- body horror
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erisdoesmorethings · 3 years
"well it was satursay yesterday, so it has to be saturday today too"
everyone give it up for my brain 👏👏
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erisdoesmorethings · 3 years
ahhh fineeeeee ill read it
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...I'm just gonna start running
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erisdoesmorethings · 3 years
the difference between how tumblr and twitter deals with discourse is that twitter makes me violently uncomfortable, tumblr makes me feel safe and reassured
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erisdoesmorethings · 3 years
shitpost all you want, i genuinely wish mcyt cc’s would see tumblr more than twitter
twitter is just a dumpster fire that is constantly harsh and unadulterated insults and overstepping of boundaries
tumblr may criticize a cc or a character, but they’re so respectful about it. they give constructive criticism, they hype up content creators til we reach the post limit, they constantly reassess cc boundaries and try to adhere them
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erisdoesmorethings · 3 years
twitter thinking they normalized pronouns and tone indicators is killing me
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erisdoesmorethings · 3 years
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erisdoesmorethings · 3 years
shitpost all you want, i genuinely wish mcyt cc’s would see tumblr more than twitter
twitter is just a dumpster fire that is constantly harsh and unadulterated insults and overstepping of boundaries
tumblr may criticize a cc or a character, but they’re so respectful about it. they give constructive criticism, they hype up content creators til we reach the post limit, they constantly reassess cc boundaries and try to adhere them
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erisdoesmorethings · 3 years
Jen are you peer pressuring me into reading homestuck over the internet without words
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...I'm just gonna start running
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erisdoesmorethings · 3 years
and she’s fighting with tommy over biscuits, even pogger
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