equivatronic · 7 years
First, you misused the word infringe so that sentence doesn't even make sense. Also you DO have the right to preach your beliefs under the first amendment.
Second, hate speech is also protected under the first amendment, you may not agree with it but it is. The only speech that is not protected is slander, speech that incites violence, and speech that is intended to put people in immediate unnecessary danger ("Fire!" in a crowded room).
Freedom of Speech
I see this term thrown around a lot by people saying racist, islamophobic, transphobic, or sexist things. Let’s break down what “freedom of speech” actually means. It’s a law, in fact in the US it’s the first amendment in the Constitution. It basically means that you have the right to gather and protest/speak out against your government and establishments. It also means that “you have the right to remain silent”. Which is one of the rights spoken to you by officers when being placed under arrest.
Here’s what “freedom of speech” does NOT mean:
- You do not have the right to defame a person. (Harmful slander that can damage ones reputation.)
- You do not have the right to hate speech in any form be it verbal, vandalising property with hate speech, or threats of violence. (Racism, sexism, transphobia, islamophobia, or ableism.)
- You do not have the right to infringe your personal political or religious beliefs on others.
This is not freedom of speech. You’re deliberately misusing the law and the purpose of the term to be an asshole. Stop. So as you can see there’s a big difference between “freedom of speech” and hate speech. One is a law to protect your rights and the rights of others and one is abusive to others.
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equivatronic · 7 years
Ironically, the only people I have ever heard say "boys will be boys" in my lifetime are feminists saying that other people are using it as rape apology.
… and maybe one of those episodes of Midsomer Murders that takes place in a very old English school. But even that was about boys roughhousing each other.
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equivatronic · 8 years
I’ve never seen men pick apart other statistics as much as as the statistics on what percentage of rapes, sexual assaults, and violent crimes are committed by men. So much energy is put into the denial of any possibility that they could be responsible. It costs approximately $0, ¥0, €0, ₩0, £0, ₣0, and ₱0 to say “hey, this group that I am a part of is doing shitty things”
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equivatronic · 8 years
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equivatronic · 8 years
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equivatronic · 8 years
Right? Why couldn’t everyone including every scientist/revolutionary persecuted and ridiculed for their beliefs and discoveries just shut up and think what the establishment wanted them to think? We would be so much better off. The world would still be flat and 6000 years old, the sun would still revolve around the earth, germs wouldn’t exist and people would just get sick for no reason, and Germany would have won World War II./s
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equivatronic · 8 years
It really gets on my nerves when people at my school act like feminism is a bad thing, when they don’t even understand what feminism actually is. All they think about are people like T.E.R.F.S or the women who preach that men are shit. What they don’t realize is that is not feminism. Feminism is about equality and acceptance FOR EVERYONE, NOT JUST WOMEN.
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equivatronic · 8 years
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equivatronic · 8 years
Her heart is in the right place but she's been fead a truck load of misinformation. She needs to sit down and have a long talk with Christina Hoff Sommers.
I’m concerned about Emma Watson.
I wonder if she could be the next Cassie Jaye…
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equivatronic · 8 years
Imagine being so gaslit by the media that when a gay, Jewish, media pundit who only dates black men is scheduled to speak at your school, you decide to burn down campus property, smash windows, and throw lit fireworks at the police because you think he’s an antisemitic, racist, white supremacist
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equivatronic · 8 years
The word you are looking for is Rape, she Raped him, She is in jail for Raping a child.
The Old One
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equivatronic · 8 years
it’s funny how you never see MRAs or meninists advocating for gay men, trans men, men of color, Muslim men, Jewish men, disabled men, poor men… it’s almost like… they only care about cishet, abled, middle- to upper-class white men… like themselves… really makes you think! 🤔
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equivatronic · 8 years
So people aren't allowed to even mind there own business now?
If they aren't active contributors to the cause they need to be corrected, and should it be deemed the accused's loyalty is at fault they will be persecuted. Could they be anymore authoritarian?
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Publicly attacking women is fine if they don’t attack our political enemies strongly enough. I mean, such dumb whores are literally useless, right?
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equivatronic · 8 years
the ‘men are more likely to commit suicide’ in defense for MRAs is fucking stupid because they fail to count suicide attempts. Which is more prominent in women. Men just happen to pick the most lethal methods of suicide.
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equivatronic · 8 years
To be honest about 80% of the guys I know have been in some form of abusive relationship and none of them seem to have an understanding of the fact it’s abusive. They’ll tell me a story about an ex partner and when I point out that it’s not ok they make some rationalisation. So I ask them if it would be ok if a boyfriend did that shit to me and their answer? Fuck no.
Abuse against men is so normalised and accepted (not saying this just because of anecdotes but because of basically everything) and it’s really not ok.
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equivatronic · 8 years
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equivatronic · 8 years
As long as they don't cram it down the players throat every 5 min the way the borderlands sequels did in desperate virtue signal, who cares, right?
Overwatch Christmas comic just confirmed a gay character.
So, if you hate shipping, like I do, gird your loins. We’re in for some turbulence.
(Honestly, I would’ve been fine if we never got confirmation on anyone’s sexuality.)
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