My thoughts, ideas, and adventures that i would like to share with
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Notas Para Mi
“Lo que he hecho hoy es una consecuencia de que yo preparé ayer y que yo pensé anoche” “Si tuviera mal, es tu culpa. Lo que mas importante es te mejores siempre cada día, como hacerlo siempre mejor que ayer”. Viernes, 17 de febrero de 2023/ 10.26
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Cara mendapatkan Apostille dari Kemenkumham (2022)
Just another paperwork for Spain visa application
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Cara membuat SKCK di Mabes Polri (2022)
Cara membuat SKCK di Mabes Polri (2022)
Halo! Saya membuat SKCK di Mabes Polri sebagai salah satu persyaratan untuk visa Spanyol. Fyi, kalau SKCK untuk tujuan lainnya, misalnya persyaratan lamaran kerja, biasanya cukup di Polsek atau Polda saja ya. Berikut informasi cara membuat SKCK di Mabes Polri ! Daftar pembuatan SKCK online dahulu di (Siapkan foto, tampak muka jelas, untuk di upload di website ini).…
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Seleksi Beasiswa LPDP 2021 Tahap II (Erin's version)
Seleksi Beasiswa LPDP 2021 Tahap II (Erin’s version)
Seleksi Administrasi- Seleksi Substansi Akademik dan Kebangsaan- Seleksi Wawancara Rajin cek Instagram/ website LPDP untuk jadwal terbaru seleksi (in my case, mulai cek sejak Maret 2021). (Apply when you are ready, kalau belum siap untuk Tahap I, ikut Tahap II saja).Tentukan pilihan program LPDP [Reguler, PTUD (Perguruan Tinggi Utama Dunia), Kewirausahaan, Co-Funding].Persiapkan dokumen dan…
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Once I was afraid to dream because I was tired of falling down. But then I realised that people can rise, even higher, because there is no up if there is no down.
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Welcome back WordPress! It’s been so hard to come back here, but finally I’m here. Just quick question, what language should I use now? Okay, I’ll answer myself, I’ll use both English and Bahasa Indonesia.
So, the actual reason for this trip is to visit my Mom, who is studying in Hiroshima (since I’ve never been to Hiroshima yet 🙂 and for the autumn in Japan!). I visited 10 cities (I bold it below) in 12 days, from 12-24 November 2019. It’s autumn, so I was wearing outer and had to be ready with umbrella, because of rainy days. But it was okay for me still not to wear gloves.
Jadi, tujuan utama perjalanan ini adalah untuk mengunjungi mama yang sedang belajar di Hiroshima (dan aku memang belum pernah ke Hiroshima 🙂 dan tentu saja untuk musim gugur di Jepang!. Aku mengunjungi 10 kota (di-bold di bawah) dalam 12 hari, dari tanggal 12-24 November 2019. Saat itu musim gugur, jadi harus pakai jaket karena cukup dingin dan juga siapkan payung karena sering hujan. Tapi, udaranya belum sedingin sampai harus pakai sarung tangan kok.
This is the full itinerary (it was an easy pace traveling) :
Day 1 Makuhari, Chiba
Day 2 Grand Mall, Makuhari
Day 3 Hiroshima Dorimination
Day 4 Okunoshima, Bunny Island
Day 5 Miyajima Island, Hiroshima Peace Park
Day 6 Kyoto, Sagano Scenic Rail
Day 7 Kobe, Osaka
Day 8 Enoshima Island
Day 9 Kawasaki, Fujiko F. Fujio Museum, Ginza
Day 10 Akihabara, Halal Curry Restaurant, Halal souvenirs
Day 11 Omotesando, Harajuku
Day 12 Tokyo Haneda – Back home
I will share more about my first solo trip in Japan next!
Flight info : Garuda Airlines GA
GA 874 CGK- HND 23.40- 08.50 (7h 10m)
GA 875 HND – CGK 11.45- 17.15 (7h 30m)
Temperature: 9-20 Celcius degrees, make sure you check the weather everyday! Will affect your what to wear decisions, also to be more comfortable so that you don’t have to cancel any plan.
Suhu: 9-20 derajat Celcius, pastikan kalian mengecek cuaca setiap hari ya! Jadi bisa tahu pakaian apa yang tepat untuk hari tersebut dan juga akan lebih nyaman selama perjalanan dan sudah siap dengan segala keadaan.
Day 1 Haneda International Airport/ Kemigawahama, Chiba
I spent sometimes in Haneda airport for exchanging vouchers and tickets that I booked in advanced via (thanks Klook for giving me good deals). I will make detail review in other post. Check here…
Aku menghabiskan beberapa waktu di bandara Haneda untuk menukarkan tiket dan kupon yang telah kubeli dari Klook sebelumnya (terima kasih Klook). Nanti akan aku bahas lebih lanjut di artikel lain. Klik di sini…
Autumn Vibes in the airport
After I finished, directly took the bus from the airport to Kemigawahama. Bus fare is JPY 1,300 around IDR 170.000. It took 1 hour approximately. Free wi-fi on the bus.
Setelah selesai, aku langsung naik bis menuju Kemigawahama. Tarif bisnya adalah 1,300 Yen atau sekitar Rp 170.000. Perjalanan memakan waktu 1 jam. Dan ada wi-fi gratis di dalam bis.
Because I was tired, so I decided just to go around Chiba. I went to Kaihin-Makuhari station for outlet and for dinner.
We had sushi for the dinner and it was cheap around JPY 100 per plate.
Kami makan malam sushi dan harganya cukup terjangkau hanya 100 Yen per piring.
From end of autumn to the beginning of winter, the Japanese love to light up their town with lights. So, you’ll see in many places during this season. This one below what I saw in Makuhari, Chiba.
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Day 2 AEON Kaihin-Makuhari, Chiba
Check this out! Some of my favourite stores in AEON. Shopping in AEON is easy, because there are many stores choices, it’s not so crowded, and you can find good products.
World of Gancha!
Stationeries, beauty items, lunchbox, etc.
Day 3 Chiba to Hiroshima
Alhamdulillah it’s bright sunny day! I have to bring my luggage (again) because I’m leaving for Hiroshima by using Shinkansen. It’s my first time to use JR Pass and Shinkansen, soo excited!! Head off to Tokyo station first and then enter the Shinkansen line. It takes about 4 hours. With JR Pass you can only take regular train Hikari and Kodama (See more details about Shinkansen and train review, here).
Alhamdulillah, cuacanya cerah! Aku harus membawa koperku menuju Hiroshima dengan naik kereta Shinkansen. Ini merupakan pertama kali bagiku untuk mencoba JR Pass dan juga Shinkansen, seru! Pertama, aku menuju ke stasiun Tokyo untuk mencapai jalur Shinkansen. Dari Tokyo ke Hiroshima membutuhkan waktu sekitar 4 jam. Dengan JR Pass kita hanya bisa menggunakan kereta Hikari dan Kodama (Lihat detail mengenai Shinkansen dan kereta di sini).
And then straight back to the hotel, We Base Hotel, super recommended!
We Base Hotel ❤
Day 4 Rabbit Island (Okunoshima Island)
Me encanto!!
At first, I was doubted whether I should visit this bunny island or not. But then, I was glad I made the right decision! From Hiroshima Eki (Hiroshima station) it took about 2 hours and 20 minutes, yes, a long way to go! Actually we mistakenly note the train time, thus from Hiroshima station we went to station, but stranded there for almost 1 hour because we needed to wait for the train. It was cold, we waited downstairs, but it’s wrong, we should have waited upstairs with the sunlight. Tips: better wait in the waiting room nearby the train platform (it’s warmer).
Tadinya, aku ragu apakah harus pergi ke pulau kelinci atau tidak, karena letaknya yang cukup jauh. Namun, aku senang telah membuat keputusan yang tepat. Dari stasiun Hiroshima, perjalanan memakan waktu 2 jam 20 menit ke pulau Okunoshima. Tapi, kalian harus perhatikan jadwal kereta baik-baik ya! Jangan sampai salah seperti kami yang harus menunggu selama 1 jam. Dan jika harus menunggu, tunggulah di ruang runggu yang ada di atas (karena jauh lebih hangat dan ada cahaya matahari).
As soon as we arrived in the destination, we had to run to catch up the ferry because it leaves in 8 minutes! We had to find the dock and the ticket counter.
Setelah sampai di stasiun tujuan, kami harus berlari mengejar kapal ferry karena jeda waktunya hanya 8 menit! Kami harus menemukan pelabuhah dan loket tiketnya.
I’ll make another post to show you how cute the rabbits are! But here’s some teaser…
And after satisfied playing around the island, we’re heading to the main destination, SAIJO! (Mom’s home for 2 months). I visited Hiroshima International Plaza (HIP), which is located in Saijo City, Hiroshima perfecture. Before HIP, first we stopped for some autumn pictures 🙂
Setelah puas main di pulau, kami menuju tujuan utama, yaitu SAIJO! (Rumah mama selama 2 bulan). Aku mengunjungi Hiroshima International Plaza (HIP), yang terletak di kota Saijo, Hiroshima. Tapi sebelumnya, kami berfoto dahulu bersama daun-daun musim gugur 🙂
Then, here are some tips of the day for you :
Dinner tips (esp. for Indonesian): fresh fruits, hot white rice, popmie, fried potatoes with anchovy, and firefloss.
Tips makan malam (khususnya untuk orang Indonesia): buah potong segar, nasi putih hangat, popmie, dan kentang teri balado, dan abon. Endeuuuus!
Don’t forget to wash your clothes at night, especially if your accommodation provides it. Jangan lupa juga cuci baju di malam hari, terutama jika penginapanmu menyediakan fasilitas tersebut.
Day 5 Miiyajima Island (Last day with Mum)
Such a short time, cause my mom was so busy. So we took wefie first in the morning.
The journey from Hiroshima downtown to Miyajima took about 1 hour. Miyajima is an island, in which you can see the famous Torii gate that is floating in the water. Unfortunately, at the time I was there, it was being restored. Therefore, we enjoyed the island, by visiting Itsukushima shrine, the beautiful autumn leaves, and the delicious oyster!
Perjalanan dari pusat kota Hiroshima ke Miyajima membutuhkan waktu satu jam. Pulau Miyajima terkenal dengan gerbang Torii yang besar dan mengapung di atas air, namun saat itu, gerbangnya sedang direnovasi. Jadi, kami menikmati hal-hal lain di pulau tersebut seperti kuil Itskusuhima, daun musim gugur yang indah, dan kerang yang sangat lezat!
Grilled Oyster
Itsukushiima, the orange shrine
Momiji manju and ice cream
My mom wanted to bring me to eat the famous Hiroshima halal okonomiyaki, it was located in the building in front of the Hiroshima station, but it was closed already. So, it’s still on my bucket list.
Mamaku tadinya ingin membawaku makan halal okonomiyaki Hiroshima, yang terletak di gedung depan stasiun Hiroshima, namun sayangnya sudah tutup.
I took the train from Hiroshima at 20.06 and arrived at 22.39 at Shin-Osaka station. I stayed nearby Shin-Osaka at Step Inn (5 minutes walking). It’s more convenience if you just stay in this area ( no need to take another train).
Day 6 Kyoto- Sagano Scenic Rail & Umeda- Osaka
I went here because of my friend Fira, she said because it’s autumn and you are going to Kyoto, then you must visit Sagano train. Okay, from Shin-Osaka to Kyoto took around 1 hour. As soon as I arrived in Kyoto station, I directly could see many people walking with Kimono. It’s an activity you can do in Kyoto and just stroll around the city and feel the traditional vibes. From Kyoto to Sagano train, take the local train to JR Saga-Arashiyama station and buy the ticket there. Since, it’s very touristic, I suggest you to depart really early in the morning, or if not take the reverse way. I’ll review it again in another post.
Aku pergi ke Sagano karena rekomendasi dari temanku, Fira. “Kalau ke Kyoto saat musim gugur, maka kamu harus ke Sagano”, katanya. Saat tiba di stasiun Kyoto, ada banyak orang lalu lalang menggunakan Kimono, kota Kyoto memang terkenal dengan atmosfer tradisionalnya sehingga kita bisa merasakan suasana yang berbeda dari Jepang. Dari stasiun Kyoto menuju ke Sagano, kita harus menggunakan kereta lokal yang menuju ke stasiun Saga-Arashiyama dan kamu bisa membeli tiketnya di sana. Tempat ini sangat penuh dengan turis, jadi aku sarankan kalian berangkat sangat awal atau gunakan arah yang berlawanan. Nanti aku ceritakan di post sendiri ya…
Then, I had dinner in Isetan Kyoto, tried tofu dish in a restaurant inside the mall.
The restaurant apparently was quite popular, since when I came out, there were many people queueing. After that, I headed back to Osaka and went to Umeda to visit Don Quijote, shopping time!
Aku makan malam di restoran di Isetan yang ada di stasiun Kyoto. Restoran yang menyediakan menu utama tahu tersebut, ternyata cukup populer karena banyak orang yang mengantre saat aku selesai makan. Kemudian, aku kembali ke Osaka dan pergi ke Umeda untuk berbelanja di Don Quijote.
Don Quijote Umeda
Day 7 Kobe- The Beef Town
I decided to visit Kobe cause it’s near from Osaka. I actually also wanted to visit Nara, but because it was raining then I canceled the plan. Kobe is like 1 hour from Osaka by JR train. When I arrived in the station, I entered the world of Gancha again! It’s one of favourite thing in Japan, you’ll get unique things inside.
Aku memutuskan untuk pergi ke Kobe karena dekat dengan Osaka. Sebenarnya aku juga ingin ke Nara, tapi karena hujan, aku batal ke Nara. Kobe terletak 1 jam dari Osaka menggunakan kereta JR. Di stasiun Kobe ada toko yang penuh dengan Gancha, dan temukan kejutan di dalamnya!
Ready to get in the Shinkansen
World of Gancha!
Kobe it’s not that big, but there is something I like about the city. Kobe is famous for it’s beef and the international atmosphere. There is Europe village, which is called Kitano. And the Kobe tower that is located near the port is just having a relaxing feeling. The Kobe beef price started from 5,000 JPY but there are many restaurants to choose. There is even Halal certified restaurant that provides Kobe beef. Unfortunately, those restaurants are existed more in Osaka rather than Kobe itself. And also, don’t forget to try the Kobe Taiyaki, it’s yummy and you can find it on the street.
Kobe adalah kota yang tidak terlalu besar, namun ada sesuatu yang menarik dari kota ini. Kobe terkenal dengan daging dan juga sebagai kota internasional (karena ada banyak pendatang). Bahkan ada area Kitano, yang menyerupai daerah di Eropa. Kalian juga harus mengunjungi Kobe tower untuk bersantai. Untuk bisa menikmati daging Kobe, kita harus menyiapkan uang mulai dari 5,000 Yen. Ada banyak pilihan restoran dan bahkan ada juga yang bersertifikat halal. Namun restoran yang bersertifikat halal tersebut ada lebih banyak di Osaka daripada di Kobe sendiri.
Day 8 Enoshima Island- Sukina Hito ga Iru Koto
Back to Tokyo and then headed to Enoshima island, in Fujisawa perfecture. I used the Odakyu line to go there. As I mentioned in the title, I went here because of the drama, starred by Yamazaki Kento, Mirei Kiritani, and Shohei Miura dan Shūhei Nomura. I was so happy that I made it! It took 2 hours from Tokyo. The weather was a bit cold that day, but it was sunny. Since it’s already end of autumn, Japan was filled with many illuminations, and also on the island. On the way to the top, I met some tourists from Peru. I went up to the Sea Candle tower and got to see the sunset. It was beautiful and mesmerising. I’ll share you the beauty of Enoshima on the other post.
Saatnya kembali ke Tokyo untuk menuju pulau Enoshima. Aku menggunakan kereta Odakyu. Pulau ini menjadi salah satu tujuanku karena sebuah drama yang aku sebutkan di atas. Drama tersebut dibintangi oleh Yamazaki Kento, Mirei Kiritani, and Shohei Miura dan Shūhei Nomura. Menyenangkan sekali bisa melangkahkan kaki ke pulau ini ❤ Saat itu udaranya cukup dingin namun matahari bersinar terang. Dan karena saat itu adalah akhir musim gugur, tempat-tempat di Jepang mulai dihiasi dengan cahaya iluminasi di malam hari, termasuk di pulau ini. Saat menuju ke puncak menara, aku bertemu dengan beberapa turis dari Peru. Aku berhasil sampai di puncak dan menyaksikan matahari terbenam, sangat indah. Akan kuceritakan di artikel lain.
The island is behind me
Sea Candle Tower
Day 9 Fujiko F. Fujio Museum (Doraemon Museum)- Kawasaki & Ginza- Tokyo
I went here through Dokodemodoa a.k.a “The Anywhere Door” hehehe…Even though I’ve been watching Doraemon many times, but visiting here it’s just something else. This museum is adorable and made you feel like children again. Check out my full review of Doraemon museum visit here…
Aku datang ke sini melalui Dokodemodoa alias “Pintu Ke mana Saja” hehehe…Walaupun aku telah berkali-kali menonton Doraemon, tapi berkunjung ke sini bisa membuatmu merasa kembali menjadi anak kecil lagi. Lihat ulasan lengkapnya di sini…
At night, I stopped by Ginza for shopping. It’s nice to come back here after 11 years. My favourite thing about Ginza is its street itself, nice pathway to enjoy the city, and then continued to Omotesando, on the next day…
Day 10 Akihabara & Omotesando- Harajuku
Finally, had a proper meal in Japan, full plate of curry rice from Halal Coco Curry Ichibanya Akihabara. It’s a bit tricky to find it, remember, the Halal one is the green one, meanwhile the yellow one is just accross it. For moslems, it is an oase to find halal food in Japan.
Akhirnyaaa, bisa makan enak di Jepang dan halal. Restoran ini letaknya di Akihabara, jangan lupa yang warna hijau yaa, karena kalau yang kuning ga ada halalnya. Bagi sesama muslim, pasti senang bisa menemukan makanan halal di Jepang yang memang agak sulit dicari.
Besides, this Halal Coco Curry Ichibanya, don’t forget to visit Laox store, to buy Halal souvenirs. Go to the fourth floor.
Selain Halal Coco Curry Ichibanya, jangan lupa mampir ke Laox untuk beli suvenir halal, khsusnya makanan. Ada osenbe, coklat, teh, mie, dan lain-lain. Di lantai 4 ya.
Laox Akihabara
Halal snacks section
3rd floor in Apple Store Ginza
Day 11 Omotesando, Harajuku
And finally the hip place in Tokyo: Omotesando, Harajuku. For youngsters, it’s a cozy place to chill, window shopping or actually shopping, taking pictures, and even doing sports. There are two Gold’s Gym located nearby, in Harajuku and Omotesando. I finally ticked off another bucket list of mine, to try the gym abroad LOL.
Kemudian, lanjut ke tempat yang hip di Tokyo: Omotesando, Harajuku. Bagi anak muda, daerah ini sangat menyenangkan, ada banyak tempat-tempat seru, bisa cuci mata dan belanja juga, foto-foto, dan bahkan olahraga. Di kawasan ini, ada dua Gold’s Gym, di Harajuku dan Omotesando.
Day 12 Flight Back Home- Haneda International Airport
This is it, the end of this journey. Till we meet again Japan !!
Garuda Indonesia
Haneda International
My First Solo Trip – Japan in Autumn Welcome back Wordpress! It's been so hard to come back here, but finally I'm here. Just quick question, what language should I use now?
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Un día espectacular en la plaza del mercado en Bucaramanga
Un día espectacular en la plaza del mercado en Bucaramanga
When you have no plan and your day turned out to be almost perfect Fecha Hoy es Domingo, 14 de Agosto de 2016 Last week, we ticked one of our bucket list, which was visiting Medellin. So, this week, we are having a long weekend, coz on Monday, August 15, is a holiday for a religion ceremony in Colombia. We were planning to travel again but since we’re kinda ‘broke’ we didn’t really create plan…
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Pendaftaran beasiswa untuk belajar bahasa Spanyol di Kolombia periode ke-5 telah dibuka! Untuk info lengkapnya aku cantumkan link di bawah ini ya.
Belajar bahasa Spanyol di Kolombia, Amerika Latin, mau?
Aku adalah alumni periode ke-4, bulan Juli hingga November 2016. Untuk yang mau bertanya silahkan comment di bawah, bisa juga melalui WA, facebook, instagram, LINE, dll. Program ini sangat kurekomendasikan karena selain bisa belajar bahasa Spanyol di negeri penutur asli berdarah latin, kita bisa juga belajar budaya Kolombia, menikmati keindahan alamnya (yang sama banyaknya untuk dijelajahi seperti Indonesia), belajar musik, tarian, dan masakan latin, dan hal-hal menarik lainnya.
So, what are you waiting for?
Opportunity doesn’t come twice, live your life to the fullest!
Untuk persyaratan dan cara pendaftaran lebih lengkap, berikut link-nya…
ELE FOCALAE Spanish Course 2017
Tahun lalu peserta dari Indonesia berjumlah 7 orang yang terdiri dari 4 mahasiswa dan 3 tourist guide. Indonesia merupakan salah satu negara dengan jumlah peserta terbanyak dan menariknya 3 peserta Indonesia menjuarai kompetisi yang diadakan selama program, dengan hadiah jalan-jalan gratis ke taman nasional di Kolombia! Lebih serunya lagi seluruh biaya perjalanan termasuk akomodasi dan makan ditanggung, bahkan kita mendapatkan kesempatan untuk menjadi embajadores del parques nacionales (duta dari taman nasional, red.) seperti berikut ini…
Parques Nacionales Naturales de Otún Quimbaya
Un colombiano de otro mundo
We really enjoyed it a lot,, see more of our pictures here.
See you in Colombia!
Un saludo desde Indonesia a mi profesora y todos mis amigos en Colombia, un grande abrazo.
Lunes, 13 de Marzo de 2017/ 11.50 PM
Beasiswa belajar bahasa Spanyol di Kolombia ¡Vamos a Colombia! ¡Hola! Pendaftaran beasiswa untuk belajar bahasa Spanyol di Kolombia periode ke-5 telah dibuka! Untuk info lengkapnya aku cantumkan
#Amerika Latin#bahasa Spanyol#beasiswa#becarios#colombia#ELE FOCALAE#Indonesia#Kolombia#latina#scholar#soyelefocalae
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80 years of love
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12.11.1936-30.01.2017 إِنَّا لِلَّه وٓاِنَّّا اِلَىْهِرَاجِعُوْنَ اَللّٰهُمَّاغْفِرْلَهُ وَرْمْهُ وَعَافِهِ وَاعْفُ عَنْهُ It’s not about the sadness of losing love that I want to share, it’s about the love that we receive and hopefully that Allah will give more to the person we love. It’s a day when all of us roll our sleeves up and quickly act like one strong broom that sweep and swoosh like a…
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Santuario Fauna y Flora Otún Quimbaya, Risaralda
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Este viaje es una de mis viajes que la más increíble! Estoy muy feliz y agradezco mucho porque he ganado un concurso del ELE FOCALAE. Por lo tanto, otro ganador de Indonesia, Farid, dos personas de las parques nacionales naturales de Colombia, y yo, fuimos a SFF Otún Quimbaya. Este es una de 59 área protegidas en Colombia y quiero invitarte a visitar este lugar, porque: 1. La Naturaleza es…
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Estudiantes de la UNAB
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Holaa! Me llamo Erin, soy de Indonesia. Tengo 25 años. Ya cumple mi cumpleaños aquí en Colombia el mes pasado. Estoy aprendiendo español aquí en la UNAB en Bucaramanga por 4 meses. Voy a presentarles mis actividades diarios.
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Feria del Embajadores
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This is an event for foreigners who are studying at UNAB (Universidad Autónoma de Bucaramanga) in 2016. We represent our countries
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Guadalupe Las Gachas, Colombia
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One of the hidden gems in Santander region Colombia. To go there you can take a bus to Oiba and then take a jeep from there. But i went there with my friends car and it costs so much less than ever! Here’s some of the things to remember when visiting Las Gachas: 1. Extra clothes It’s natural jacuzzis which has no bathroom surrounding by the time i visit there. So bring some changes unless you…
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5 Tips of Being a Muslim in Colombia
Hello! My name is Erin and now I’m living in Colombia for 4 months as a part of ELE Focalae Program. Normally, I live in Indonesia, which has the most muslim population in the world, so it’s not hard to pray or to eat halal food. Like other non-muslim country, Colombia is one of those, which has a really small amount of muslim population. There are only few mosques (La Mesquita) in here. Even…
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Cartagena de Indias, lo que nos es querido siempre queda atrás
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I knew that Cartagena is such a touristic place in Colombia, however, it was not one in one of my travel bucket list here. Nevertheless, there’s a cheap airline promotion right directly from Bucaramanga to Cartagena. So simply, me and my friends arrange a trip to this beach destination. 1st Day Took a night flight and luckily got a van for us: 11 people! And headed straightaway to our beautiful…
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Extreme sports in Colombia
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Era mi primera vez que probar extreme deportivo en Colombia Who thought I was gonna do something out of my habit, something unusual but actually it has always been deep in my heart, to try extreme sports! Hace dos semanas, in the last week of August 2016, UNAB troops and I visited San Gil. The itinerary was arranged by my sweet viche tourism ambassador, Joan Belle. We’re lucky to go at that time…
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Mi vida en la ciudad bonita con mucho inesperada
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Fecha Hoy es Viernes, 9 de Septiembre de 2016 / 10.10pm/ Archie’s Hace 1 mes y media, no entiendo nada el español. Pero, ahorita, todos los días yo conozco los colombianos y hablo con ellos. About 1,5 month ago, I understand nothing in Spanish. But now, everyday I meet the Colombians and talk with them. Sekitar 1,5 bulan yang lalu, aku tidak paham sana sekali bahasa Spanyol. Tetapi sekarang,…
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