erinprimette · 2 hours
I refuse to correlate Republican sex scandals with the false idea of an inherent wrongness of sex or porn. Being a terrible person who inflicts harm on others is completely independent from how much sex you have, who you have it with, or how much porn you look at.
Fascist obsession with sexuality is part of their attempts to control people, and their own personal complexes about desiring things that they hate or humiliate them, but it is not sexuality itself that is the source of their cruelty. It is merely the arena in which they perpetrate their ills. For example: the joke about masculine homoeroticism of fascism is not because fascists are necessarily always gay, but because fascism views women as tools for goals rather than people. And if women aren't people, they're not worth having relationships with, thus the focus on interaction only between men. While there are doubtlessly at least some examples of fascist/alt right men who are gay and in a spiral of self-hate about it, there are many more of them who just hate they sexually desire women, because they consider women lesser. They would actually much rather have no sexual desire at all.
Ultimately, the fascist/rightwing obsession with sex is because in order to have consensual sex with another person, you have to interact with that person as an equal. To admit desire for someone is to admit their power to accept or deny your request. And fascism cannot abide that exchange of power. The real shame for republicans having their sex scandals revealed is not the "moral degeneracy" of their acts, but rather, the fact that they cannot deny that they had to negotiate with a partner as an equal, and not merely take sex from them as dictated by their systems of hierarchy.
To put it bluntly, republicans are not ashamed of their infidelities because they think it's wrong. They're ashamed because it shows the world that they had negotiate for sex with someone they think is beneath them, and they couldn't just take it by force or by the imperatives of marriage law.
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erinprimette · 16 hours
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🪐Two Planets Approach the Roche Limit🪐
Link to the full HD files below:
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erinprimette · 5 days
If Vesa and Fecto Elfilis were to have children someday, how much are you willing to bet that the children would look like either their mother, their parent or a combination of both in terms of their species?
I guess one child can be a hybrid, while one child can be a human like Vesa and the third child can resemble Elfilis. I could be going for all three in this case.
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erinprimette · 14 days
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erinprimette · 15 days
I don’t understand why people who cannot accept any moral grayness or complexity decide to join fandoms for the most emotionally complex stories and then try to shame everyone there who actually is able to understand the material.
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erinprimette · 19 days
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erinprimette · 29 days
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Flight of the Navigator (1986)
Directed by Randal Kleiser
Cinematography by James Glennon
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erinprimette · 29 days
🔹 Someone else's fiction cannot cause you physical harm.
🔹If someone else's fiction is causing you emotional or psychological harm, or distress, you can put it down and not read/watch it.
🔹Your emotional well-being is not the responsibility of fiction writers.
🔹Someone else's fiction is not about your personal trauma.
🔹When reading or watching fiction, you always have the power. You can always stop. You are never reading fiction without your own consent.
🔹Fiction writers are not responsible for other people's mental health.
🔹The content of a piece of fiction does not reflect on the morality of its author.
🔹Just because someone writes about bad things happening, doesn't mean they want those things to happen.
🔹Don't like? Don't read.
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erinprimette · 1 month
Writing Description Notes: Physical Pain
Updated 6th June 2024 More description notes
It was as if his bones were made of glass, shattering into a million pieces with every movement and sending waves of sharp, shooting pain coursing through his limbs.
His muscles screamed in protest with every step, each movement sending jolts of electric pain shooting through his body.
The ache settled deep into his bones, a dull, persistent throb that seemed to resonate with every heartbeat.
Every inch of his body felt tenderized, as if he had been used as a punching bag in a brutal workout session.
The sensation of blood trickling down his skin was a grim reminder of the violence he had endured.
His ribs screamed in protest with every breath, each inhalation a sharp reminder of the blows he had taken.
The world seemed to spin around him in a dizzying blur, his vision clouded by the stars of pain that danced across his field of vision with every movement.
A sharp, stabbing sensation shot through his lower back, making him wince.
Her temples throbbed with a relentless, pounding headache.
He clutched his side, pain radiating from the bruise with every breath.
Her muscles screamed in protest, the soreness a reminder of yesterday’s workout.
A burning ache spread through his chest, each heartbeat intensifying the agony.
She bit her lip, trying to stifle the groan as pain flared in her twisted ankle.
His knuckles were raw and throbbing, evidence of the fight.
She pressed a hand to her forehead, a dull ache settling behind her eyes.
A searing pain lanced through his knee, nearly buckling his leg.
She gripped the edge of the table, knuckles white as pain shot through her arm.
Her trembling hands betrayed the unyielding agony in her joints, a relentless companion.
Doubled over, he fought against the relentless cramps that seized his stomach.
A sudden, searing pain in her wrist forced her to relinquish her grip, the cup clattering to the ground.
Every step reverberated through her aching feet, a reflection to the miles she had traversed.
Rubbing his shoulder provided little respite from the persistent agony that gnawed at the joint.
A sharp sting on her finger brought fresh irritation, the paper cut a small but sharp reminder of vulnerability.
His tooth throbbed incessantly, a deep, pulsating ache that clouded his thoughts.
Each movement of her stiff and sore neck elicited a fresh wave of discomfort, a constant reminder of strain.
A stabbing pain in his chest made each breath a struggle, a reminder of mortality's grasp.
The throbbing in his hand, where the door had slammed shut, served as a relentless reminder of his own clumsiness.
A dull ache settled deep within her lower back, rendering even sitting a feat of endurance.
His leaden legs protested with every step, each movement a symphony of agony.
His head spun, the pain behind his eyes making it hard to focus.
Sharp pangs in her side served as a reminder of the physical toll of her exertion, a stitch from pushing too hard.
His throbbing ankle, swollen and tender, made each step a test of willpower.
Gritting her teeth against the shooting pain, she cursed the strain from overuse that tormented her wrist.
Pressing a hand to his chest, he felt the pain radiate outward in relentless waves, a reminder of vulnerability.
Her burning shoulder protested each movement, the pain a constant reminder of her injury.
He winced as sharp pains flared in his elbow, each movement a reminder of his body's fragility.
A deep ache throbbed in her hip, a persistent discomfort that refused to be ignored.
His fingers tingled with pain, a result of gripping the tool too tightly for too long.
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erinprimette · 1 month
Words to Describe Sound
↠ bang
↠ bark
↠ beep
↠ bellow
↠ blare
↠ blast
↠ bong
↠ boom
↠ buzz
↠ cackle
↠ cheep
↠ chime
↠ chirp
↠ clack
↠ clang
↠ clank
↠ clap
↠ clatter
↠ click
↠ clink
↠ cluck
↠ clunk
↠ crack
↠ crackle
↠ crash
↠ creak
↠ crinkle
↠ drip
↠ drum
↠ fizz
↠ gnash
↠ gobble
↠ grate
↠ grind
↠ groan
↠ growl
↠ grumble
↠ grunt
↠ gurgle
↠ hiss
↠ hoot
↠ howl
↠ hum
↠ jangle
↠ jingle
↠ knock
↠ moan
↠ neigh
↠ patter
↠ peep
↠ ping
↠ pop
↠ pound
↠ pow
↠ pulse
↠ purr
↠ rap
↠ rattle
↠ ring
↠ ripple
↠ roar
↠ rumble
↠ rustle
↠ scream
↠ screech
↠ scrunch
↠ shriek
↠ sizzle
↠ slam
↠ snap
↠ snarl
↠ snort
↠ splash
↠ sputter
↠ squak
↠ squeal
↠ squeek
↠ squish
↠ stamp
↠ swish
↠ swoosh
↠ tap
↠ tear
↠ throb
↠ thud
↠ thump
↠ thunder
↠ tick
↠ tinkle
↠ toot
↠ trill
↠ twang
↠ twitter
↠ wail
↠ wheeze
↠ whine
↠ whisper
↠ yap
↠ yelp
↠ zap
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erinprimette · 1 month
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do you understand? do you see
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erinprimette · 1 month
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erinprimette · 2 months
I think some people forget that some literature and some media is meant to be deeply uncomfortable and unsettling. It's meant to make you have a very visceral reaction to it. If you genuinely can't handle these stories then you are under no obligation to consume them but acting as if they have no purpose or as if people don't have a right to tell these stories, stories that often relate to the darkest or most disturbing parts of life, then you should do some introspection.
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erinprimette · 2 months
no i don't want to use your ai assistant. no i don't want your ai search results. no i don't want your ai summary of reviews. no i don't want your ai feature in my social media search bar (???). no i don't want ai to do my work for me in adobe. no i don't want ai to write my paper. no i don't want ai to make my art. no i don't want ai to edit my pictures. no i don't want ai to learn my shopping habits. no i don't want ai to analyze my data. i don't want it i don't want it i don't want it i don't fucking want it i am going to go feral and eat my own teeth stop itttt
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erinprimette · 2 months
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228 notes · View notes
erinprimette · 2 months
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Just girly things 🥰
Based on this
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erinprimette · 3 months
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