On A Break :)
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"Choose your weapon,It's time to go,Military fashion show."
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envious3nvelope · 1 day ago
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So uhh..... Happy Ramadan to all
And hope your health and life is going well and I pray you all stay blessed.
(I am gonna take a break and hope to see you in April :) )
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envious3nvelope · 4 days ago
An idea on how much of a sleeper the neighbours are
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yeah that's it
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envious3nvelope · 6 days ago
Oughhhh........... Tbh, Exael staring at me while eating is kinda awkward for me (。_。💦) . But whatever good soup is good soup.
Hi hello, I don't know if you saw the nem TNMN nightmare mode but if so, could I request some headcanons on how the neighbors would react if the doorman got sick?
(I just think it would be a funny interaction since the doorman is the only human in the building)
Calling out of work
Theme: sfw
Summery: somehow you got all the monsters to enjoy your company, they are eager to figure out how to help you when you are sick
Pair: Tnmn (nightmare) x chubby reader
Tw: they have no idea what they are doing
A/n can be platonic or romantic, sorry it took me so long!
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Xezbet(Roman) is so confused, he doesn’t know how humans work. Once he hears the news he's panicking, what should he do? He asks his wife for advice, which she tells him soup is the best option. Drugia has to force her husband to not feed you cut up human meat, that would probably make you even more sick. He and his wife cooked you some soup that was consumable for humans. With their help you eventually got better, they are happy to have you back to normal. It’s you who keep them safe after all.
Drugia(Lois) immediately went to her kitchen to see what she could cook up for you, she worried when she didn’t see you at the door. You were her only favorite human, there is now way she's going to let you! She is very overreacting, so panicked that you may die. You had to explain it was just a normal human thing, which she still was anxious about. She came to her senses and made you delicious soup, with all human items she found. Her husband had to comfort her, she wouldn’t stop calling your name in a panicked tone. Once you got better she gave you a crushing hug, begging you not to get sick again.
Barbatos(Robertsky) has kidnapped so many humans, he has heard their conversations. Has a tiny idea of how to help you, but he's not acting on it until it's confirmed. He would kidnap a human, and exchange their freedom for how to cure you. He asked the human so many questions, but he did keep his word of their freedom. Once he had it confirmed he asked his brother for help making you some soup, it actually came out better than he thought. Barbados wouldn't leave your side, allowing you as much as he could. Once you are feeling better, you’ll give him a hug for all his hard work. This monster is very clingy to you, you're someone that's important to his life now!
Exael(Albertsky) is also very uneducated on human daily life, he wouldn't know what to do. With his brother's help he figured it out, he was almost about to let you figure it out yourself. It was a weird sight for you, a man with a monotone face holding a delicious looking soup bowl in his hand. He was staring at you while you ate all of your soup, making sure you consumed all of it. He can be weird but he just wants to make sure you're ok. 
Adbucius(Angus) You barely trusted him, so him giving you soup was like a large red flag waving in your face. But you could tell he worked very hard on it,  that unwithering smile still on his face. You should know how much work he had to put in, going to every neighbor to ask advice on how to help you! His smile slowly fades when he sees you attempt to push away the soup, all his hard work down the drain. You felt guilty, so you slowly took sips from the soup. It actually was very good, and his smile went back onto his face. He jumps into the bed with you, laughing like a maniac. He tells you about all the new things that happened, but filters out all the gruesome stuff, only for his favorite human.
Lilith(Elenois) was once a human, so she knows much about human life. She instantly knew how to handle your predicament, she just needed to gather materials. She collects all the materials to create the best soup you’ll ever have, she’ll make it often if you'd like! She was by your side the entire time, making sure all your needs are satisfied. She would do little magic tricks, attempting to cheer you up. As long as you're safe and taken care of, Lilith will be happy.
Anazareth(Selenne) relies on her sister to help her with this, since her sister remembers her past life. When Anazareth became a monster, she forgot all her past memories. Lilith was the one who cast the light to her memories, she may have never known her name if it wasn't for Lilith. Once Anazareth heard the news she instantly asked her sister for help, and thankfully her sister remembered. She searched for hours trying to find certain ingredients, it was all worth it when she saw your beautiful smile whens he presented a soup to you.
Chaugnar(Arnold) is actually knowing, he knows you're sick unlike the others. He just doesn't know how to create soup, so he makes his own food to help you out. It didn’t take him long to stew up a hot meal for you, mixed with herbs that you wouldn’t even recognize was inside. He tried to visit you as much as he could, but he would send his wife if he couldn’t show up. You're someone he makes a task to take care of, you've done much to help him, it's only fair if he could pay a little to you.
Nyogtha(Gloria) doesn’t know how to help you, but she’ll do many things to distract you from any pain. She's tossing all her work to the side to make sure you're ok, which she gets scolded for. But as long as you're safe, she’ll risk everything. She sits on a chair nearby you, telling you stories to cheer you up. Her husband was the one who gave Nyogtha food that would help, she doesn't hesitate to rush to you. She doesn’t like the new doorman, she only likes you. So coming back feelings may be better than before!
Zoth(Izaack) is a tad confused on how to help you, he doesn’t even know what’s wrong with you. He thinks that affection can help you, he gives many hugs with a big grin on his face. When he hears your violent cough he saddens, he doesn’t know what’s wrong with you! He starts thinking the worst, are you going to die? You force yourself to tell him that it’s just a sickness, you’ll be fine. He doesn’t know how to prepare you food, so he just gives you a boost of energy. He gives many hugs, and says so many nice things to make you feel better.
Shub(Margarette) also has no idea how to help you, comfort is the one thing she’ll provide you. The snakes on her head would rub themselves on your cheek, providing comfort. She asks the neighbors how to help you, and asks them to cook soup for you. She enters your room with steamy soup and bunches of flowers in her hand. For a monster, she can be very kind!
Yog(Francis) feeds on humans, he knows a bit about human lives. He could instantly tell you were sick, your scent was different than normal. He asks other helpful neighbors for tips, how to help you. He wouldn’t like his favorite human, blood bag, to die out so soon! Him and Quachil help cook you a delicious meal, something to keep you full and help you heal. He’d find any cute plushies from kidnapped humans and give them to you as a present, he would also chill with you as long as you’d like.
Quachil(Anastacha) is young, she has no idea what things humans have to deal with. She causes misfortune, she doesn't care for the pain humans have to deal with. But the first time, she felt as if she was given misfortune. Seeing your sick body makes her shake, tears fall from all her eyes. She calmed down when you told her it was normal, but she was still confused about the entire thing. She learns how to deal with human sickness, and finds a way to cheer you up. She makes you little friend bracelets, enjoying the way you smile. You refuse to leave your side, Yog has to force her to leave. Her mood gets worse, more misfortune spreads creating a disaster. But when she sees you feeling better all that sadness leaves her side. You are the only human that was a mother figure for her, she trusts you so much.
Yan Luo(Mia) knows exactly what's wrong with you, and knows how to handle it. She visits you everyday to check if everything is alright with, she fuses when you don’t take naps at least two times a day. She doesn’t allow anyone to visit you during these times, believing that she's the only one to help you. Her powers allow her to subdue the pain you feel, her warm hand resting on your stomach. She doesn’t say much, only watches over you during moments like these. She eventually relaxes when you're feeling better, she stresses when something bad happens to you. 
Orcus(Dr.W) doesn’t know how to help you, but Yan Luo directs him how to help you. He's barely able to talk, but he shows all his emotion and words through his actions. He brings many things he's found, hoping that it’ll cheer you up. Yan Luo brings you food while he brings you little trinkets. He holds your hands in his, making sure your skin temperature doesn’t suddenly turn cold. He's worried for you, he was a lonely man before Yan Luo. He relaxes with ehr help, but you play a major part in his life. Once you feel better, his mood seems to increase for the better.
Ishtar(Nacha) isn't good with communicating, but she will show you through actions or writing you something. She tries her best to create you something that isn't a disgusting pest, something like a butterfly. It seems a bit deformed but she's still trying her best, she’s trying her best not to creep you out. She goes to the sisters for help, she knows they were humans at once. She doesn’t like cooking, her pests somehow get inside the food. She makes the sisters deliver you your food, but she still visits you. She places sweet cards by your desk, all saying get better and more nicer things. 
Teutates(Steven) is clueless, what is he supposed to do? He refuses to leave your side, sitting in your chair scarily while he watches you like a hawk. His hand would touch your forehead, checking your temperature. He blames the other humans for this, he would go on a killing spree but he needs to watch over you. Sometimes he's like a stuffie bear, he holds your hand without you asking. He only cracks smiles for you, and only you. The other neighbors have to help you, but he would be glaring at them the entire time. He only relaxes when his father comes to check up on you, he doesn’t trust anyone but his father and you. Once you heel he is still watching over you, making sure that pesky sickness doesn’t come back.
Ah puch(Mclooy) hates to talk, his voice is so scratchy and raspy. It hurts him to talk, so he uses sign language or paper to communicate. But words aren't necessary at this moment, he watches over you. He lets Teuates also watch over you, but he prefers to watch over you himself. He is like his son, but worse. He tries to attack the others for even getting near you, but relaxes when they say they are here to help. He grumbles under his breath while he watches them feed you soup. If he knew how to cook he wouldn't need their help, he could do it way better. Once you're better he still clings onto you, he’ll keep the nasty sickness away!
Dagda(Alf) is confused, he just stands like a scarecrow in the corner of your room. He just talks the entire time he's with you, you seem to not mind it when he talks. Him and his wife help to create you some soup, it helps with the pain you know! He digs up any drama or stories to tell you since you've been sick, he wants to keep you updated! He visits you as much as possible, bringing stories to keep you entertained. Once you feel better he is much happier, he’s already spreading the good news to the neighbors.
Izanami(Rafttellyn) knows a bit about human lives, she knows a bit about human sickness so she can help. She doesn’t know how to make soup, so she asks many of the neighbors for advice. Once she figures out a way to cook soup, she presents it to you as her best achievement. She is proud of herself, she's able to pay you back from all the good things you've done for her. She sticks by your side, humming a soft tune to help you fall asleep. Once you're feeling better she plans on giving you little handmade items she made while you were sick, as a present.
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Taglist: @sidhion @acosmicowl
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envious3nvelope · 8 days ago
I sort of made two tier-list (for myself)
Would I win in a fight with them
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And, Would be friends with them
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(For those wondering about how yog would beat me, I would've beat him IF i didn't headcanon with Blood magic lol)
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envious3nvelope · 10 days ago
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Ishtits & Humanized!Ishtits doodle dump (ft. Abduction & Yan Loser)
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envious3nvelope · 11 days ago
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I have this sitting in my art program for... weeks? Days? Whatever
I think to cool things with the nightmare characters. Like for Lilith, Anazareth, Yan luo, and other more.
(This is just a sketch btw)
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envious3nvelope · 13 days ago
I Just want to add another headcanon that;
There were suppose to be five astral higher ups, being that of Yan luo, Chaugnar, Zoth, Barbatos and Exael. But due to what happened with Exael and chaugnar, Only three came to be.
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envious3nvelope · 14 days ago
A Random Orcus Headcanon
Orcus is Very Loyal to Yan luo, Going on concert for dates, Organizing concert for her on chinese new years, giving Exquiste gifts to her, comforting her when she has nightmares, been with her when she was sick and would call all the nurse and maids to help with her sickness.
And yes, he also call the doorman/woman to help along.
Additional Headcanon:
Yan luo and Orcus were humans once, and had met once after Yan luo gave him and a sweet cracker (Melted marshmallow cereal). so every year, in their anniversary, they would make it together to symbolizes their everlasting love.
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envious3nvelope · 14 days ago
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Three snapcube reference video
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And this is something else, maybe lore or an idea or whatever
(I Love making these comics)
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envious3nvelope · 15 days ago
Happy 1 Year anniversary to TNMN!!!!
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Happy 1st Anniversary, TNMN! I love this game <3 I can't wait for the Steam version to be released XD
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envious3nvelope · 15 days ago
That's not my neighbor (Tnmn) turns 1 years old.
Happy first anniversary to TNMN!
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envious3nvelope · 17 days ago
Yeah his eyes are really cool
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I think the redesigned Yog looks cool too :)
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envious3nvelope · 21 days ago
OMG, This feels so Surreal
I legit was surprise, You have no Idea
But thank you, This redraw is amazing
(I am still very surprised.)
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stole the comic idea from @enviousenvelope
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envious3nvelope · 21 days ago
Comic #1
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Astral Therapy (No one is sane. Ever)
(Reference to snapcube) from this video
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envious3nvelope · 23 days ago
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"Oh, to be loved without defects..."
(A little something for myself)
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envious3nvelope · 23 days ago
Doodle request for Ishtar x Teutates ?
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Here you go!
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envious3nvelope · 28 days ago
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Doodle requested for @reinaldeisf0rd
Forgive me if this looks messy
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