entrancedunicorn · 9 years
Of course the one time a post of mine pops off I only figure it out months later. It’s like if I threw a party and at first no one showed up so I fell asleep and that’s when people started to show up and shit gets live
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Bitch… watching Who Wants to be a Millionaire. How much do you think this question was worth?
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entrancedunicorn · 9 years
Wracking my brain and figuratively dying because I can't remember the name of the thing on the tip of the shoelace. Phineas and Ferb, I have failed you. Why must you taunt me Modern Marvels?
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entrancedunicorn · 9 years
Shout out to this beautiful style exploration
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Video: 100 Years of Beauty in 1 Minute: Mexico Edition
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entrancedunicorn · 9 years
this is worse than hearing my parents swear for the first time
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entrancedunicorn · 9 years
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Bitch… watching Who Wants to be a Millionaire. How much do you think this question was worth?
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entrancedunicorn · 9 years
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Congratulations Graduates! Welcome to the rest of your life.
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entrancedunicorn · 9 years
Not sure if you're still wondering but the episode is Buster's Breathless (s4 ep3)
Maybe I'm crazy. but I swear there's an episode where DW is playing with Arthur and Buster in the woods. She is pretending (halfheartedly) to be a monster or something and she has twigs in her hair and she keeps making this sound like "aroo! aroo!" If this sounds familiar to you or anyone who reads this I beg you to contact me if you know which episode it is because it's been bugging me for a few years now and I just can't figure out which one it is...
i know exactly what you’re referring to! it was in one of the cold opens but i can’t remember the name of the episode for the life of me :|
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entrancedunicorn · 9 years
Throwing a party for all my friends
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entrancedunicorn · 9 years
me: i just did 5 squats why am i still fat
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entrancedunicorn · 9 years
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Your Joke of the Day from kylekinane. Watch the full clip here. 
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entrancedunicorn · 10 years
why want the d when you can have the p
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entrancedunicorn · 10 years
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entrancedunicorn · 10 years
I keep coming so hard I throw up I hate this
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entrancedunicorn · 10 years
Every girl in Atlantic City either has blonde hair with black streaks or black hair with blonde streaks. Which, either way, says: ‘I don’t have a gag reflex.’
-Tom Segura (via polioflesh)
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entrancedunicorn · 10 years
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Okay so I want to talk about this.
I was at work the other night, going through a booger cart (a cart of stuff that was found in the wrong place in the store), when I came across this
My first thought was “hey, they made a Spider-Girl action figure! That’s pretty cool!” And then I looked closer, and realized that no, the packaging still said “Spider-Man” on it. So I looked closer.
This is a Barbie that someone painted to look like Spider-Man. The head isn’t the original Barbie head, though — it’s made of wood and replaces the original head, which would have been the wrong shape. They then took this, new, dummy Spider-Man, grabbed the box for the actual Spider-Man toy off the shelf, and swapped them out. As my friend (who took the picture since he was off the clock when I found this) put it: They Indiana Jones’d us.
Now, just as a frame of reference here: the stolen Spider-Man was an Ultimate Spider-Man action figure from the Titan Heroes line. Where I work, they retail at $7.88, but they range between that and about twelve bucks, depending on where you buy it from. The Spider-Barbie? Well, the doll alone is in the same price range, not to mention the cost of paint, the materials to make the new head, etc. Even if the shoplifter had all that stuff already (which is possible), the amount of time that went into that wasn’t insignificant. Honestly, buying it would probably have been easier and cheaper.
I mean, there’s shoplifting, then there’s this. I mean, honestly, this is just impressive. Whoever did this, hats off to you. You deserve the Spider-Man action figure.
You left us with the cooler one anyway.
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entrancedunicorn · 10 years
lick a nutttt
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entrancedunicorn · 10 years
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