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erandyy3 · 2 years ago
1.If you could be a famous athlete what sport would you choose and why? If I could be a famous athlete I would choose the sport Softball. I have been playing Softball since my high school experience has started and this year will be my last. It would be really cool to keep competing and playing for it.
2.Is there a shortage or something in your life? What is it? A shortage of something in my life at the moment would be courage I think sometimes I’m to afraid to try things that hold me back to having experiences in my life.
3.Have you ever crossed a finish line? If we are talking about racing wise, then yes I have. This year was my first year running cross country crossing many finish lines. It is so fun and made me more competitive in life in a way. And I will for sure keep running after high school.
4.Do you know someone who makes you feel confident when you speak with them? Since I am in the P tech program there is very few people I speak to that are in the same pathway. We study together making me feel confident and them as well. Because we are spending the same time learning the material.
5.Do you have memory of your 2nd grade teacher? Can you describe them? Yes I actually do have memory’s of my 2nd grade teacher i remember she was short , had glasses, and she would always wear a cast. She was really really nice. I remember her a lot because she would always speak with my mom on trying to get me on an advanced school at second grade. And sadly I haven’t seen her every since.
6.Would you choose to live in a palace alone or in a small house with your entire family? Personally I am the type that loves talking about their feelings or anything that is going on I just love talking. So I would choose living in a small house with my entire family. I would probably go crazy if I was alone in a palace😂
7.What is your favorite season and why? My favorite season is autumn I love when the leaves fall of trees and it’s starting to get cold.
8.What was the last film that made you cry? The last film that made me cry was probably the new avatar movie, came out a month or two ago. But when the main characters son died touched my heart and made me cry.
9.Have you ever tried yoga? No I have never tried yoga but I probably should because I have heard that it is really relaxing.
10.If you could dance like anyone who would it be? I think I would like to dance like a ballerina ever since I was little I have always admire what they do and how they do it. As always been impressive to me.
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erandyy3 · 2 years ago
1. My relationship with money is not that bad if I’m being honest, when I want to save up for something that I really want I don’t waste my money on anything else. Based of this, I would not consider myself a “bad person when controlling money”.
2.I have unwavering faith in that if you really propose yourself to something nothing or nobody else should stop you from achieving that.
3.I think what makes a great nation is when people trust each other and live in peace.
4.Yes, I tend to make the best of a bad situation, but personally im a person who is really sentimental so every little thing gets to me but with given time I do try to learn from my mistakes and improve from these bad situations.
5.College is really important to me. Ever since I was little, my mom would always talk about how she wants us to go to college and have a career, because she was not given the opportunity. And I would like to make that wish come true and do it for her.
6.I actually don’t have a favorite poem, im not the type who loves reading if I’m being honest, the only way I read is if I’m in my ap literature class😂 ever since i was little I was always on the math side instead of english.
7.I don’t think anyone has ever been angry because of me being honest, probably just my sister, but it is understandable from my part, because she always dislikes when I disagree with her.
8.At the moment I will say I do have the support I need from my family, teachers, coach’s and friends too.
9.I think the trait I wish I had was being better in English because I always have ideas in my brain I just never know how to bring it out and speak of it. I think that is something very useful right now considering that I am a senior and I have a lot of projects and essays to complete at this grade.
10.My least favorite music genre is rapping. Personally I don’t know why but spanish music gets to me more, I think it is more sentimental giving a lot of feelings, and that’s what I love to listen to.
11.No, I do not judge people easily I think anybody can look one way in person but can be going through so much at the same time. And I also think anybody can be what they want for example if they have different hairstyles, tattoos, hair color, I think everybody should live comfortably on their own ways because we all deserve that right to and for that reason I don’t judge people.
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erandyy3 · 2 years ago
Some of my favorite songs are from an artist named Ivan Cornejo. I just love how he has a beautiful voice and in general I love artist who do slow music. This music gives me the emotions of love and how you can relate to past relationships. Yes, I think the words being spoken in songs shape peoples mind, because from what I’ve experienced and my friends as well is that sometimes we need advice and we have nobody to go to because we don’t really want to open up with somebody at that moment helping on moving on. My favorite genre on music is Mexican. I actually do not enjoy live music because personally I would not like to be crowded with hundreds of other people. But I as well think, I think this way because I have never been to one. A song that represents me at the moment or my attitude to life is La Curiosidad. My favorite artist is Ivan Cornejo, the song that made me like him is called Esta Dañada. This is the song that made him go viral. This song shows all his feelings and emotions on making it.
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erandyy3 · 2 years ago
In the book "Motivation 365", the quote I mostly look up to or I can relate to the most is quote 364 "First say to yourself what you would be; and then do what you have to do." -Epictetus, Greek philosopher. Being a senior I have learned that if I want to accomplish something in specific so a "goal" I have to not only say to myself and to others that I want to do this but dedicate myself to it. By different ways such as finding and making time and getting mentally prepared.
For example, I would have never thought I would actually run cross country senior year for my school. Because in the past three years, my friends, classmates and even my coaches would insist me to join I never did because my mind thought of failure of not doing as good as the rest. And how I needed to commit by finding time, It took me a while to find that commitment and motivation to dedicate my time to running. Now that I am more mature and started practicing to improve my time, I know that practice makes progress. And am only improving from here.
Another example for me would also be telling myself two years ago that I want to become better at softball but not doing what is necessary to improve. As I grew and put my time to learning how the game goes I started realizing the love I actually have for this game is big and that all my free time will always go to this game. I started practicing on my own with different at home workouts and became better. At the moment I am still making time to become better at this sport because it is my last year and I'm giving it my all. Cannot wait for this season.
This examples have proven to me that not only do I have to talk to myself of what to accomplish but my actions have to prove them as well.
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erandyy3 · 2 years ago
Wellness plays a important role in everybody’s life. Wellness consists of five different things physical, mental, emotional, social and environmental. These are some of the things I suggest for each to others to try to improve. When it comes to physical is to set goals, even if it’s something little like working out 10 or 15 minutes a day. Anything counts and something is better than nothing. When it comes to mental and emotional I say try to stay away from those who make you feel less even if it’s by them commenting something small that you do not agree on. It is for the better to prevent from having those emotions again. Socially, personally I love talking to people, getting to know where they are from, what they do on a daily basis, where have they traveled, everything. I totally recommend being socially interactive for example in school if im in a class where in my table is another girl I do not know of, I ask her what’s her name, grade.. etc. And it’s when she asks me the same back and it’s how I get to know people. This is really important for your future because you get know people that you might keep talking to and being friends with forever. Environmentally, go out for a walk even if it’s only around your neighborhood or a park close to you or try to explore places you see on social media that are not to far way because there is so much outside so many places that one does not know of that are beautiful.
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erandyy3 · 3 years ago
Time management is a huge thing for me. And personally I feel like I am improving at it little by little. Now that I am a senior on the P-Tech program I have college classes on both days. With this I can manage how much time I have after and before classes. Or what I can or can’t do, during this time. I am the type of person that sometimes gets frustrated to the point we’re Yes I do procrastinate. Giving the fact that this is my last year I am trying my best to improve from this. My friends/family would say that I am trying to manage well my time. The past years of high school I have honestly never used a schedule but now that I have practice in the morning and then school and then have to do homework’s or just duties at home I am now taking in consideration a schedule. And will have one by the end of this week. Lol.
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erandyy3 · 3 years ago
The “Katrina Babies” documentary is about children that went through a large and destructive hurricane in the city of New Orleans and the surrounding areas. This surfaced in August 23 - August 31 2005. Lake Pontchartrance and Lake Borgne had been completely overwhelmed by ten inches. The residents that had left had no hope for the ones that had stayed. A resident in specific had said “Whoever stayed is dead”. I think this was said because the storm was really destructive. Houses were drowned and completely destroyed. Because of this hundred of people were now homeless. People and animals were found dead spared. And numerous of other effects…Making this really impacting for everybody.
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erandyy3 · 3 years ago
My high school experienced has been half good and bad. I say this because in my freshman year half way trough when I was finally getting used to the school Covid crashed. Making us loose learning time and credits. Starting my sophomore year we were able to choose if we wanted to do school online or if we wanted in person. But we were required to wear mask at ALL time. Because of my teammates and arriving to practice on time I decided to do in person. Which was sometimes terrifying because I would panic a little bit when people would get to close to me because of the thought of getting sick. Moving forward to last year which was my junior year it was really good and I enjoyed it a lot because the Covid shots were out and I could finally hangout with my friends. Starting this year it has been good so far, and it’ll get even better once my season starts! can’t wait!! 🥎
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