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ericazora · 3 years ago
Well summarized.
seeing the yuumori fandom react in real time to the plot denying their own theories that were only created to validate their interpretation of ~canon~ sherl////iam is honestly hilarious
you’ll have people refusing to make comments about the new chapter or its plot, just gushing for two minutes about the design of the post timeskip characters and how hot they are–
and then they go back immediately to ship talk, and the bridge scene, or the letter, and stuff that literally cannot compare to the emotions and words used between william and albert. it’s always about sherlock and william, always have to be, to the point that it’s downright ridiculous. The number of times I’ve had to see the “Liam and Sherly are only openly physically affectionate towards other people now because they ~dated~ and had pda in New York” take just blows my mind.
they don’t care for shit for the plot, or the characters as they’re actually written (despite what they say), and it shows. They feel entitled to their own version of “canon” (that isn’t actually canon) and get more and more in denial as the plot refuses to give them anything but crumbs, and instead favours other relationships while trying (awkwardly) to fix what TFP damaged.
You want the best example?
If both William and Sherlock had told each other that their hearts were “beating as one”, or that they “had the same soul”, they would be all over the place, talking about how romantic it is and how they’re actual soulmates and it’s totally gay and queer guys!! you just have to know how to read!!! don’t be homophobic!!!
but because it’s not about sherl///iam, they choose to… not talk about it and/or undermine its significance, and instead go back to TFP moments even though TFP is slowly being retconned for some parts, and shoved under the rug for the rest.
Sorry that William and Sherlock didn’t spend those three years in honeymoon together like you expected (and actually spent most of their time apart because they chose to) 😇
they just don’t have much in common nor like each other that much beyond simple friendship lol
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ericazora · 4 years ago
Thank you so much for sharing your Yuumori thoughts. I am disappointed by the terrible writing, lazy plots, bad characterizations, and shameless queer-baiting. It is good to see there is at least one sane person left in this fandom who doesn’t give up their brain for the stupid sherliam plot. The writing is just bad and beyond redemption. I am sick and tired of people giving the poor work an easy pass simply because of shipping. The whole relationship didn’t make any sense. And I gave up trying to understand the grand plan to reshape the English society. At the time of the story, the aristocrats already lost power and it is more of the typical class and wealth distribution problems. I would rather Yuumori goes with the crazy idea of Professor Moriarty trying to bring World War One ( like the recent Holmes movie starring RDJ) At least the war did reshape Europe and we got rid of several European monarchs. By the way, I just feel like Yuumori creator don’t fully understand what the story is supposed to be. It is all superficial understandings of European history and an reimagined Victorian Britain (like dark butler?) the only silver lining of this work is the great drawing skills of Hikaru Sensai and character designs. What a waste. Sorry for the venting.
First of all, thank you so much for saying that you enjoy my posts! I can safely say that there are more than just two of us (seeing how quite a few people like/reblog/reply to my meta posts) but I definitely understand your frustration and feeling of isolation. It can be… pretty tough, at times. I just want to enjoy the good things YuuMori has given us, not get ostracized when I point out its flaws (which is unfortunately what happens to pretty much everyone who dares to say that the story went off its rails).
Everything you say about writing beyond redemption or how the plot holes and inconsistencies are given a free pass because of shipping… lol yeah. Same for queerbaiting. A Jump manga that goes out of its way to underline several times how William and Sherlock are f r i e n d s (and makes parallels between John and William in Sherlock’s life, or compares William holding on to Sherlock with how Louis held onto his brother when they were children…………….) is not going to give us gay rep. Disappointment over the plot and its choices? You and me both! I also have two upcoming posts dedicated to breaking down what went wrong with the relationship between William and Sherlock (and when), so I. definitely agree with you on this part.
(I’m holding onto them for now for IRL reasons but the first part is more or less ready and should be posted soon!)
It’s not a grand plan. At all. Unlike earlier chapters which took the time to deconstruct and explain some mechanisms of oppression within british society (nobles teaming up to raise taxes and preventing everyone from escaping; or Enders justifying his killings of commoners by claiming that he has done much more for the country thanks to his money than them, who are but the manpower and are easily replaceable; or the accountant from Durham university who was protecting the class system because it was profitable to him, despite not being a noble) what YuuMori does now… and has done for a while is nothing but performative. It’s too vague and broad. Like Milverton doing things for shit and giggles (and sadism) and becoming stupid and careless when the plot needs him to; or Whiteley’s vague bill that we see nothing of (four pages of bland, stereotypical monologue is nothing) but I’ll come back later to that. Showing us in the first few volumes that there is a systemic problem that many people (not just nobles) take advantage of because they don’t want to lose their privileges is good. Having the climax of your series be centered around a villain who doesn’t care about any of it, then dies, then having the… faceless… House of Lords… that we do not know any of its members by name (save for Albert of course) be the one to willingly decide to cast away their privileges because of a single terrorist that Scotland Yard cannot protect them from (because they’re not asking help from the army, for some reason)... is bad. It’s essentially saying that if put in the right position (aka a terrorist murdering Parliament members because of their corruption) and if the “bad apples” have all been taken care of, then surely the House of Lords would agree to discard all of their privileges without any real protest.
Except that is simply not how systemic oppression works.
Even the Scandal arc mentioned that nobles did not care how many of them were killed so long as they could maintain their class’ power. It’s just so bad.
I don’t entirely agree with the aristocracy's loss of power. Though there was the rise of new powers (like bourgeoisie), nobility still had a lot of power in England at the time. I have (many) thoughts about it but basically: even the Queen couldn’t do what she wanted on personal matters if the nobility and high officials didn’t agree with it, even if she insisted and was at the height of her power (for more on that, you can research about Queen Victoria and her relationship with her Munshi, for example). The House of Lords was still a job for a very particular and limited pool of people (life peers). It was only recently (within the YuuMori timeline) in 1876, that they made senior judges into barons so that they could have people who actually were knowledgeable about law sit in the House of Lords. Those functions were otherwise solely hereditary and, of course, for men. They still had the right to veto money bills until 1911. It’s then, and only then, after decades of pressure, that the House of Commons finally gained dominance over the House of Lords. But that’s not yet the case in YuuMori: the House of Lords was the dominant power through the series until the Final Problem arc. Someone made a timeline not long ago (here) and… some important reforms such as allowing more people the right to vote in 1884 (which is Whiteley’s bill but more realistic since it doesn’t give the right to everyone to vote, but to every rich and higher middle class people) or redistributing seats in 1885 to equalise representation of power in the UK (the House of Lords was strongly against people from rural areas gaining power to the point that the Queen herself had to get involved) happened after the Final Problem in the YuuMori timeline, when the House of Lords was more weakened. It overall makes no sense to ignore those struggles for power and instead choose the easy way of… making the House of Lords dissolve itself in exchange for the capture of a terrorist, I guess.
I don’t think even the Moriarty group from the early volumes (which was a lot more violent and sadistic and vindictive than in later arcs) would have gone so far as to start a war willingly but hear me out. People who die in war are mainly the small folks, the soldiers, the sort of people that the Moriarty group are trying to protect and to grant equal rights and opportunities to. In WWI, aristocrats died too, of course, and proportionally, more officers (from higher social classes) died than soldiers (17% of officers versus 12% of soldiers) but it would still cost more lives of commoners than it would among the aristocracy and royalty. It would be a way to tear down monarchies and empires in Europe, but there is no telling what would come out of that, from their perspective.
That being said, I do agree that the Moriarty group shouldn’t have allowed the monarchy to keep existing if they actually went to the bottom of their reasoning. It wouldn’t be weird or unusual: both France and the US (countries that the UK is particularly associated with), despite their chaotic histories in the 19th century, proved that other systems of government were possible. So them not even… considering the idea of destroying monarchy seems off and out of character.
For European history and a lot of other things, I do agree that the author’s understanding is superficial, the research was limited and that they are doing a lot of cherry-picking. It’s a shame and a waste, in my opinion, when there were so many things going on in Europe for women’s rights, voting rights, or even capitalism and the industrial revolution (including movements against both of these). And let's not even get into colonialism because. Yeah. YuuMori just chooses to ignore it except for a few references to India here and there. It's pretty rich coming from a story that established itself in the empire on which the sun never sets.
At least Black Butler had the excuse of having actual demons and magic involved. YuuMori does not. I’m thinking of making a post about how Moriarty the Patriot tries to buy itself some legitimacy with its setting and quotes from the Doyle novels; but it simply cannot work when the story doesn’t have a basis of knowledge of the historical, cultural and political context of the time.
I hope you can still at least enjoy some parts of YuuMori and fix-it in your own fanon! It’d definitely be interesting to see a slight AU in which the Moriartys are ruthless and detached enough from the working/lower classes to start a war. It would also be a lot closer to the OG novel!Moriarty.
You’re totally welcome to vent any time in my ask box or by PM if you want! And please don’t apologize: I know how frustrating it can be. It would be less painful to deal with the fact that YuuMori wasted its potential if the fandom itself wasn’t so toxic lmao
Have a good day!
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ericazora · 5 years ago
Log into tumblr, nothing interesting and copied stuff from other social media platforms. Check my fandom, not much update, but meaningless harassment and hatred.
I am leaving this place. TBH, the only fun part of using tumblr is reading all these old side blogs dedicating to specific topics and projects.
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ericazora · 5 years ago
I don’t understand tumblr users. When you complain or show you hatred toward a specific character or ship, why you tag it? This is rude and childish.
I hate apples! People who eat apples are evil. Hashtag apple.
Why? What is the logic?
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ericazora · 5 years ago
A canon heterosexual relationship: I don’t ship it and you cannot force me.
A canon homosexual relationship: I don’t ship it and you cannot force me.
It is pretty rude for people to require the fandom to ship X relationship more because it scores more points on some political correctness spectrum.
I ship because I like the characters, stories, and dynamics, not because it shows support for feminism/gender equality/minority rights or whatever. I care more about actual policies and genuine discussions about the issue. When I enjoy the fandom work, I will not let these things determine what I ship. Simple as that. :)
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ericazora · 5 years ago
I am tired of people’s trolling behaviors. So here are my ramblings. If you feel insulted, you probably do something wrong.
I don’t like Elias. He is a bitch. - totally fine. He traumatized innocent people and mentally scarred them for life. Pretty awful. I agreed with you.
I don’t like Elias. How can you people like him! - it is none of your business? Voicing your opinion and feeing is totally legit. We are entitled to enjoy the fandom in our own ways. But please don’t force your opinions over other people.
You can’t like evil people! This is wrong. - hi, if you want to play the role of boring and childish moral police, please turn off your WiFi. Internet is too mature for you.
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ericazora · 5 years ago
I swear to whatever f-word entity/god/monster out there, Mordechai Lukas definitely had a lover’s eye jewelry that depicts Jonah’s eye. You cannot persuade me otherwise. And I am pretty sure the Lukas family is the only family in the whole world that actually keeps this weird tradition of sending lover’s eye to their future partners.
And as a flamboyant bastard I imagine Jonah/ Elias to be, he definitely loves how expensive these jeweleris are.
“All were intimate and exceedingly precious: eyes painted on bits of ivory no bigger than a pinky nail, then set inside ruby-garlanded brooches, pearl-encrusted rings, or ornate golden charms meant to be tucked into pockets, or pinned close to the heart.”
And it is also possible the other way round, namely Jonah/Elias sending the lover’s eye to the Lukases.
“ Instead of standing in for the whole person, [lovers’ eyes] depicted just a minute feature. What’s more, they embodied a specific action: the gaze. “It is the look of someone that the [lover’s eye] is a carrier of,” Grootenboer explained. “It is the look that someone wants to imagine, and wants to feel as resting upon themselves.” Let’s be honest, fucking/marrying all patriarchs of the Lukas family is definitely on Jonah’s bucket list.
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If you are interested in the lovers’ eyes. Please read this article
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ericazora · 5 years ago
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Happy mid autumn festival!!!🥮🥮
(Edit: hell I forgot about joseph)
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ericazora · 6 years ago
I like to believe that both Crowley and Azi plan to propose at the same time. Both terribly anxious at dinner, Crowley the histrionic person he is makes the big act of kneeling, Azi shaking his hands and head and scrambling to pull a ring from his pocket (he was just going to drop it into Crowley’s champagne I imagine) and basically throws it at Crowley. Or something like that Also love the blog it’s stunning
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Of course they’ll mess this one up too
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ericazora · 6 years ago
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‪ Aziraphale angelic form and snake Crowley.
In book it is said that in Christian theology Aziraphale is a Cherub, but it is later stated that he is a Principality. So that is why I use Cherub base (human, bird, lion, bull horns).
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ericazora · 6 years ago
Some people can shut up their mouths and mind their own busienss. Stop prying into other people’s lives. It is extremely disgusting and creepy.
General announcement
I've been seeing stuff on twitter about people on here not respecting Michael Sheen's privacy. He is just a person, like the rest of us. If he's not sharing something, there is a reason for it. What he does in his private life is none of our concern and some people need to respect those boundaries. Thank you. Enjoy your day.
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ericazora · 6 years ago
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Late nights and early parades Still photos and noisy arcades My darling we’re both on the wing Look down and keep on singing and we can go anywhere © Owl City
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ericazora · 6 years ago
How can I be so blind? I mean the connection is right there. OMG.
I'm into Good Omens since fricking 2015 and just now I've realized that: Crowley gave humans knowledge -> books are symbol of knowledge -> Aziraphael loves books. I'm literally blind and I have to share this relevation
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ericazora · 6 years ago
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I made a Gallifreyan Orrery
Orrery: a moving model of a star system. Yes, this one spins. No, I haven’t solved the “multi-body gravitational problem” for Gallifrey’s star system. Let me know if you work it out.
Gallifrey is accompanied by two moons, including Pazithi Gallifreya, which was worshipped as a virgin goddess in ancient times. Both moons were destroyed by the Doctor during the Time War. Twice. Once by the Doctor’s Eighth incarnation, and once by all of them. It’s complicated.
Polarfrey is a gas giant.
Karn is home to the Sisters of Karn, keepers of the Flame of Eternal Boredom Life.
Shada is a prison asteroid, time-locked and dimensionally displaced. Also complicated.
Kasterborous ‘The Fibster’ is a large asteroid.
The innermost planet’s name is unknown to humankind.
Two stars in the center form a binary system. The larger one is in a fixed orbit while the second, dwarf star follows a ‘slave’ orbit. The center of mass is between the two.
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Keep reading
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ericazora · 6 years ago
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A little wip for now for after work
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ericazora · 6 years ago
Good Omens Ver. - My Favourite Things (cover with adapted lyrics)
So this is an attempt to impress the Almighty, and possibly Mr. @neil-gaiman , and anyone else who may see this video. 
Lyrics adapted by Fourteen @fourteen1427 and SN @sn07
Audio recorded and mixed by SN 
Video edited by Fourteen  
Original “My Favorite Things” (Sound of Music) is composed by Richard Rogers with lyrics written by Oscar Hammerstein II. 
Backing Track:
And I would like to thank @sn07 for allowing me to spell ‘favourite’ with a U. I know it was a big step for you my dear, and I couldn’t be more proud. 
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(Art by our wonderful @tio-trile)
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ericazora · 6 years ago
Little sketch with bunn Azi and serpent Crowley
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