epochics · 4 years
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                   “ so i got a little turned around !     what of it ?    it happens to the best of us . “     @endseen​
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epochics · 4 years
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“ ‘m the exception, though, right? “ he leans forward on his forearms, expectant. “ i’m not like you, i’m not really a dog, but my name is mutt. “ a beat. “ and lister thinks i’m pretty good-looking, although – you know, i don’t know why. i’ll give you that. i’m ugly. and i’m not as stinky as i was when we all first met. i’ve bathed a few times since then. so. i at least got those two things. “
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               “ a monkey would think a monkey looks good . “     he argues  ;    petty in nature ,    but he wouldn’t be himself if he wasn’t petty .     “ he couldn’t tell a shirt apart from his food if his life depended on it !    he is the last person i’d expect to know what good looks like . “
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epochics · 4 years
does anyone want a starter from any1 since i have some time to write this morning?
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epochics · 4 years
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           “ listen ,    shithead .    did you want some toast or not ? “      @ncthingstars​ (for whoever  u choose)
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epochics · 4 years
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               “ if the universe exists in a state of flux ,     and no person is ever not a creation of chaos ,    would you like some toast ? “       @guttersniper​
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epochics · 4 years
he purses his lips and pushes them to the side in brief thought. then, an idea. he knows cat’ll hate it, and there’s no way he’d ever agree to it, but can’t he be cheeky every once and a while? doesn’t he deserve that?
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“ say dogs are better than cats and you’ll shoot right back up to my number one. “
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     “ no way ! “      his response comes sharply .    sudden much like the shock at the insinuation of such a statement .     he’s disgusted ,    it’s apparent in the lines on his face .    “ dogs are ugly !    eugh --    n’ they stink . “
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epochics · 4 years
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his eyes go wide and his mouth pops open, clearly dramatic. when he speaks, his voice is slow: “ would i ever lie to you, kitty? “
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           the thing about the cat is this: his ego is both inflamed and infallible .     there’s not a thing mutt could say or do that would bruise it ,    because he knows that mutt knows nothing .    there’s absolutely no way he could be the least favourite .     “ of course you would !    you’re doing it right now ! “
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epochics · 4 years
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“ … i take it back. you’re my least favorite. “
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            “ see ,    now i know you’re lyin’ .    have you met the people on this ship !? “
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epochics · 4 years
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                  a level of calm resides within the metal walls of the cruiser .     space has become more of a home than she ever would have liked it to be  ;     but at this point she’s not sure there’s anywhere else she belongs .     but she can’t complain ---- she’s not alone and that’s all she could really ask for .     IT MAKES A CHANGE .    a very ,    very nice change .     “ it’s nice to finally relax . “            @embrystar​
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epochics · 4 years
@epochics​  /  sc.  /  mutt & cat.
“ you’re annoying as fuck. “
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“ and very lucky i like you. “
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       “ lucky ?    man ,    liking me is natural .     i have a magnetic personality and a tight ass ,    what isn’t there to like ? “
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epochics · 4 years
@epochics·  /  sc.  /  wesley & mutt.
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“ d’ya really think they take you seriously? “ he allows the question to settle comfortably (uncomfortably?) into the silence. “ picard ‘n all of them. “
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            “ i think so . “    he answers  ;    though admittedly he sounds unsure .    there’s a certain element of disregard he finds from the people around him -- which isn’t surprising -- but they at least believe that he believes what he’s saying is serious .     “ they do when things start going wrong ,    i’ve noticed .    maybe not all the time .     what about you ?    do you feel listened to ? “
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epochics · 4 years
might write a few things tonight since my graphics card hasn't shown up so if you wanna write me something or drop me a mssg to request a muse ill write u smth instead!
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epochics · 4 years
might write a few things tonight since my graphics card hasn't shown up so if you wanna write me something or drop me a mssg to request a muse ill write u smth instead!
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