ensembledasein · 5 years
Here's two videos recently uploaded, from our premier performance Jonas Nilsson's "Contemplations of a Landscape" and Sebastian Ingvarsson's "Punctuated Equlibria" together with video-artwork "Reviere" by Anna Risell!
Both pieces performed and recorded in Artisten, The Academy of Music and Drama, University of Gothenburg, on October 4th 2018.
Jonas Nilsson
Contemplations of a Landscape (2018)
A beautifully orchestrated composition which explores microtonal harmonies and timbres in a composition of varied textures and dynamic intensities. As with the referance to nature, the slow unfolding yet matains a sense of sponteniuty and unpredictability with its contrasting sections and elements.
The piece also utalizes as specially designed microtonal sinewave-syntheziser, based on the tuning-theory of Erv Wilson.
Sebastian Ingvarsson // Anna Risell
Punctuated Equlibria (2018) // Reviere (2018)
The piece (and the coordination with it's video counterpart) is surely the most challenging project the ensemble has taken on so for. The music is complex and intricate with the video exploring Gothenburg's city-scape, accessing the multi-fold of a certain place.
In our view this combined work of art deserves many listenings!
// Ensemble Dasein
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ensembledasein · 5 years
Ensemble Dasein @ Scenkonst Sörmland 15/8
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Thanks to the arrangers, our composers and the audience who showed up to last evenings concert at Scenkonst Sörmland!
Very happy to share this event with you and to have been premiering five new works into our repertoir of young nordic composers:
Shattered Self-Similarities (Teemu Heionen)
Sciftan (Veronique Vaka)
Dissolving Views (Steinar Yggeseth)
No Musical Equivalent (Loic Destreemau)
ur ps.19 "Himlen förkunnar Guds härlighet" (Nils Henriksson)
We're looking forward to be incorporating these very qarachteristic and unique works into our further programming!
// Ensemble Dasein
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ensembledasein · 5 years
New line up of composers for summer of 2019!
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Summer is drawing close and we'd like to announce the our newest line up of composers, by whom we will premier new commissioned pieces at the 15th of August at Scenkonst Södermanland (Eskilstuna, Swe):
Mads Emil Dreyer (Den)
Nils Henriksson (Swe)
Steinar Yggeseth (Now)
Loic Destremau (Den)
Veronique Vaka (Ice)
Teemu Heionen (Fin)
We will up until August present each composer and their upcoming composition in further detail. Make shure to order your tickets through: https://scenkonstsormland.se/musik/musik-pa-sormlandska-slott-och-herresaten/konserter/artister-och-program/ensemble-dasein/
Stay tuned (in scordatura!!!)
// Ensemble Dasein
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ensembledasein · 5 years
Mimitabu & Ensemble Dasein, HSM 10.5.19
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After an intense week of rehersals with the HSM- (Gothenburg Academy of Music and Drama) composers and ensemble, the six new pieces by received their premiere at the evening's concert, shared with Mimitabu.
Our program:
Nino Håkansson - Das Manga
Gustaf Ekman - Harmony steals the show
Vidar Davidsson - Untitled
Clara Bergendahl - Arabesque
Tove Kättström - 11 miniatyrer
Noak Esbjörnsson - for 6 players
We thank the Gothenburg Academy for having us and hope to come back soon again
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ensembledasein · 6 years
New composer: Jakob Svartengren
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We are, least to say, overwhelmed by the opportunity to work with the creative, complex and uncompromisingly inventive music of Jakob Svartengren!
Jakob Svartengren, born 1980, is currently living in Gothenburg and studied at the Gotland School of Music Composition and the Academy of Music and Drama at the University of Gothenburg, among others. 
As a composer he is interested in contrasts, hyperboles, contradictions, inconsistencies, ambiguities, artificiality, mass effects and maximalism. He is working with both acoustic and electronic music.
Jakob's piece 171118, specially written for Ensemble Dasein, will be premiered the 6/10-18 at Pygmeeteatern (Sthlm) in a program of new music by Nordic composers.
Keep up with the ensemble's updates at:
// Ensemble Dasein
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ensembledasein · 6 years
New composer: Simon Spurrier
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A recent colorful addition to our repertoire is the composer Simon Spurrier, whos rhythmic, physical and highly expressive music will be on our program of composers for autumn 2018!
Simon Spurrier (b. 1983) approaches music in respect to a groundwork of the Apollonian-Dionysian dichotomy. Picturing and reviewing music choreographically suggests an anatomical chart crucial to what to be technically but nevertheless emotionally expressible. 
Simon has been studying composition at Gotland School of Music Composition and at the Academy of Music and Drama at the University of Gothenburg. His works has been performed by ensembles such as Faint Noise, Karlsson-Holmertz and Mimitabu. He is also a co-founder of the instrumental rock group Sickoakes. 
Simons piece Eros Agoni, specially written for Ensemble Dasein, will be premiered the 6/10-18 at Pygmeeteatern (Sthlm) in a program of new music by Nordic composers.
Keep up with the ensemble's updates at:
// Ensemble Dasein
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ensembledasein · 6 years
New Composer and Video-Artist: Sebastian Ingvarsson & Anna Risell
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One of our exciting interdisciplinary collaborations for 2018/19 is together with composer Sebastian Ingvarsson and video-artist Anna Risell!
Parallelly they've created music and video which are both autonomous pieces and possible to be performed simultaneously; which will be the case at our premiere of their works at the 4/10at HSM (Gothenburg) and 6/10 at Pygmeteatern (Sthlm).
Sebastian Ingvarsson is a composer whose main focus revolves around chamber-music. His compositions often build upon models from other art forms, such as literature, poetry, and film. Questions concerning musical form is essential in his work, where he strives for a dialectic syntax, a music where everything is in constant transformation.
Sebastian's piece "Punctuated Equilibria", specially written for Ensemble Dasein, will be premiered the 6/10-18 at Pygmeeteatern (Sthlm) in a program of new music by Nordic composers.
Anna Risell is an architect and artist living in Gothenburg. She views her artistry as a search for space-creating processes where the performative element is central. She uses her own body as instrument and tool, where the pen and pencil become natural extensions to communicate her experiences. Through image and text, she reflects upon social dynamics in different spaces and finds inspiration through psychology, sociology, and hippology.
Annas video-artwork "Reverie" will be premiered together with Sebastian Ingvarssons "Punctuated Equilibria" during the premiere at 6/10-18 at Pygméteatern (Sthlm).
Keep up with the ensemble's updates at:
// Ensemble Dasein
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ensembledasein · 6 years
New composers: Jonas Nilsson
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Next announcement of our new collaborations for 2018/19 is the contrabassist, improviser, composer and sound-spiritualist Jonas Nilsson!
Jonas Nilsson is a composer and double-bassist with a background in rock, jazz and free-improvisation. With a particular interest in timberal aspects, he is exploring through his work the intensity of silence and the serenity of intensiveness. Another important source he draws inspiration from is the often intense and transformative experiences that occur through the meeting between inner and outer worlds – inspired by, among other things, yoga, meditation and the meeting with nature
Jonas is currently working on a new piece for Ensemble Dasein, to be premiered the 6/10-18 at Pygmeeteatern (Sthlm) in a program of new music by Nordic composers.
Keep up with the ensemble's updates at:
// Ensemble Dasein
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ensembledasein · 6 years
New composers: Julija Morgan
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We are happy to announce Julija Morgan as one of our new composers!
Julija Morgan is studying classical violin for Detlef Hahn at the Norwegian Academy of Music. She has also studied Baroque violin for Bjarte Eike and Bernhard Forck. In addition to her violin studies, she has attended Idun Lovén Art School in Stockholm where she deepened her interest in painting and composition. Julija is a member of the music collective Damkapellet and improvisational groups as STÖK, Tvinna and Jord. As a freelancer, she plays in the Baroque orchestra Barokkanerne among others.
As both composer and performer, Julija is interested in investigating the impact of different formats of the musical expression and the interaction between the musicians, which has led to the creation of different kinds of graphic scores. Among her collaborations with others, she has worked with Tove Bagge to interpret Julija's graphic score Tuskaftsväv, a piece created specifically for their duo project Tvinna. They have performed the piece several times, including the festival Serendip in Oslo.
Damkapellet has also performed several works by Julija in Copenhagen. The latest piece Glaskropp was played in a performance developed in collaboration with Dansk komponistförening and Köbenhavns Musikteater.
Julija is currently composing a new piece in collaboration with Lo Kristenson for Ensemble Dasein, to be premiered the 6/10-18 at Pygmeeteatern (Sthlm) in a program of new music by nordic composers.
More composers for the period of autumn 2018/spring 2019 to be announced soon!
// Ensemble Dasein
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ensembledasein · 6 years
New composers: Lo Kristenson
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We are happy to announce Lo Kristenson as one of our new composers! Lo Kristenson (b. 1991) explores circular and twisting forms in her music, she strives for a listening communication between musicians, the room and the people who happen to be there. Her work has been presented by ensembles such as the Swedish Radio Choir, Music Vitae Chamber Orchestra and the string quartet MalvaKvartetten. Lo is currently composing a new piece in collaboration with Julija Morgan for Ensemble Dasein, to be premiered the 6/10-18 at Pygmeeteatern (Sthlm) in a program of new music by Nordic composers. Website: https://lokristenson.com/ More composers for the period of autumn 2018/spring 2019 to be announced soon! http://ensembledasein.com/composers.html // Ensemble Dasein
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ensembledasein · 7 years
New videos and recordings!
Dear lovers of great music, We now have videos and recordings uploaded from our premiers of Sigurdur Arni Jonsson's "The most special of Wallpapers" (2017) and Williams Sundman Sääfs "The good old future days" (2017)! The most special of Wallpapers (2017) by Sigurdur Arni Jonsson
The piece was specially written for Ensemble Dasein by the request of Nils Henriksson. The piece explores pitches, chords and sonorities, patience and experiential expectation; the poetics is sound. The piece is simply woven, it’s a textural thing; the sound is poetics. Listen on Soundcould! The good old future days (2017) by William Sundman Sääf
The piece started its life with the title which could be translated to ’the good old future days’. From there arose questions regarding how we, as people, remember things, and probably also falsely remember things, which led to the realization of the piece. The music is largely an experiment concerning a multitude of slow and gradual changes of different musical techniques/gestures/materials in relation to the static never changing background and how these elements affect each other. Listen on Soundcould! Both pieces where performed and recorded in the 4/11/17 at the Gothenburg Academy of Music and Drama, Sweden. Stay tuned, and don't forget to visit our websites: http://www.ensembledasein.com http://www.facebook.com/ensembledasein http://www.soundcloud.com/ensembledasein // Ensemble Dasein
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