eptcoaching · 1 year
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The most rewarding experience is one that lasts long term and can be a major linchpin in ongoing business productivity. From ongoing nutritional education to progressive programming that enhances energy, strength and your body composition, you will be able to offer a premium work experience that’s a level up from the group fitness gym baseline status quo.
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eptcoaching · 2 years
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5 Ways To Start Transforming Your Physique
5 tips to transform your body starting today 
1. Vary your training every 3-4 weeks.
It’s not about “muscle confusion”, it’s more about the laws of adaptation, and overtime our bodies are engineered as we progressively get stronger, to adapt to a stimulus or training intensity. Normally where we see performance take a back seat is at the 4 week mark, especially if there hasn’t been a deload phase implemented in. Instead, it’s important to vary your training every 3-4 week as a rule of thumb to avoid injury and overcompensation due to strength quality plateaus.
Remember, adaptation is a good thing, we want to adapt, this is how we change and get stronger.
However, when that adaptation is formed, whether you’re doing an accumulation phase where your rep volume is high, exercise selection is high (between 6-8 movements) and your rest periods are low, it will all depend on the direct outcome you’re after. 
From hypertrophy to power phases, adaptations always need to be periodised so your optimizing the greatest potential for change. 
This will allow you to adopt new training parameters where intensity will vary, you will get less bored of training, see greater strength and/or metabolic progression and feel more in control of your success. 
 2. Train each body part twice a week.
 A common myth is that we must give our bodies a week rest between muscle groups. 
This can’t be further from the truth even if you’re smashing your workouts and doing your typical bodybuilding split. 
One major law of producing hypertrophy (muscle growth) is frequency. 
One great training split we use is Push/Pull/Lower/Full Body comprising of 4 workouts in 7 days.
3. Pick a daily protein goal and stick to it.
Muscle growth relies on enough quality protein sources. 
This means getting the right type of nutrients is just as essential as getting the right overall amount of protein. 
Our recommendation is to consume anywhere from 1.6g-2g of protein per Kg of bodyweight.
 4. Stay Consistent, take small wins to finish first. 
Changing the way you eat, train and manage your day to day lifestyle will be the hardest thing to do all at once. 
More than commonly known, we see clients that want to "dive" in the deep end and get right into it, full guns blazing with a "get the job done" mentality. 
In reality, this isn't the case. Set one goal to accomplish and create a habit, then form a new one and create another new good habit. 
Continue this until you have managed to check all the boxes. 
Once you can stay consistent with those changes focus on increasing your workout demands. 
 5. Make it a sheer goal to move more.
 We get lost in a business world Monday to Friday 9 to 5 (for most of us). 
This can involve attending day to day meetings and spending most of your time stationary at a desk. 
NEAT stands for "non exercise activity thermogenesis" this is basically the energy you use for anything that doesn't involve workouts at the gym. This can be walking to work every day, gardening, playing with the kids, taking the stairs, housework and even moving from meeting to meeting. 
We use the term "step goal" to assess how much NEAT energy we have used throughout the day for the most part. 
Understanding that NEAT plays a part in our results and making sure we continually keep moving our NEAT in an upward direction. 
We always recommend the basic 10,000 steps a day, this is approximately 500kcals a day of energy burned (can vary from person to person). Thats a great place to start, especially to lose those unwanted kilo’s after school holidays.
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eptcoaching · 2 years
Perth Personal Trainers An excellent exercise experience for you
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Are you having some excessive weight? Fitness training can be really tough if you don't have the right fitness trainer. Well, you must appoint a personal trainer for yourself no matter where do you live. Staying fit and healthy has become a necessity in recent times. A lot of people work hard to develop a nice body. Perth is a beautiful place located in Australia. A large number of people are living in this city due to its scenic beauty. If you are residing here then you must appoint a fitness personal trainer as quickly as possible.
Introduction to personal trainers in Perth
Personal trainers are expert fitness instructors that help you in carving the best possible body. They are really hard working and efficient when it comes to their work. Perth boasts of its innumerable fitness trainers. Both male and female instructors are working here. You must appoint them in the quickest possible time. In this article, we are going to provide you all the necessary information in this regard.
Why to choose a personal trainer
The advantages of choosing a fitness trainer are immense. They really offer us a lot of important suggestions and work out routines. Such individuals visit our home daily and help us exercise for a considerable period of time. They work for nominal amount of money. Besides, the technical knowledge they even help us in motivating ourselves. They instill self confidence in us.
You need to be very specific and clear while choosing the right options for yourself. According to me, you must work hard in order to choose the right fitness trainer. Do not worry too much just stay calm and clear in your approach. If you really want to lose your excessive weight then you must opt for a personal trainer as quickly as possible. He could definitely help you out in this process.
A good fitness trainer should be able to assess your fitness and health needs in the very first 1 on 1 weight training perthmeeting. He should suggest a balanced diet and the right nutrition values for your body. Besides, all this he should be able to keep you motivated enough to work out each day with complete dedication. You can take his help and craft a nice fitness schedule. Body building is not at all an easy task. You need to move further step by step in this process.
Ask for some free consultation services from your fitness trainer. I am sure he would guide you in the best possible way. No matter what happens you should be able to generate the best possible results. Health and fitness are two of the most trending topics worldwide. You must consider a lot of things regarding it. You would be quite amazed to know that working hard consistently is very important. Make sure you choose the right trainer. Otherwise, you might end up losing a lot of money.
You should consider your overall budget before appointing a fitness trainer. It is of utmost importance to do so. Make sure you read this article carefully before getting started with this process. Have fun and enjoy your work out sessions along with your personal trainer. Don't forget to choose a suitable place for your work outs.
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eptcoaching · 2 years
Weight Training For Women By Several Steps
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If you want to see your grandchildren grow up, weight training for women helps to keep women healthy and fit throughout their life. As people age their bodies steadily start to wear down. Fat and flab start to take its way. Energy levels and mobility starts to fade. Stress starts to build up. There is a common way to help combat these systems of aging. Through proper exercise it can help to reduce stress and it does for many people. After getting a good workout done many people feel revived and replenished. The long-term benefits of working out are good. Better body shape, less health problems, less doctor visits, less heart attack, less cancer, less health-related sicknesses and diseases.
Speaking of heart attack doing a form of cardiovascular exercise is not only good for the heart, but before weight training it is important because it brings blood to the muscles. The blood delivers oxygen and with blood and oxygen getting to your muscles, this will enable you to be able to start lifting weights efficiently. Warming up with a cardio exercise is essential to begin any type of work out.
Here is a sample warm-up that you can try on your own. First, stand in an upright position and raise knees high while your arms move forward and back as if you were running. You run in place for anywhere from 1 to 3 minutes.
Second, while standing; reach down to the floor with or without a medicine ball. Then, bring your hands up and over your head, reach to your right, reach to your left. Do this with a circular motion in order to stretch the back and then reach down again which stretches the legs. Make sure to keep a slight bend in the knees. Repeat 10 times and then reverse the direction.
Stretching is important and will loosen the muscles and tendons. It also helps to get the full range of motion while weight training. While standing reach down and grab your right leg or foot and then your left leg or foot. This stretch helps to strengthen the hamstrings. Hold these stretches for at least 15 seconds in order to increase flexibility over time.
To stretch the quadriceps and hip flexor, sit with your feet underneath your butt and see how far back you can go and hold it for 15 seconds while trying to stay relaxed and without major discomfort. When finished stand back up and spread your legs wide and see how wide you can get them. Stay relaxed and breathe deeply. In order to stretch the calves, push a wall and put your foot behind you. Then switch your foot so that the other foot that was forward is now back and being stretched.
Now that you are stretched and have warmed up properly, you are now ready to begin your lifting session. To discover more about weight training for women go to www.eptcoaching.com
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eptcoaching · 2 years
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EPT is the ultimate destination for 1 on 1 coaching in Perth. With some of the most industry effective equipment available ranging from top range dumbbells, machines and training plates such as Watson Strength Equipment , Atlantis Strength & Eleiko.
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eptcoaching · 2 years
The Best Group Fitness Classes In Perth: EPT Coaching
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It is said that a fit body houses a sound and healthy mind. When you are fit, your quality of life improves drastically. It becomes easier to make new friends, have fun,, and spend quality time with family. Also your immune system starts functioning better and this makes your body less prone to harmful diseases. Both exercising regularly and eating healthy are important to maintain better health. Exercise also help to produce growth hormone. Although you can do exercises efficiently on your own, a personal trainer can be of tremendous help.
Personal training and group fitness classes are commonly used methods for health exercises. In the former, a fitness expert is hired and he or she suggests suitable exercises personally. But, joining group fitness allows you to exercise in the company of many individuals, which is both motivating and fun.
If you are looking for the best, efficient group fitness classes in Perth, contact Ept Coaching. It has numerous years of experience in the health and fitness industry, providing effective, reliable fitness related services. It specializes in providing a wide range of health training services including
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eptcoaching · 2 years
Personal Training Services In Perth Area- How Can It Benefit You?
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Anyone who has tried to lose weight and obtained work by themselves can know that its not as simple as it first appears. Though the beginning of the program can go well, and you feel healthier and fitter, after only a few days actual life tends to intrude, and you may quit your fitness program quickly in order to go for a schooner at the bar, or eat out at a fancy restaurant.
1)    Certified Personal Trainers Perth
Of course, keeping fit and losing weight by yourself is almost impossible, and after a few tries on your own, it becomes evident why others opt for to have the advantages of personal training while they attempt to enhance their lifestyles.
2)    Consider personal training Perth
There are a variety of reasons why you should consider personal training Perth, trainers will assist you when you cannot control yourself. The primary, and most significant reason, is that a personal trainer will help you no matter what your age, physical condition, or ability. Rather than just being focused on running 100 meters in the very first session, personal trainers are able to adjust their learning program to accommodate almost anyone. Since they will modify the program to fit your wants, you are more likely to encounter the benefits of personal training as a constructive factor, and keep yourself going for longer.
3)     Serious weight loss, better physical fitness
Throughout your initial personal training Perth sessions, you may be inspired to debate your personal goals, whether that is serious weight loss, better physical fitness, muscle gain or handling an injury that has incapacitated you. Personal trainers will discuss you through what each training session can mean, and can offer you the personal attention that will encourage you to stick to the exercise regime long after you would have given up if you had been doing it by yourself.
4)     1 On 1 Weight Training Perth
After a number of personal training Perth exercise routines, you will begin to note the advancements in your health and fitness levels, and find out how to get the most out of your personal training sessions. But perhaps the biggest advantages of personal training are those which occur on the inside.
5)     Find A Gym Trainer In Perth
Taking sessions with a personal trainer will mean that you can handle more, because the trainer is constantly cheering and reassuring you, giving you more inspiration to complete your exercises, and praising you when you manage each routine. Because of this, you will even notice changes to your feelings, becoming more and more confident, and increasing self-esteem as you become thinner and fitter.
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