10 posts
the mistake you made was you killed my friend, so 'm going to kill each and everyone of you.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
equaliizer · 1 year ago
I made this blog right before I left for a trip and I may or may not have forgotten that I had it.
On the plus side, I saw E2. Hopefully I can see E3 before it leaves theaters.
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equaliizer · 2 years ago
“can i even trust you?”
once upon a time, the answer would have been no. but robert mccall was a free agent now. he operated under his own code and rules. everyone received a single chance to change their ways before he killed them. if he'd still been working for the agency, he couldn't offer them that luxury. now, he could.
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but when sam posed her question, robert didn't hesitate to answer. "yes." it was as simple as that. mccall would see that the job was done. no double crossing. no funny business. he was a man of his word. @adeadlyspy
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equaliizer · 2 years ago
there must be another way.
one thing the agency taught you was that the world was kill or be killed. there were no second chances, though thanks to his late wife, mccall would offer one chance to those he chose to kill. he'd give them a way out. if they didn't meet his demands, then he could kill them. some might even call him reformed. robert called it morality. anything to keep the memory of his late wife alive.
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"i gave them their options," mccall said. "they chose to ignore it. so, i kill them." everyone would be better off this way. "your choice to stick around and watch." it wouldn't be pretty. @shesboundtobruise
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equaliizer · 2 years ago
i'm sorry. this is all my fault.
"no," mccall said firmly. he shook his head. "none of this is your fault." sometimes people just found themselves in bad situations. taken advantage of. he didn't believe for one second that this young woman was to blame for the men bearing down on her or the sudden explosion of the car mccall and ophelia had been moments away from stepping in. truth be told, this was a walk in the park for the former agent.
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sharp gaze looked around, searching for anyone who might be watching. most of the pedestrians and drivers had fled, leaving the scene of the crime. but there, just on top of the building, someone peered down at them. mccall memorized his face. there would be hell to pay.
"come on, ophelia. we need to move." gripping the woman's hand, mccall tugged them both to safety. hopefully whomever was after the red head would take a beat before another attack. @theresastargirl
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equaliizer · 2 years ago
when it gets hard || sentence starters.
"hey. you look tired. you alright?"
"something wrong?"
"look. i can tell you're not feeling great. want to talk about it?"
"i won't leave you. not now, not ever."
"it's okay to rest. i'm right here."
"sometimes your brain will lie to you and tell you bad stuff, but it's not true. it's never as bad as it seems."
"it will be okay. i promise."
"hey, it's alright to let it out."
"you hide behind that facade so much. why?"
"you're not going to leave me, right?"
"want to do something stupid to take your mind off all this?"
"we'll live. we'll live, both of us will, please believe me!"
"don't do this. it's not good for you."
"we will survive and afterwards, we'll... get some ice cream. or go to a nice restaurant."
"i don't know if anyone has ever told you this, but it gets better. it will get better, i promise."
"do you have anyone who supports you? do you have anyone who cares about you?"
"can i have a hug?"
"maybe it's not okay right now. maybe it won't be for a while. whichever it is, i won't leave you."
"hey, stay for a while. i gotta share this popcorn with someone."
"sleep fixes a lot of stuff. it's like emptying garbage cans in your brain."
"stay with me, please?"
"follow my breathing, okay? in for one, two, three, four... hold for one, two, three, four... out for one, two, three, four."
"let's go for a walk together. where do you wanna go?"
"there - you can cry. it's okay. i would never judge you for that."
"it doesn't matter what you say or do, i won't let you be sad alone."
"i'm your friend, idiot. i'm not going to abandon you."
"don't just repress everything! that's dumb, and it'll hurt your brain."
"if you need a breath of fresh air or a change of scenery, i know a place we can go."
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equaliizer · 2 years ago
PROMPTS FROM SURVIVOR *  assorted dialogue from the tv show, adjust as necessary
now would be the time to do so.
the tribe has spoken.
it grew legs and walked off.
you guys are quitters.
i will always wave my finger in your face.
no, go ahead. you have to say something bad about me.
making love's my sport.
i actually hate kids.
i brought my bag of tricks with me tonight.
you're garbage at rapping. you can't rap. you have no bars.
you mumbled "here we go again."
is there any way i could have your jacket?
last time i was mean. this time, i'm meaner.
i don't need a souvenir, so.
don't get booty blinded.
when it comes down to it, we don't mix. we're like chicken parm and tuna fish.
you need to get in the ocean and wash your ass.
i can get loud too! what the fuck!
i ain't finished playing just yet.
do you belong out here?
my scenario isn't really much different than yours.
i don't have a shitty apartment.
i'm against you.
you understand that better?
not to split hairs, but that's a very big difference.
i'd take my clothes off for chocolate and peanut butter.
i say, stick to the plan.
it's kinda like why elephants can't run up trees.
i ate fifty-eight chicken nuggets in five minutes.
it's that kind of cocky attitude that makes people really hate your guts.
i want to throw up.
i love seeing people cry when you crush their dreams.
my grandmother is sitting at home, watching jerry springer right now.
i'm sorry. i don't talk llama.
i don't wanna be that person. i'm tired of being hated by everybody.
i'll wear a tiara. a man tiara. do they make those?
i'm just trying to explain my side so it doesn't look like i was the mastermind behind it.
i don't think you stand a chance.
you don't deserve it because you suck at life.
we're gonna do something a little different.
it doesn't really surprise me.
you're the schemer here. i'm on to you.
i don't think you're smart enough to do it.
you have made my life hell from day one.
it's a fucking stick!
he's a snake and he lies, but he also tells the truth too.
i was watching treasure island.
i'm confused. what are you laughing at?
honestly... i'm in awe.
i'm the biggest bitch on the planet.
i need somebody who can pee on my hand.
i'll lie. i don't care. i'll make up a good lie.
choose a number between one and ten.
do you know what a reuben sandwich is, [name]?
i may be a lot of things, but i ain't no hershey bar.
you're a very openly arrogant, pompous human being.
your inability to admit your failures without going into a whiny speech makes you a bit of a loser.
you lied to me.
what goes around comes around.
i can't wait to meet this guy.
he's a stupid ass.
stupid people. let me just say that again - stupid people.
did you get the letter?
i hope you guys all get bit by a freaking crocodile.
i'm not a very openly nice person.
i was your friend at the beginning of this.
i just think it's an interesting comment, coming from you.
is that part of the problem?
i will explain this to you.
i'm gonna burn his hat.
are you with me or against me?
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equaliizer · 2 years ago
Send memes?!
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equaliizer · 2 years ago
"OH SHIT, WE'RE TRAPPED!" PROMPTS *  assorted dialogue, adjust as necessary
looks like we're stuck here.
we'll never find a way out in time.
have you tried the door?
try jiggling the handle.
that's it. i'm smashing our way through.
i'm not going to die in here.
we've tried everything.
it's no use!
well, we're not getting out that way.
that was pointless.
do you have any other bright ideas?
this is all your fault.
i can't believe i listened to you.
this is what i get for trusting you.
everything's locked.
there must be another way.
it's pointless. there's no way we're getting out of here in time.
maybe we could try yelling for help?
wait, did you hear that?
i'm sorry. this is all my fault.
they tricked us.
i'm going to break the door down.
maybe we should just wait for someone to rescue us.
they'll notice we're gone. they'll come looking for us.
i wish i had a better idea.
of all the people i had to be stuck here with, it has to be you.
don't give me that look. this is all your fault.
wait! do you see that? light!
that's it! we're getting out of here!
hold your breath!
i found us another way out of here!
can you still hear me?
i'm gonna get us out of here.
keep your eyes fixed on me.
did the wall just move?
it just shut behind me!
that was our only way out!
tell me a story to pass the time.
they'll find us. they will.
once they see we've gone, they'll come looking for us.
i don't see any other options.
try using your shoulder to break the door down.
does anyone have a match?
i still have my flashlight!
how long have we been trapped in here?
feels like we've been down here for days.
you told me there was a way out!
everyone stand back. i'm going to try something.
let's see if this works.
well, we're fucked.
i'm not giving up just yet.
you're just wasting energy!
all right, sound off!
i can't see anything.
ow! you just stepped on my foot!
well, it was a nice try.
not sure what you were trying to accomplish with that.
that's your bright idea?
we're all gonna die.
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equaliizer · 2 years ago
PROMPTS FOR ANGSTY CONVERSATIONS *  a collection of things you never want to hear
you never told me that. i can't believe you never told me.
what difference does it make?
no, no, no, don't leave me! please!
i failed you. is that what you want me to say?
was it all a lie? all this time?
so... when do you leave? what time? so i can be ready.
why did it take you so long to tell me? how long have you been holding this in?
i was wrong.
is this it? is this all there is?
at least give me one last dance.
all the exits are blocked. we're trapped.
there's too much blood.
you're the worst person i've ever met.
you're just as broken as i am.
i really thought we could work things out.
so stupid of me to think you actually cared.
you're just going to carry on and pretend like everything's fine when it's not fine.
go on without me. i can handle this.
don't tell me i'm too late.
i told you to leave me alone.
there's no use in trying anymore. it's over.
i should have known. i should have known all along.
i need you to be honest with me. tell me the truth. i deserve the truth.
you failed me.
i wish i never met you.
it's over. go home.
i feel something broken inside me. you can't fix it. no one can.
just take some deep breaths. in and out. you're gonna be fine.
you used to be better than this.
there's no way out.
what the hell was that for?
if you stay here, you'll die. do you understand?
how dare you speak to me like that!
am i too late?
you have to believe me. i didn't mean for this to happen.
i used to think you were perfect. i guess i was wrong.
so this is how it ends? just like that?
we're running out of time.
when were you going to tell me the truth?
how long has it been since we spoke? feels like years.
when did this start? how long has this been going on?
you never really loved me. it was all fake.
who was that? why were they here? why did you let them in?
i came as fast as i could.
what the hell did you think would happen?
can i even trust you?
i don't know who i am anymore.
i can't lose you again.
you are my biggest regret.
what good will it do?
just keep pressure on the wound, okay?
how could you do this to me?
i said get out! get out of here!
i'm never speaking to you again.
i tried to stop it!
you're so fucking stupid.
it's never been okay.
good riddance.
get out of here! i'll handle this!
i can't believe you. i can't believe you did this to me.
you were a good person once. i looked up to you.
i never should have listened to you. i'm such a fool.
don't lie to me! i know when you're lying!
why the hell did you do that?
i've never been wanted. not really. not by anyone.
i never loved you.
i've been dealing with this my whole life.
it was all a lie.
you forgot my birthday.
i'm a monster.
you actually believed that shit?
you think i would just stick around and let you treat me like that?
are you actually leaving?
can i kiss you one last time?
i can't believe i gave up my life for you. i gave up everything for you.
i can't lose you, too!
for what it's worth, there's no one i would rather fight alongside.
hang on for me, all right? don't leave me. please don't go.
i deserve better than this. i deserve better than you.
good! get out of here! i didn't want you here anyway!
i made it up as i went along.
things are going to get worse before they get better.
i don't think we're getting out of this alive.
we're not gonna make it.
get the fuck out of my face.
i don't think i'm meant to be loved.
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equaliizer · 2 years ago
a friends only roleplay blog for robert mccall of the equalizer. please send in memes to start interactions. this blog is 25+ and runs on a queue. oh yeah, it's annika. :3
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a few important notes about this blog !!
i only follow friends from my other blog. my intention is to keep this extremely low-key.
shipping, in the romantic sense, probably won't happen. mainly because robert is between 40-65 in his default verse. but please, give me all the familial, enemies, and platonic ships.
there will be depictions of torture, murder, prostitution, and violence. if these subjects make you uncomfortable, i understand if you don't follow.
activity will be hella sporadic.
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