Erik mapache
49 posts
El/Ella/we He/She/weyMapache lunar
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erikmapache · 1 year ago
Tengo la razón no estoy llorando pero tal vez necesite kleenex
That look of just
I’m in love with you”
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Was canonically an “Oh…I’m in love with you”
There is so much I can say about this I’m just going to throw them haphazardly into badly written random bullet points
-The first feelings of love not just for Crowley but in GENERAL
-How positively loving Crowley was that entire minisode
-Possibly the moment where he began to feel absolute unwavering trust for Crowley and where he realized their relationship had grown into something he couldn’t quite explain
-Possibly the moment he realizes CROWLEY LOVES HIM TOO
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erikmapache · 1 year ago
This pause was very telling
The way Aziraphale doesn’t just look away from Crowley and keep talking, he closes his eyes and COMPOSES himself
His thoughts were going elsewhere when Crowley looked at him like that
Had to breathe to prevent himself from going feral
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erikmapache · 1 year ago
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¿Recuerdan, cuando Aziraphale muy a su pesar, regalo sus libros muy presiados por realizar el baile y así lograr que Maggie y Nina se enamoraran? ¡Para que el cielo los dejara en paz! ¿Si? ¿Lo RECUERDAN? Bueno dimensionen ¡DEJO SU LIBRERÍA POR CROWLEY! ¡¡TODA SU PRECIADA LIBRERÍA POR EL JODIDO CROWLEY!! BUENO EL ÁNGEL NO ES TAN EGOÍSTA
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erikmapache · 1 year ago
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Supreme Archangel Aziraphale 🌟
(this took 2 weeks to paint MY GAHD)
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erikmapache · 1 year ago
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erikmapache · 1 year ago
If Beezelbub had just kept it real with Crowley, season 2 wouldn’t have happened. Imagine if they summon Crowley and instead of the bribery shit they were just like, “listen, I know you’ve been fucking with an angel for ages so demon to demon, I’m in love with Gabriel and just want to be with him so can you help me out?” Like they all took the wrong approaches to everything.
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erikmapache · 1 year ago
If they had sex that night in 1941, (and let’s face it, Aziraphale was practically offering Crowley a blowie in the car leaving the church) but Crowley didn’t realize that he was in love with Aziraphale, that would leave him feeling disgusting for having used and sullied Aziraphale.
His realization that he’s in love with Aziraphale changes his perspective on that night. I’m not exactly wedded to the idea that Crowley only realizes he’s in love after his talk with Nina. The realization that people see them as a genuinely possible couple could work there as his realization as well.
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erikmapache · 1 year ago
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The reason Aziraphale loves books and Crowley loves movies, that they both love theatre is because they tell stories. Stories that are complete worlds within themselves, with an internal logic and justice that they have not found in their world and in their roles within that world. They both get to escape the cruelty and senseless of this world, and of heaven and hell. Aziraphale tries to shore himself up with the ineffable plan, but saying what amounts to ‘ yes, reasons, but you’ll never understand them’ is functionally the same as no reasons. Crowley doesn’t even have that.
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erikmapache · 1 year ago
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There’s a reason Aziraphale has a barber.
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erikmapache · 1 year ago
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I have no good reason for making this….
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erikmapache · 1 year ago
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I would like y'all to take a moment to appreciate Michael absolutely struggling to put his notebook in his pocket because honestly that's me with my phone every damn day.
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erikmapache · 1 year ago
Reblog if you have made a friend online that you would love to hang with, but they live far away.
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erikmapache · 1 year ago
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Crowley (bouncing into the bookshop): Angel what did they teach you in that driving class anyway, the Bentley is parked on the wrong side of the road. I had to miracle away a ticket.
Aziraphale (calmly): Well I assure you I parked her in her usual spot.
Crowley (the record scratch sound in his head actually manifesting in the bookshop): Her?
Aziraphale (infuriatingly calmly): Why, yes my dear. 
Crowley (stammering): Ngkfwahj the Bentley isn't isn't isn't a her. It's... it's The Bentley.
Aziraphale: (in the same tone as "wait and see!"): That's not what she tells me.
Crowley: Whaaat?
Aziraphale (indulgently exasperated): Well it makes perfect sense to me. Queen is her favorite, after all. Maybe she moved over to this side of the road to be closer to the shop. 
Crowley (eyes widening to all yellow): SHE. MOVES. ON. HER. OWN.
Aziraphale: Well of course she does. I’m sure she must always do that for you.
Crowley: ...
Aziraphale (fondly): She's rather like a puppy sometimes.
Crowley (boggles): ...
Aziraphale: Whatever is the matter Crowley?
Crowley: Um, well, er, what does she want to be called, then? I feel like a right arse calling her "The Bentley" if she's always wanted a different name.
Aziraphale: Oh no my dearest, she loves what you call her. How could she not? She's you after all.
Crowley (boggling intensifies): ...
Aziraphale (deeply fond): Quite like a puppy sometimes. 
(Inspired by the thought that we've only canonically seen the Bentley follow Aziraphale.)
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erikmapache · 1 year ago
You cannot convince me the Ritz wasn't a date
On the top section where Azi and Crowley are, there are only couples. Every single table with customers is two people - three are man/woman, one is woman/woman, two are man/man.
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Then on the lower section is groups.
Is it because of the tables? NOPE.
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Most of the tables are round with four chairs. So, this is purposely staged so that couples are separate from the groups, and who is Azi and Crowley with? The couples on dates.
It is beautiful, elegant, romantic.
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EVERY SINGLE OTHER PLACE they got drinks or food at before this was not an overtly romantic place.
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I mean, the food temptation scene is definitely shot like a frickin sex scene, but they're not even sitting near each other.
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I will not deny that the 1940s ending scene is set up like a date. The candle light, the round white-clothed table - bit like the Ritz?
Except one thing - it's completely secluded, in private, away from prying eyes. Even the first few shots are behind the bookcase then the stairs, like we're spying on them.
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This was the first time we saw that romance out in the open, in a place where lovers go to share drinks and a meal, and it's so beautiful.
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erikmapache · 1 year ago
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La evidencia 👀👀👀
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are you a werewolf?
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erikmapache · 1 year ago
Alguien ya se aburrió, yo también estoy aburrido :'D
Because I'm curious and I really don't have much sense any more of who is here on Tumblr after the various waves of immigration from other sites and people leaving for other places, or who's reading this blog.
I'll let it run for a week, to increase the sample size. One simple question with ranges...
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erikmapache · 1 year ago
Hello Mr. Gaiman. I know you’re probably busy but as with all fandoms, bullying is going on within it. A Twitter artist made some fanart of Crowley x Muriel and got bullied off the platform (and I think all socials?) for it. People claiming Muriel is a child just for being innocent despite clearly being played by an adult actress. Could you possibly address this, if you have the time?
People need to stop being idiots. Thank you.
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