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They said everything happened for a reason.
At first I was puzzled on looking for the reasons why I exist in this world. I don’t have any idea of what is the point of living in this world if all of the important people in my life were walking out into my door. I’m losing the little hope I have. But not until I met these people who change everything…
ͦ My Lola
Life without her is nothing. She almost gave me everything. Her love and care has never end starting from the beginning. She became my doctor when I was sick. Adviser on every decision I made. She was the one who had never let me feel that I am alone.
One day something happened to her. She was very sick. I fight to save her, but seeing her suffering is killing me too. No matter how I wanted her to stay, but I know she’s tired.
She was my greatest heartache. The kind of pain I had no option but to take. She was physically taken from us, but her memory will never be stolen from us.
Tomorrow is a promise, but my heart is still at ease. I know it isn’t goodbye but instead I will see her again.
ͦ My Cousins
Since I grew up in my Lola’s house I was able to meet all of my cousins who become my best friends. I had never forgotten that we fight for nonsense reasons before, but we learned from it.
Together, we learned how to be respectful, how to be responsible, how to be obedient and how to value and share little things that we have to other people.
Having a cousin like them was a great blessing. As what my favourite quote goes, “Friendship is the only cement that holds a cousin forever”.
ͦ My Friends
They were the reasons why my college life was memorable. They were my comforter when I feel so down. They were willing to lend their ears to listen with all my stories. Together we plan to walk in the isle wearing our togas, proudly standing in front of the crowd and raise our diploma.
ͦ My Teachers
I always value my teachers because they served hundreds of students alone. They always make sure that the students learned not everything but a little of everything. I know it’s hard to manage students that’s why even if I’m not as intelligent compared to others but still I’m doing all my best to do what they want.
I collaborated some of their advices that I will never forget. The pains and heartaches that I’ve been through were necessary ingredients of my life. If I get tired of everything all I need to do is to rest but never quit because there is lot of opportunity when I believe in myself. I have the pioneering spirit to climb the ladder of success. These were the lines that motivated me not to give up. Maybe I will forget some of their lessons, but for sure I will never forget them.
ͦ My Self
You already witnessed how my story goes. It doesn’t have a great beginning but along the way it had a wonderful twist. Because of those persons I mention above, I get to know more about myself.
Now I’m facing this paper, holding a pen, and sharing my story to inspire other people who have been into my shoes. We might lose the little hope we have, but we still have the power to regain it. We are the author of our own story. Let’s make it different and memorable.
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"Value those people who stay"
Fixing a broken glass was impossble. We may fix it but it takes time. We may fix it but it might hurt us. We may fix it but it will never be the same like it was before.
It was like fixing our own stories in life. We may encounter problems but it will never be a hindrance for us to keep on going and that was what I did starting the day that my dad was no longer on our side.
Starting a new beginning was not as easy as cutting crafts...It's very different. You will witness the real essence of life when you were in the middle of the game. The game that will confuse you to give up one of your cards or to keep the game as it was without progressing. But in real life there will be one person who will sacrifice everything to sustain what her family needs. There will be one person who will fight for the loneliness she felt inside just to make her family happy. That's what my Mom did.
It was very painful seeing her walked towards the door. I know that I won't be seeing her often anymore. Tears would make its way down to my cheeks every night. I'm always thinking of her everyday. I waited every month and be satifisfied by holding her and hugging her even just five times a year.
I hated those kind of situation before but in the long run I understand everything. Growing up without my parents at my side motivated me to be strong because in life there was no turning back in everything that may happen. All we need to do was to keep on going cause we were not yet reaching the end. We must keep on shining and value the people who stayed in our life.
photo credit to google
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Growing up from a broken home
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Let go of the person who never value your existence.
Once in my life, I was holding on to that single hope that I would experience a perfect, complete and a happy family….. not until that day came.
As a young girl, I was too innocent to understand the value and beauty of true love in its purest form. After that, the smiles and kisses turned into screaming and fights that woke me up in the middle of the night. I was awaken by the yells every night until mom and dad decided to parted their ways.
Mom caught dad with another girl. Not just once but many time. That's why I can't blame her for not staying in the relationship that she's no longer happy.
The hardest part about living with a broken family is not about moving from one place to another but It's about seeing happy families at dinner together or on vacation knowing that it will never be my family.
• He's not a man.
I grew up without his guide. I learned new things in life without him knowing it. I also realized that he’s too coward to be the foundation of our family. I was too young by that time to witness break ups. Maybe those time I don’t have idea on how to brush my hair, wear my clothes and walk alone in the street. I might grow old but I will never experience calling him “papa”. I never tried thinking about it because everytime I do, it will send shiver in my spine because I know…It will never happen.
He chose to leave instead of chosing to stay with us, his family. Starting that day I observed that there’s a lot of changes. I slowly lost the jewels that I treasured and kept. I feel so sad loosing him. But, one thing I am sure, he’s not a big loss. I still have my jems and it’s my Mom and siblings. They made me complete 💙
The hard part about living with a broken family is not the switching of houses every few days or texting the absent parent goodnight when I'm not with him or her. It's seeing happy families at dinner together, or on vacation, or simply laughing with one another over their favorite Wednesday night comedy show, and knowing that will never be my family. Living with divorced parents makes you feel incomplete.
photo credit to google
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SONA 2018
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Photo courtesy from thesummitexpress.com
Words are nothing without an action. Outputs are nothing without inputs. Aiming for change is nothing without cooperation. These are some important things that people should know.
During the third State Of The Nation Address (SONA) of President Rodrigo Duterte he cited some of his accomplishments and ongoing project. He also have new plans that can tickle the mind of the people. Another hope that people would expect. Citizens of the Philippines are looking forward for the outcome of the Presidents new plans. But, this will not be accomplish without the help and cooperation of Government Officials and natural person.
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