erensgreasyhair · 3 years
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Someone pls tell me why the actual crap is my Pinterest like this😃☝️
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erensgreasyhair · 3 years
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“you all got so big... how dare you.”
— Levi in s4e10
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erensgreasyhair · 3 years
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I found this on Tiktok! You can see the @ on the photo if you would like to go check out the acc!
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erensgreasyhair · 3 years
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erensgreasyhair · 3 years
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erensgreasyhair · 3 years
can i request for more haikyuu as dads please? they are a whole new level of soft 🥺 what if the scenario was like sending off their kid who’s going to school for the first time and their child’s just starts to tear up/gets scared and just wants to be w/ them instead?
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characters - miya atsumu, iwaizumi hajime, bokuto kōtarō, miya osamu, sakusa kiyoomi
a/n - pls i’m so soft rn i might sob <3
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☾ ATSUMU gripped the smaller hand in his own a little tighter as he stopped at the school gate, squatting to meet his daughters height as her glassy eyes stared back at his - his hands moving to adjust the straps of her backpack because he doesn’t want her to go either “just ya remember angel, boys are gross alright? and as soon as they mention volleyball ya better show em all how it’s done for daddy.” his voice is a little wobbly and he’s blinking with his words but his daughters hand on his own grounds him “fo’ daddy.” the words repeating in his mind as he drives home, where you are - a few stray tears running down his cheeks and his eyes a little red but he doesn’t care because he knows it’s for love.
☾ IWAIZUMI smiled softly as he hugged his son goodbye, feeling the way his smaller hands gripped to his own shirt a little tighter than usual as he heard a sniffle - seeing his son wipe his eyes with the sleeve of his favourite godzilla hoodie that looked like a smaller version of his, remembering how this morning he insisted wearing it because it would “keep daddy wif me.” his finger comes to wipe at the tears gently “come on buddy, you’re brave right?” his heart warming as his son nods, eyes still glassy and cheeks flushed but he still puffs out his chest just like his dad “‘m brave.” iwaizumi softens as he thinks of his own godzilla hoodie he has folded in the living room, because he knows he’ll put it on when he’s home, for him.
☾ BOKUTO giggled as he lifted his son over to the school gates, setting him down with a grin that quickly faltered when he noticed the pout on his smaller frame “don’t cry! schools so fun and you’ll make so many friends okay!” his son sniffling as he tried to hold back his tears, making bokuto feel his own gather in his eyes “i’ll miss you but i’ll pick you up okay? PROMISE, we can even get ice cream!” both their bright giggles bubbling from their lips that still trembled a little, with the goodbye high fives and the whoops as he left, bokuto thinks that maybe it’ll be okay - but although his cheeks are a little damp, with your cheerful voice on the other side of the phone as he walks back to his car, he knows that everything will be.
☾ OSAMU crouches to the ground as he tilts up his daughters chin, cupping her cheek softly before he hands her the bento that’s a little shakey in his hand “it’s yer favourite, ya better eat it all, no sharin’ or tradin’ cos daddy’s cookin’ will always be the best alright princess?” she nods sniffly, her lips pursed because she always tried to be good for him. “‘ll miss you daddy.” “a know baby, but al see ya when ya come home.” placing a gentle kiss on her forehead as he stands to full height again, waving her off with a small grin and a final “no boys!” but with his daughters cheerful grin, he feels the world settle into place.
☾ SAKUSA slid the small strawberry scented hand sanitizer into his daughters bag back as he zipped it up “boys are dirty okay?” his hand readjusting the butterfly clip in her black curls that looked like his, so he could see more of her eyes that looked like yours. smiling when he feels her small figure grip at his shirt, his hand tracing circles into her back because he always knew the quickest ways to soothe her, with a final “daddy will miss you angel.” spoken more to himself and a subtle rub at the corner of his eyes - kiyoomi watches his world, finally begin to make her way in her own.
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erensgreasyhair · 3 years
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Not mine
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erensgreasyhair · 3 years
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Low key wanna run up to him and steal his hair band and see what he does
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erensgreasyhair · 3 years
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RaWr 🦖
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erensgreasyhair · 3 years
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Miss them🥺😩
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erensgreasyhair · 3 years
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yA lIkE JazZ😭
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erensgreasyhair · 3 years
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erensgreasyhair · 3 years
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this is tooru's favourite sweater and he does this every. time.
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erensgreasyhair · 3 years
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Finally!!! Day 7!!! Takeda sensei's birthday!!! I wanted to finish this week with a big bang and usually thatd be a nice drawing but i felt like this was a really fitting way to end too ☺☺
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erensgreasyhair · 3 years
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Haikyuu!! + (౦_౦)
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erensgreasyhair · 3 years
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F for Bokuto's soggy socks after this stroll
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erensgreasyhair · 3 years
a hinata!
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