Solar Siren
11 posts
1, 2, 3, Enoshima division (REPRESENT ENOSHIMA)! Homies we are Solar Siren, the waves obey our every whim! WELCOME TO THE DIVISION!
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
enoshima-division · 1 year ago
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Ah, what a scorching hot round that was~ Now, as we wait for our handsome contestants to prepare their voices for their next round, please take the time to relax and enjoy the performance given by our shy yet endearingly awkward flower, ‘Dissector’ of Enoshima Division! Held og lykke, Vidar~!
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“Fuuee, it’s my turn already huh…? We went by a lot quicker than I thought we would! But, hey, what better way to close off the Beach Round than to have a beach division perform, yeah? Ehehe…Heh…S-Sorry. Um, this song might not fit the vibe of this contest but I think that’s okay, right…? A-anyway, bring the beat in, please!”
Performed by:
Fumio ‘Dissector’ Shimizu.
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enoshima-division · 2 years ago
Before and After (Solar Siren ver.)
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enoshima-division · 2 years ago
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“Yeah yeah yeah!! Let’s go Christmas, let’s GOOOO!!!! I hope we arrive there on time, my fans are waiting for the release of that holiday album!”
“Eeehhh, couldn’t you have released the album earlier today? That’s kind of your fault, you know.”
“Now now, Yu-kun always did things last minute, haha. No wonder he sucked at his classes~”
“Shush!! Don’t expose me like that, Asuka-sensei! Come on, it’s almost time!”
“You really care about them a lot, don’t you? …Hehe. That’s the best thing about you.”
“Regardless, I hope that company of yours prepared enough for everybody. How many people did you say was gonna be there anyway?”
“Uuhh…Like 5000…?”
And thus, the rap team celebrated the holiday night at a giant booth held in the Samuel Cocking Garden. The most crowded it’s ever been, for sure!
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“By the way, aren’t you gonna move your bangs outta your face? Some of our newer fans want to see what you look like.”
“Wha- Really? Come on, even in the tournament you cover your face with that stupid hat.”
“…Fumio, you have blue and yellow hair. That’s pretty noticeable. Also, almost everyone that visits this garden knows what you look like anyway, I don’t get why you’re hiding your face.”
The poor gardener just turns around and covers his face even more with his hair and hat if he could. To which, to his embarrassment, only resounded more squeals and awed noises from the crowd.
“See! Your cuteness is already winning them over!”
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enoshima-division · 2 years ago
Solar Siren Wardrobe
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Yudai Toya
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Asuka Koizumi
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Fumio Shimizu
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enoshima-division · 2 years ago
When They Go To A Haunted House
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@akihabara-division03​ @edogawa-division​ @shizuokadivision​ @tokyo-division​ @kyoto-division​ @kagoshima-division​ @gion-division​ @nagano-division​
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enoshima-division · 2 years ago
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please know that admin had a dumbass moment and didn’t realize her inbox was off she apologizes—
🎂 Describe your team in less than 5 words.
“Going on a journey together!”
…Well, that’s the positive one I can think of at least :)
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enoshima-division · 2 years ago
Hypmic Fan Division Ask Game
Doing this because ngl, I'm desperate and I figured everyone involved would get a kick out of asking each other these questions too.
💁‍♂️ What inspired your fan team's name? Does it mean something?
💟 Why did you pick the team's color and logo?
🙊 Who's your favorite Hypmic OC? Who's the least favorite?
🤓 What made you pick the city/ward/division you formed your team around?
🐍 If you could pick another division to represent, what would you choose?
👔 Do you have experience any of the jobs that your OCs have? Or do you aspire to become like them?
🤐 What canon division/character do your OCs like? Who do they all HATE?
🐥 What made you choose your OCs' names? What about their rap abilities?
👶 Have your OCs changed since you first made them? How and/or why?
🎭 Is your OC based on yourself or someone you know? (Only share what you're comfortable with.)
💘 Name your favorite characteristics of each of your Hypmic fan division members and why you love that detail of theirs.
🐕 If your OCs were an animal (or furry if you're brave enough) what animal would they be?
🎂 Describe your team in less than 5 words.
🍰 Describe each of your team members in one word.
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enoshima-division · 2 years ago
“To plant a garden is to believe in tomorrow.”
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Fumio Shimizu, also known as Dissector in rap battles, is the third member of Solar Siren. The cowardly childhood friend of Yudai who gets dragged into his shenanigans a lot, much to Fumio’s dismay. His meek demeanor makes it easy for others to pick on him, so he joined the tournament in hopes of becoming more courageous.
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Biographical Information
Name: Fumio Shimizu / Shimizu Fumio
Fumio (史生) - “Living history.”
Shimizu (清水) - “Pure water.”
Vidar - Danish name
My love / husband
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Birthday: May 26th
Star Sign: Gemini
Ethnicity: Half-Japanese, Half-Danish
Hair Color: Yellow with blue streaks
Eye Color: Green
Height: 176cm / 5’9”
Weight: 155 lbs / 70kg
Piercings: Shell earring on his right ear.
Markings: None really.
Unnamed father (Alive)
Unnamed mother (Alive)
Unnamed grandfather (Alive)
Fun Facts
MC Name: Dissector
Occupation: Botanist at the Samuel Cocking Garden
Division: Enoshima
Team: Solar Siren
Position: Third Member
Favorite Food: Danish pastry, specifically cookies. He likes most sea food too.
Least Favorite Food: Oysters
Likes: Lo-fi music, flowers, treasure / jewelry, and the number 35.
Dislikes: Horror, large bodies of water, and getting dragged to abandoned places by Yudai.
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Fumio is a slightly tall young man with pale skin and a petite build, being rather scrawny compared to his more athletic teammates. There’s a permanent pink blush on his cheeks at all times. His blonde hair reaches a little bit past his neck, and there’s a few blue streaks in there; it’s usually covering one of his green eyes. On his right ear is a pearl earring with a light purple clamshell attached to it.
Fumios head is usually covered by the beige garden hat that he wears. He’s normally wearing a light yellow rolled-up sweater and green overalls, with dark blue tennis shoes. His gardening gloves are a light green too.
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Fumio is a bashful, shy man who usually keeps to himself, quietly minding his own business. When interacting with others, he’s very polite though a bit awkward. He’s often the voice of reason to his more outgoing teammates, constantly needing to apologize for whatever trouble they’re causing. Fumio’s a “cute brother figure” according to others.
To say Fumio is cowardly would be an understatement; he is jumpy about everything—Fumio flinches when he sees something even slightly move. He gets scared so easily that it’s actually become concerning instead of funny. Luckily, in times of actual danger he pushes himself to be more brave!
Fumio is quite uncomfortable around older women though; specifically the ones that are rather motherly, as they remind him of his own mom. That’s not a good thing. When he’s uncomfortable he becomes even more quieter than he already is, and tries to look everywhere except the person who’s making him uneasy. Whatever happened in the past really affected him huh…
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Hypnosis Mic
Fumio’s mic takes the form of a yellow and blue flower, just like his hair, that’s bloomed enough just to envelop the mic grill.
His speakers take the form of a greenhouse with a giant bright speaker hanging from the ceiling, acting as a “sun” or “moon”.
His rap ability is Snip, which allows him to “cut” his opponent’s words in half, making it non-effective. There’s no limit on how much he can use it per say, but it does have a one minute cooldown. However, this ability affects his mentality; the more that he uses it, the more that he becomes drowsy and unfocused, thus making his lyrics weaker as well.
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As mentioned in the opening post, Fumio is also a TWST OC who’s twisted from Flounder.
His birthday is the release date of the upcoming 2023 Little Mermaid film.
His quote is from Audrey Hepburn.
He’s left handed.
He was born in Esbjerg, Denmark, but lived in Copenhagen for most of his childhood.
He considers 35 his lucky number which is why he likes it so much.
Despite being scared of horror, there are a few horror films that he can actually watch…Because he cries instead of screams.
He has extreme thalassophobia since he ironically can’t swim. Also his mother attempted to drown him once in a lake so there’s that.
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enoshima-division · 2 years ago
“If you gaze into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you.”
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Asuka Koizumi, also known as TREA$URE in rap battles, is the second member of Solar Siren. A lover of culture and history, Asuka is a charismatic self-proclaimed “treasure hunter”. After a year of traveling, he suddenly came back to Japan and announced that he was quitting being an archaeologist. Did something happen to him…?
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Biographical Information
Name: Asuka Koizumi / Koizumi Asuka
Asuka (飛鳥) - “To fly, bird.”
Koizumi (小泉) - “Small fountain.”
Peregrine / Pier(re)
Mr. Avian
Idiot Outsider
Dear angel
Gender: Male
Age: 28
Birthday: November 13th
Star Sign: Sagittarius
Ethnicity: Japanese. At least, that’s what he thinks—He might be something else, he doesn’t know.
Hair Color: White and black
Eye Color: Light yellow
Height: 190cm / 6’2”
Weight: 176 lbs / 79kg
Piercings: Ball earrings
Markings: A scar under his left eye and two scars on his chest.
N / A. He’s an orphan.
Fun Facts
Occupation: Ex-Archaeologist
Division: Enoshima
Team: Solar Siren
Position: Second Member
Favorite Food: Hot dogs
Least Favorite Food: Cow blood
Likes: Fossils, silver, humans, conspiracy theories, and cute fluffy animals.
Dislikes: Storms, snakes, climbing for too long, and those that accuse him of being a fraud / fabricating the artifacts that he discovers.
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Asuka is a beautiful tall man in his late 20s. He has extremely long white hair that reaches down to his ankles, in which it descends into black halfway through, with the bangs swept to his left. Due to its length, Asuka usually puts it up in a ponytail. Underneath one of his yellow eyes is a small scar. He wears silver ball earring on his ears.
Asuka wears a beige dress shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows, and a sleeveless dark brown jacket over it with one side untucked. His trousers are a lighter brown, held up by a belt that’s connected to a thigh strap and small bag. He wears dark brown boots and fingerless gloves as well. On his right wrist is a pearl bracelet with a light purple clamshell hanging from it.
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A mischievous young man, Asuka’s eccentricities may be rather off-putting to some. He’s very easily amused and often has a smug look on his face, which pisses people off. He’s kind of a troublemaker, you see—He’s been to jail in other countries after all! Do not underestimate him though, Asuka is highly intelligent due to how much experience he has.
When he’s not doing his job, Asuka is just your everyday friendly guy. He likes showing his affections by teasing people, it’s his go-to. If anyone is genuinely curious about other cultures and history then he is willing to teach them, or even train them to be an archaeologist if they’d like; he’s surprisingly a good teacher.
However, he’s become unusually withdrawn after whatever caused him to quit his profession. In fact, you can even say he’s become more apathetic. Don’t you notice his forced smiles? How creepy. There’s no more life in his eyes, almost like he saw—or encountered—something he wasn’t supposed to.
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Hypnosis Mic
Asuka’s mic is handheld, with the handle looking like a trowel.
His speakers take the form of a set of ruins on both sides. In the ground are two spherical speakers that have been dug-up halfway, and there’s a giant stone tablet in the middle that has lyrics engraved on it.
His rap ability is Takeover, which allows him to change his opponents ability into something else for the rest of the battle. The ability is randomly chosen, but if he knows what a persons ability is, then he can personally change it into whatever he wants. He can only use it on one person though, so he has to decide very carefully.
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As mentioned in the opening post, Asuka is also a TWST OC who’s twisted from Scuttle.
His birthday is the release date of the 1989 Little Mermaid movie.
His quote is from Friedrich Nietzsche.
He’s right-handed.
Ironically afraid of heights; he kinda got over it because he needs to climb a lot for his profession but if Solar Siren needed to, say, jump out of a plane to escape a crash, he would personally rather die.
Asuka is the one who taught Yudai most of the languages that he knows. Yes, that means he’s a polygot as well.
He’s well acquainted with Fleuret Oshiro, as he and his team often puts some artifacts they find at the Tokyo National Museum.
He doesn’t really stay in one place for a long time: One day he can be in Makuzaraki City then the next day he’ll be all the way up at Wakkanai somehow. However, he always comes to events on time.
The reason why he goes to jail in some countries is because he keeps trespassing on forbidden land. His excuse is that it’s “part of his job to explore”.
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enoshima-division · 2 years ago
“I just don't see how a world that makes such wonderful things could be bad.”
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Yudai Toya, also known as KILLA W. in rap battles, is the Division leader and first member of Solar Siren. An adventurous swimming prodigy who’ve won many Olympic awards, he ran away from home to escape an overbearing father. It seems like he’s in a contract with someone, though he’s unusually secretive about who it is…
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Biographical Information
Name: Yudai Toya / Toya Yudai
Yudai (優大) - “Big and excellent / superior.”
Toya (トヤ) - “Pond shore.”
Atuy - Native name
Llyr - Danish name
Yuu / Yu-chan / Yu-kun
The Red Sea Champion
SUSAN00 - Musician Name
Aria no. 28 - “Shoreless Sea”.
Gender: Male
Age: 23
Birthday: April 7th
Star Sign: Aries
Ethnicity: Ainu
Hair Color: Fiery red
Eye Color: Aqua blue
Height: 171cm / 5’7”
Weight: 162 Ibs / 73kg
Piercings: N / A
Markings: A scar on his stomach.
Mother (Deceased)
Step-Mother (Deceased)
Six older siblings (Some are alive, some are…unknown.)
Fun Facts
Occupation: Swimmer / Musician / Voice Actor
Division: Enoshima
Team: Solar Siren
Position: Leader
Likes: Exploring, the sea, fireworks, supernatural / paranormal media.
Dislikes: Secrets, people being overprotective and / or constantly nagging him, people who are constantly filled with hate, and dishonest people. It’s all ‘people people people’ with him huh.
Favorite Food: Anything with strawberries.
Least Favorite Food: Octopus. Actually, he seems to dislike sea food in general.
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Yudai is a tanned man of average height and a toned build. His messy hair reaches his shoulders and is a fiery red color, usually put in a small low ponytail. There are gold round glasses that frame his aqua blue eyes. On his neck is a pearl necklace with a purple clamshell attached to it.
Normally he’s wearing a light blue short-sleeved jacket; underneath is a gradient purple tank top with a beach design, complete with palm trees and all. His knee-length shorts are a dark greyish-green in color, and his sandals are dark blue.
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Yudai, to describe him rather simply, is a huge bundle of energy. He’s spirited and bright, being affectionate to those he that likes or admires. He holds a huge passion for adventure and exploration—One that is “mistakenly” called rebellious by his father, according to him. His curiosity leads him into a lot of trouble. On another note, he has a bit of an ego due to his prodigy status.
Despite how kind he can be, Yudai has a temper that can make him incredibly spiteful to those that he dislikes. Calling them names to provoke them, roasting them right in front of their face, doing things that would make them angry, etc. He just becomes aggressively petty. This brat can hold grudges for a long time, you see.
Ironically, he can be pretty overprotective of people he cares about to the point it’s almost overbearing. This overprotectiveness can also lead him to be even more reckless than he already is, such as going straight into fighting without a second thought. I guess he and his dad are more similar than he thinks!
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Hypnosis Mic
His mic is blue and handheld, with a spiral wave wrapped around the hilt and a shell around the mic grill.
His speakers take the form of a large open clamshell with a white spherical speaker inside acting as a pearl.
Yudai’s rap ability is…a secret, lol. Let it be a surprise during the rap battle, don’t you think that’ll be more interesting?
Much like Koyumi, he mixes rapping and singing together, often switching between the two. Sometimes when rapping he speaks other languages too, including his native one.
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As mentioned in the opening post, Yudai is also a TWST OC who’s twisted from Ariel, and the Little Mermaid from the original book as well. His quote is the beginning of the song “Part of your World”.
His birthday is the release date of The Little Mermaid book.
His MC name is a reference to Repun Kamuy, the god of the sea, who’s sometimes depicted as an orca / killer whale.
He’s originally from Hokkaido.
He’s left-handed.
Yudai has a VERY large voice range. His voice can be really high and sound like a girl, it can go incredibly deep, he can hold high notes for a long time, he can imitate other peoples voices, etc. This talent of his is why he’s also a musician and voice actor.
He really loves sea creatures, especially the super scary and mysterious-looking ones.
On that note, Yudai wants to be the first man to ever explore the remaining 80% of the ocean just to see scary sea creatures. He wants to be the first person to ever reach the bottom of the ocean too.
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enoshima-division · 2 years ago
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Solar Siren is an all-male rap group consisting of Division leader and swimmer Yudai Toya, ex-archaeologist Asuka Koizumi, and botanist Fumio Shimizu. Together, they represent Enoshima.
The group’s color is sea-green, keeping up with the water motif.
The group’s symbol is a shell, symbolistic of how all three of them have broken out of their shell…Or maybe they tricked themselves into thinking they did. Either way, they all wear a shell as an accessory: Yudai wears it as a necklace, Asuka has it as a bracelet, and Fumio wears it on his right ear.
Their Rhyme Anima hand sign is simply putting up three fingers to make a trident.
Their only reason for joining the D.R.B is to have a great adventure. At least, that’s what Yudai says. Who knows what the other two are thinking.
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team dynamics - first album - wardrobe
yudai toya.
bio - twst bio - schedule, hashtags, other info, and timeline
asuka koizumi.
bio - schedule, hashtags, other info, and timeline
fumio shimizu.
bio - schedule, hashtags, other info, and timeline
welcome to the division review!
division leaders: yudai - asuka - fumio
second members: yudai - asuka - fumio
third members: yudai - asuka - fumio
gion division: yudai - asuka - fumio
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These OCs are actually TWST ones as well! This group is twisted from The Little Mermaid, with Yudai being Ariel, Asuka being Scuttle, and Fumio being Flounder. Despite this though, Yudai is the only one who’s actually connected to TWST (being one of my TWST MCs) while the other two are only loosely inspired by their Disney characters to match their leader.
Main: @aiallardyce
Other Division: @gion-division
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