Dark night
Me and this girl have been planning this Rendezvous all week her boyfriend is finally gone at work, finally I get to rip your clothes off touch her body ever so gently then tear into her grab her throat with my big hands cover her mouth so she can't scream, bending her legs into her chest sliding my manhood into her Womanhood.
She is 25 I'm 46 match made in heaven she likes it rough so I give it to her!
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Evelyn was a quiet little girl, now 21 years old she has the whole world ahead of her.
She loves a man named Thomas Kyle he was a handsome and very Strapping 36 year old.
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Southern Heat
It was dark, cold, and damp, the air tasted like stale cigarettes and coffee...
Maxwell was just another rookie cop fresh out the academy well on his way to make a name for himself, he kept telling himself he is going to swap over to the county and be sheriff one day, But the narcotics taskforce is a good start, only keep the dealer's on the street that make you money and the ones that don't make you money turn over to the state so they may can get some money.
The Bust
Maxwell was hot and heavy with a local beauty from one of the nearby skin joints, he loved her beautiful wavy hair, she loved when he would run his fingers through... But of course as always it was cut short for the job at hand, his phone was blowing up left and right, he had to get back to work or the Chief would have his ass, so he tips his favorite girl the normal $500 and walks out.
The Man trap
Another dark night, had to drive to holiday St over on the east side of town, kind of the red light district, had orders to wire up a snitch and take her to the corner beat at one of the sleazy motels.
She smelled like sweat and a gas station toilet, the kind of rifraf that would frequent her probably didn't smell like roses either...
Normally this work pays pretty good too, I'll arrest the punk trying to get some, keep his cash and give her the dope.
Christmas night
Maxwell wake up wake up! Shouted Moira
I was awoken from a dead sleep, my wife Moira was trying to wake me up from a dead sleep, she had gotten a tip that the head of the taskforce and the sheriff were conspiring to put me away, said I knew too much and the feds have been sniffing around looking for some reason to pull the taskforce funding, which means they would be indicted on criminal charges misuses of federal funds etc. If I were to rat on my fellow colleagues...
In which case at this moment if I can find my escape I might just do it, I thought these guys were my brothers, I thought they had my back, we were doing great making piles of cash.
On the run!
Maxwell wanted for murder, racketeering, drug paraphernalia, prostitution human trafficking, rape, assault on 15 police officers and if you know the where abouts of this man police contact local authorities because he is armed and dangerous.
On the run I never thought my life would turn out like this, my fraternal order of brothers betrayed me, they said the very pledge I said, the very oath I took, the Same vow I gave but today I pledge another vow whether I go to prison or die those mfs are going down with me I know I did wrong but they are not going to keep doing wrong!
Moira and Maxwell
Moira was one of those girls who was soft hearted kind but eventually when shes had enough of your shit shes done.
Her dad knew all about that poking on her the way he used to, but he finally got his in the end,
Let's just say I helped her take care of some loose ends when we first met, I was pretty much hers and she was mine after that, partners.
I got out of the academy and she was there,
I land on the narcotics squad and she was there.
Shes the best thing that could ever happen to me, and I'm the worst thing that could ever happen to her.
I'm a ex cop, fugitive on the run, betrayed by my colleagues and best mates.
I'm eating armadillos and possums here in the national forest hiding out 60 miles away.
The budget inn
Frank was my partner he always liked the budget inn, he loved the the women that would frequent it, cheap easy like his eggs, then after he was done he'd go to the waffle house down the street.
I used to sit and cover for him outside in the patrol car while he was doing his business, this was just another job for me, I said to myself it's all for the greater good, we are the top dogs we are higher in the food chain nothing can touch us.
I guess I was wrong.
The hunt
I have my 9mm with two mags my vest and my shotgun, I'm camped outside of the budget inn
Just taking some pictures of my old buddy franky, oh boy he's got a beauty this week.
Looks like its just him and her getting out of the patrol car headed to room 6 that's the room he always uses.
Friends in low places
Alberto was my guy at the local salvage yard he was the plug that could get anything you wanted booze, cigarettes, coke, LSD, Meth, weed, clone, basalt, morphine, and opiates.
His main passion was putting junk back on the road driving again and of course the occasional commission sometimes weapons, sometimes armored vehicles you name it he could get it or build it just go see ole Alberto.
Bad Men
I ain't a saint, MFR's want to take me down I know too much about there little operation like franky over at the budget inn, Ernesto over in Glencoe who takes care of all the books for these slime balls Cocksuckers.
Maxwell has planted listening devices all throughout Frank's and Ernestos hideouts.
Now he waits for the tip off from Alberto and Moira as soon as one of them starts leaving their homes.
Times like these playing the waiting game give a man a lot to think about basically MFg distractions, but good distractions like the light of my life fire of my loins Moira shes my love my everything I don't know what I'd do if I lost her.
"Maxwell you there looks like Ernesto and Frank are meeting at the Glencoe hideout, so get ready." Said Alberto through the CB Radio
Maxwell let out a check over the radio just to let him Know he got the message.
Ernesto Wtf is this about as Frank's anger grows hot, I'm missing all my usuals at the hotel for what... this better be good Ernesto I'm telling you! " stated frank
"Frank buddy would I call a meeting if it wasn't important, I've gotten reports of your ole buddy max being alive and well and I recently found files missing and these listening devices." Replied Ernesto
"What files?" Asked frank
"What files , what files , u mfr!... the ledger the f# ledger ... exclaimed Ernesto
"Oh Maxwell, stop it..." Replied Moira as they were doing laundry together
He kisses her neck some more ever so gently,
Slowly gliding his fingers through her hair working his way down her body closing in on the nipples and down her sides then firmly wrapping around her back and quickly down planting his hands on her nice round ass.
"Oh boy Babydoll" Max is moaning the words
Moira slaps him in the face then quickly grabs his pants and says,"I want this let's go get out of here!"
He slaps her ass following her.
The wedding ring
I Maxwell take you Moira to have and to hold, in good times and bad times, in sickness and sorrow till death do us part I Love you Moira
Fairbanks you are my light.
Now if only things were really that simple, I have an army of crooked cops to turn on and clear my name, before all this I had purchased a ring and I was going to propose to Moira on new years.
So much to do so little time, some people say time is a predator stalking it's prey, while others view it as a companion that goes with us on the journey of life.
The streets are full of blood
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