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I’m not sure if this appeals to anyone who follows me, but I recently put together a fillable Character History Sheet for any characters you might be writing, whatever the medium may be (Comics, animations, films, etc.).  The two Page form is heavily based off of the one Hirohiko Araki presented in his book Manga in Theory and Practice, a book I’d recommend to any aspiring writers and artists, even if you aren’t necessarily interested in manga.  The form also pulls a few ideas from Film Crit Hulk’s Character Tree, as well as a few things I like to think about when I write characters.
Fillable Version: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B3J0HQiMwHuIdjlYeXBPTTBYMW8
Non-Fillable: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B3J0HQiMwHuIT1VrQ2ZTNHFKVlE
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I can't do this anymore. I'm quitting this hellsite.
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I just had to post this on its own.  Yes I have watched the video and no the person has no idea what a cartel is or how it works and he also doesn’t understand how the free market works either.  The entire video is: the first part; insulting people that buy video game and don’t play them the way wants them played, and the second part which is recapping the EA Battlefront 2 loot box fiasco and adding nothing new to the discourse.  Also just look at that length, that’s some sweet sweet ad revenue. 
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If you ever find yourself in the “skeptic”/Anti-SJW part of Youtube, they make shit videos, but they are a goldmine for clickbait.
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Yes very shocking.
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Really this one’s not that bad.
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Funny I’ve never seen this before.
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Oh boy another ad that has no idea what wants to be.
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Seeing Disney go out of business.
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I highly doubt that is under $18,000.
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This one is weird because it’s just so plain and doesn’t tell you anything.
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I really don’t trust this.
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I think everyone knows who these two are.
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The longer you look the less sense it makes.
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Psst I’ll give you a secret, it’s on the plane up there.
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Behold the lumberjack werewolf, truly the most horrifying costume one can have.
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