enyazefanya-blog · 8 years
Zodiac Reads (Part 3)
Most compatible Zodiac signs
Least compatible Zodiac Signs
How does your Zodiac sign say ‘I love you”?
How each sign achieves happiness
What is your Zodiac sign’s unhealthy trait?
Zodiac Cuddle buddies
Which Zodiac sign do you have a hard time talking to?
Which Zodiac signs make the perfect tag team
What does your crush’s Zodiac sign say about them?
Which sign would you have the best date night with?
Who does your sign have the most fun with?
What is your Zodiac’s compatible birth month?
The type of people your sign can’t deal with
Will your relationship last?
How to avoid being on the Zodiacs bad side
Each signs childhood best friends
What is your Zodiac signs relationship goal?
Zodiac Reads - Part 1
Zodiac Reads - Part 2
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enyazefanya-blog · 8 years
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enyazefanya-blog · 8 years
friendly reminder that your friends with bpd, npd, hpd, dpd, avpd, other personality disorders, anxiety disorders, etc, actually need attention and support. it’s not just “being needy” or selfish, it’s necessary for their health, no matter how excessive it might seem.
there is nothing wrong with “being needy”. stop shaming people for needing attention and instead actually GIVE them positive attention.
some of us crave negative attention, but getting enough positive attention can help us avoid conflict instead.
this is also a reminder for people with bpd, npd, hpd, dpd, avpd, aspd, etc
positive attention is healthy. negative attention is (usually) not. try to focus more on support and healthy interactions. conflict brings stress and can lead to legal issues or even physical injury. try to avoid seeking it out if you have people around you who can provide positive attention.
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enyazefanya-blog · 8 years
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enyazefanya-blog · 8 years
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reblog and make a wish! this was removed from tumbrl due to “violating one or more of Tumblr’s Community Guidelines”, but since my wish came true the first time, I’m putting it back. :)
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enyazefanya-blog · 8 years
signs + compatibility report
bc a lot of ppl don’t like answering compatibility, here’s a post to help you out. compatibility is a lot more complicated than this but i’m not able to give you guys detailed reports on every single pairing. 
so you can use the below information for sun x sun (ego), moon x moon (thoughts & emotions), and/or venus x venus (love & relationship). mars can work too (attraction and sex drive), as well as rising. (initial attraction). doms can work as well tbh (dom personality). percentages are MY OPINION but they shouldn’t be too far off from other opinions/traditional ships. ALSO JUST BC ITS NOT A HIGH % DOES NOT MEAN IT WILL NOT WORK 
also “clashing” and “conflicting” mean personality, views, and/or paths on life. things such as “aries dom” or “gem dom” means that sign drowns out the other so it’s not a good thing. 
aries x aries - passionate, intense, competitive 80% good
aries x taurus - stubborn, conflicting, clashing 30% good
aries x gemini - competitive, outgoing, strong 60% good
aries x cancer - aries dom, misunderstanding, protective 50% good
aries x leo - fiery, same goals, bossy 75% good 
aries x virgo - balanced, critical, aries dom 85% good
aries x libra - understanding, strong drive, passionate 70-75% good
aries x scorpio - too intense, too passionate, clashing 35% good 
aries x sagittarius - fun, bubbly, fiesty 85% good 
aries x capricorn - hard-working, conflicting, misunderstanding 65% good
aries x aquarius - passionate, understanding, different ideals 75% good
aries x pisces - conflicting, protective, caring 70% good 
taurus x taurus - stubborn, butt heads, practical 70% good
taurus x gemini - conflicting, different wants, different needs 30% good 
taurus x cancer - collected, understanding, balanced 90% good 
taurus x leo - clashing, leo dom, fairly balanced 50% good 
taurus x virgo - practical, critical, on the same path 85% good
taurus x libra - spotlight fighters, overwhelming, fair communication 65% good
taurus x scorpio - intense, misunderstanding, different rules 70% good
taurus x sagittarius - clashing views, different wants, irritation 40% good
taurus x capricorn - hard-working, practical, realistic 90% good
taurus x aquarius - different views, misunderstanding, stubborn 45% good
taurus x pisces - calm, helping, thoughtful 85% good
gemini x gemini - manipulative, outgoing, bubbly 80% good
gemini x cancer - misunderstanding, different paths, thoughtful 70% good
gemini x leo - spotlight fighters, bubbly, lil crazy 75% good
gemini x virgo - clashing, conflicting, realistic 60% good
gemini x libra - flirtatious, fashionable, outgoing 90% good
gemini x scorpio - intense, strong drive, conflicting 65% good
gemini x sagittarius - fun, wild, optimistic 85% good
gemini x capricorn - clashing, different paths, different needs 55% good
gemini x aquarius - same wants, trendy, intelligent 85% good
gemini x pisces - gem dom, misunderstanding, caring 60% good
cancer x cancer - emotional, overprotective, mothers each other 70% good
cancer x leo - leo dom, caring, understanding 80% good
cancer x virgo - balanced, understanding, different wants 80% good
cancer x libra - conflicting, different needs/same wants, balanced 80% good
cancer x scorpio - caring, passionate, emotional 90% good
cancer x sagittarius - balanced, sag dom, clashing 75% good
cancer x capricorn - balanced, same path, understanding 95% good
cancer x aquarius - one detached, one clingy, similar dreams 70% good
cancer x pisces - overemotional, understanding, fun 80% good
leo x leo - spotlight fighters, overconfident, loyal 70% good
leo x virgo - different wants, different needs, different path 30% good
leo x libra - flirtatious, generous, romantic 90% good 
leo x scorpio - too intense, too passionate, unbalanced 40% good
leo x sagittarius - outgoing, travelers, wild 85% good
leo x capricorn - different path, conflicting, actually understanding 75% good
leo x aquarius - balanced, passionate, can do their own thing 85% good
leo x pisces - leo dom, balanced, same wants 75% good 
virgo x virgo - practical, realistic, understanding 95% good
virgo x libra - clashing, conflicting, different needs 30% good
virgo x scorpio - balanced, conflicting, different needs 50% good
virgo x sagittarius - clashing, one optimist, one realist 45% good
virgo x capricorn - hard-working, realistic, practical 90% good
virgo x aquarius - same wants, unbalanced, misunderstanding 70% good
virgo x pisces - balanced, different needs, clashing 70% good 
libra x libra - understanding, intelligent, same wants 90% good
libra x scorpio - balanced, lil conflicting, same wants 80% good
libra x sagittarius - outgoing, fun, overly bubbly 85% good 
libra x capricorn - different needs, different wants, balanced 60% good
libra x aquarius  - intellectual, understanding, same wants 90% good
libra x pisces - different needs, same wants, clashing 70% good 
scorpio x scorpio - intense, understanding, passionate 75% good
scorpio x sagittarius - different wants/needs, different path 30% good
scorpio x capricorn - balanced, understanding, intense 85% good
scorpio x aquarius - balanced, different needs, different path 65% good
scorpio x pisces - understanding, caring, balanced 95% good
sagittarius x sagittarius - same ideals, overly optimistic, fun 90% good
sagittarius x capricorn - different wants/needs, balanced 70% good
sagittarius x aquarius - fun, outgoing, balanced 
sagittarius x pisces - balanced, misunderstanding, different needs 75% good
capricorn x capricorn - driven, hard-working, realistic 90% good
capricorn x aquarius - balanced, misunderstanding, same path 80% good
capricorn x pisces - balanced, different needs, slightly clashing 80% good
aquarius x aquarius - detached, space needy, understanding 90% good
aquarius x pisces - misunderstanding, aqua dom, balanced 70% good
pisces x pisces - understanding, overly emotional, caring 85% good 
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enyazefanya-blog · 8 years
Don’t Judge me: Cancer, Taurus, Pisces, Virgo, Libra, Sagittarius
I’m Judging you: Aries, Capricorn, Scorpio, Aquarius, Gemini, Leo
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enyazefanya-blog · 8 years
Sagittarius do not take most things in life too seriously. They understand that life is easier when you are willing to make fun of everything. Sagittarius love to laugh and enjoy themselves.
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enyazefanya-blog · 8 years
It’s like we fuckin’ in the stars
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enyazefanya-blog · 8 years
Should You Trust Your Sign? (via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zOu-WIxXxMk)
I love these guys: they give away free science that’s not only approachable but enticing; and keep discussing relevant topics. Plus I live for fast knowledge clips like these.
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enyazefanya-blog · 9 years
Whats a fuck boy? i've heard many meanings but I want the exact one.
A fuckboy is a weakass dude who ain’t shit.
A fuckboy is the guy who will go around calling women “thirsty hoes” but like 30 profile pictures in a row and comment “hot” under one of them because he thinks somehow it’ll get him laid.
A fuckboy is the guy who calls girls sluts but goes around begging chicks for nudes out of fucking nowhere.
A fuckboy is the guy who sends unrequested dick pics with no context to women he’s barely spoken to.
A fuckboy is a guy who regularly uses phrases like “bros before hoes”
A fuckboy is a guy whose idea of flirting is “what would u do if i was there right now lol” 
A fuckboy can often be spotted by his asking if you want to play “the 21 questions game” which is a trap to ask if you’re a virgin or not
A fuckboy is a guy who will call you a prude if you don’t want to fuck anyone, but call you a slut if you want to fuck someone who isn’t him.
A fuckboy is a guy who will disrespect you and try and get with you in the same breath.
A fuckboy is a guy whose idea of foreplay is kind of touching your clit twice before he tries to move on to sex
A fuckboy is a guy who tries to text you even when he already has a girl
A fuckboy is a guy who continues to hit on you even when you’ve said no
A fuckboy is a guy who pretend to invite you over for “Netflix and pizza” which is a bummer because it’s totally ruined legitimately inviting people over for Netflix and pizza
A fuckboy is any guy who’s ever told you “smile, beautiful” while you’re just walking down the street minding your own fucking business
A fuckboy is the kind of guy you have to lie about having a boyfriend to in order to get him to leave you alone.
A fuckboy is a guy who will tell you “you’re not like the other girls” like that’s a compliment because he doesn’t have any respect for them.
A fuckboy is a guy who will tell you “my exes were all crazy” even though you know them to be totally fine, kind, measured people.
A fuckboy is a guy who will tell you “guys don’t like it when you -bullshit bullshit bullshit-” and try to shame you because of your weight, hair, style, use of makeup or anything else that you do in order to express yourself because in their tiny fuckboy minds you only exist to attract them.
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enyazefanya-blog · 9 years
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enyazefanya-blog · 9 years
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enyazefanya-blog · 9 years
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enyazefanya-blog · 9 years
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enyazefanya-blog · 9 years
*cries tears of glitter*
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enyazefanya-blog · 9 years
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