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ennros · 5 years ago
Ngaji Tafsir Al-Mulk Part 1 #Produktif #DiRumahAja
This messy note is made to become my own self-reminder.  
roots and branches
makiyah (has rythym) and madaniyah (longer verses,surah,legislation,rules,regulation)
ibrahim (tauhid) & musa (rules,regulation)
3 parts of quran:
the one who recites al-ikhlas it is equivalent one third of quran. contain a message one third of quran (tawhid)
ghaib(malaikat,day of judgement, heaven, what happens before)
tasyriyah (rules,regulation)
3 messages of quran:
Allah is the one u worshipped
Muhammad Rasulullah
The one who worship Allah and follow Rasul what the reward, and what the punishment of disbeliever
7 themes: (missed)
-reward n punishment
Al-fatihah:al baqarah ali imran an nisa al maidah
Al Mulk (67): 1-5
2 last juz (al-mulk-annnas). madaniyah only al-falaq and an nas
al-munjiyah saviour the one that shield u
powerful on the day of judgement, graveyard, interferes until we enter jannah
hadith tirmidhi: this is a surah who recites everynight they will be protected from punishment in the graveyard
theme:allow us to understand of the universe, we must be utter dependence upon the one who put everything in its place
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tabaraak: excess. what is missing can reveal where u cant expect.
liyabluwakum ayukum ahsanu 'amala. which of u is best indeed. its not competing with other people. competing with best and worst self. within self.
wahuwal 'azizul ghafur. aziz: mighty and forgiving. ghafur: maghfirah
sab'a samawatin tibaqa. 7 layers (more u can count)
there's no flaw in Allah creation
two kind of devils. human syaitan and unseen syaitan. Human syaitan is the one who look into stars and say they know something.
syaitan is who knows limitation but go beyond it
the more u see things the more u recognize that I am who Im said I am
reference: https://versebyversequranstudycircle.wordpress.com/2015/01/29/tafseer-surah-al-mulk-ayaat-1-5/
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ennros · 5 years ago
Now, when I already found out what I really wanna do with my life. I got scared. Because I know for sure all my choices gonna be against all my parents will, my family will. It's haunting me. All the judge, I-let-everyone-down feeling that would pointed out to me. Allah is my only hope. This is not against His will that keeps me going.
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ennros · 5 years ago
Kalau menurut saya, satu-satunya kompetisi yang layak kita turuti hanyalah kompetisi dengan diri sendiri. Kita sendiri yang menentukan parameternya. Ingin lebih bersyukur atas tubuh kita, maka harus menjaga makan dan gaya hidup. Ingin lebih bersyukur atas ilmu yang kita miliki, maka gunakanlah agar bermanfaat untuk orang lain. Ingin lebih bersyukur atas materi yang kita miliki, maka berbagi dengan yg kurang beruntung. Tidak perlu melihat orang lain untuk membuat diri kita merasa layak menjadi pemenang. Kalahkan dulu kemageran dan kemalasan yang ada dalam diri kita.
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ennros · 5 years ago
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As my heart grows, I try to stop expecting everything external of myself. There is nothing to expect except my own self to be better, kind, and be the best version. And your act toward me, has nothing to do with me. It tells enough about yourself. I know 'Ikhlas' (sincerity) since I was a child, but it feels like I was just start practicing now. It feels good and brings happiness..
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ennros · 5 years ago
Sisa-sisa Ingatan Tentang Pertemuan Pertama
He met my father first.
Suatu siang menuju sore di awal tahun 2018. Seorang Bapak dengan putri bungsunya di pos jaga kantor pusat suatu instansi pemerintah. Di sebelah Bapak duduk seorang lelaki membawa koper. Dari pakaiannya diketahui bahwa si lelaki jg merupakan cpns yang baru saja disambut seperti anaknya.
Naluriah bapak-bapak yang suka ngobrol, beliau membuka pembicaraan dengan pemuda itu. Makin semangatlah beliau ketika si pemuda menyatakan dirinya berasal dari Semarang, kota dimana beliau mengabdi paling lama pada salah satu BUMN ketika masih aktif bekerja.
Namun semangatnya surut ketika tahu bahwa ternyata si pemuda bukan asli kota Semarang, melainkan Semarang coret. Sehingga tidak ada lagi bahan pembicaraan yang bisa memperpanjang obrolan tersebut.
"Masnya ini juga penempatan Bandung, sama kamu nanti"
Senyum tipis sekelabat dilayangkan putri bungsu si Bapak ke arah lelaki itu. Dia tidak sombong, hanya tidak terbiasa berinteraksi dengan lelaki seumurannya. Lagipula, dia sedang sibuk memesan taksi online untuk mengantar ia dan bapaknya ke stasiun gambir.
"Leh uga.."
suara batin pemuda dan pemudi yang tidak didengar seorangpun itu rupanya diamini oleh malaikat pada saat itu.
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ennros · 5 years ago
Danish Way of Parenting
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P Play
A Authenticity
R Reframing
E Empathy
N No Ultimatum
T Togetherness
H Hygge
In this book I discovered for the first time that there’s something called “Locus of control”. It can be internal and external. To have an internal locus of control is essential.
“Danes focus on developing childrens internal locus of control. Locus of control is referring to the place from which one feels a sense of control over one’s life. Where you believe that you have the power to control your life. By trusting your children to be able to do and try new things and give them space to build their own trust of themselves (like in play)  helps to build the ‘whole child’. We try to provide them with a scaffolding for their development to let their self-esteem climb. In the long run this makes happier children who grow up to be happy adults – and then the cycle repeats itself.”
A good start of reading comeback. 
In frame: The best birthday gift from my precious one.
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ennros · 5 years ago
Existential Crisis (Part2)
How do you make life decisions when you have no idea who you are, barely even trust yourself. Where'd you even start
You can follow the advice of others but It'll only get you so far as you see the answer is an external
It's here inside your heart
There's a reason why we feel lost, unhappy, unfulfilled
Because we feel trapped, we're going against our free will
We settle we stagnate, we learn to stand still, we do as we're told and make sure we fit the bill
We're taught to focus on results
You have to show Prudential, no time to explore or discover your potential, make the right decisions, because decisions are consequential, and if you want to be successful than results are essential
So I did everything I was told and I still felt lost
I live my life according to a checklist but at what cost
I went through the system, I listened and obeyed
But when it came to who I was, I had nothing to say
So I quit
I quit trying to please a system in which I no longer fit
I stressed under the pressure that made me physically sick
With my own health declining, I decided that that's it
I told myself I'd give myself two years to try new things go out of my comfort zone explore and see what it brings
and that wasn't easy
I was going against everything that I knew
With no such rules or way to measure success I didn't have a clue. I felt lost
Like a failure, I had no idea what to do
Looking back now hitting rock bottom was the best thing that could have happened to me
It took feeling like a failure to finally set me free
I had a fresh start a chance to rebuild myself be whoever I wanted to be
Because what's it to lose when you have nothing or was it to gain? Everything
There were no rules, no restrictions, no more pressure to compete
I did things because I wanted to, I did things for me
I observed, challenge myself, discovered my love for poetry, put up videos online, connect with people worldwide and talked about things that mattered to me
I write poetry but more importantly I connect and engage
I get to make an impact, travel, perform on stage
Life no longer feels restricted, more like an open game. I'm the one in control now and it feels great
It feels great because two years ago I had no idea that this is where I would be
I used to feel so trapped, I'm restricted, I had no idea I could feel this free once I stopped living by the rules
I opened myself up to opportunity
Understanding who I am has completely transformed my life, how I communicate with people, make decisions, my performance my drive it put the controller back into my own hands and for once I felt satisfied
We should all be given the opportunity to figure out who we truly are and we should be given that opportunity right from the very start
School should educate and instill these values at young age so that we don't wake up in our forties thinking we made a great big mistake, living with the regret that we wasted our whole life away
Grades and results are important but always understanding yourself
Living a happy and fulfilled life that's the true meaning of well
-Taz Alam
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ennros · 5 years ago
Existential Crisis (Part1)
Expectations will be the death of me
From day one we are told what is expected of us Conform, go to school, get the grades you have to be the best, no room to screw up
We put our fate in the control of others and wait to be judged
Define ourselves by grades and numbers forever believing that we're not good enough because our actions do not match our expectations
We're expected to know what we want to do for the rest of our lives at the age of just 16
Despite up until that point having no real life experiences
I mean how could we at what point will we given the opportunity
The opportunity to grow as individuals, discover ourselves, live free from scrutiny
Teachers will tell you that if you want to make something or stuffs then you need to go to university
It doesn't matter if it doesn't feel right right now. Once you graduate things will become clear
Six years on and I find myself here
Thoughts about my future terrify me
I can't sleep or eat
It's a reason for my dark thoughts at night, the cause of my anxiety, because I don't have a five-year plan, and for some reason that makes me feel guilty
See my biggest fear in life is to settle
Just a thought of it haunts me in my sleep
I've seen too many people give up and live a life full of regret and I don't want that to be me
To choose stability over your dreams it's let Society win and I can't do that I'm sorry
Get a nine-to-five job, buy a house before 30, wake, eat, sleep, repeat. The average 21st century daily routine
No passional drive just living machines whose only motivation in life is making enough money
Ask yourself, are you living or merely existing?
See I'm 22 yeah I think I know a little about real stuff, like what the world looks like on the other side or how it feels to fall in love. Certain now would be to give up on discovering who I really am I want to learn and explore and maybe I am just wasting time and nothing will come of it
I need to take that chance, I need to know for sure
I'm sorry but I cannot be who you want me to be because to do that will be sacrificing everything that makes me me and settle in for a life where I'll never truly be happy
I spent my whole life trying to please others, it gets tiring and lonely and forever trapped by the expectations of society and I fear I never escape from this feeling
I am calm on the outside but inside I am screaming
See despite my best efforts, I don't know what I'm doing my life
But my gut instinct tells me that the past you've got in mind isn't right, at least not for me
My future should not be dictated by a degree I chose when I'm sixteen because everyone around me told me it was the right thing for me
I look back now and I can't help but disagree
but the truth is I say I have all these ambitions and dreams I want to change the world and spread positivity but I fear soon I will have to face reality
The doubts in my mind will take over and the passion inside will die
I surrendered to the pressures of society and surrender to a comfortable life one would no hopes no passions no desires just the same old routine never to know what it feels like to be alive
-Taz Alam
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ennros · 6 years ago
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Everything you need is inside you (via @laartshow @steeleism @timothyyargerfineart) #contemporaryart https://www.instagram.com/p/Br9zoD2gg3j/
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ennros · 6 years ago
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Life isn’t about getting there the fastest. Life is full of beautiful and messy stops, bumps, and detours, and that’s part of what makes it interesting. 🐌✨
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ennros · 6 years ago
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It’s okay if doing requires some assistance! We can get help to make our dreams a reality. ✨
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ennros · 11 years ago
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but do I act like one?
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ennros · 11 years ago
From amongst the signs of Laylatul-Qadar is that it is a calm night and the believer’s heart is delighted and at peace with it, and he becomes active in doing good actions, and the sun on the following morning rises clearly without any rays.
The Signs of Laylatul-Qadar - Fataawa Ramadhaan - Volume 2, Page 852, Fatwa No. 841; Fataawa ash-Shaykh Muhammad as-Saalih al-Uthaymeen - Volume 1, Page 563 (via pearlsofislam)
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ennros · 12 years ago
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i feel u kotoko
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ennros · 12 years ago
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Sheldon | via Facebook on @weheartit.com - http://whrt.it/12WCNyk
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ennros · 12 years ago
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ennros · 12 years ago
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As I look back on my life, I realise that every time I thought I was being rejected from something good; I was actually being redirected to something better. You must convince your heart that whatever Allah has decreed is most appropriate and most beneficial to you.
Imam Al-Ghazali
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