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Ruched Midi Dress
As I promised, another mashup with this top, now a midi dress! It's a mashup of my 4t2 SP09 Ruched, and Rented-Space’s 3t2 Off Shoulder Dress. The shoes are Io's conversion of Sentate's Vivier pumps, edited by Angelapleasant.
For teens, adults, and elders, they have the appropriate morphs. I made 8 recolors, but here's the PSD for recoloring. As usual, you can choose if you want the other ages repo'd to the AF files, or not :)
Download Ruched Midi Dress Repo'd - Alternate
Download Ruched Midi Dress Standalone - Alternate
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Veranka converted this cute chair from Life Is Strange to Sims 4, and I don't know if this has been converted before or if a Sims 2 version already existed, but here it is anyway. It came in only one color so I also recolored it in Hafi's Skunky Palette.
4t2 Veranka LiS Class Chair [ Download: SFS / Box ]
Credits: Don't Nod, @veranka-s4cc
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CEP-Extra for
'The Path Through The Glass Ceiling' [AL]
and recolors
Download: SFS | BOX

I'm pretty sure it hasn't been made yet (?) and I don't know why since this is a nice object and also the only spiral metal staircase we have in TS2. 'Radial stairs' came with Apartment Life EP.
CEP-extra turns glass steps into recolourable subset. My recolors will also work without it tho.
Recommended mods: 'go under spiral stairs' by Nopke
*This is for The Sims 2
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More Animal Crossing: New Horizons conversions!
This time, I converted the Wall-mounted phone and Cordless phone. Well, they both ended up being cordless phones after I removed the cord from the wall phone, but I figured it would work better with Sims 2 that way.
Now, it turns out that making phones is probably the worst and least fun thing you can ever get up to! I tried my best, but there are still some issues. The Cordless phone clips a little with the thumb when held and the ring fx isn't well aligned (I did try to fix it!). The Wall-mounted phone looks a bit derpy while dialing, as there are no buttons on the handset. Also, the phone handset position for both phones gets messed up after they rings and needs to be reset by being picked up. However, that's an issue also present in Maxis phones.
Make sure you get both the phone and handset files. I used Numenor's Phone Clone Templates for this.
Download: SFS
Oh, you're still here? Well, there isn't more to this post, but maybe you'd be interested in @crispsandkerosene's Extended StandardMaterial Shader...
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3t2 - Under the Sea
“But a mermaid has no tears, and therefore she suffers so much more.” 🧜♀️ Hans Christian Andersen, The Little Mermaid

A good amount of conversions for building an underwater castle or mermaid house, colored in tones of the sea (more or less).

Find more details in my corresponding WordPress post.
Credits: pillar coral, tube sponge, sea fan, starfishes by Veranka; fishes & bubbles by Windkeeper, climbing plants by Shakeshaft, aloa grass by Murano
Colossal head, staircase, boat relic, propeller, anchor, and cannon were uploaded by me here and here.
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@lucilla-sims 4t2 EP04 Overalls with Rain boots Obligatory Stardew Valley inspired Preview. I made this mostly for fun and i'm happy to be sharing them. They come in the original 10 colors paired with the same boots (I made a version with different boots but didn't like much). They come with Fat and Preg morphs, for YAF and AF. Happy Farming! DOWNLOAD
SFS || Mediafire
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Next we have T-shiiiiirts! And jeans! Here are most of the recolors from @bustedpixels Basic Tee Misc Prints and also most of the striped recolors from this set on both @platinumaspiration's Mashed Potato conversions and also @mdpthatsme's Moschino Tee conversions! (I had to cut a few of the recolors for all our sakes.) The Moschino versions are for TM-EM and you can have them stand-alone or repo'd to AM, and you can also have the Mashed versions standalone or repo'd to the Moschino AMs. They're set for Everyday, Gym, and PJs, swatches are not included because they were really inflating the download size and I don't have the energy to make a proper swatch for 56! colors (you can get 'em here if you need 'em) but meshes are included and everything's compressed.
Download Mashed@SFS
Download Mashed@Dropbox
Download Moschino@SFS
Download Moschino@Dropbox
Also! I put the cuffed jeans from this BustedPixels set on @lucilla-sims conversions. (Those are the ones Danny and Pol are wearing.) AM only, set for Everyday and Outerwear, borrowed!swatch and the mesh are included and everything's compressed.
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Making new clothes for Apollo and that means we all win, woo!
First up! I put liliili-sims4's Oscar Hoodie on @platinumaspiration's First Fit meshes, and then I added @nuagelle's Simlish Adidas logo because I missed the cute logo on the original recolors.
I think they came out really well!
They're for TF-EF and TM-EM, set for Everyday, Athletic, and Outerwear, repo'd or standalone, the meshes re included, and everything's compresed.
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You know how you can play this game for 20 years and still find new things? I only recently learned this interaction existed, and now I love it! Romance Sims with the aspiration benefit can smooth talk people, and give them a rose. Except it just visually presents a rose, that then disappears into the ether. Why not disappear into the pocket of the recipient I wondered? So I made that happen!
Thanks to some guidance from the wonderful @episims and studies of their functional camera mod, I was able to figure out turning this accessory into essentially a deco-object once it is taken from inventory. It'll rotate and fit neatly on a surface.
I recommend @pforestsims' default rose, it is way prettier and it's what I use in the pictures, but the mod will also work with the maxis original.
Did it need to exist? Maybe not. But I wanted it, so here we are!
Download from simfileshare
No conflicts that I know off. Seems unlikely given the niche nature of the mod and the fact that it only edits resources in the accessory rose, but HCDU+ can tell you if you are worried.
Credits: Episims, would not exist without their knowledge and generosity in letting me pick their brain :3 PForest for the default that was how I realized this interaction existed in the first place.
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TrekBuks Bookcase from Apartment Life, remapped and recolored!
All this talking about books and bookcases got me looking for books not yet recolored and I realised this bookcase was being chronically ignored by everyone which makes sense, I mean, it is more bookcase than books. It's a typical bookcase for people who don't read.😄
But it looks pretty and it is actually pretty easy to recolor, so:
I remapped and repositoried the books to the Cinderbooks Bookcase so I didn't have to recolor books again. Which would have been a lot quicker in hindsight but who cares at this point, what has been done is done.🤡 This means that if you have my Cinderbooks Bookcase recolors I did earlier, the new textures will fit prettily on this bookcase as well. The red bookcase on the first picture shows the new Cinderbooks Bookcase Maxis textures. If you need more, these ones from plasticbox will work too. If you don't want to see the Maxis texture at all, Vickie has you covered with her defaults.
Important! My file (LotteTrekBuksBookcaseUVMapEdit.package) will conflict with CEP if you have it. That is why my file should load after the _EnableColorOptionsGMND.package that you placed in the downloads folder for CEP. I don't remember exactly where CEP puts that file but one way to make sure my file does not conflict is to put it in a folder lower than the one for _EnableColorOptionsGMND.package. For example; put that file in a folder named A and my file in a folder named B and it will load after it.
I've also made recolors in the usual Cluedo Woods and Colors. I liked both white and black metal for the rods so all recolors come with both versions (the one with 1 behind the name are white rods and 2 are the black rods). I have also included a file to replace the four default options if you so wish (see last picture to see which replaces which).
Credits: @shastakiss (textures and colors)
It is possible to use my recolors and not download my remapping file, it is completely optional to use both!
Download (UV map edit)
Download (recolors)
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@lucilla-sims 4t2 EP14 Tank Button Up for EF (requested by anon)
Some nice plaids for nice ladies! They have fatmorph, come in the original 14 colors (swatch is stolen), and you can choose if you want them repo'd to the AF files (that you can find here), or not :)
Download EP14 Tank Button Up EF Repo'd - Alternate
Download EP14 Tank Button Up EF Standalone - Alternate
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📦 Tuesday CC Dump
Here's this thing (two things, to be exact) I came up with. Looks kinda modernist, as in: eastern bloc modernism 😅 Decorative bits can be used on its own to create a sort of leaning pergola.
Angled Wall mini set
Download: SFS | BOX
❗ Note: Top bit becomes quite dark if a wall is lit from the opposite side :/
Angled wall mask is actually a window but I categorized both objects as Buildmode/Architecture (so M&G EP is required).
*This is for The Sims 2
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Homecrafter of the Month # 14

This month features mostly murals and floors. Above you see Tres Tintas' Quijote. They are on 4 tiles.

I put some square shaped murals on sims2play's mesh 17. I think they are from Art for the Home. I deleted the pics after I checked them in game so I lost the source.

The last one is not from that set. It's a 1970's Op Art mural - to go along with these:

This is a more modern take on the stuff we used back then. Back then we had all this cool black and white stuff that was mostly doodling.

Four types of floors. A 1980's aqua shag carpet, the last of the dark parquets from SketchUp, and two tile sets.

Pottery Studio murals. They're one tile walls that just seamlessly go together nicely.

Missed a swatch. These walls might work nicely for commercial lots.

Lastly, an assortment of colored brick walls from SketchUp Textures.
It's all in one download, but feel free to keep what you like and pitch what you don't.
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4t2 History of the World on the Civic Idol Mesh
From Sims 4 Basegame, 1 texture only
Download - Alternate
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4t2 Every Man and Every Woman Decals on the Ikea Slatthult Sticker
From Sims 4 Basegame. The male and female decals are each separate textures, I just used the quarter tile cheat to put them side by side. This sticker is smaller than the Sims 4 mesh but I think it's the perfect size to put outside bathrooms and shower rooms. You could combine them with the arrow decals I posted yesterday to make "Bathrooms This Way" type signs. They require the Poppy Sticker default I've included in the download. If you want them bigger @lordcrumps converted them on the Sims 4 mesh.
Download - Alternate
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Here's my attempt at recreating the Sims' Plus Minos Column and Trapezoik Windows. Also included are Trapezwoid Windows, which is just a wider version I made so that the edges touch because I found the visual effect to be super neat. Diagonal meshes are included, and they pick up recolors from "The Function of Plate Glass" windows.
[Download - Column]
[Download - Windows]
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Hi everybody!
I received a lot of positive messages about the last set of doors I posted. After that I was thinking "why am I not recoloring construction objects anymore?". So, I'm looking to do more.
Today I brought another set of doors that should match the previous set. This time I imagined a door a little more classic than the previous one.
** Maxis recolor. **
I hope like it like I did.
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