ensketchy · 5 years
68 - Final Film - REVERSION
68 – Final Film – REVERSION
Actually YES I forgot to update due to busy preparing my graduation show and final films etc.
  But hey, we finished our film!! YES! 
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  One of film still images from “Reversion”.  
    Due to school policy we only can share the film with password protected,
but if you guys are interested to watch our final film, you can drop me an email at [email protected] for the video link and password!
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ensketchy · 5 years
67 - Post Production / Compositing 02
67 – Post Production / Compositing 02
Back in our first designs, even we put self shading in character sheets, but we were planning to do shading and highlights in after effects during post production.
As when we were doing some details for closeup scenes, we realized the lack of details in character’s top up. In the end, we decided to do self shading, just to add  on some details in the shots so they won’t look really boring.
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ensketchy · 5 years
66 - Post-Production / Compositing 01
66 – Post-Production / Compositing 01
Never update for long time due busy on colouring on our scenes finally…
I remember to documentation but just forgot to upload everything here, so here’s some compositing and somehow the final look of our film!!
  Animated by Lene, composited by Sichao
Shot above is the first scene of our film, the dreamy sequence of our protagonist Zoe.
  Animated by Lene, composited by Sichao
  Animated by Lene,…
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ensketchy · 6 years
65 - Animation Progress 06
65 – Animation Progress 06
Oh ya i forgot to post up this sequence, which it took me about 1 week to finish lining.
It was a long progress because the continuation of the character’s movement, and paper dropping animation.
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Rough animation. 
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Rough camera movement + Colour. 
Roughhhhhh time to animate this whole shot but is challenging tho.
  AND More colouring scenes completed, and almost done with all…
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ensketchy · 6 years
64 - Animation Progress 05
64 – Animation Progress 05
We finally finished the lining and other animation sequences, and now we reached colouring stage.
Meanwhile SC started to composite the shots that we’re done.
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  Animated by Lene.
In her dreamy sequences, she is happy to see the bird finish painted and flies out from her paper.
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Animated by Lene.
Scene after the previous shot, where her mother enters her bedroom and gives her more homeworks to…
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ensketchy · 6 years
63 - Animation Progress 04
63 – Animation Progress 04
Still in lining and fixing some inbetween animations, so not much updates for that.
  But today we worked out something to try see how our film looks like!
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  Kid shot, done by Lene. BG by SC. 
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  Bedroom shot, done by me. BG by SC.
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Classroom shot, done by me. BG by SC.
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Classroom shot, done by me. BG by SC.
  Of course this is really base of the backgrounds and SC haven’t finalise most of them. He…
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ensketchy · 6 years
62 - Animation Progress 03
62 – Animation Progress 03
I continue on the classroom scenes, from my previous shot.
In my storyboard and animatic, the other students in classroom will look at Zoe when she got tapped by her teacher.
I tried out only teacher and Zoe animated, but it seems so weird to have them having interactions, but others just static. So I animated the rest of the students in the end.
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Before, when it’s only teacher and Zoe are moving. 
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ensketchy · 6 years
61 - Animation Progress 02
61 – Animation Progress 02
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We consulted one of our lecturer, Raul Garcia yesterday on all our rough animation, he said so far so good but he emphasized on some minor action where we require more delays and consistency in animation.
Example like the previous shot where Zoe was checking on her dress, Raul asked us to add a few more frames in order to break the stiff and mechanical motions.
  Classroom shot 1 are perfectly…
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ensketchy · 6 years
60 - Animation Progress 01
60 – Animation Progress 01
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I finished the rough animation as well the lining for the sequence above, it was so hard to keep consistency throughout the lining progress.
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  Rough Animation.
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Line art of the shot.
    The running sequence is a pain for me but is quite challenging to animate it, most challenging part is playing with the perspective, which later on we will use ae to animate the camera movement.
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Blocking of…
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ensketchy · 6 years
59 - Animation (Blocking) 02
59 – Animation (Blocking) 02
More blocking coming in and actually me and Lene already finished the blocking within two weeks time… I forgot to upload all the WIP here so right now just upload them in one shot.
These are the classroom scenes that I finished blocking, meanwhile I’m doing rough animation. Lene will be lining and animate at the same time.
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  Some of the scenes need lesser animation, example like eye blinking,…
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ensketchy · 6 years
57 - Update
57 – Update
New animation short is UP!
  WARNING: Blood and murder in this short.
Its my minor project from my school and I think I actually enjoyed doing this piece, sound effects are painful tho.
This short is actuallly my experiment short and I want to try something different from what I have been doing in past few years.
(even the colour schemes is almost close to my Loop)
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ensketchy · 6 years
56 - Animation (Blocking) 01
56 – Animation (Blocking) 01
The starting of second semester, all the preproductions already done last semester but I was lazy to update here so I updated every prepro then now the animation blocking.
We created a schedule and who’s the one going to do certain scenes, SC will do every background and post production, meanwhile me and Lene are the one who animate and line every frame. *please prepare grave for us thanks.
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ensketchy · 6 years
56 - Production Designs
56 – Production Designs
Some possible rendering shots in our film!
For the first and second backgrounds still in progress but the colours and rendering are somewhere there (what we wanted)
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    Can refer on 52 – Colour Script for the colours in each scenes!
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ensketchy · 6 years
55 - Props Study
55 – Props Study
Some of the props study all done by me, based on reference photos that SC took from IKEA.
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Bed at the right are the one we chose because it represented cages in our short and means Zoe has no freedom to do what she wants in this film.
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Some classroom props like tables and chairs, we more towards to wooden kind because most Asian’s classroom are using wooden table chair sets.
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Some paintings…
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ensketchy · 6 years
53 - Environment Design
53 – Environment Design
We don’t really do much on environment design because SC prefer to do it one by one based on each scene, but he rendered Zoe’s bedroom design based from mixture of mine and his idea.
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    The early stage of Zoe’s room when she was younger. 
Room will be brighter and more colourful for Zoe’s younger stage, because she still has freedom to draw and to show more of her imagination and talented…
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ensketchy · 6 years
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  Two figures above show the thumbnails of each scene, with different colours and mood in it.
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  Mood flow in Reversion, mood swing down to the lowest when it started from beginning to Zoe’s adult stage in her office scene. Then the colours and mood will increase back to almost top stage which brings happy ending to the film.
52 – Colour Script Two figures above show the thumbnails of each scene, with different colours and mood in it.
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ensketchy · 6 years
51 - Character Design 04
51 – Character Design 04
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We designed the little girl in a similar design of Zoe’s younger version because we want the silhouette of little girl can remind Zoe on her dream and her passion when she was young.
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    The mother design comes with more straight and angular body shape than Zoe, because she like other mother or parents in society, who want their children could work in a safer environment like them, or maybe in…
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