epiphaniarp-blog · 5 years
I know a lot of people probably don’t remember me (or just got sick of my flaky ass) but I’ll be making a return with a new blog containing some of these muses. If you would like to stay in touch and continue to write then please give this a like and I will add you over on my new account and the muse you’d like to write with.
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epiphaniarp-blog · 5 years
I know a lot of people probably don’t remember me (or just got sick of my flaky ass) but I’ll be making a return with a new blog containing some of these muses. If you would like to stay in touch and continue to write then please give this a like and I will add you over on my new account and the muse you’d like to write with.
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epiphaniarp-blog · 5 years
I know a lot of people probably don’t remember me (or just got sick of my flaky ass) but I’ll be making a return with a new blog containing some of these muses. If you would like to stay in touch and continue to write then please give this a like and I will add you over on my new account and the muse you’d like to write with.
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epiphaniarp-blog · 5 years
I know a lot of people probably don’t remember me (or just got sick of my flaky ass) but I’ll be making a return with a new blog containing some of these muses. If you would like to stay in touch and continue to write then please give this a like and I will add you over on my new account and the muse you’d like to write with.
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epiphaniarp-blog · 5 years
I know a lot of people probably don’t remember me (or just got sick of my flaky ass) but I’ll be making a return with a new blog containing some of these muses. If you would like to stay in touch and continue to write then please give this a like and I will add you over on my new account and the muse you’d like to write with.
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epiphaniarp-blog · 5 years
I know a lot of people probably don’t remember me (or just got sick of my flaky ass) but I’ll be making a return with a new blog containing some of these muses. If you would like to stay in touch and continue to write then please give this a like and I will add you over on my new account and the muse you’d like to write with.
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epiphaniarp-blog · 5 years
I know a lot of people probably don’t remember me (or just got sick of my flaky ass) but I’ll be making a return with a new blog containing some of these muses. If you would like to stay in touch and continue to write then please give this a like and I will add you over on my new account and the muse you’d like to write with.
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epiphaniarp-blog · 5 years
I know a lot of people probably don’t remember me (or just got sick of my flaky ass) but I’ll be making a return with a new blog containing some of these muses. If you would like to stay in touch and continue to write then please give this a like and I will add you over on my new account and the muse you’d like to write with.
I can’t go into too much detail given it’s both personal and a touchy subject for me but I lost someone very close to me who I have known for over 20 years and my health has been far from great. It’s only very recently I’ve been able to get some help with things going on in my life which is why I’m finally able to return.
While I’m here I would also like to thank everyone who ever wrote anything with me. I have so many beautiful memories of this blog and the people I met and whether we continue to write or not I really wish you the best and thank you for everything. Please never give up on your dreams and remember each and everyone of you is amazing.
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epiphaniarp-blog · 6 years
Taking the offered glass from her and bringing it to his lips to take a sip. “Chinese sounds so good right now… what do you want? I’ll order, its on me today” he smiled sweetly down at her
“Thank you.” She gave him a grateful smile before taking a small sip of her own drink as she thought. “Could I have chicken chow mein please?” The woman requested politely as her head tilted “I’ll go pick us out some movies to choose from while you order, okay?”
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epiphaniarp-blog · 6 years
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While Jinah didn’t get the chance to talk to everyone signed onto the company she at least knew of everyone regardless of what their role might be. She knew all of the names, knew all of the faces, and in turn most if not all of the company knew who she was too. They knew to go to her if they wanted to talk to Mr Choi, that sometimes she may be able to help them instead, and Jinah was the one who handled all the information gathered on anyone who signed on with the company and made sure it was all safely kept out of reach of anyone who may want to get their hands on it.
That all kept her busy enough, though that was only one task on a long list she had to fulfil, it was a busy job but one that kept her in the life she wanted and so she was smiling easily when Yuri approached her desk.
Yuri, instrumentalist, pianist and drummer though has a special talent and preference for the drums. He helped record most of the tracks that went through the company, from demo up to the final release, and would occaisionally take part in performances where live music was a requirement. He was a nice guy, popular amongst talent and staff, though their paths hadn’t crossed enough up to that point for them to have a real chat.
“Yuri-ssi, good afternoon” she greeted politely, being Mr Choi’s secretary before anything else when she was in the company building. Despite that though she wouldn’t deny giving Yuri a second glance on the few occaisions they had walked past one another, the man was good looking, though she knew to keep professional “Let me check with Mr Choi that it is okay for me to go for lunch, my break is due soon anyway” she would always check before going, as the industry they were in was an unpredictable one. Sometimes she would have to have lunch later, or even work through it, as things could suddenly come up and she wouldn’t want to ever be in a position where she had simply left without a word only for things to go wrong.
With a small hand gesture telling the man to wait she picked up her phone, pressing the button that put her straight onto Mr Choi’s line. The discussion was short, Jinah simply asking if it was okay for her to head to lunch before asking if her boss would like her to bring anything back, and with the answers she needed she hung up with a “Be sure you eat too, sir”. Once the phone was down she locked her computer and turned off the moniter, smiling at Yuri as she stood up from her seat “I’m all yours for the next hour, did you have anywhere in mind for lunch?”
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The male chuckled softly at the woman’s greeting and the use of formality. He knew it was how the country worked but still it felt so strange to be greeted in such way when he had been treated as nothing more than a lifeless doll through most of his existence. “You really don’t have to be so formal Jinah.” Was he supposed to say it too? There was a chance that he was supposed to but he would much rather treat others like friends and have them do the same in return. “I know we are colleagues but I’d very much like for us to become friends so I hope you stop feeling the need for formalities.” He added after a moment to try and clarify his reason. 
While Jinah checked with her boss, Yuri pulled out his phone to start reading through the many messages he had received that day. He really had become quite popular in no time at all, something that should probably have been expected anyway given his concept design for the launch of the doll.  
 Yuri was mid text when the woman spoke to him again and so his fingers sped up to finish the message that he had been typing while replying. “There was a nice cafe down the street that do the best soups. I thought it might be perfect to warm up with the cold weather but if you’d prefer something else we can go to another place.”
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epiphaniarp-blog · 6 years
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It probably wouldn’t be expected of him based on his appearance, rugged with tattoos covering his arms with biceps and shoulders that slightly strained the short sleeves of his t-shirt, but Nate liked to explore different cafes and coffee shops. He wasn’t a coffee snob, though he did enjoy a warm cup of coffee, but instead it was the atmosphere of cafes and coffee shops he enjoyed. He would write a lot of songs in coffee shops, had done back in America too, but exploring what sort of coffee shops Seoul had to offer was a fun way for him to get used to the city too. 
He was still rather new to Seoul, having only arrived a few months before, and it had been a large shock to the system even with him already being good at Korean thanks to growing up in a mixed race family. Korea was an awful lot different to America, Nate still had a lot to learn, but one thing he had found was that music fans weren’t much different at all. They held the same enthusiasm, let off the same energy, and that kept his job as a performer just as exciting even when he was on the other side of the globe.
He was able to play shows fairly often, thanks to the large population of foreigners in Seoul, and as he played more shows the more people became aware of him. Sometimes people would recogise him, even when out casually during the day, and no matter how many times it happened it still always surprised him. That was why he found his brows lifting as a woman approached him, an attractive woman though that was only a thought in the back of his mind, but a smile was quick to take over his features as he took in her words.
“Oh, hey, yeah, that was me” he replied, placing his drink down as he spoke so that he wasn’t talking over the top of it “Thanks, that means a lot, it’s real nice to hear what people think of my work”
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Diana had hoped that she wouldn’t come across like a creepy fan, something she was sure that the musician must have experienced in his time as a singer. It was a bizarre thought to know how over the top some people could act just because someone was a little famous but that wasn’t her. The demon simply wished to compliment rather than impose on him and that was why she had left her drink and cake upon another table, a sign that she would leave him in peace if he wished it.
“You’re welcome, sweetie.” Many found her usage of the word ‘sweetie’ to be condescending and honesty when she had started using the word that had been exactly what it was. Now she had softened however it was hard to break the habit and she was sure with no negativity before hand that it wouldn’t come across patronising, or at least that was what she hoped.
“Are you going to be performing anywhere soon?” She questioned him curiously. the world in which she came from was at peace and she had ways of finding out if things changed. Thanks to that she felt free enough to enjoy a few things that the human world offered and live music was certainly one of the best.
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epiphaniarp-blog · 6 years
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She nods her head without any hesitation, even though she knows she’s never been in a fight before. Never done anything remotely violent. What could she really do? Threaten them with flowers and fruit? Hardly the most threatening creature on earth she was. “I’m a very scary person.” She straightens her back, placing her hands on her hips like she’s seen when other people have gotten angry. Is she imposing? Hostile? Probably not, but it was worth a shot. She could always make them trip over a tree root, get a face full of dirt. Not high in damage but it would certainly take their pride down a few notches. “They won’t even know what hit them. I’m like that girl on the telly, super female or something!”  
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While he didn’t believe her words, because face it who would believe that the woman was scary) he had to admit that he appreciated both the sentiment and the fact it seemed like she was trying to cheer him up. He wasn’t violent anyway and so while upset he wished no harm upon the man who had insulted him but it was fun to at least think about. “Somehow I can’t really picture you as a scary or violent person. It just makes me think of a kitten taking little swipes at a large a dog.” He teased her playfully now his mood had thankfully lifted. “You’re super kitten now.”
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epiphaniarp-blog · 6 years
Subin let her head fall to the side to lean against James’s shoulder, the man was always so good at keeping a straight face but she knew if someone had reached such a conclusion about her then it would have hurt her even if just a little. He was doing so much for this doll, and she didn’t doubt that he knew the doll was scared or lacking trust, but sometimes it was good to hear it from someone else too to solidify the knowledge and that was why she had said it. The doll was understandably still lacking trust and probably very scared and so while she was sure it wasn’t a lack of thanks or gratitude she knew it could probably easily feel that way.
“You’ve already done so much for him” she spoke up softly, her eyes lifting to look at James from where her head was rested against him “I’m sure he’ll learn to trust you, to not be scared, but to be moved from place to place like this must have rattled him really badly. I know that if anyone can help him though then it’s you” she breathed out a soft laugh at the mention of Simon, she was rather fond of the stuffed animal but she knew that he was…special…to put it nicely “Yeah, we should keep Simon away from him” she agreed easily.
She didn’t expect the doll to turst her either, she had only just found out that he was even living so while he had seen her around the apartment they both didn’t know each other at all. They were both strangers, she was able to do more than him and was so much bigger in size, she wouldn’t be surprised if he was scared of her too “I guess all we can do for now is try to make him comfortable and gain his trust, now I know he’s not just a normal doll I’ll start talking to him more…maybe that will help”
“I hope so.” James was a man who to many could come across like nothing more than a workaholic. He was articulate, intelligent and while a gentleman it did seem to some that he didn’t truly care about much beyond his fiance, his brothers and his work. Subin was one of the few people in the world to have seen that beneath his polite way of speaking and serious approach to much in life that he did indeed have a heart. Of course though he cared about others because how could he not? It was just the way he had been raised to hide those concerns, his thoughts and his feelings and so he wasn’t the most expressive but he really did care. “I know it will take time, however I will not give up trying to help him.” His gaze lowered to the doll in his fiance’s hands. “To help you.”
The demon nodded his head in agreement at her next words. “That is what I have been trying to do though admittedly at the same time I was trying to hide the truth from you. I didn’t know if you would be afraid to think of a human made doll with a soul. He isn’t like Simon after all.”
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epiphaniarp-blog · 6 years
God, she was pathetic. It was so unlike her to be acting this way. It had been weeks and yet she couldn’t keep herself from checking her phone. A text. A missed call. She got her hopes up each time the stupid thing vibrated or a soft tone sang out. But she’d given up on reaching out quite a while ago. Maybe he’d realize his mistake and come back? Then again, maybe this was all for the best. She’d never been completely honest with him, anyway. There were things she’d done that she wasn’t proud of, things she’d done out of jealousy and spite. She might have continued doing those things had it not been for Suoh’s presence. When she had him, she didn’t feel the need to compete for someone else’s attention. She didn’t care if no one else was looking at her. All that mattered was him. She’d grown soft, hadn’t she? It was undeniable at this point. He’d given her something she’d never known, and it had filled that ugly void inside of her that had left her full of hatred. But now he was gone and it was like she was falling to pieces. The only thing that kept her from killing right now was hope. Hope that maybe one day he’d catch her walking the long route to classes, passing by his work, and he’d walk out to stop her,
It all felt futile. The amber liquor in her small glass went down as easy as water- she didn’t taste the bitterness, didn’t feel the burn. If someone passed her something to drink, she took it without question. This party was fine, maybe it would have seemed better if she’d been in a better mood, but everything felt pale for now. Boring and dull. She had plenty of people to talk to, men to flirt with if she wanted, but her mind came back to Suoh. If he was here with her…
She blinked twice when she first saw him across the room. There was no way he was real, right? She wasn’t drunk out of her mind, but she must have been drunk enough that she was mistaking someone else for him? That had never happened before, and the fact that it might be happening now was worrying. Had she really grown that attached? Seriously, she was a pathetic mess. She turned away, focused on a conversation with her friend for a bit. The next time she saw that guy, he wouldn’t look so much like Suoh. She was just being stupid. And yet when she noticed him for the second time, the male a bit closer, a bit clearer, there was no denying that it was him. Right there. In the same room. Had she been sober, she might have ignored him out of pride or anger. Drunk Hyemi, however, had other plans. She needed to talk to him, to ask him what was going on. And if it went poorly, then so be it. At least she’d have some closure.
It was only a few minutes later, while she was going through a hundred different ways to strike up conversation with him, that she watched him walk out towards the beer garden. Now was her chance, away from prying eyes and loud music, to talk to him. Or yell at him. Or whatever she was about to do. She followed him out, wine glass in hand, fingers trembling. She would just ask him, plainly, why he’d been avoiding her. That sounded like a good idea. No need for arguments or tears or any of that bullshit. She was 19 years old, an adult, she could handle this. Except when she finally caught up to him, his back still turned to her as if he hadn’t yet noticed her presence, every word she’d wanted to say to him was gone. All she could manage was his name. It came out as hardly more than a breath at first, probably too quiet for him to hear, but she summoned enough sense to repeat his name a bit louder, to try to grab his attention. What was she doing? She should have just left this alone. He clearly didn’t want to see her. But she was a woman possessed by her emotions, if just for now, and she wanted answers.
God how he hated this. Clubs had only ever been fun in his younger years and even then they hadn’t been as fun as the nights he’d gone out with Hyemi. There he was hoping to forget and yet even the smell of cigarette smoke and stale booze reminded him of those nights they had visited the clubs. Maybe he would be able to drink enough that it would numb each and every one of his senses or maybe he would drink too much that his heart would overrule his head and have him making a call he would be embarrassed about for days to come.
With a heavy sigh he raised his glass to his lips and as the whiskey poured down his throat he couldn’t even find it in himself to care about that burn. Never before did he drink to get drunk having always chosen social drinking but now he had to drink to forget. 
With his thoughts filled he hadn’t even caught the first mention of his name because of course the last thing he would have expected was to bump into her but at the second Hyemi had his attention. “Oh god...” The words were whispered out so quietly that there was no way he could have heard him as he turned to look at the woman but what did he say? He had been avoiding her for weeks to keep her safe and now he knew that she would want answers that he just couldn’t give. There was just no way that she could accept him for all that he was and all that he had done. A killer without control and one who lacked remorse for so many murders. If she knew the truth than she would be afraid of him and that was even worse than her hating him. 
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epiphaniarp-blog · 6 years
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stumped isn’t even a good enough adjective. here she was, thinking maybe she could salvage this interaction and catch up with an old friend (whoever he was), but he’s being cryptic to a fault. it was still technically her own fault for not remembering, but couldn’t he give her a damn clue? this seemed a little unfair.
she swallows down her frustration, pursing her lips briefly before putting on a smile. “i’m sure i’ll be able to get this. you’re… um… not… baek… beom, are you?” she’s pretty sure she’d had a classmate by that name back in, like, kindergarten, or something.
still, she thinks it’s kind of weird that he’d not just outright introduced himself; seulgi can’t really understand why he would just be hanging around watching her. maybe he was shy, but… something just didn’t add up, for some reason.
 “the sun’s going down. everyone has drinks at this time.” she jerks her thumb vaguely to the main road, where bar signs light up the street. “it’ll be… it’ll be fun. even just a drink or two.” 
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“Baekbeom?” The male repeated. It was true that he had forgotten his name in the years of neglect but he was sure that wasn’t even close to the name that she had given to him all of those years ago.It really was to be expected that she wouldn’t recognise him given how the only similarities he held to the bear he had once been was one broken eye and his hair being the same shade of purple he had been in his toy self. “No. I’m not him but I’m sure I’ll make you remember in time.” His words would have sounded innocent enough, maybe even playful despite the lack of enthusiasm in his tone but he had his ways of making her remember in the end, even if it meant she lost everything else.
Had she always been this trusting? She was completely unaware if he was even telling the truth on them having known each other in the past and yet she was not only willing to spend time with him, she was being the one to suggest it. Yes, yes he was sure she had always been this naive but it would work in his favour in the end.
“Okay then. Lead the way.” He replied calmly as he looked towards the main road.  
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epiphaniarp-blog · 6 years
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“you need a what?” no sooner had his question of disbelief sounded, the boy was out of sight. jesus christ. of course he needs a knife. he’s going to end your miserable life once and for all, lee youngjoon. 
the wave of fear that comes from this thought can’t trump the exasperation he’s feeling. he runs his hands through his hair, groaning for what feels like the thirtieth time tonight; today just isn’t his day. first, his girlfriend, and now some crazy college kid that’s snorted one too many lines? where was the rest he needed – the rest he deserved? 
with heavy, angry steps, he makes a beeline for the kitchen. the sounds of metal clattering get closer as he storms in, a frown line etched deep in his forehead. he’s not surprised to find the kitchen a mess already, silverware strewn across the kitchen countertop.
“will you stop?” he demands. “i don’t need any proof; what i need is sleep. i need a break from the insanity of today. what the hell are you planning on doing with my knives, anyway? and i could have sworn i’d thrown out that stupid doll you’re holding hours ago.” 
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Yeonho knew that there was no way that this was going to look good. He was a stranger in Youngjoon’s home, a stranger running for a knife and so of course he knew that his owner would assume the worst. What other option did he have though? There was no way that words would be enough to prove to him that he was indeed that discarded doll and so he hoped he would be able to prove it before the man stopped him.
The doll was frantic in his search for a sharp looking knife and so without care he threw all that was in his way out of it. He just needed a knife. He just needed to prove the truth and maybe... maybe if he did then Youngjoon would allow him to stay. He would do anything to finally find a home and so while he knew this would hurt it was a pain he would be willing to bare if it kept him with some security.  
 As soon as the flash of silver caught his eye in the bottom of the drawer he pulled out the raze sharp knife before turning to the man. 
“I’m sorry for disturbing your sleep... master.” He knew that he was being a nuisance and the last thing he wanted was to upset the man he now viewed to own him but the only other thing he could do was leave and that wasn’t a choice. “You did throw me away but...” How did he even finish that? The doll had no idea how he had ended up in the other man’s home, nor did he know why he was human. He just knew that it had happened and he had something to prove. 
He couldn’t even breathe in fear of the pain as he raised the doll but it was a fear that he was forced to push aside. It was this or leave and he knew the latter would hurt even more than what he was about to do.
 With a loud gasp of pain he dragged the blade over the dolls arms and result was instant as his own soft skin began to weep with blood. “I-I’m not lying.” He sniffed out, tears welling in his eyes then rolling down his cheeks. “ Y-you’re my owner, please.. I’ll do anything if you let me stay... I-I’ll cook... clean. I c-can take care of you just please don’t make me go.” The boy begged as the knife fell from his hand so he could press his palm against the wound. “Please...”
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epiphaniarp-blog · 6 years
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something else is bubbling in her chest; more tears, maybe, but also a renewed sense of frustration as well. here she was, begging for him to take her back, and, for some reason, things aren’t going the way she’d hoped they would. he was still… closed off, hesitant, holding her only at arms length, figuratively. 
but she missed him – how many more ways would she have to say so just for him to believe her? 
“i remember. i remember we fought. i remember how frustrated we always were about each other. but i also remember how crazy i was about you. age gap or not, that’s still true. no other guy compares to you.”
was that straight out of that drama she’d binged three days ago? it sounded out of character, a little cheesy, and at another time, she might think back on this and cringe, but for now, those words encompassed everything she felt. at his soft, frustrated confession, her fingers tighten around his shirt, and she weakly tugs him closer, her eyes dropping from his face to stare at where her hand meets his body. 
“you won’t lose me again. you never lost me. i’m still yours.” 
Jaejin knew that his reluctance to just pull the weeping woman into his arms probably made him appear heartless but somebody had to be strong and it evidently wouldn’t be her. They had been through all of this before and no matter how much it hurt and how much he wanted her to be his once more he just couldn’t put them through that heartache again. Both of them needed to move on and both of them needed to heal instead of stepping back into the war zone that had been their relationship.Then again how long had it been and he still wasn’t over her? Maybe this was something he would never be able to get over and now she was making it so much harder.
“Mirae...” The male sighed out as his fingers scratched gently at his scalp. The truth was that he was nervous that he wasn’t strong enough after all to keep up this rejection. Each word she said reminded him of so much and each word made his heart ache and long for the woman that after everything was still in love with him. “I know. I was crazy about you too.” and I still am. “But what if we break up again and things get even uglier than they were this time? I don’t want you to end up actually hating me if we just can’t make this work.”
It would have been easy at his height and weight to pull away from the woman’s tug and yet he didn’t. He had tried to be strong for so long but seeing the vulnerability in his ex broke him down and his expression both softened and saddened. With a heavy breath his fingers came up to run through the woman’s hair before he spoke again.
“You have no idea how much I want to say yes. I can’t stop thinking about you. I keep getting jealousy of all the people you spend time with. I want you. I just...” God he really was breaking. He knew that he shouldn’t say another word and yet he did. “Let’s try harder this time, okay?”
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